You Have to Believe Me

Makoto's new plan is a bit long.

Even if you only read the summary, it still takes a long time.

But Makoto was patient, he drank his tea quietly, and waited until the diplomats from the Four Great Hidden Villages had finished reading.

The income that Land of Rice's food plan brought to Konoha can only be said to be average – especially compared with Makoto's previous plans.

But the victory lies in safety, and it is indeed beneficial to the people of the Land of Fire.

This is the benefit that Konoha won for them, and they will know it.

And from a long-term point of view, only when the Engel's Coefficient drops, will the people of the Land of Fire be willing to consume more industrial products.

As for the opinions of domestic grain merchants in the Land of Fire... There will naturally be new industrial factions fighting with them, so don't worry about that.

The next ten years, because there will be no war, will be a period of rapid progress for the industrialists, there is no doubt about it.

If there are any shortcomings, it is that the cycle is a bit long, and the effect cannot be seen in one or two years.

But... a detour is his shortcut.

The miso war has already brought Makoto a good wake-up call.

Don't think about taking shortcuts.

The loneliness that should be endured cannot be missed for a second.

After waiting for a long time, Yugito was the first to finish reading the summary.

"Godaime Hokage-sama, I am willing to believe in your ability, and I am also willing to believe in your sincerity. –

"But isn't the profit margin a bit low this time?"

Makoto immediately stopped drinking tea.

"The so-called high and low are all relative terms. In terms of the basic profit of the grain industry, it is not low for us to form a grain company together this time."

Makoto brought in the Five Great Hidden Villages together, of course not just to make money.

The food company this time will be very special. It will not be directly controlled by the Five Great Hidden Villages, but will use genjutsu, or others will voluntarily hide them temporarily in the name of others.

They will not act together until necessary.

Want to make money, then Konoha walks alone.

It's just that there are some things that are hard to say.

"Isn't it low..."

"Yes, you may not have noticed that there is a detailed profit forecast on the third page of the appendix."

Makoto is very meticulous when making reports, especially likes to use a lot of data, present facts and make sense.

It is too easy for a ninja to do the work of commercial espionage.

All of them are D-rank missions.

At most is C-rank.

Yugito turned to the page Makoto said, she quickly glanced at it.

"Didn't you earn a few thousand percent last time? –

"The warehouse almost couldn't."

Makoto almost rolled his eyes.

Miso war, can this be regarded as the norm?

It was an extremely rare, well-timed and well-placed victory.

The production of soybeans has been reduced on a large scale, and Makoto just pulled up the price chart, as well as many children. Instead of fighting, the rich merchants chose to pile up prices together... Such a thing can never happen again.

Of course, Makoto knew very well why Yugito reacted like this.

– In Kumo, the dispute between Modern and Conservatives has become more and more intense.

When the Fourth Ninja World War had just ended, Kumo's interior could be said to be devastated. Not only did the boss die, but he owed a large amount of debts, and the boys under his command wavered and fled one after another.

Kumo almost couldn't hold on anymore.

In the end, it was the Land of Lightning who made the move, so they managed to breathe a sigh of relief.

But... the interest rate in the Land of Lightning is not low.

There is no other method, relationship belongs to relationship, and the business belongs to business.

For this reason, the two factions have even temporarily reached a consensus not to vote for Raikage first – when it comes to such a major event as the election of Raikage, the two sides will definitely have a big fight. For the Kumo's system that is about to collapse, it really cannot be done bear this internal friction.

And no matter which one is chosen as the Raikage, they are going to be blamed 100%.

Nobody wants to do something stupid like this.

Why do you have to grab the Raikage's position, let's do the missions first to recover. When the state is better, let's study this issue together.

As a result, Kumo's internal affairs were peaceful for a while, and everyone lived a happy life together, siding 007 and scolding Makoto at the same time.

Until... the huge profits from the miso war entered Kumo.

Then Kumo almost exploded.

This profit is undoubtedly jointly owned by the village. When it can be allocated... how should it be allocated?

The disadvantage of not having Raikage suddenly appeared.

After the war, Kumo's ordinary ninjas and major and minor clans suffered a lot, and they all longed for more subsidies. Without Raikage's suppression, the two sides quarreled instantly.

In the quarrel, more ordinary ninjas chose to join the Modern faction.

The ninjas of the Mondern faction are basically young people. They saw all kinds of novelty that Makoto did in Konoha, and the huge benefits that Konoha ninjas gained from it, so they were also moved.

The Clan ninjas tend to be more conservative – after all, for so many years, the clans in Kumo have formed a relatively safe distribution method, which is undoubtedly beneficial to them, and they don't want to break the rules.

As for Kumo's elders...they tend to be on the Conservative side.

It's not that they can't see the results of Konoha's reform. From the bottom of their hearts, they also hope that Kumo will become stronger.

The village is stronger, and these old people naturally have more face.

However, Makoto has gone too far. The Konoha Advisory Group is basically a decoration now. Everyday, the Sandaime and Jiraiya are also fishing in the reservoir...

Under the same nature, they eventually fell to the Conservative faction.

As for why Makoto knew so clearly... No, no, no, Makoto really didn't send so many spies to Kumo.

It was Kumo's elders who told him.

They also hope to get a little support from Makoto.

Of course Makoto would not agree.

Modern help modern.

Sit and wait for a Sakurada Gate incident.

T/N: 'Sakurada Gate incident' refers to the Sakuradamon Incident in 1860, where the assassination of li Naosuke took place outside of the Sakurada Gate of Edo Castle on March 24, 1860

Yugito was not very aware of the quarrel between Kumo's elders and Makoto, but as one of the leaders of the Modern faction, she could clearly feel the tremendous pressure from Kumo's Conservative faction.

So she very much hopes to make a few big sums of money, and immediately become a rich lady...

Yugito is not completely irrational, it is really forced by current events.

But Makoto didn't care about this, because he knew that Yugito would eventually agree.

No matter how much she fights, she is still a member of Kumogakure. After experiencing the previous incidents, Kumo should have paid much attention to food safety – because the war started in a hurry, and there was not enough time to hoard food, Kumo and Iwa were slapped severely by those big grain merchants.

That was a real pain to the skin, to the marrow of the bone.

Now that she has the opportunity to set up her own food system, how could Yugito refuse.

It doesn't matter if you don't make a profit, or even a small loss, the key is to have it yourself.

Terumi Mei also persuaded after hearing the words.

"Yugito-san, this profit margin is quite good. –

"What happened last can't treat it as normal."

Sure enough, Yugito flipped through the summary a few times, and finally stopped talking.

"Hey, if at that time...forget it, I have no objection. Wait...Godaime, you really have no conspiracy?"

Today, my hand shook.

Today, my heart ached.

What kind of person did everyone take me as!

Then Terumi Mei made a statement.

Of course, she had no objection.

Then there is Pakura.

"I have no opinion, it's just the food problem in the Land of Wind...I'm afraid we will be in a state of import for a long time. –

"For Suna, this is probably a bottomless pit."

Everyone knows about the problems of the Land of Winds.

No one should live in this place.

However, Makoto said that the price can be adjusted internally to form a whole, so Pakura didn't say anything more.

This time Makoto really didn't think about making big and quick money.

Originally, such a big matter would never come to fruition without delaying for a few months. It's just that after the previous miso war, the tacit understanding between the Five Great Hidden Villages has increased a lot.

Moreover, the Five Great Hidden Villages are essentially military groups, which naturally focus on food security, so a few diplomats sat together to drink tea, and this matter was basically settled.

After the news returns to the village, at most it will just fill in the details.

"Wait, I have another question."

At the end, the diplomat of Iwagakure who had been silent all this time spoke.

"Please speak." Makoto didn't know what else Diplomat Iwa had to say, and it was clear that a consensus had been reached. However, Makoto still had a smile on his face, calm and calm, "Please don't include anything illegal, I'd rather have a heated argument before it starts than start an argument after it starts. "

"No, Godaime Hokage-sama, you misunderstood. I'm just curious..."

Diplomat Iwa said so, holding up the plan in his hand.

"I just want to ask, what do you write at the end of the summary, you played with soy beans, you are ruthless with garlic, and that kind of oil... What do these mean? –

"Why do you only write the beginning, but not the content?"

Makoto took a sip of tea calmly, and looked at Kakashi.

"Kakashi, what are you doing? –

"This is the Five Kages Summit! It's a very serious occasion, how could you make such a low-level mistake? –

"I've said it a long time ago, we need to do more typewriter training, this thing will be very important in the future! –

"In the future, after typing out the plan, you must check it several times, and don't leave any inexplicable things that cause people to misunderstand!"

Kakashi didn't do anything, just took the blame.

But at this time, under Makoto's training, Kakashi had already become very conscious and reacted very quickly.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

After reprimanding Kakashi, Makoto looked at Diplomat Iwa again.

"Your excellency, I'm sorry, this is just a typo mistake by a subordinate... Please don't take it seriously."

The four diplomats gave the dead fish eye.

But they didn't say much.

... They have known for a long time that Makoto really only wants to farm in peace of mind.

But that's fine too.

It is absolutely impossible to surpass Konoha in a short period of time. Anyway, Konoha is willing to take them to play now... In this case, let's try not to fall too far behind.

It is really difficult to overtake on a curve.

Everyone has already decided in their hearts that they will work hard in private, but they will stop talking about it on the surface, and continue to discuss business matters.

"We trust the ability of Godaime Hokage, and we don't think there is any problem with your decision-making plan. –

"There's nothing to worry about about the company. It's nothing more than hiring a few more practitioners. It's just that Land of Rice... Is it wrong for us to take action directly?"

Speaking of the two major forces that are currently being torn apart in Land of Rice, it is indeed a headache.

These two forces have been fighting each other in Land of Rice for a long time, and they have not been able to resolve it.

And seriously, these two major forces all have legal basis.

On one side is the ruler of Land of Rice two hundred years ago, and on the other side is the ruler of Land of Rice a hundred years ago.

They all unilaterally declared that the Land of Rice is their own territory.

Naruto World does not have the advanced laws of Spain that can be directly occupied within 48 hours. Here the public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is right, so it is difficult for outsiders to deal with.

– Of course, there must be someone inside who is deliberately making trouble, causing the two factions to continue to tear each other, trying to completely turn Land of Rice into a hell... The idea of 'if I can't get it, I will destroy it' is actually quite normal.

For various reasons, the five major countries should all be ignorant.

Of course, ninjas can use violence to forcibly intervene, but what about the ninja's position?

What happened to Konoha in the Land of Fire actually happened to the other four villages.

Unless one of the two major powers of Land of Rice actively invites the Five Great Hidden Villages to enter together.

But this is absolutely impossible.

And if only one of the Five Great Hidden Villages is invited... Guada Lixia, it will be hard to tell in front of the other Four Hidden Villages.

T/N: 'Guada Lixia' is an idiom from the work, 'Junzi Xing' (word by word translation is "Gentleman's walk"), the original meaning is when passing a melon field, don't bend down to lift your shoes, unless you want to be suspected of picking melons; when you pass under a plum tree, don't raise your hands to adjust your hat, unless you want to be suspected of picking plums

Makoto thought so deeply.

Supporting his chin with both hands, he sighed softly.

"Now, if there is an absolute violent, deviant, cynical, notorious Khitan, who already has the consciousness of sacrifice, and cleans up Land of Rice thoroughly, how good would it be?"

T/N: Khitan were historical nomadic people from Northeast Asia

... ...

Wearing a bamboo hat, the black robe of Tendo Pain billowed, he landed lightly on the ground of Land of Rice.