Rumors of a Heart Demon

After the makeover, Kakuzu, Kazehana, and Hiruko came together at the night market next to the Konoha Arena.

Orochimaru was not traveling with them.

To be precise, is not Hiruko's peer... they were originally close friends, but after tearing their faces apart many years ago, now meet again, it's a little...

Today, the competition in the arena has ended, and even the doors of the arena have been closed. However, for the night market, the real bustle has just begun.

The Imperial Trial Combination was far more popular than Makoto had imagined.

It could be that people had been repressed for too long and just liked these hard bridges and real fights.

It could be that the addition of the name Mikado has made even those from the old school pay extra attention.

Or maybe... gamblers?

Or was it something else?

All in all, the imperial trial has become the hottest topic in the Land of Fire, and it has truly made it out of the circle.

Not only did the young people like to watch it, even the old people and children liked it just as much.

Especially when the ninja from their own country came on the stage, regardless of whether they recognized them or not, people always cheered and offered their blessings without any care.

Because it was so popular, it even greatly boosted the sales of TVs.

This side of the contest's audition stage hadn't even been fully played out yet, the first stage of Makoto's that Angel of Peace had already been completed.

That president, at first, was almost about to hug Makoto and lick and kiss him - but he refused.

Now Makoto's ninja score had come to 37 points without anyone noticing.

However it wasn't just the TV manufacturers that were affected by the trend.

The vast majority of the participating ninjas were not native Konoha ninjas, and as they had traveled a long way, they naturally had a need to consume. For security reasons, it was impossible for Konoha to let them enter the hinterlands, so all of this group stayed in Konoha's night market.

Many of this group of participating ninjas were outlaws. To them, money and wealth were things outside of their bodies. Regardless of what the future held, the present definitely had to be cool.

So after satisfying the need for lodging, all sorts of messy requests came in.

If there was a market, there would naturally be a demand. Coupled with the fact that Makoto did not prohibit it, the night market on the outskirts of Konoha, naturally flourished more and more.

At this time three people standing in front of the night market, into the eye is a very lively scene, like a fair.

Fishing goldfish, selling flowers, all kinds of snacks and customs, everything.

"It looks like Godaime Hokage has the intention of converting this place into a resident zoning district. -

"Using a universal program to drive the development of the surrounding industry? ...Hmph, it is indeed something that Hokage who fell into the eye of money can do!"

Kazehana Doto had at least been a real power figure in the Land of Snow before, and although he was essentially a benevolent ruler in general, it didn't prevent him from seeing certain plans of Makoto.

"That's right, I think so too."

"But isn't this a good strategy? Ordinary people make a little extra money, ninjas from far away get services, and Konoha gets an extra tax... so the money flows and everyone benefits!"

The relationship between Kakuzu and Kazehana Doto was, to put it bluntly, one of using and being used, but on an extremely rare occasion, the two reached a consensus.

"Kakuzu-san, you think so too? I thought... this could really be..."

"Hmph, killing people isn't as fast as those in finance? It's not like I have to kill people."

The rare common thoughts made the two people look at each other a little more smoothly, but the face of Hiruko, who had wrapped his entire body in a straitjacket, was a solemn face.

"No... night market, why is it so quiet?"

From the surface, the night market in front of him was indeed very lively, but in the eyes of the ninja, it was incomparably calm - there were quite a few ninjas or whatever other characters inside that possessed chakra, but there was not a single one of them that presumed to use chakra.

This was a very strange thing.

If you say that the Konoha ninja with their strict laws and regulations were just fine, those small forces with ulterior motives would be so quiet?

Even if they were quiet, what about those bandits, robbers, and even petty thieves?

The larger the gathering, the more difficult it is to manage, and the more difficult it is to deal with when things go wrong.

But this night market... in front of us is excessively quiet.

Kakuzu and Kazehana Doto also did not know the reason for this.

So, the three decided to go in and take a look.

By the way, they reported it.

After all, they were here to make trouble.

All three were veteran ninjas and had prepared various false identifications before the operation. What they didn't expect, however, was that the registration was exceptionally easy.

The Konoha ninja in charge of registration basically just casually glanced at them and gave them a contestant qualification card, a sort of proof of identity.

The three of them carefully examined this player's qualification card for a while, and there was indeed a very simple small seal inside. This seal was nothing powerful, but it was the key to allowing them to enter the arena.

Moreover, this small seal looked ordinary, but it was extremely tricky to imitate, and could not be cracked in a moment.

"Don't lose it, we don't have a copy of this thing either. -

"If you lose it, the referee can rule that you've lost - don't be displeased, as a ninja, if you can't even protect your personal belongings, you don't have the right to call yourself a ninja."

After the Konoha ninja in charge of registration had finished speaking so simply, he went on busying himself.

Seeing that they couldn't ask anything, the three of them simply left the registration office. After following the flow of people for a while, the trio stopped in front of a makeshift ramen stand with an Ichiraku logo.

As they moved forward, they encountered quite a few ninjas. These ninjas were strong and weak, good and evil, but all of them were very peaceful.

Even if there were the occasional boisterous ones, they were just playing around with their friends and did not look like they were picking fights.

They couldn't figure it out for a while, so they decided to fill their stomachs first.

Both Hiruko and Kazehana Doto paid honestly.

Their disguise was perfect, and Konoha's patrols were fairly tight, but as long as they didn't actively pick a fight, Konoha wouldn't be able to find out for a while.

Instead of taking the money, Kakuzu took out a few discount coupons.

"Ah, this is..."

"It's a discount coupon I got from the Kusagakure shopping street there earlier, I heard that these discount coupons are universal as long as they're in the Land of Fire area, right?"

"Actually, it's not completely universal, for example, in the territory of those big landowners, it's..." the young man named Ichiraku replied so, but took the discount coupon anyway, "but as long as it's our Konoha property. It's all fine... Guest how many malls did you run to when you collected so many discount coupons... -

"Ah, sorry for saying strange things. -

"Guest, may I ask what you would like to order?"

Thus, Kakuzu ordered an eighty ryo specialty Ichiraku ramen with zero ryo.

Lol to that.


After the three said that in unison, they stopped talking and ate their noodles.

Very quickly, other customers came in front of the stall. Seeing that Little Brother was busy doing business and didn't have time to pay attention to them, the three of them then started talking again.

"Hear that?"


"No wonder it's so quiet, it turns out that a lot of people are preparing to use this opportunity to make a name for themselves as a way to defect to the five major ninja villages... especially Konoha..."

Konoha's development in the past few months could be said to be obvious to all. And the rumors about Konoha's affluence had been spread all over the world by someone through various means.

Ninjas from other regions fixed their eyes and realized that the rumors were not rumors.

Konoha was indeed, truly rich.

Families in Konoha, even if they weren't ninja, even if they were single parents, as long as they were down to earth and willing to do their job, there was absolutely no problem in mixing it up.

Often times, the problem in Konoha is not that the wages are not high, but that there are too few native villagers in Konoha and not enough labor.

Even with the addition of ninjas and small children, there is still a shortage of labor everywhere.

In this era, the status of ninjas wasn't too high. But girls who wanted to marry into Konoha, even to ordinary Konoha villagers, could be said to be a dime a dozen - after all, the money was real.

But Konoha was relatively strict in their scrutiny in this regard. Unless one is considered by them to be gifted with special talents, or is indeed loyal to Konoha, only then will they break the rules of income.

Of course, there was also a special channel - the Konoha Green Card.

Makoto never closed this channel of admission, and now, as Konoha's prestige is rising, more and more also want to join among the Konoha through this way.

But the Konoha green card is equally bad to get... But if you can get a little place in the arena competition...

"No wonder they are all so quiet... After all, if you can't beat them, you can join them, and for ninjas from small forces, it's an opportunity. -

"Unless it's killing a father's vengeance like this... But like this kind of person, killing an accidental release, it is estimated that it won't take long before it will be cleaned up by the Anbu... Unless it's a rank like ours... -

"But in that case, it will be difficult to do."

Before starting the operation, Kazehana Doto didn't devise a very precise plan - would Konoha not have the slightest preparation for something as big as organizing the Imperial Trial Combination?

It wasn't like Godaime Hokage was some kind of reckless person.

It was foreseeable that all possible successful programs would be blocked by him in various ways.

According to Kazehana Doto's idea, it was to arrive at the scene first and then quietly wait for the right moment - after all, Konoha had made a lot of money over the years, but had more enemies. Such a good opportunity could be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if one missed it, there was no telling when one would have to wait.

Surely there will be people who can not help but do it, at that time, they just need to push the wave a little.

However, after the Kazehana Doto really arrived at the place, he helplessly realized that things seem to be not quite the same as he imagined.

This thought Konoha reversal, he only need to ascend to the top... result of the whole damn day people.

"Become a king or a bandit, how can there be courage without strategy."

Compared to some anxious Kakuzu and Kazehana Doto, Hiruko appears to be wise.

"Then you say, what should we do?"

Instead of answering directly, Hiruko asked rhetorically.

"Have you ever caught a large beast?"

"That goes without saying!"

Kazehana Doto had literally captured large prey with his brute strength alone without using chakra.

Even though the Land of Snow was icy and snowy all year round, there were still some animals that were able to survive in the polar regions.

And the reason why Kazehana Doto is straining to catch those large prey is not for the poor output on them, it is purely to use this to tell the people of the country the fact that they are .

Riding a polar bear, beating a beluga whale single handedly, and even waving an anchor single handedly to split the waves... These things, he has done all of these things.

Kazehana Doto is very clear that some people just like to follow strong people.

Just like those Yuki-nin.

But damn, damn... in the hearts of those people, he is still no better than his brother!

Just because he was the younger brother!

"Then how are we supposed to subdue a herd of ferocious mammoths if all we have in our hands right now are simple weapons like throwing spears?"

Kazehana Doto began to seriously think about this question.

Because he had experience himself, he quickly thought of a way.

"For human hunters, mammoths are simply too powerful. Among the laws of beasts, weight and fighting strength are directly proportional. If we fight them head on, we might get kited in one shot. -

"But in other words, since we have weapons in our hands, why do we need to fight them head on? Mammoths look wild and fierce, but they won't fight like us hunters. All we need to do is find the weakest mammoth and run a throwing spear through its body. -

"The stronger the creature, the more it needs a vigorous flow of blood. With the throwing spear constantly depleting its stamina, it won't take long for us to... hmm?"

"You found Konoha's weakness?"

Now, even Kakuzu, who had been quietly eating his noodles, turned his head and looked curiously at Hiruko.

"Ah, found it... from a long time ago I found it... -

"Konoha's weakness is the clan they rely on."

Saying so, Kiruko turned his gaze to a passing Hyuuga ninja.

Since there was no malicious intent, it didn't attract that Hyuuga ninja's alarm.

Before the other party could look back, Hiruko had already averted his gaze, as if it was an unintentional mis-touch.

"I have to say, the Shodaime Hokage is a man of great vigor and courage! Although to this day, I have left Konoha, I still say that this is a marvelous man. -

"He took the initiative to give up the hatred of his two own brothers, united the Uchiha, and put an end to the endless succession of wars. And he invited Hinata, as ballast, by which he built the entire Konoha system... -

"From the viewpoint of that time, these were the most correct choices. But what about now..."

Speaking of this, Hiruko heatedly smiled wryly.

Kakuzu and Kazehana Doto didn't react at first, but after a few moments of silence, the two of them finally understood what Hiruko was planning to do - tear the relationship between Konoha's clan ninjas and ordinary ninjas.

Clan ninjas and ordinary ninjas were never equal.

No matter how much propaganda was propagated from the outside, this was something that always existed.

For ordinary ninja who lived in constant war, it was already a struggle for them to barely keep their family name intact - even as in the case of Makoto, whose entire clan was destroyed in an endless war.

This is not the case with the great clan ninjas.

Take the most famous Uchiha and Hyuga as an example, their own huge numbers as well as powerful bloodlines allow them to survive no matter what horrors strike them.

They could even manage to have supreme experts from generation to generation.

This was something that others could not do in any way.

Even more, they could accumulate many things that ordinary ninja would never dare to think of in the midst of a difficult war.

The most intuitive example was all kinds of money and stores.

They don't even need to rob as well as all kinds of special means, as long as a little bit of accumulation, they can naturally gather huge wealth.

As well as more, can't use the conventional to describe the wealth.

For example, prestige, hiden , all kinds of blackmail...

On the 100-meter track called life, ordinary ninjas are born after the starting line, while certain family ninjas, are born directly after the finish line.

For ordinary ninjas, many of the things that they need to fight to the death for, for clan ninjas, they have it from birth.

"The world is never fair, but the sheer size of the gap between clan ninjas and ordinary ninjas is even greater to the extent that it is intolerable!"

Hiruko knows this feeling very well, the reason why he left Konoha back then was precisely because as an ordinary ninja he couldn't endure this kind of bone-breaking jealousy, and went and touched certain taboos, and that's why he was expelled by the Sandaime...

"Why should some people be born with it without any effort. -

"While we struggle all our lives and can't have it? -

"The world shouldn't be like this."

Kakuzu sniffed and just laughed coldly.

"The world is supposed to be like this! If it's not like this, do you want us, who have far superior stances, to go and do some ushering around like that ramen apprentice, and live our lives with fake smiles on our faces every day? -

"We're all just like him, and that makes it fair? Forcing the strong to become the weak is the greatest injustice in the world! -

"Some people are born to run fast, some people are born to jump high, and some people are born to have good physical... strength aren't they all the same? You're just jealous! -

"If you want to be truly fair, unless everything that all people are born with is all converted into money and then divided equally between everyone!"

What kind of character Kakuzu was, both of them knew it by heart, this was an ultimate money fanatic.

In his eyes, only money could be trusted.

The other two didn't have any thoughts of arguing with him any further, Kazehana Doto hurriedly interjected, following the head of Hiruko's words.

"I have understood your thoughts, and I also feel that this problem exists within Konoha. But Konoha is still quite harmonious right now, I'm afraid that even if you take the initiative to expose it, it won't be of much use..."

"No, useful, very useful." Hiruko tapped the table lightly with his fingers, "Humans are ultimately visual creatures, and the vast majority of information in a lifetime is obtained by both eyes. -

"There are many things you tell them even if they think you're right, but in their minds, they still underestimate the seriousness of it - because they haven't actually seen it with their own eyes. -

"Konoha... No, the entire ninja world is so unfair. Before they were limited by the war, no one had time to think about that. But now, is there a more intuitive platform than this for them, this Imperial Trial Combination...? -

"Ordinary ninjas, they just can't beat clan ninjas. -

"Our passionate blood is just not able to beat the accumulation of several generations of others. -

"It's not because they don't work hard, but under the innate injustice, effort becomes a joke. When people find out from the competition list that the number of clan ninja powerhouses takes up more than ninety percent of the list... the flame called jealousy is naturally born."

Poison, so damn poisonous.

Kazehana Doto wanted to say that, but the one who came up with this idea was his teammate, so it was fine.

In fact, in all seriousness, Kazehana Doto was not a ninja with kekkei genkai.

But he didn't care about that.

As far as he was concerned, his hatred for his older brother, and this world, existed first and foremost.

"So what you're saying is... -

"We just need to keep stirring up the two sides while we fight - can't we, as the victors, taunt those ordinary shinobi? Suddenly suffering a crushing defeat and having their sores forcibly opened, what they will think is needless to say... -

"In the limelight, people with similar strengths were defeated because of boring reasons like kekkei genkai... No one can swallow this, right? -

"As huge as Konoha is, it can't carry the tendency to constantly tear itself apart - it will even die faster because of it. -

"Jealousy is something that never makes sense."

Because he himself had a similar experience, Hirko knew exactly what those ordinary ninja were thinking.

Underneath the simple words, it was a move to kill.

Kazehana Doto thought deeply.

But Kakuzu was still a bit against it.

"A guy as perceptive as that... probably only got the slightest inkling of what you were doing before Godaime forcibly held you down..."

"Aha, that's for sure. After all, it's the most unruly existence among all generations of Hokage." Hiruko agreed with Kakuzu this time, "But what if Godaime himself was among the calculations?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Godaime Hokage, he, himself, has a kekkei genkai. His bloodline, that is, comes from the Kurama clan."

Hiruko was from the same era as the Sannin, and in terms of power, he might not be able to compare to the Sannin. But after staying in Konoha for such a long time, he naturally knew the secrets that many people did not know.

"The kekkei genkai of the Kurama clan, there is a problem."

"Problem, what problem?"

"This clan's kekkei genkai is long on genjutsu, but it's also because of the overpowering genjutsu that there are times when they can't distinguish between reality and illusion. The strongest members of the Kurama clan through the generations have basically had this problem. It's just that they usually died early in battle, so the news wasn't broadcasted..."

Whether it was from a ninja's point of view or a clan member's point of view, the Kurama clan would not spread this secret information.

After all, no one likes a less stable teammate.

However, Hiruko had been conducting blood succession experiments since a long time ago, and naturally, the Kurama clan, which was renowned in the field of genjutsu, was on his list of investigations.

But after some research, he realized that there was a big problem hidden in the kekkei genkai of the Kurama clan. The more powerful the Kurama clan's kekkei genkai users were, the more likely they were to fall into the madness they had created...

"Godaime Hokage may not be the strongest when it comes to genjutsu, but with his attainments in genjutsu, it's almost time to get in touch with that problem."

"Really? But how come we haven't heard of it at all before... wait..."

Kakuzu and Kazehana Doto simultaneously rang the chief's words.

"It seems, he really has a problem..."

The three of them looked at each other for a lot of time, and eventually reached a tacit understanding.

Kakuzu: "So, are you going to use drugs? Or some special jutsu? Can you tell us about it? -

"Tell us so we can help you.

Hiruko, however, didn't answer and just smiled wryly.