I See Pity

The days passed day by day, and before they knew it, it had been more than half a month since the Konoha people came to the Land of Grass.

At the beginning, Makoto would complain every day, why Kumo's reaction was slower than Yuan Shao's, but then he stopped talking, as if he was completely desperate.

T/N: Yuan Shao, a Chinese military general, politician, and warlord who lived in the late Eastern Han dynasty. Most of his failures were blamed on his indecisiveness and inability to listen to the advice of his advisors

Only the dead knows who Yuan Shao is.

There will never be a shortage of all kinds of flirting in the mouth of the Five Dynasties.

Tsunade didn't care about these things. Makoto couldn't leave for a while because he had to adjust the relationship in various aspects. Tsunade, who had nothing to do with him, simply stayed with him in Kusagakure.

To be honest, she really liked her life in Kusagakure a little bit.

It is true that Kusagakure is very poor.

Even if you don't look at it from the point of view of those great people, but purely from the point of view of a ninja, the living environment in Kusagakure can be called a tragedy, and it can be called a barren land.

But the current Kusagakure is full of vitality.

An unprecedented vitality.

Looking at the vibrant village and people, Tsunade felt an indescribable...joy.

Tsunade stood in the office of the Kage office of Kusagakure, staring at everything down the mountain, feeling more relaxed than ever.

The farmers were busy down the mountain like ants, but unlike the numbness and bewilderment of the past, their eyes were full of hope, and even their hands and feet were much more diligent than before.

Because they know that the originally worthless bananas they planted can be exchanged for small money that makes people happy after they are sold to other countries.

With this small amount of money, they can buy many things.

The family can buy a few more bags of rice, they can smoke two more cigarettes, women can buy a few more feet of cloth, and children can be vaccinated – the farmers didn't know what it was, but the doctors said that after being vaccinated, the children would stop clutching their bellies from time to time and roll on the floor in pain... and it was true.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Konoha United Fruit is very strong, so strong that even those nobles and officials dare not complain. But to the farmers, the attitude is not bad.

Because of sufficient cash flow and a strong background, they will always pay for the goods without delay, and the price is still reasonable – farmers know that they will make more money by transporting them to the city, but after running for so long, they still have to make money.

Although the large sums of cash they paid will soon be recovered for the purchase of a large number of industrial products brought by United Fruit, the farmers still feel that they have made a lot of money.

After all, before Konoha came over, they had to pay more and get less – although those traveling merchants would go to small villages, the price is really... The products brought by United Fruit are not only of high quality, but also cheaper, and the villagers all like them.

According to Konoha Ninja, after a while, they will bring some educational books from the Land of Fire to help the children learn. For children with good grades, Konoha will send them to Konoha for free.

Although it is very strange in my heart, Konoha is obviously a Hidden Village, why does it accept so many ordinary children with excellent grades?

However, considering that they were freeloading for nothing, the farmers didn't think too much about it.

Such a big Hidden Village, would it still lie to them?

The farmers looked at the present and thought about the future, and they became more and more motivated.

It's not just the farmers who are full of hope for the future, so are the Kusa-nins.

Konoha United Fruit has always been straightforward in giving money because of its strength and sufficient cash flow. Once the money is in place, the fighting power of the Kusa-nins will naturally be developed.

In the past, there was no choice, but now there is a choice, so they are naturally sharpening their knives and rushing to the robbers.

They are not only good at doing these things, but also do not have any psychological burden.

All of a sudden, the heads of the people who were killed in the Land of Grass rolled down, blood flowed like a river, and the common people clapped their hands and applauded.

Forgiving the robbers is the work of the Sages of the Six Paths, and what they have to do is to send the robbers to see the Sages of the Six Paths.

Makoto gave them a few months, but Kusa-nins, who had developed this subjective initiative, killed all the robbers in less than a week.

After all, it's about their wallets.

Kill a few more robbers, kill the robbers earlier, and they will get an extra income – of course, there are ruthless characters among the robbers, and even tools of officials, but such characters are often well-informed, and they all know that there is a big ninja behind them. The village is pushing, and the officials have given up resistance... In that case, let's get rich.

The strong gave up their resistance, the ordinary robbers were completely wiped out, and the whole Land of Grass was shaken.

After the robbers were completely extinct from the Land of Grass, the ninjas happily started working as couriers.

After all, the roads in the Land of Grass are quite tragic now, and there will be no way to solve it for a while. Every time they make an extra delivery, they get an extra charge.

Unlike many start-up companies, United Fruit has been a modern company since its inception due to the copying of its homework. The rewards and punishments are extremely strict, and various detailed rules are also in place – the kind that can really kill people.

While the Kusa-nins were terrified, they also felt a little more at ease.

The stricter the regulations, the more it shows that Konoha is serious about managing this matter and will not run away with one vote.

Some ninjas with a relatively good foundation in ninjutsu have already begun to discuss the way of using different ninjas to sign the same summoning beast to quickly transport goods over long distances.

It's just that for some reason, it can't be promoted yet... If the summoning beast eats the goods and transports them, it would be too disgusting to spit them out. It doesn't matter to the ninja himself, the customer's words...

In short, in this blood-soaked land, people realized for the first time that labor can make money faster and more than killing people.

The atmosphere of labor and hard work blooms in this tired ancient land, making people feel more comfortable physically and mentally than ever before.

Tsunade liked this feeling very much.

Really really liked this feeling.

This even reminded her of the conversation she had with her grandpa.

Her grandfather, Shodaime Hokage.

He told her that the reason why he built Hidden Village was that he didn't want ninjas to kill each other forever. He hopes that one day the children can study, grow, and play happily, instead of carrying weapons at a young age and fighting to the death... For this reason, he is willing to sacrifice everything to protect the village.

He fulfilled his promise, and he did protect the village and even his life with everything he had.

But in the process of guarding, he broke his promise again.

In order to win, children also have to set foot on the battlefield – isn't that what he wanted to avoid in the first place?

Protect for the sake of protecting, what exactly are you protecting?

Now that the man is dead, no one can answer Tsunade's question.

But at least, in this small exotic country...

"Makoto, you did a good job."

Tsunade stared out the window, praising Godaime Hokage so much.

She has gambled countless times in her life, and winning and losing millions of ryos at once is commonplace. But the more she gambled, the more empty she felt.

The rapid growth and demise of money cannot cause any fluctuations on her face, but when she sees the smiling faces of the children, her heart is filled with sweetness like water.

She felt as if she was young again and found a reason to keep fighting.

Isn't this peace and the smiles of the children what they want to protect?

While scratching his head, Makoto was thinking about the plan, and he still didn't forget to answer Tsunade's words.

"Isn't it natural?"

"The tauren is just a moment of joy and excitement, like climbing an endless ladder, driven by endless emptiness, and looking down is nothing but emptiness. –

"What pure love brings is the double enjoyment of the spirit and the body. People can put a sweet smile on the corners of their mouths besides sages, and then comment with clean hands: the landlord is a good person, and a good person will live a safe life. –

"Although no one can escape the suffering of life, the moment of peace here can turn into more courage. Even if you don't have any expectations about whether you can get a good relationship, you should believe that goodness must exist somewhere in the world, just haven't met yet. –

"Tsunade-neesan, welcome to the realm of Pure Love War God."

T/N: 'Pure Love War God', refers to audiences who only like simple and beautiful love stories. They are very repulsed by the plot of "the person or thing they like is forcibly taken away by others", and reject all factors that are not conducive to the emotional development of the protagonist.

Godaime Hokage was speaking strange words that only he could understand.

The two of them were chatting one after another, but the door of Kusagakure's office was pushed open.

Those who came in were Jiraiya, Uchiha Shisui, and old acquaintance Aoho.

Uchiha Shisui has always been very interested in bananas. In his spare time these days, he has been learning how to grow bananas from old farmers.

Bananas are not just planted directly in the soil, there are some exquisite things in it.

Uchiha Shisui is very interested in this, even more interested than jutsu.

This is a way to make everyone happy without killing people.

And Jiraiya and Aoho... came to Makoto to discuss the new movie.

That's right, they're going to film "Seven Samurai" – of course, in the Naruto world, it's being adapted as "Seven Ninjas".

T/N: "Seven Samurai", a 1954 action drama movie

This work of Akira Kurosawa is really a masterpiece, and it is powerful in various senses, so naturally there is no need to elaborate.

It's just that this time the protagonist is not Shisui, but Jiraiya.

Shisui is too young. Although his acting skills are good, from the plot point of view, his age is not suitable to be the protagonist.

On the other hand, Jiraiya, no matter in terms of age or experience, is just right.

This is a story of heroes.

...Of course, Makoto admits that he has selfish intentions. He just wants to use Jiraiya's reputation to add color to the movie. If possible, he still wants to catch Pain... The current Pain should not be Pain... Strictly speaking, they are also brothers and sisters... Some things may be avoided...

Jiraiya was quite surprised by this.

After all, he is actually a traditional ninja – although he can be said to be deviant in some respects, which serious ninja would write about Liu Bei... But Jiraiya really never thought about becoming an actor.

T/N: a person who 'writes about Liu Bei' is a kind person, but in fact, it seems that Liu Bei was written very hypocritically

He does not reject the fact that junior ninjas want to live a non-ninja life. If you can earn money openly and aboveboard without bloodshed, why do you have to fight?

But he's been a ninja all his life, so it's a bit of a shame to let him into the spotlight... But in the end, he agreed.

Because Makoto told him that this was an advertisement for the bananas in the Land of Grass. And the better the bananas sell, the happier everyone will be.

How can a brand not tell a story?

Capital likes to listen to stories, and ordinary people also like to listen to stories.

And what they want to tell is a story called "Seven Ninjas".

Out of faith, seven chivalrous Konoha ninjas took on a mission that no one would accept, and finally completed the mission at the cost of five people's death. It sounds so pleasing to the ear.

I believe that no employer will reject such a ninja – why is the Swiss Guard famous all over the world? It is because even in desperation, they have abided by the contract and have never abandoned His Excellency the Pope.

Opportunities like His Excellency the Pope's are too rare, but Makoto can make up his own.

When Makoto first entered the Land of Grass, he was already promoting this matter.

By now, most materials have been shot.

Farmers and Kusa-nins don't mind joining the crew to earn extra money. The script itself is a god-level script, and the director is Aoho He, who has worked with it before. It stands to reason that there should be no problem.

However, Aoho still complained non-stop.


"From the perspective of the script, it should be Konoha Fang's ninja who won miserably. As a director, I think this ending is very good, and the handling of the Godaime's goal is safe. –

"But can you tell me why you said that you are collecting materials, but the materials are all images of you Konoha one-hit-KO? How do I cut this? Is it no different from a reshoot?"

Aoho chattered for a long time.

After all, as a great director, he also has pursuits.

Fortunately, these are small details. After Makoto comforted him with a few words, they left and continued to study the script.

Makoto was about to study the report for a while, when an unexpected visitor finally arrived.

It wasn't Kumo.

It was Tsuchikage Kitsuchi.

The current Kitsuchi still looks like an honest young man, but in fact, he is already Iwa's talker.

It's just this talker is a miserable person... a loser.

That is to say, Onoki is still alive, otherwise the dead knows what kind of chaos Iwa will be.

But even so, Kitsuchi is still under enormous pressure.

In order to maintain expenses, even as a Kage, he had to go out frequently to complete tasks... Fortunately, everyone has ceased fighting, so there is no need to spend too much energy on guarding against the enemy.

Even so, Kitsuchi was in a state of desperation.

However, what made him feel at a loss the most was that not long ago, Makoto sent his confidants to the door with a contract to form a company with him.

Iwa was pitted by Konoha, at first he thought it was Makoto's new trick.

But after getting through with the Land of Earth, he discovered that this was not a trick, but real...

If it is real, then of course it can make money. The appearance of Konoha United Fruit is obviously a good thing for Iwa, whose finances are close to collapse.

But... will the sky drop its own pie?

Kitsuchi asked himself that no daughter could be attracted by this guy.

He couldn't think of a reason, and hurriedly found out that Makoto was in Kusagakure, and he came over immediately.

At this time, Makoto realized why these guys didn't come to trouble him – they were all busy making money.

Iwa and Kumo are not the same as Konoha.

For Konoha, once the war is over, good times will come.

As a victorious country, Konoha itself has war reparations. Makoto looked down on this batch of war reparations, but for Konoha's Chunins and Genins, such an amount of war reparations was enough to make them put aside a lot of worries.

For an economic entity, the worry in many cases is not that there is no money, but that the people are unwilling to spend money.

As long as the people are willing to spend money, many things will be easy to handle.

It didn't take too long, and Konoha's economy was on the right track without needing to bear the war funds.

Because of the continuous irrigation of tobacco income, it even reached the peak state of the first generation in a short period of time.

But Iwa and Kumo... It was really funny to think about it, which made him think of the book "Poor Economics".

T/N: "Poor Economics", book by Abhijt Bannerjee and Esther Doflo, published on April 28, 2013; so yes, it exists

But Kitsuchi actually came in person, so that's fine...

"Kisuchi-dono, I am very happy to see you in such good health...I know you don't want to hear this, why don't we talk in a more formal way?"

Back in the day, Mr. Frieza, the real estate tycoon, always maintained his honorific speech even though he was beaten into a pig's head. Makoto thinks this is a good habit, so it has always been like this to the outside world.

It's just that when he said that, Kitsuchi's expression was a little ugly.

"I knew it!"

It doesn't look good, but he seems to relax a little bit.

"Tell me your conditions! But you should know my bottom line!"

"Of course, I think I have expressed my sincerity with my behavior... Don't you understand?"

In Konoha United Fruit, Land of Earth and Iwagakure are also shareholders.

Not to mention the ninja battle between old and new factions.

Except for Makoto, no one should be aware of this problem.

There are natural economic considerations in this – in order to open the door to a big country, Zhangzhou Hokkien can only use war. The Land of Earth is a modern country no matter what, if you don't pull it in now, it will be very difficult to forcibly enter in the future.

This is a market in a big country!

And the political considerations in it are naturally...combining vertical and horizontal.

Regardless of whether it is old or not, it is easy to use and it is over.

He just wants to tear down the alliance between Kumo and Iwa.

Makoto knew that this kind of dismantling could not be completed in one go. But as long as he keeps trying...

"Impossible! –

"Absolutely impossible!"

Kitsuchi's face became extremely ugly.

"How old is Kurotsuchi? I will never hand her over to you!"

...I'm talking about formal topics, not this 'adult topics' you bastard!

T/N: 'formal' (or serious) and 'adult' use the same word 'chengren', which the word commonly translates to 'adult'

Danzo, you bastard, and ruining my reputation, I will go back and use One-Thousand-Years-of-Death on you a million times!

Tsunade on the side covered her face with her hands and tried her best not to laugh out loud.