Chapter 142

In full view of everyone, Ryan asserted his dominance. In less than a minute, Uchiha Madara, despite his Reanimation jutsu body and unlimited Chakra, met his demise. The men who were reanimated by Madara disappeared alongside him. Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the battle of ordinary ninjas had not even officially commenced.

On the sides of Iwagakure and the Cloud Shinobi Village, those who had allied with Madara found themselves utterly dumbfounded. No one could have fathomed such an ending - the effortless and unexpected demise of Madara at the hands of Ryan.

With Madara's death, all the leaders on their side vanished, including the leader of the Cloud Shinobi Village, Third Raikage. The rest of the ninjas were swiftly disarmed and forced to kneel in submission. Faced with Ryan's overwhelming might, resistance was out of the question.

After dealing with Onoki and the leader of kumo remnants, as the turmoil caused by Uchiha Madara had completely subsided, the ninjas busied themselves with battlefield cleanup. A contented smile graced Ryan's face.

"Uchiha Madara is no more!"

"Now, the ninja world can finally embrace true peace!"

"Marvelous! All thanks to Lord Ryan!"

Ryan himself knew it. The chapter of Uchiha Madara had come to a close. But this was not the end, for hidden adversaries lurked.

The true enemies were concealed on the moon and the stars - the Ōtsutsuki clan. Sooner or later, they would emerge as the real threat.


In the First Hokage's world, led by Senju Hashirama, Konoha's army, exhausted from facing other ninjas, had just conquered the territory of neighbouring nations and villages. They were already en route to the Land of Water, not taking a moment's respite. This swift progress troubled Senju Tobirama.

"Brother! Shouldn't we take a break?"

"We've conquered two nations in rapid succession!"

He voiced his concern. Such rapid progress gave him pause. Could their forces truly endure this pace? Besides, the two conquered nations had not been thoroughly managed, leaving potential dangers of rebellion in their wake.

Senju Tobirama, the more practical of the two brothers, considered these matters thoroughly. Hashirama, on the other hand, intent on quickly unifying the ninja world, brushed these concerns aside. Ryan's world had been unified now, and there were similar signs of unification in other worlds. In contrast, his progress felt insufficient.

Hashirama directed Tobirama, saying, "You handle these matters. Whether it's the Land of Water or the other two nations, whatever occurs, you must oversee it personally."

Hashirama decided to delegate these responsibilities to Tobirama, who could handle them as he saw fit.

After all, Hashirama had been a Hokage of Konoha, and in the face of trouble, he had always managed things similarly. Tobirama felt quite helpless about this, especially since he had not even finished dealing with the situation in the Land of Wind.

"Now, another nation has entered the management of Konoha? Even with multiple shadow clones, I don't have time to deal with so many matters!"

But Hashirama remains resolute, and Tobirama is not persuaded in the least. He can only request that some ninjas be left in the field to handle various tasks. This way, Hashirama can be slowed down.

Hashirama readily agrees, displaying no hesitation at all. He takes the few remaining ninjas and proceeds directly to the Land of Water. Tobirama is left completely dumbfounded. With Hashirama and only a few ninjas, are they going to confront an entire land of water? Isn't this akin to a Suicide mission?

What he doesn't anticipate is how fast Hashirama moves. Their arrival in the Land of Water can only be described as lightning-quick. They promptly declare war on the entire Land of Water, leaving the Mizukage and others in disbelief. Who could have imagined that Hashirama would be this audacious, attacking three shinobi villages consecutively?

The Mizukage and others rush to confront Hashirama, who, without delay, unleashes his most potent abilities. He entered Sage Mode and opened his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

'Wood Style: True Several Thousand Hands'

A colossal figure, larger than a mountain, emerges from Hashirama's jutsu. He used Susano as armour for his wooden Buddha jutsu, generating a colossal shockwave with a single hand that turned the battlefield into a deep pit.

The Mizukage doesn't even have a chance to respond; he is instantly killed. The other ninjas are left even more astounded. In a hurry, they summoned the Three-Tails, exuding Tailed beast chakra and might.

However, the three tails appear insignificant compared to Hashirama's might. Before Three Tails can even condense a Tailed Beast Bomb, he is obliterated by Hashirama's punch, dispersing into chakra.

The other ninjas accompanying Hashirama don't even have an opportunity to act. The entire battle concludes so swiftly that no one can react. The ninjas in the Land of Water, desperate to save their own lives, are left with no choice but to surrender immediately.

Even those who claim to be ruthless among them are too afraid to utter a word. Their once formidable Ninja seven swords now seem like mere nail clippers before Hashirama's wooden hands.

The entire Land of Water fell at breakneck speed. The Daimyo of the Land of Water, unaware of what transpired, is forced to abdicate his position, and everything is handed over to Hashirama's subordinates.

News of these events reaches Tobirama, who is in the Land of Wind at the moment. He is left in sheer astonishment, bewildered by the incredible speed of these developments.

He thought that his elder brother would get in a lot of trouble this time. Unexpectedly, Hashirama did not waver. He made the opponent surrender almost in the blink of an eye.

Of the five great powers, the last one remained—the Land of Lightning. The only reason they survived wasn't because they were stronger than other countries, but simply because they were distant, and Hashirama had yet to reach them.


In the Second Hokage Tobirama's World,

After Tobirama returned to his world, he refrained from expansions or wars and instead focused on studying the items he had acquired from the One Piece World. This included some secret devices from the home of the Celestial Dragons and the Devil Fruit he had intentionally not exchanged into mall points.

Other Daimyos and Kages weren't sleeping at all, seeing that Tobirama had taken no action. They assumed that either his ambitions were over and left their land untouched or he was planning a big move. What they didn't know was that Tobirama was fully immersed in his research and technological pursuits. He had no time to deal with external matters.

Before long, Tobirama's research yielded significant successes. He said to himself, "It's time to evaluate the results of my research and assess its effectiveness."

Tobirama summoned Konoha's high-level officials and declared his intention to wage war on the Land of Earth.