July 18th, 1995

It's been two days since we've been here at Black Camp. Ryan was still recovering from a snake bite. Good thing snakes here are not poisonous but the bite was still deep.

We treated the wound with antiseptic and a bandage. He's been resting for the past two days, but he's finally showing signs of improvement. Hopefully, he'll be back to his old self soon.

Miles has been complaining that he keeps hearing strange noises during nighttime behind his tent. We checked behind the tent but found nothing suspicious. We assured Miles that it is probably just the wind and animals roaming around. He seemed to calm down after that.

I've done most of the work cooking food and cleaning up afterward. As far as Miles is concerned, he was only used to accompany me to the campsite and find those clues.

Oscar, however, has done NOTHING since Ryan was bitten by a snake. He was just lying in his tent saying he'd keep an 'eye' on Ryan while watching us do all the work.

I think he should've stepped in and helped, but he just kept quiet and didn't do anything. I find this behavior unacceptable and feel like he is not a good team member. I think he should take responsibility and do his part.

Because of that, I told Miles that he would take care of Ryan, and Oscar would guide me when we hiked this morning. Miles agreed and although Oscar was hesitant, he said he wasn't feeling well and I told him to shut the hell up and stop being a rich brat for once.

We set off on our hike, and Oscar grudgingly followed along. I could tell he was still uneasy, but I ignored him and kept moving. He keeps moaning about being tired, and spreading bugs everywhere he turns.

As far as I know, Oscar has always been dramatic. In fifth grade, he always complained about homework being too difficult and the teacher being unfair. Since he came from a wealthy background, his parents often solved his problems for him.

He was used to getting his way and always felt entitled. This behavior was common among the other rich kids in fifth grade, so Oscar never felt out of place.

We walked for three hours until we got a break. I don't know why I expected him to answer this. However, I pulled out the photo and showed him the picture, and asked him if he knew the creepy symbol.

His eyes were wide-eyed as he told me where I found it. I told him I had found the symbol in one of the cabins. What he said shocked me. He said it was a symbol of an old cult that used to live in the woods before the camp was rebuilt.

I told him how he knows this. He said his father had done some research on the area before the camp was constructed. He went on to explain that the cult had been long forgotten, but their symbol had remained. He said it was a reminder of the past, and he asked me to keep it a secret.

I told him I'd keep a secret if he stops being lazy and worked with this team. He agreed, and I knew he was serious about it.

When we got back from our campsite Miles had already made lunch and Ryan was setting up the tent. Oscar landed a hand with Ryan.

Ryan was surprised and thanked Oscar for his help. We all worked together to set up camp and enjoyed lunch. As we worked, I knew Oscar could keep the secret.

But afterward, when everyone was asleep, I told Oscar about the awful smell in the cabin where I took the photo. Oscar was confused but kept his composure.

He said he'd come with me to investigate the cabin smell tomorrow. When I asked Oscar if Miles or Ryan could come with us, he said it would be best if we just went together.

He said he had a feeling something strange was taking place and wanted to check it out without anyone else knowing.

I don't get it. What does he mean by that?