Konoha War Bonds

In the early morning of the next day, Makoto didn't even eat breakfast, so he took Kakashi, jumped out of the window, and ran away.

The two people who were highly guilty ran to Hokage's office regardless and closed the door. After a long time, they finally recovered.

"I will never get married in the future."

Kakashi swore after witnessing the various war zones last night.

Makoto was noncommittal about this.

He braced his chin with his fingers crossed, determined to get to work.

As long as people get busy, they won't think about those troublesome emotional problems anymore.

Sure enough, as long as there is no morality, there is no trouble...

Under the tacit understanding of the two, the heads of Konoha were summoned again and started a meeting.

"Is there any problem, Chiyo-baasama?"

"Well, there is nothing special except that I am in a hurry to get back to Suna... I originally wanted to stay with Temari for a few more days. If we don't see each other now, I'm afraid in the future... But the current situation in Suna makes people feel restless."

"Are you leaving today?"


"Let Temari meet her later and say goodbye."


Now that the news of Iwa and Kumo has not come back, the alliance with Suna has naturally become the top priority.

After Makoto and Sandaime finished chatting about Chiyo, they brought up the topic of Temari's "dowry".

To put it bluntly, it is material assistance to Suna.

After the previous wars, Suna's current situation is that they have nothing to the point that their underwear is gone.

The other four Hidden Villages can slowly recover, but Suna was in the worst situation, basically unable to recover on its own, and their funds were cut off by the Land of Wind.

It is foreseeable that how much effort Suna will contribute in the next war depends entirely on how much assistance Konoha will give in the future.

In the view of the ninja world, this is a matter of course.

If you let people cut people down, you have to give people money, right?

Daimyo doesn't lack hungry soldiers.

This is not a problem in itself, the problem is... If you give less, people will laze around, let Konoha know what it means to be cheap but not good, and if you give too much Konoha, you can't support yourself.

After all, there is still no money.

When Makoto first came to power, Konoha's economy almost collapsed. It was he who had the audacity to use money like tobacco to barely maintain the situation.

Who would have thought that the situation would escalate even after it was done like this, abruptly ruining his plan to farm?

Konoha's current cash flow, even if those commercial developments are stopped, is definitely not enough to feed another Suna.

There are too many shortfalls in Suna's history.

This is a village where the more you fight, the poorer you become, and the poorer you get, the more you have to fight, an infinite spiral of death.

The Shodaime Kazekage should really apologize.

But tobacco is destined to be only used once.

The officials of the Land of Fire aren't iron trash.

The first time can be said to be a cheat, a sneak attack. The guys who bullied this group of corpses don't know how to check accounts, let alone have any business acumen.

Don't even think about it the second time.

At the very least, invest in the business of wine, the officials have clearly drawn the line, and they are asked to share it among themselves, and Konoha should not get involved.

It would be impolite to meddle any further.

... Fuck, this group of parasites.

But it is absolutely impossible to turn against the Land of Fire now.

Makoto's favorite was internal trading stock and exploiting others, which is also not available here, so he can only call everyone together to see if he can work together to come up with a few ideas – the Daimyos really know how to unplug the network cable, and the trick of exploiting the disadvantaged wouldn't work.

In fact, opening the Coca-Cola Company is a way, and there is a special task in the mission library.

It's a pity that time is too tight and it's too late.

That task will take at least several years of planning, and it will definitely not happen overnight.

He, Hokage, is really not making money, but on the way to making money.

However, the traditional ninjas who have specialized in fighting bad battles for 30 years naturally have no good solution to Makoto's troubles.

Everyone discussed for a long time that there was no solution, and finally, Makoto had to open the situation.

"How about we sell lottery tickets together with Daimyo?"


"Yes, lottery tickets are a good business that can make you a steady profit. No matter how poor the people of the Land of Fire are, they always have a few hundred taels, right? We draw lottery tickets on a weekly basis. Each lottery ticket is one hundred taels, and the first prize is five million ryos, the second prize will be one million, and decreasing in order. Guaranteed by the reputation of the Daimyo and our Konoha, we guarantee that we will not cheat."

The originally chaotic logic gradually became clear now.

"We limit the bonus to about 10 million ryos in total. With the population of the Land of Fire, the purchase volume in one round must be 50 million ryos, right? If labor and some necessary expenses are excluded, that is to say, it will be enough for one round. A net profit of more than 35 million ryos!"

"Also, there is no risk!"

Industrial countries have this advantage, not only have a large number of people, but also all kinds of news flow quickly.

One hundred ryos is the price of a bowl of ramen. If one hundred ryos is a lottery ticket, only 500,000 players are required to buy it.

For an industrial country, it is a matter of a big city.

If it were an agricultural country, Makoto would definitely not be able to do lottery, at most he would do some calligraphy or something.

Makoto felt that this business could be done.

Less is fine, and it is not as violent as tobacco, but it is better to have a steady flow of income, and it does not conflict with other industries.

The ninjas had never done this job, but after discussing it for a while, they still rejected it.

Not that they think money is a problem, but...

Sandaime: "Daimyo will definitely compete with us for business. He can do it by himself, why should he partner with Konoha? –

"And even if it's true that Konoha can do it... how can we guarantee the legitimate demands of relatives of the officials?"

That was a problem too.

When integrity couldn't be guaranteed, it's just a joke.

Makoto poked his temple with his finger and planned another trick.

"I'm going to build a peach orchard, and it will cost about 300 billion ryos."

... What peaches cost 300 billion ryos? Are your peaches made of gold or silver?

The ninjas were startled by the number.

Although they didn't speak, Makoto knew from their faces that they thought so.

But after all, with the example of tobacco, Makoto's business knowledge is good as Tao Zhu Gong.

T/N: 'Tao Zhu Gong', originally known as 'Fan Li', a Chinese military strategist, politician, and businessman. The above sentence originally mentioned 'Tao Zhu zi Dao', 'Way of Tao Zhu', which is also known as the 'Way of Business'

So everyone did not refute, and waited for Makoto to continue to explain.

"But I can't borrow 300 billion ryos. Even if others are willing to borrow, I can't pay the corresponding collateral. –

"However, I think Konoha's apples are very good, and they can earn about 300 million ryos. –

"Someone... just you, Kakashi, Kakashi, you happen to have the skills and experience in this area, and you can ask him to persuade those fruit growers to plant. In order to win the trust of the fruit growers, Kakashi can take 20 million ryos come out and be inferior. –

"As for the other fruit farmers, take 80 million ryos as a priority – that is, even if they lose money, they will pay Kakashi's 20 million ryos first, and it will be the turn of other fruit farmers when they lose all."

A huge question mark appeared on Kakashi's head.


Sandaime touched his pipe, looking more and more interested.

He could already hear that this was Makoto's example, and it might not be necessary to do so.

"But you can earn 300 billion in this way? No way. You only account for one-fifth of the total investment, but you want to take all the profits? –

"Of course, it won't work, but Kakashi's risk is higher than everyone else's, so it's impossible to share the profits equally. Kakashi's words... will eventually take 60%, which is 180 million ryos."

The risk is different, and the income distribution is naturally different. But the 60% figure... anyway, it's just an example, so everyone didn't delve into it.

"But if you didn't reach your request of 180 million ryos, and in my opinion, Kakashi does not have the principal of 20 million ryos."

"As for the principal, can't I borrow it from you, Sandaime-sama? It's fine to collect interest on a daily basis. You must have no objection, right?"

"Well, of course, I... Even if everything goes well, there won't be 300 billion."

"I can use the 180 million ryos I earned to sell in the market - I only sell 150 million ryos. Whoever takes over will immediately earn 30 million."

"No, absolutely not." Sandaime shook his head, while the other ninjas were at a loss, "The risk is too high. If I were a businessman, I wouldn't buy it."

Obviously, other than the Sandaime, other people didn't understand Makoto's meaning.

But Makoto continued to explain patiently.

"In that case, please ask Hyuuga-sama to pay the fifteen million ryos – of course, it is only temporary, and I will buy it back soon. During this period, the interest can be set by him."

"Buy it back? Then how will you make money?"

"I can use my 15 million ryos to invest 50% of my peach orchard as an aftermarket. When I get 300 billion ryos, I will return all the money I borrowed. Isn't that all right?"

Sandaime pondered for a long time and finally shook their heads.

"It will definitely not raise 300 billion this time."

"Yeah, but I didn't say it, only the last two times."

Sandaime gasped, deeply surprised by Makoto's boldness.

He was really scared.

He didn't doubt that some foolish businessman would help him.

The businessman industry is born with an endless pursuit of money. As long as the profit is sufficient, there is no risk they dare not take.

But precisely because of understanding, Sandaime thought of a terrible thing.

– In this round after round of inferiority and sales, if one of the links is broken...

Sandaime Hokage's years of experience told him that this is a feasible method, but his stable personality made him absolutely unacceptable.

This plan was never carried out.

It's not that the Sandaime insisted on objecting.

It was because... the other ninjas didn't understand.

You can ask them to kill people and ask them to calculate the angle of attack on the enemy, but if you talk to them about ABS...

Such an advanced thing doesn't exist in the Naruto World yet.

They can't understand it, let alone execute it.

But this kind of operation is the most precise, and it is absolutely impossible to complete it without the hard work of a group of people.

Makoto is deeply troubled by the eras, both left and right are the ultimate conservatives, no matter how great your talents are, you will not be able to display them.

After pondering for a long time, he finally came up with a solution that is not difficult to operate and that ninjas can understand.

"Let's... issue war bonds."