The Cutest Person 3

The bright sunlight came in from the window and shone on Makoto's face.

He opened his eyes.

After a short period of confusion, Makoto's originally somewhat chaotic consciousness quickly concentrated.

"Well, time flies so fast, more than two weeks have passed... –

"Today is the day when the new film will be released. After all, the war has just ended, and everyone's wallets are not very rich. I'm afraid the results will not be too good. But as Hokage, I will definitely come out to stand for the film."

"Even if the cost is not covered... well, the main procedure today is to go to the movies."

After being confused for about ten seconds, Makoto clearly remembered today's procedure.

Watch Konoha's new movie not long ago, 'Saving Ninja Mizu-jun'.

Seriously speaking, all the shooting has been completed in just over two weeks, which is indeed a bit too fast.

But if he thought about it, it's normal.

After all, this is a ninja war movie.

For other actors, they still need to adapt, they need to enter the role, they need to build the set, and they need to think about the significance of the characters to the plot.

But ninjas are the other way around.

The problem with them is that they don't look like they're acting.

During filming, the ninja who needed NG and two passes died early on the battlefield – this is not a decade later, when Naruto went out of the village first time to do a mission in the Land of Waves, but he was scared to pee by two small characters, even if Konoha is a ninja now, he has really experienced war!

As for the sets and battle scenes, many of them have already been shot by Makoto. For the remaining small part, they went to Mikatagahara again, and all of them were settled.

In addition, Aoho himself is a veteran in this field, and he is very good at making war movies. If the process is not fast then there's a ghost.

...For Aoho, the problem that bothers him most of the time is not realistic, but how to make those extremely cruel scenes acceptable to the audience.

'Gunfire' took a total of 19 days to shoot, and now their film is faster than 'Gunfire'.

Aoho knew part of Makoto's thoughts. After finishing the final editing of the movie, he even used his personal and family prestige to let the movie pass the review at the speed of light.

...Why are you so active? I will cut off the head of your thoroughbred horse and stuff it in your quilt.

We're all civilized people alright?

I am also from Hermès.

But it's all good.

There was movement on Makoto side, and Minatsuki woke up immediately.

She always does.

She covered his chest first, gave Makoto a supercilious look, and then, as usual, helped him to dress and wash.

After stumbling for a while, the two called out to Haku who was sleeping soundly on the other side. Then he went downstairs and pulled up the sleeping Temari who was lying on her back. The little guy was not happy at first, but when she heard that there was a movie to watch, she immediately agreed.

Hmph, foolish girl.

Not long after, the family of four walked out of the mansion and walked towards Konoha Cinema.



As the few people walked along the way, people kept saying hello to them.

Makoto responded to them one by one with a very warm smile. But his heart is not here at all, but on the nearest M1 and M2 in the Land of Fire... Konoha didn't have such a thing before, but now he has similar financial reports.

God pity them, the previous Hokage didn't watch these.

Generally speaking, the recent economic trend of Konoha is very good.

Makoto is not a genius on Wall Street, he can't do any earth-shattering ruthless work. If he had to say what he did, it was that he gave hope to the ninjas and Konoha civilians.

For the lower-ranked ninjas and Konoha civilians, war is always a complete disaster.

Maybe some people can use this to make a fortune, but most people can only bear the trauma of war in silence.

After years of war, let alone the people of Konoha have no money, even if they have money, they will not use it easily.

For most Konoha ninjas, it's a good idea to save as much as you can. All necessary expenses other than life and war are not included in their family budget.

For the economy, this is a very bad thing.

Because there is no circulation, it will always be a pool of stagnant water, and then continue to suffer from poverty.

However, Makoto's recent behavior of actively guiding businessmen and spending almost all of the war reparations on ordinary people has begun to change this situation of having no money to spend and not daring to spend, leading to a vicious spiral of death.

In the past, it was only enough for one person, but now you can bravely pull a few feet of cloth.

In the past, they had nothing but sincerity, and now they dared to buy a bouquet of flowers for the girl they liked.

In the past, children could only drool and now can eat some candy.

These changes may seem small, but the cumulative effect is infinite.

Once the economy starts to flow, things always get better slowly.

Not to mention the tobacco money that comes every month... Although it is strange to say so, tobacco has really played an extremely important role in Konoha's revival, especially now that there is no burden of war.

Of course, this huge wealth cannot be spent at will, so as to save jokes like Spain.

Most of this money still has to be invested in the information revolution...

Thinking so, Makoto brought his family to Konoha Cinema.

In the past, there was only one Konoha Cinema, and it was closed all year round – people couldn't live longer, who would want to watch this?

But now that the economy has improved, Konoha has quietly owned three movie theaters.

Some things don't need to be said, everyone's choice is the best answer.

When Makoto and the others arrived, many people had already gathered in front of the cinema. It seems that everyone is still very interested in the new movie.

...Makoto admitted that Nara Shikaku's saturated marketing played a role in this.

This white paper fan is really talented, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he can draw inferences from one instance. With Makoto's slight flick, this guy's lower limit began to fall infinitely to hell.

In the past, people praised writers so much, as long as there is spring water, there will be poems.

Now Shikaku is also starting to do similar things... that is... Telephone poles and spring water are actually similar, aren't they?

Forget it, it's all fine.

The ancestors of the Nara family, I really didn't want to turn your descendants into a waste advertiser at first.

After mourning silently for a while, Makoto prepared to bring his family members in together.

At this moment, a beautiful blond woman in capri pants and a tea-green gown ran past the group of people in a panic.

Behind her is a series of vicious debt collectors.

"Don't run! Come back here!"

"You go over there, we should cooperate inside and outside to block her!"

Ah, it's Tsunade.

Don't care.

Makoto prepared to take his family away with a cold face.

Tsunade didn't intend to run towards him at first, but seeing Makoto's indifferent appearance, Tsunade became angry again.

"You bastard, it's all your fault... Go to hell with me!"

Tsunade grabbed Makoto, and there was a perfect back fall.

Fortunately, Makoto reacted very quickly. Before he fell firmly, he lightly supported the ground with his hands and regained his balance.

Minatsuki immediately stood up and negotiated with those debt collectors.

Not long after, the debt collector kept bowing, saying various apologies, and quickly dispersed – after all, he was the one who called them here, so they didn't take it too seriously.

Tsunade crossed her arms and let out a hum.

Makoto immediately apologized with a smile.

"You guy... It's fine to chase me before, why are these bastards still chasing me after the war is over?"

"Tsunade-neesan calm down, it's not that I have too many things, I accidentally forgot. Who knew that these guys are so dedicated..."

Makoto smiled apologetically and bought some dango in the movie theater, which finally calmed Tsunade's dissatisfaction – oh, there are really some of you who sell dango in the movie theater.

I like how you try to make your life better.

Tsunade whimpered twice, for dango's sake, she forgave Makoto after all.

If Makoto could talk back now, he could try to convince Tsunade, but...

Tsunade has been lingering in Konoha now, and she probably wants to give herself an explanation. But the heart knot is really not something that power and wealth can solve.

Some things are not as important, and it is hard to say on a number scale.

Apart from Kotoamatsukami, Makoto couldn't think of any direct solution to the problem.

But Tsunade is his senior after all... so that's it.

It doesn't matter if she never thinks about it, as long as she can teach a few more decent medical ninjas, that's fine.

Makoto always remembered Tsunade's domineering behavior.

There aren't many requirements and doesn't even need to reach Tsunade's level. As long as there are a dozen more ninjas, Konoha's casualty rate will be much lower in the future.


For a whole ten years, no matter what he does, he can still enter the Six Paths level!

After a simple frolic, Makoto and Tsunade chatted about daily life.

"Konoha is getting more and more prosperous now, and it's a bit like it was when grandpa was around. –

"Those surnamed Uchiha are also very happy recently. –

"It would be great if the days could be so peaceful forever. –

"Orochimaru has been going crazy lately. He keeps saying that the idea of Edo Tensei may be wrong, and that it shouldn't be used together with the mutual multiplication detonator... He also said that he will make some infinite chakra or something..."

Orochimaru finally took this path.

From the point of view of only ninjutsu, this is, of course, not a problem.

But the terrible thing is that while Orochimaru is constantly satisfying his desire to experiment, he is bound to consume a lot of ninjas.

Ordinary people are not good enough.

If it was still in the Warring States period, Makoto would be a little troublesome and regularly capture enemy ninjas for Orochimaru.

Compared with the benefits brought by Edo Tensei, a seasoned ninja can accept the cruelty of its research process.

But now the Five Great Hidden Villages have signed a total peace order.

Makoto is unable to continue the war to collect a large number of experimental subjects for Orochimaru, and this greedy snake who is not afraid of death will definitely go to extremes...

This is a ticking time bomb, and now it is on the verge of exploding again.

Fortunately, Makoto has thought of a very safe solution.

In the next few years, Orochimaru will perform an extremely difficult S-level mission.

Protect Konoha.

Under that mission, Orochimaru will have no companions, no superiors, and no deadlines – but there will be enough funds.

Orochimaru, try hard to stay alive.

"By the way, where's sensei?"

"Jiraiya." Speaking of Jiraiya, Tsunade rolled her eyes, "He caught a 40-pound fish the day before yesterday, and he got lost and hasn't returned home yet. In my opinion, he might get lost again. Two days."


With this weight, it is normal to get lost for three to five days.

Although it's somewhat nonsensical, it's really comforting for Sannin to be in Konoha together.

After talking for a while, Tsunade calmed down and became happy again.

After talking for a while, Tsunade calmed down and became happy again.

Makoto felt that the time was almost up, so he invited her to watch a movie together.

"Tsunade-neesan, let's go in and see."

"Movie? It's the one that's been advertised so much recently... Is there something about 'save Genin'?"



The invitation itself is not very sensible.

After all, the nightmares of Tsunade's life are basically related to the war-of course, this is also Makoto's intention.

Although in fact, there isn't much hope, but why not give it a try.

Think of it as fighting poison with poison.

"Don't worry, it doesn't contain the things we often see on the battlefield. After all, this is a movie, and the goal is to make money, not to make the audience hungry... You see, it's all here... And Tsunade-neesan, you don't want to be chased by those creditors again, do you?"

This big weapon came out after the sacrifice, Tsunade finally wavered.

Drinking and gambling all the time is really boring, to be honest.

"Of course, how can there be any reason to ask a lady to pay?"

Several people laughed together and walked towards the cinema.

Minatsuki looked at Makoto, then at Tsunade, as if she understood something.

– Makoto's reputation outside seems to be a pervert, but to be honest, he really doesn't seem to have shot at other women.


Makoto noticed his wife's gaze, and the system jumped out very appropriately, showing his presence.

The system rarely moves unless... there is a possible achievement in front of it.

[I see pity: I also feel sorry for you, not to mention an old slave.]

[The lover will add a lover for you.]

... What's the matter with your missions?

... ...

While Konoha was happily welcoming its new life, the atmosphere in Kumogakure was bleak.

There is no way, for Kumo, the previous war was too tragic.

In the war, not only they lost their Kage, but also a large number of elite ninjas were killed.

They even had to thank Yagura.

If the bastard Yagura hadn't intervened, their situation would have been worse...not that they are better off now.

Raikage's death is enough to be aggrieved, but at least they can choose another one.

But the pension of an ordinary ninja...

Kumo and Iwa are not Konoha!

From a strategic point of view, everyone knows that it is correct to forcibly suppress Konoha, who is recovering quickly. If they don't fight now, they won't even have the chance to fight in the future.

But now that the two major Hidden Villages have lost the war, the large amount of compensation that needs to be paid has become a sharp knife on the necks of the two major Hidden Villages.

There is money to be lost on the outside, and pensions to be paid on the inside. No matter how powerful the village is, it cannot bear this kind of consumption.

Neither of the two major Hidden Villages can solve this problem. What they can do is to continue to endure, increase internal taxation, delay the distribution of pensions, and let ninjas go out to do more tasks.

In order for the benefactors to choose themselves, they are even willing to reduce the bounty on a large scale.

In order to stabilize the situation, the senior officials of the two major Hidden Villages have done countless things, but they still cannot change the instability of the two major Hidden Villages.

Because of the lack of money and decades of debts, the bottom and middle layers can't see the future, their mentality is unstable, and the number of people leaving is much higher than during the war.

The upper echelon is actually not having a good time.

Everyone gathered together and formed a Hidden Village, just hoping to report to the group to keep warm, but Hidden Village increased taxes for them... Anything can be tolerated, how can tax increases be tolerated!

It can be said that the two major Hidden Villages have been devastated because of these things these days.

That is to say, Konoha has never launched a large-scale survey of the two major Hidden Villages, and Kirigakure has also given some support. The two major Hidden Villages may be...

The war didn't break them, but the reparations and turmoil almost killed them.

"These bastards!"

"It's such a time, and you still come to add insult to injury... such a high interest rate, who can afford it!"

"It's such a time, and you still come to add insult to injury... such a high-interest rate, who can afford it!"

After sending away the bureaucrats of the Land of Lightning, Killer B slammed his fist on the wall heavily.

Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the wall.

At that moment, Killer B was really murderous.

Recently, the morale of the entire Kumogakure has been very low. Naturally, it goes without saying how Killer B is feeling after his elder brother was killed.

In the entire Kumo, his desire for war is the strongest.

But he forced himself to hold back.

As Onoki said when he left, 'if you can't beat your opponent, you must be patient'.

The dead are dead and can never come back, but the living still have to carry on with their faith and continue on.

Nii Yugito, who is also Jinchuriki, also grabbed Kirabi who was extremely depressed.

"B, calm down! –

"Do you want Yondaime Raikage-sama to have no peace in the Pure Land!"

Killer B sat down on the chair dejectedly.

"I know...I know...but..."

Yugito patted B on the shoulder and took out a video tape.

"I know you want revenge, so at this time, we must be extra calm. –

"Suo Makoto's illusion is really powerful. Yondaime Raikage-sama was still in good condition at the time, and he didn't fully display his abilities, but because Suo caught a gap, he died directly. –

"But compared to his genjutsu, what is more frightening about him is that he owns Konoha, a super war machine –especially now that he has successfully won the loyalty of Konoha's high and low with our blood and corpses. Even if it weren't for Yagura that rascal... –

"Yagura is a real jerk, but he also did us a huge favor. –

"During these ten years, we must accumulate strength silently, and constantly look for Konoha's weakness... Do you understand what I mean?"

Killer B was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

So, they started watching videotapes together.

It was a brand-new movie made in Konoha.

However, they did not steal the video tape, but Kumo diplomats obtained it directly through serious channels.

Who knows what Konoha was thinking.

Anyway, this thing is what they give away for free.

"To defeat the enemy, we must know our enemy. –

"Now... let's begin..."

... ...

"Onoki, long time no see."

The Sandaime dressed in daily clothes brought some tea and a box of video tapes to the Snadiame Tsuchikage Onoki's confinement place.

Although it was actually imprisoned, it was a former Kage after all, and it finally took care of the other party's dignity.

The whole place of detention is not big, but it is very quiet.

Onoki simply replied with a few words.

"You've been in good spirits recently, Sarutobi."

Sandaime smiled.

The two fought for a lifetime, hated for a lifetime, and entangled for a lifetime.

Sandaime admits that every time he sees Onoki, there is always a secret feeling of a winner.

Onoki can more or less guess the mood of Sandaime, but as a loser, he is still willing to gamble and admit defeat.

If you act a bit tougher, you can still look like a Kage, saving some dignity for Iwa.

Sitting on the ground in distress like a child, he was looked down upon instead.

"It's nothing, it's just that Makoto, he made a movie recently. –

"I know you're not interested, but for the remnants of our age, wouldn't it be nice to accept new things once in a while?"

Onoki's ears moved, and he thought about it.

... ...

Danzo backed away from the screen, took the videotape, returned to his secret room, and began to study seriously.

This is a movie by Makoto.

He is well aware of his hostility towards him.

Once he also started to look at Makoto's stuff, then from a certain point of view, he had already admitted defeat.

But... in the current situation, it is difficult not to admit defeat.

Among the Elite Jounins, Makoto is one of the best, but he is too young.

Danzo has seen many young rookies, many of whom are even better than Makoto. However, under the training of the cruel war, they all became the names on the memorial stone.

When he first chose Makoto, Danzo was somewhat unwilling. But he and the Sandaime have pulled each other for so many years, and he also knows the temper of the Sandaime.

Moreover, in terms of the state of the village, the village at that time was really suffering from five labors and seven injuries. No matter who went up, he would definitely have to sit on wax for a few years, and might even have to fight a few battles with other ninja villages. It turned out that his prediction was correct.

This was not what Danzo wanted, so he decisively chose to give in.

But who would have thought that Makoto was also forced to jump around at the beginning, but later, he gradually stabilized the situation... Danzo watched him operate, but he couldn't understand what he was doing.

He seems to be working on something very new.

But these new things really work.

Finally, he recalled that Makoto had restored Konoha's morale and defeated the coalition forces of the other two Hidden Villages.

It has been a long, long time since Konoha has won such a decisive victory.

That is, in the end, he was overshadowed by Kirigakure and the five kingdoms together...

During this period, Danzo has always wanted to make a move, but he has never been able to find a suitable opportunity.

After all, if Konoha really perishes, it will be of no benefit to him.

Danzo has always believed that caution is the virtue of ninjas. For things that he can't understand at all, he would rather be respectful.

But he also understands in his heart that Makoto is gradually reducing his room for display, and Konoha's clans are subconsciously moving closer to him.

Even if it is a ninja, whoever controls the finances is the boss.

No matter how cautious you are, something must be done.

So, through some means, he got this tape.

"Let me see, what is the mystery in here..."

... ...

Yagura summoned Terumi Mei and Kisame Kisame, one of the Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"Even if you are Mizukage-sama, if you continue to draw red lines for me, I can only refuse!"

"...Why do you think that I must have summoned you because of this kind of thing...Even if it's me, it's okay to have serious things occasionally...Kisame, do you mind wasting a little time and watching a movie with us?"

"I don't care! No matter what kind of task, I will complete it."

"...Don't be so serious."