Black Hawk Down

T/N: 'Black Hawk Down' is a 2001 war film directed by Ridley Scott, the title of the chapter is the same as the movie title

The wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier.

However, Makoto's mood was relatively stable and he was not affected by the incident in Land of Snow.

After giving the old guys step-by-step orders, Makoto continued to work on his own class.

After all, he has been through two ninja wars, and this matter is just a small scene.

Only Kakashi still couldn't let go.

So while taking a break from work, the two chatted about this topic again.

"You don't seem to be interested in the Land of Snow?"


"Even if they offend us?"

"To be precise, it's some careerists who are greedy for profit, not the Land of Snow... We have to figure out who is the enemy and who is the friend."

Kazehana Sosetsu is a standard dove and would definitely not do such stupid things.

The advantage of knowing the plot is that Makoto can deduce certain truths even without the use of certain intelligence arguments.

– Even if the so-called plot has been distorted by the butterfly effect, the characters' personalities will not suddenly change.


Makoto really never thought about eating the Land of Snow – at least not in recent years.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to expand Konoha's influence, it's just that he really can't.

The Fourth Ninja War has been less than a year, and Konoha has already projected its influence into the Land of Grass and the Land of Rice. If it swallows another Land of Snow, it will definitely be choked.

If you are not careful, you may even suffer great harm.

This is not a joke – in this era, there are really people who still pursue the tradition of the Warring States and take the feudal system for granted.

More than ten years later, Kazehana Sosetsu's daughter Kazehana Koyuki grew up. Her old subordinate stood up and called in her name, and immediately attracted three trucks of people.

These people are not speculators, they are truly willing to die for Kazehana Koyuki.

...They all are indeed dead.

At that time, many years had passed since Kazehana Doto launched the coup, and Kazehana Koyuki was a girl, while Kazehana Doto was a real man – even if Kazehana Doto annihilates his whole family, he is still from a serious royal family.

Forcing his father to kill his brother can only be regarded as a huge stain in the game of thrones, and it will not affect his succession.

Takeda Meng-hu expelled his biological father, and Twenty Years-old-chan has been solo with his uncle and biological mother for a long time, which does not prevent them from becoming powerful daimyo.

T/N: 'Takeda Meng-hu', which translate to 'Takeda cute-tiger', refers to Takeda Singen, the daimyo of Kai Province during the Sengoku period of Japan, he is also known as the 'Tiger of Kai'

Although Kazehana Sosetsu cannot be said to be a bad person, he is not the kind of sage immortal king who can be remembered for decades.

The reason why these people are still willing to support Kazehana Koyuki is nothing more than a tradition.

Because Kazehana Koyuki is the right heritor, they only recognize Kazehana Koyuki, and they don't recognize even Kazehana Doto.

The fight between the same clans has made so many people unhappy for so many years. If Konoha invades, will they not resist to the end?

When they were in the Land of Grass and the Land of Rice, Konoha was actually very timid and did not touch this issue.

Konoha was involved in the issue of Kusagakure, and ninja affairs had always been handled by ninjas. Traditionally, daimyo are not very interfering.

And in the genealogy invented by Ryusei, that man is indeed related by blood to the ruler of the Land of Grass – who doesn't have a few poor relatives?

After that poor man came to power, Konoha followed the agreement and never harassed him again.

Coupled with the fact that everyone in the Land of Grass is bent on making money, everyone will be in peace – there is also a little help from the Land of Fire. After all, the Land of Grass is located between the three major countries. It can feel the power of the Land of Fire very close, so it is natural to feel a sense of fear towards the Land of Fire and Konoha...

Konoha said they would bring them to make money, and they did make money. So Kusagakure didn't resist too much and calmed down.

As for the Land of Rice, Makoto directly made it a satellite state.

The reason why he handed over the Land of Rice to Aunt Snake was not only to win over Aunt Snake, but also to build a firewall.

By accident, public sentiment in Land of Rice exploded, involving Konoha.

... This is necessary caution. When Aunt Snake went to collect her men, you can see how the ordinary people of Land of Rice reacted to how they viewed the invaders.

This is because Land of Rice has not had a legal ruler for many years...

Add another Land of Snow?

Just wait for it to explode.

The four great hidden villages that are getting worse and worse will definitely explode the separatist rebels for him, and then while eating melons, he will watch Konoha being dizzy in order to destroy the rebels, and then consume a lot of power.

It's good to get it all done in one go.

But we also have to take into account the progress of the times.

Makoto explained to Kakashi seriously for a long time, and did not stop until he finally confirmed that Kakashi understood.

"I see... But why don't you marry Kazehana Koyuki? Didn't you say you like someone younger than you?"

Makoto slowly pulled out the Bodo sword.

"You think my house isn't chaotic enough, right?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the Land of Snow wants an heir, and Kazehana Koyuki's son will definitely be the heir. You don't have to get married, just have a child with her. She is much older than Temari-san."

What kind of speech is there in the world?

Damn boy, this is no longer the era of Kingdom Rush, now it's Hearts of Iron!

And... you guys clearly just want to avenge yourself and see my harem explode!

"You evil beast, eat my sword!"


In this way, Makoto grabbed the Bodo sword and chased Kakashi all the way.

Kakashi panicked and ran wildly, and the entire Hokage building was filled with merry air.

Then he was seen by Pakura who came to visit.

– Pakura originally came over to ask Makoto if there was anything he needed help with.

As a result, she saw the Godaime Hokage and the Hokage's assistant getting together.

They're degenerated.

But Pakura also knew that this was done intentionally by the Godaime.

Kakashi really bought his family's household registration for Konoha and only had one page. He was young, so Makoto took very good care of him a lot of the time. He would deliberately joke with him and prevent him from being exposed to things that were too serious...that's right...

"You two, get up quickly!"

"I can't get up without Pakura-neechan's hug!"

"Godaime! Don't always harass a girl with such words. What if I take it seriously!"

However, the little game the two deliberately played to ease the atmosphere did not last long, as the Anbu sent another urgent information.

"Hokage-sama! The highest red level of information, please check it immediately!"

"Red level..."

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Makoto and Kakashi stopped immediately. Makoto took the information scroll and read it quickly.

After reading it, Makoto pursed his lips, slapped his arm with his fingers, and remained silent for a while.

Kakashi, who is familiar with Makoto, knows that this is a subconscious reaction he makes when he encounters difficult decisions.

"Hokage-sama, what happened?"

"The Land of Snow has launched a coup... Kazehana Doto has taken action against Kazehana Sosetsu."

Due to manpower issues, Konoha did not have much power in the Land of Snow and simply maintained two intelligence stations.

It was precisely because of the shortage of manpower that Yukigakure caught Makoto off guard before.

But currently, manpower is needed all over the world, and it is really a waste to waste a large number of manpower in a barren place like the Land of Snow...

But no matter what, the coup was too big, and it was caught by the ninjas immediately.

"This is not my intention..."

Makoto deliberately released the news about suppressing krill before, not really to defeat the Land of Snow, but to remind Kazehana Sosetsu that he could also turn to Konoha to help him suppress Kazehana Doto, who had been trying to control the government.

This provocative incident really has nothing to do with Kazehana Sosetsu.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

– If you don't come out to seek clarification from Konoha, Konoha will really take action against the Land of Snow.

At that time, Konoha sent troops to help, led by Kazehana Koyuki himself, and killed the big bad Kazehana Doto, and gained the friendship of the people of the Land of Snow. How pleasant it sounds.

Makoto really didn't want to eat the Land of Snow. His biggest request was to get Kazehana Sosetsu to get a 10% discount on the krill he sold to him.

In the next few years, Konoha will become the most important buyer of krill, and the best friend – this stuff is rich in protein, delicious, can be used for anything, and you won't lose money no matter how much you buy.

In this way, both parties gain face and dignity.

How nice.

Unexpectedly, Kazehana Doto actually started fighting with Kazehana Sosetsu... Even if you have always been unhappy with your brother, you shouldn't fight at this time.

Isn't this just an opportunity for Konoha's armed forces to intervene?

What on earth was Kazehana Doto thinking?

...No matter what he thinks, the most important thing now is to save Kazehana Sosetsu.

After all, Pakura was also an ally, so Makoto didn't hide it from her and told her about it.

"Have things gotten so bad... It was obviously just an ordinary bulrush business, but why did it turn into a change of country..."

Pakura complained, but she still gave her own opinion.

"Godaime Hokage-sama, it is indeed a wise choice to rescue Kazehana-sama, but even if you use a summoning beast to convey information, the other party is still in constant motion. –

"The gap in combat power between the two sides should be quite large, and the stalemate stage will not last long. If it passes now, even the most agile ninja may not be able to do it in time!"

A taijutsu master like Gai can run from the Land of Fire to the Land of Wind in one breath.

But he can't run to the Land of Snow.

Because there's an ocean in the middle of it.

What's even worse is that in addition to the unknown strength of the enemy, they also have to arrive in time.

The only safe solution is for the expert to ride a powerful and extremely fast summoning beast directly to the scene.

If possible, it would be best to bring more people.

Look down on them, look down on them, Yukigakure is also a hidden village after all, maybe there are still a few unique brothers in this era?

Even if they can't defeat the Konoha ninja, what if AOE kills Kazehana Sosetsu?

Rescue operations are always troublesome, especially this kind of rescue that is particularly urgent.

Ninjas with powerful flying summoning beasts are rare in any hidden village.


Makoto was still pondering.

Realizing Makoto's hesitation, Pakura continued to suggest.

"It's definitely too late now. In my opinion, please be prepared to deal with further high pressure from the enemy!"

Even from the enemy's point of view, he and Kazehana Koyuki shouldn't have completely turned against each other at this time. This should be a complete accident.

But now that it has happened, what both sides can do is deal with the problem.

No matter why Kazehana Doto fought with his brother, now that he has taken action, he must succeed.

Once he starts to rebel, there is absolutely no way he can turn back.

And once he succeeds, what he will do next is to become an enemy of Konoha even more sharply... Konoha will never let go of this stain on him. Only when the road goes dark will the financial backer behind him, his father, continue to support him.

The same is true for Konoha...

"Pakura, you are right, but... Kakashi, are you willing to take a risk?"


Kakashi was confused – from the beginning, Makoto's worries were different from Pakura's.

Pakura felt that it was definitely too late and could only fight. Makoto was thinking about who to attack.

If Jiraiya and he take action personally, that is of course the most stable, and there is basically no possibility of any setbacks.

But the Yugakure doesn't seem to be that strong yet... Moreover, this is a great opportunity to gain military merit.

The Fourth Ninja World War is over, and there is no need to continue fighting. This is naturally what Makoto is happy to see. But it is undeniable that in the logic of ninjas, the most important thing is always military merit.

Without military merit, even if he is Hokage, it will be very troublesome for him to promote people.

But now...

Makoto looked at Kakashi seriously.

Kakashi, who had been busy around Makoto, quickly reacted.

"You mean... using the Black Hawk?"

The Black Hawk is an improved model of those individual aircraft obtained from Sora-nins.

I have to say that the guys in the Soragakure group are a bit manipulative. Using fairly simple logic, they solved the ninja's flight problem.

In their design, they directly used the ninja's chakra as the engine, and coupled with two large wings, it became an aircraft.

It sounds simple and irritable, but in practice... it's really doable.

Makoto once suspected that these guys were greenskins.

But in any case, these aircraft can indeed be used, and the speed is extremely fast, and the operation difficulty is extremely low – those two big wings obviously have a mystery and should be the product of long calculations. Unfortunately, Makoto is a mechanical idiot and can't understand it at all.

Fortunately, he didn't need to understand.

Those Konoha ninja designers can understand it.

Therefore, under their modification, these aircraft have been strengthened in all aspects.

Faster, better, and more stable without adding too much weight.

Even with Kakashi's limited chakra capacity, he can easily fly over quickly.

Because it has been specially reinforced, this thing is no longer as afraid of ninjutsu attacks as before.

But no matter what, this thing has only gone through simulated combat and has not been tested in actual combat, so it is still a bit dangerous.

Kakashi is very skilled, but after all, this is his first time in the air force, so Makoto needs to ask his opinion.

"Yeah, you know that thing."

"As for the Black Hawk..." Kakashi shook his fist, "After this is over, can you let me play for three extra days?"

This bastard is actually thinking about this...

"Two days, no more."

After five seconds of quick bargaining, Kakashi finally got the right to use the Black Hawk for three days.

So the boy who was finally able to get rid of the paperwork cheered. He called the members of the Hokage Guards and ran to the warehouse of the Konoha Research Institute together.

There, a total of fourteen Black Hawk aircraft were ready.

... ...

At the same time, Representative Iwagakure and Yugito were also in the secret room, discussing the next strategy.

They couldn't tell that Kirigakure was in trouble with Konoha.

After all, Kirigakure had looked for them before.

Although they couldn't figure out why Kirigakure would come up with such a strategy that was almost the same as suicide.

At least, it shouldn't be now.

But things have happened, and all they can do is aim at the opportunity to see if they can get what they want.

The two representatives have similar ideas. The same situation also gives the two sides a basis for in-depth cooperation. When it comes to actual negotiations, there are some practical difficulties - because they didn't know what Makoto wanted to do with bulrush, nor did they know why Kirigakure was crazy.

"That guy Makoto always does things backwards, that's all. Why does Kirigakure this time..."

"Not sure."

The two kept discussing and had difficulty making practical decisions.

Fortunately, at this time, subordinates on both sides sent crucial information.

"Kazehana Doto started a rebellion... The ship that Kazehana Sosetsu is on is being fiercely attacked by Kazehana Doto..."

The information description was very ordinary, but both of them had already smelled the opportunity.

"Hurry up and inform the village to prepare for armed negotiations!"

With the rebellion of Kazehana Doto, he had no way out. He could only continue to embarrass Konoha in order to gain further support from Kirigakure.

No matter what Kirigakure has to rely on, they will definitely have to compete with Konoha.

By that time...