Chapter 128

"What's happening outside?" 

"Why is it so loud?" 

As the cries from outside Pangaea Castle reached their ears, the Five Elders couldn't help but frown. The atmosphere, once absorbed in watching the live broadcast execution from the Naval Headquarters, was instantly shattered.

With a quick motion, one of them rose from their seat and moved towards the window. There, they beheld a gathering of celestial dragons below, a sight that bewildered the Five Elders. These individuals typically revelled in nothing but pleasure. 

So, why were they gathering outside Pangaea Castle today? 

However, it didn't take long for the Five Elders to realize something was amiss among the Celestial Dragons below. Each of their faces bore an expression of sheer horror. 

"This can't be right!" one of the Five Elders exclaimed. 

"It seems there's a problem!" another added. 

The Five Elders couldn't help but feel a hint of absurdity. Normally, when something untoward happened in the Holy Land of Mariejois, such as today, they would be somewhat dismissive. But the Celestial Dragons gathered outside Pangaea Castle didn't appear to be jesting. 

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the Five Elders hastily dispatched someone to investigate. Soon, the gates of Pangaea Castle creaked open. The Celestial Dragons, previously squeezed together in anxiety, suddenly saw a glint of hope. 

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Let us in!" 

"Get out of the way! Make way for me!" 

"Slave do you want to die?! Run faster!" 

In a frenzy, all the Celestial Dragons began pushing desperately to enter Pangaea Castle. Gone was the appearance of world nobility, and even the so-called high celestial dragons succumbed to fear in this life-threatening moment. 

The already chaotic crowd descended into complete pandemonium. Amid the relentless shoving and pushing, a few unlucky Celestial Dragons were pushed to the ground. In an instant, hundreds of pairs of feet trampled upon them. It was not the handiwork of Ryan and his group; rather, they were directly crushed to death by their fellow Celestial Dragons. 

After all, a group of Celestial Dragons whose lives revolved around indulgence in gluttony and pleasure were hardly known for their physical prowess. This unfortunate circumstance led to some being fatally crushed as soon as they fell. 

Yet, the Celestial Dragons paid no mind to this gruesome sight. Survival was paramount. In due course, they all managed to squeeze into the ground floor hall of Pangaea Castle, turning it into a bustling sea of human trash. 

To restore order in the chaos, members of CP 0 quickly arrived on the scene, calming the unruly crowd. Having assessed the situation, they promptly returned to the office of the Five Elders. 

Upon learning that the culprits responsible for the Roswald family massacre had breached the Holy Land, the Five Elders couldn't immediately believe the situation.

Many years had passed since anyone had successfully infiltrated Mariejois, except for Fisher Tiger, who had scaled the red line. 

Nevertheless, before the Five Elders could thoroughly contemplate the matter, residential areas erupted in flames. The sheer intensity of the moment compelled them to accept the unthinkable reality unfolding before their eyes.

"Send the CP O there to handle the situation!"

"Pick up the pace!"

"We can't afford to delay the live broadcast."

"In that case, dispatch all CP agents!"

Despite my belief that there was an enemy invasion, the Five Elders did not take it seriously. Even when confronted with the news in the newspaper claiming that Ryan's group had defeated Sengoku and others, the Five Elders dismissed it as a mere joke, refusing to believe it.

In their view, the contents of this news were merely an excuse concocted by the Marines to cover up their failures.

They reasoned that with Sengoku, Garp, three admirals, and numerous vice admirals in pursuit, who could evade their capture and send all five of the Marines strongest to the hospital?

This formidable lineup surpassed even the strength of the New World's Four Emperors. Consequently, the Five Elders found it impossible to accept the news.

As a result, they dispatched only CP agents to deal with what they considered mere intruders. It wasn't the right time for the Five Elders to intervene personally.

Meanwhile, in the residential area of Mariejois, house after house was being destroyed by Ryan and his group. After ransacking each room and collecting all the treasures, they set the empty room ablaze. Many houses had already been burned down by the time the CP0 arrived.

When the CP members unexpectedly confronted Ryan's gang, they were met with an immediate attack. Ryan and his associates didn't utter a word; they engaged in combat right away.

The CP 0 agents, who had just approached Ryan's group, were easily overpowered, after all even Sengoku, Garp, and others couldn't match Ryan's gang in battle.

Ryan couldn't help but furrow his brow as he witnessed the swift defeat of the CP 0 organization. It was difficult for him to reconcile this outcome with his perception of the CP 0 as the strongest organization tasked with protecting Celestial Dragons. He had expected them to be much stronger.

After the fight, Ryan almost began to doubt the authenticity of One Piece itself. He wondered if he had been mistaken about the true strength of the CP0 organization.

However, upon reflection, if the CP0's strength truly rivalled that of Sengoku and Garp, it begged the question of why the Marines would allow the Four Emperors and other pirates to roam freely.

With such strength at their disposal, they could easily dominate the entire seas.

After grasping the situation, Ryan led his group to the top of Pangaea Castle. The Five Elders sensed their presence and their expressions immediately changed.

Before they could react, a voice unexpectedly pierced the air, catching the attention of the Five Elders. Startled by the sudden intrusion, their expressions underwent a drastic transformation.

Observing Ryan's gang descending from the sky, the Five Elders gazed at them briefly and then chose to leave in anger. It was evident that more pressing matters required their attention, or they would not have allowed Ryan to run rampant in the Holy Land of Mariejois.

"It's a disaster!"

"Those monsters are here!"

"Where are the Five Elders?"

"Why haven't they dealt with these intruders yet?"

As Ryan and others appeared in the sky, the Celestial Dragons, who had sought refuge within Pangaea Castle, were again thrown into a state of panic.

Just moments ago, they had witnessed the exit of the CP agents. Now, as the intruders were here, it became abundantly clear: CP had been defeated, and the newcomers were none other than Ryan and his crew. The situation was becoming increasingly dire.

Amidst the turmoil that had gripped the Celestial Dragons, deep within the confines of Pangaea Castle, a room held the Five Elders, who had formerly held positions of great authority. At this moment, they knelt beneath the throne, gazing with utmost respect at the figure seated upon it.

"Lord Im!" Jaygarcia Saturn exclaimed. "Grant us permission to eradicate the intruders who have desecrated our Holy Land."

"I shall ensure that these pests do not trouble you, Lord Im," Shepherd Ju Peter added.

In unison, the remaining three Elders nodded in agreement. Their allegiance was unwavering, and they awaited Im's command with great anticipation.

Meanwhile, Im, the supreme ruler of the World Government, remained expressionless, detached from the unfolding events. Though seemingly apathetic, Im's demeanour concealed a deep satisfaction with the Five Elders' unwavering loyalty.

Casting a glance toward the prostrate Five Elders, I finally spoke, my voice measured and deliberate, "Go forth and eliminate them. Do not disappoint me."

"It has become rather noisy," Im remarked calmly.

Acknowledging their task, the Five Elders promptly rose and departed the hall. As they moved along the corridors of Pangaea Castle, their complexions grew even more sombre. The absence of CP's return and the arrival of Ryan and his gang painted a bleak picture: the CP's mission had failed.

"What incompetence!" Shepherd Ju Peter seethed, venting his frustration. "What use are these agents?"

Had it not been for the intrusion of Ryan and his crew, the Five Elders would not have found themselves in disfavour with Lord Im. Their disgruntlement was palpable as they moonwalked to the rooftop of Pangaea Castle.

With their arrival atop the castle, a surge of menacing Haki energy erupted. They addressed Ryan and his crew with disdain, "You insolent pirates who dare to defy the authority of World government! Today, you shall die here!"

A deafening eruption followed their proclamation, as the Five Elders' forms began to grotesquely swell, and the overwhelming aura of their power intensified.

"Are these the Five Elders?" Ryan mused aloud, his eyes fixed on their transformation. He carefully observed the Elders' metamorphosis, gaining insight into their newfound strength.

After all, their power appeared to surpass even that of individuals like Sengoku and Garp, albeit by only a single tier.

"It appears so," Tobirama concurred. "But we should be able to handle them."

As Ryan expressed his confidence, the Five Elders completed their transformation. Five towering, monstrous figures now confronted Ryan's group.

"Prepare to meet your demise!" Ethanbaron the bald old man with glasses bellowed. "Wretched pirates!"

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