Sensei, Save Me!

The war of Konoha, Suna, Kumo, and Iwa started.

There was no diplomatic insult to each other, no diplomats expelled from each other -- because there wasn't any. Only on a certain day, the four major Hidden Villages issued a letter of war at the same time, and the war officially began.

Because the scope of coverage is extremely wide, the four major Hidden Villages and their small forces, and even many neutral forces are directly involved, which is called the fourth ninja world war in history.

Makoto had been preparing for this battle for several months, and he thought that no matter what bad things happened, he would not be surprised. But actually...

The war he thought of: diplomatic insults, expelling diplomats, freezing the other party's assets in the country, trade embargoes, inciting public opinion, wartime control, men entering the army, women entering factories, electronic bombing, scalpel-like precision strikes, biological Attack, steel torrent crushing and so on.

But in fact, the two went into the mountains together and started playing hide and seek.

Today you kill my team, tomorrow I will cheat you. The intensity of a single battle is extremely high but as a whole... Anyway, Makoto knows that there are people from the four major countries who will make a bet against them.

– The old acquaintance, the Minister of Finance, also contacted Makoto, wanting to cooperate with him to control the market.

But Makoto refused.

Konoha is his base, and they will treat him as he treats them.

Konoha Ninja doesn't really care how many women he marries. But if this matter gets out, then this Kage will be finished.

He's just a moral vacuum, not stupid.

Originally, this matter was nothing, there is no benevolence and righteousness in business. But what annoyed Makoto was, what did these people think of ninjas...

However, Makoto's fire ignited again, and serious things still need to be done.

The Land of Fire, Mikatagahara, in a temporary tent.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts... Tsunade-neesan, I was wrong, I was wrong... I am going to die... My waist is really going to be broken..."

Poor Makoto cried out in grief and was pinned to the ground by a generous and wealthy blonde elder sister.

She sat down on Makoto's back, then grabbed his legs and ruthlessly pushed them back.

On the surface, it seems that this big blonde sister and Makoto have a friendly relationship. But the problem is, this big blonde sister has monstrous strength...

Makoto felt that his waist was really about to break.

Fortunately, she is not his wife, otherwise...

"Suo Makoto, you bastard! How dare you go after my debt! You want to die, don't you!"

"Tsunade-neesan, I was wrong, I was wrong... I won't dare to do it again next time..."

It may be that Makoto's howling was so miserable that Jiraiya couldn't stand it anymore.

"Tsunade, forget it... Makoto, he did it for Konoha after all..."

After all, he was his disciple, and although Jiraiya also felt that Makoto was somewhat wicked, he still tried his best to defend him.

Now the one who was brutally killing Makoto was naturally Konoha's Sennin, Tsunade.

Because her lover and relatives died in battle one after another, or because of the trauma caused by the battle...or there are other reasons. In short, Tsunade left Konoha early, and made a living by getting drunk and gambling, and her whereabouts became a mystery.

Before the battle was approaching, Makoto naturally would not give up on this true Kage-level combat power, and always wanted to find her back.

But Tsunade's skills are there, and it is really difficult to find her.

After all, it is not twelve years later.

So Makoto bribed Tsunade's creditors, hoping to find Tsunade through the creditors.

But even so, it still hit a wall repeatedly.

Until a certain money-greedy creditor who was eager for money didn't know what to think, and the scandal between Makoto and Tsunade started to spread...

It's death, but seriously, Tsunade isn't like a star with a team behind her who can hype everything, she really can't bear this.

In terms of results, Makoto achieved his goal. It's just... Tsunade's punch can really end someone's life!

But Tsunade didn't to Jiraiya listen at all and was still tossing Makoto's back.

Fortunately, Orochimaru has been in a good mood recently, seeing Makoto is particularly pleasing to the eye, he finally gave him a hand.

"Tsunade, why did you reward him?"

Should it be said that women know women best? As soon as Orochimaru, this Aunt Snake opened her mouth, Tsunade calmed down... Wait, Aunt Snake is not a woman yet.

Tsunade snorted twice, then got up from Makoto who was foaming at the mouth.

"Don't pretend, I know you are good at genjutsu, I am in your genjutsu right now, right? –

"Release it for me quickly."

Makoto raised his hands miserably.

"I really haven't... Jiraiya-sensei, come and help me, I really can't stand up..."

Jiraiya also held back his laughter and helped Makoto up with a sad face.

"Look at you, it's not good to offend anyone, but you had to offend her?"


Makoto borrowed the current atmosphere of the room and acted, looking like a pitiful baby.

Tsunade snorted again, but the resentment was obviously not that heavy.

This woman is so arrogant, she obviously wanted to come, but she insisted on finding a reason...

– The garden can be repaired according to the law, as long as a crime is issued to warn the world. You can say what you say, you can admit your mistakes, you can do things without mistakes, and you can repair your garden. For ordinary people, it's just a matter of arguing, and if they are calmed down, this matter will be settled.

Anyway, I dare to do it next time.

What Makoto wants is for Tsunade to return to Konoha, as long as she comes back, nothing else matters.

"Alright, alright, stop making trouble." Seeing the interaction between Makoto and the Sannin, a smile flashed in Sandaime's eyes. But he quickly restrained the emotion in his eyes and became serious again, "Now it's a war. –

"Tell me what you think. –

"It's not an option to fight like this..."

The Allied Forces of the Four Nations have been competing with each other in the broken place of Mikatagahara for almost a week.

Although Konoha and Suna have not suffered in terms of actual battle losses, it is impossible to continue like this.

The Sandaime clearly remembered that Konoha was fighting with a war loan.

Every second is burning money.

Sandaime has never fought such an anxious battle in their lives. He felt as if someone was using a fireball technique on him all the time, and he even wished he could lose the battle now.

The amount of Konoha War loan is too scary, if it drags on for a year or so...

Makoto handed a cone to the anxious third generation.

"It's useless to be anxious, you have to get rid of the fire first."

Now that the weather is getting hotter, it is really comfortable to eat an ice cream cone between wars.

The Sandaime didn't want to eat at first, he lived a simple life and really didn't want to be so extravagant. But seeing that the other Sannin took the ice cream, he could only sigh and took the cone.

Of course, he didn't forget to stare at Makoto – the war loan was already uncomfortable enough, but Makoto spent the money indiscriminately. Makoto bought high-quality wound medicine and weapons on a large scale. He didn't say anything, but why did you buy so much ice cream?

Smash your opponent with ice cream?

On the opposite side, there is no ice water to drink!

...The cones are delicious.

After all, the Sandaime couldn't resist the temptation of sweets, so he ate happily.

After appeasing all the masters of the older generation, Makoto began to follow his own pace and start a strategic analysis.

"The situation of our Konoha is very bad now, but fortunately, the situation of the other three nations is even worse. –

"So my idea is to continue the confrontation and use up the other party's supplies...Okay, Sandaime-sama, I understand, I just want to say..."

If possible, Makoto really wanted to spend money to kill his opponent.

In theory, this is also possible.

Since Konoha has a financial advantage, why not use it?

Subduing others without fighting is the best way.

But he also knew that the older generation of ninjas will disagree.

They have been used to spending two halves of a coin, paying back the money as soon as they have money, and never thought about it. You owe the bank one trillion yuan, you are the big man, and the bank is afraid of your death... Although Konoha doesn't owe so much, the reason is the same.

Makoto was very melancholy, but in the end, he wisely gave up the attrition tactics.

He hung a strategic map on the wall and took a pointer, pointed at the location, and force action arrows on it one by one.

"The status of the four major Hidden Villages is very poor now. People eat horse chews, which is a huge expense every day. According to my estimation of the other three Hidden Villages, within a week, they will definitely launch an attack on Konoha to end this war."

In the plot of the original work, Kumo and Konoha have actually tossed and tossed intermittently for several years.

But what people need to know is that the intensity of such a local war is actually very low. Rather than saying it is a war, it is better to say that they are testing each other.

The two sides are hostile to each other, and after a while, a group of people from the other side will be killed. After killing on and off for a few years like this, after feeling that there was really no chance, they shook hands and made peace.

– Otherwise, if they really try their best to fight, the Fourth Ninja World War will not come to Naruto.

Now the situation is reversed.

This is the real war.

In the case of limited funds, the two sides will inevitably soon abandon each other's testing and engage in a decisive battle.

And Mikatagahara is the final battlefield chosen by both sides.

Everyone in the tent nodded together, approving Makoto's statement.

So Makoto continued to analyze.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there are more than 11,000 people in Konoha, and more than 6,000 people in Suna. The number of the other two Hidden Villages is unknown, but considering the size of each other, the total is about 20,000."

Ninjas have always attached importance to intelligence, and surveillance and counter-reconnaissance are always the top priorities of each other. Fortunately, after fighting for so long, the two sides have a better understanding of each other's strengths. Even if there is a discrepancy, it is within the acceptable range.

– There are still many small forces and neutral forces participating in this war, but everyone tacitly did not mention this group of pass-by parties.

It's okay for them to gather heads, but if they really want to fight a tough battle, this group of guys will definitely be defeated with a single touch.

"In terms of numbers, our side is slightly at a disadvantage, but our morale is high, compared to the opponent's morale is low. If we really fight an overall battle, our side should have an advantage. –

"But in that case, the casualties will be too great. Even if you win... So, my proposal is to decapitate the battle and use the main force to attract the opponent's attention. Then forcibly kill Raikage and end the war."

Among the Four Great Hidden Villages, Suna has the least number of people participating in the battle.

But this does not mean that Suna is standing by, cherry picking – they have no ability to restore blood, but they still pull out thousands of people. Not only did the Yondaime Kazekage go up in person, but he even brought Gaara, who was a few months old, along with him.

This is called a wave of the whole family.

If it weren't for knowing that Konoha used the war loan to give Suna a huge dowry that they couldn't refuse, others would have thought that Yondaime Kazekage and Makoto were half-brothers.

The Yondaime Kazekage is really not a human, and he doesn't care about Gaara's life or death at all.

But this time what he did can be said to be reliable.

Not only is Shayin working hard, but because of Makoto's messiness, Konoha's morale is really high at this time.

Without him, the money is enough.

Different from the way how Sandaime did in the past, Makoto didn't give money at all, but helicopter money.

T/N: 'helicopter money' is a proposed unconventional monetary policy

Before the person is out of Konoha, the settling fee has indeed been fully paid. While the ninjas were moved, they naturally forgot about the war weariness for the time being.

To some extent, ninjas are really easy to feed.

Unlike some thugs who have to fight in weather tens of degrees below zero...they not only want to punch, but also ask if you are worth it...

Not to mention that Makoto secretly promised Uchiha that if he died on the battlefield, they would inherit the Rokudaime Hokage.

Uchiha's combat power was already brutal, but now with Makoto's promise, he naturally worked harder.

Makoto never worried about cashing in.

If he died, what is there to worry about?

If he had not died, this promise would not have been fulfilled.

It's just simply collecting Uchiha's favor.

Don't you want to be Hokage? I've given you the chance, so don't blame me if you can't catch it.

As for whether they will abandon Makoto directly and find an opportunity to assassinate him on the battlefield... If they have such a brain, they will not be called Uchiha.

The Nidaime is right, this is a family that loves and hates extremely.

In terms of overall strength, the Konoha and Suna coalition forces do have certain advantages.

But what Makoto wanted was never a miserable victory.

Everyone nodded again.

"However, when it comes to execution, what should you do? We want to beheaded, and the other party must also think so. We have many skilled ninjas, but there are also many opponents. Especially Hanzo of the Salamander also suddenly joined the war... I don't know How did Onoki convince him?"

Yes, only the dead knows what this dying old man is thinking.

It stands to reason that Hanzo of the Salamander should die in the house until Pain blocks the door and become a real dead Salamander, somehow... Forget it, it's not important.

Anyway, it is the first to sell the label.

Makoto gave Orochimaru a look.

Orochimaru understood, and told about Edo Tensei.

Jiraiya and Sandaime's faces were a bit ugly, and Tsunade was in a trance – of course, they would not accept the reincarnation of the dirt, after all, who would like the ancestors they admired to be enslaved?

As the 'Professor', of course Sandaime knows this technique. But he just buried the filthy Edo Tensei in the catalog of forbidden techniques, and he has never used it, so he knows his attitude.

If it weren't for his persistence, then when the Konoha Crush happened, it would not be Orochimaru besieging the Sandaime, but Sandaime's group beating Orochimaru...

Makoto knew their reaction long ago, so he used some words to convince the Sandaime.

"I think Hokage without morality is trash Hokage, but if for the sake of so-called morality, let your subordinates pay more casualties, it is even worse than trash! –

"If it is the Nidaime Hokage, he will definitely answer this call! –

"If even one Konoha ninja can survive with his own sacrifice, he will express his satisfaction when facing death."

Sandaime opened his mouth but closed it dejectedly in the end.

Because the Nidaime did exactly that before his death.

After suppressing the resistance of Sandaime, Orochimaru began to state the details of the strategy.

The current Edo Tensei is not perfect.

War is indeed an annoying thing, but it has to be admitted that it is precisely under the tremendous pressure of life and death that the upgrade of spear and shield will become faster and faster.

When Nidaime conceived Edo Tensei, it was originally used together with the mutual multiplication detonating talisman.

Because they're already dead, there is no sacrifice at all, so the natural effect is extraordinary.

Under the influence of this kind of thinking, there is not many restrictions on the ability of Edo Tensei, and it is also a one-time bomber anyway.

However, after Orochimaru's research, his use of Edo Tensei has changed, that is, omitting the mutual multiplication detonation talisman, and preferring to use the power of Edo Tensei itself.

Facts have proved that Orochimaru's thinking is correct.

But this progress did not happen overnight.

In the Konoha Crush incident, the summoned Shodaime and Nidaime, the combination of the two cannot beat the old and frail Sandaime.

Afterward, Dosu inherited the mantle of Orochimaru, and produced many skilled ninjas of the present and previous generations, with extraordinary combat power.

And when Madara appeared on the stage, Orochimaru used white Zetsu to summon the Shodaime and was already able to put Madara's doubts in life.

As for now...

"Because of some technical reasons, if you want to summon those two lords now, you must use someone who is related to them. And after the summoning is successful, that person must continue to supply Chakra..."

Compared with the later version of Edo Tensei, this version of Edo Tensei was too lame.

But there's nothing they can do, who knows that there are still twelve years before the plot, Orochimaru has no time to highly optimize this technique.

"But the advantage is that because the blood is used as the guide, the two lords can display about seven or eight percent of their strength... Tsunade-neesan, you can't see blood, right? But if you only use the spell in the rear, it shouldn't be a problem. Is it big?"

Makoto really couldn't help Tsunade's inability to see blood.

After all, he doesn't know how to talk to people like how Naruto does.

Fortunately, Tsunade has a lot of chakra. If it is just to maintain the existence of the two ancestors, it should not be a big problem.

...As long as the Shodaime doesn't use his bunch of perverted ninjutsu.

Tsunade silently agreed.

"The two Hokage-samas were summoned, life and death are meaningless. So, Makoto, is your plan to use them as vanguards to break the situation?"

"No, we have to hide the existence of the two lords first. It's not their time to appear until I am nearly beaten to death by the opponent."

"Then... Do you want to set up some kind of code? After all, on the battlefield..."

"Well, it's true... the safe word is 'Sensei, save me'..."