For You, I Blew Up Three Countries 1

Uchiha Shisui stood blankly in the center of the battlefield, fighting wave after wave of rebel elites that kept charging up.

In front of him was a crazy tide of rebels, and behind him were the even more violent personal guards of the Lord of the Country. These two groups of warriors of the same language and race were now stirring together, madly killing each other.

Although the Land of Tea was a small country without many ninjas, after a full day of fierce fighting, even Uchiha Shisui couldn't help but feel sleepy.

Inadvertently, even the love sword that usually never leaves his body is also chipped out a few mouths.

The tragedy of the war scene in front of him even made him unable to resist remembering the time of the Fourth Ninja World War.

Everyone had gambled everything, and everyone had reasons why they couldn't lose. However the war was cruel, it only allowed for one winner...

Countless ninjutsu were like no money at all, frantically smashing on the ground, blooming one killing flower after another, taking away one life after another that was originally fresh and incomparable.

Now, such a tragic situation happened again in front of him.

Only at this time, what ruled the lives of the crowd was no longer his familiar ninjutsu, but the swords and spears in the hands of the soldiers...

Why is it like this... Why has it become like this... Obviously it shouldn't be like this!

As a veteran who went to war at a single-digit age, Uchiha Shisui had long since gotten used to war.

But no matter how you look at it, the war in front of you is just too strange.

Originally, he had come over to deliver something to the Land of Tea's Lord on Godaime Hokage's orders, and the other party had received him politely.

Uchiha Shisui didn't know what exactly was written in the secret letter, but after reading it, the Land of Tea's Land of Tea was immediately overjoyed, and not only did he stay for dinner, but at the same time, he also ordered someone to find a bottle of Coke, and loudly appreciated it.

"Very fresh, very delicious."

...For a drink, it doesn't seem appropriate to be so evaluated.

However, since it was the State Lord who had opened his mouth, then Uchiha Shisui wouldn't be foolish enough to contradict him to his face, and whatever he said was what he said.

But the next thing this young country lord did, Uchiha Shisui could not understand at all.

Only to see him pull out the cashier's check that was enclosed in the secret letter, and start recruiting in front of Shisui.

Even though the Great War had ended, the people who had been cultivated by the Great War with an abundance of martial virtues still existed.

Even in a small country like the Land of Tea, as long as a banner was erected and enough food and wages were given, there would naturally be people who would come over to become soldiers and be paid.

Not to mention being conscripted by the country's lord.

It's just that the slogans they shouted out were really some...

"Cola Prosperity, Tea Country Prosperity!"

Such a weird slogan could be said to be rare in a hundred years.

Yet what was even weirder was the reaction of those retainers.

Not only did they not follow the orders of the lord of the country, they even concentrated their troops while gathering all the colas they could gather on hand and... pouring them out.

Uchiha Shisui was puzzled, but the two groups of decent big shots really did fight directly over a small bottle of cola.

The battle was extremely fierce for a while, and at the most dangerous time, the personal guard of the Land of Tea's Lord was almost overrun by the enemy - the retainers had surprisingly more troops than the Lord of the Land.

Luckily, Uchiha Shisui protected the middle army and stabilized the heart of the army at the most critical moment.

He alone had consecutively killed a dozen or so experts who had sneaked over and tried to decapitate the Lord of the Land, and the Lord of the Land's side had been greatly demoralized as a result.

And that young Land of Tea's Landlord was also quite decisive, he took the opportunity to put on the great armor that had been passed down from generation to generation by his ancestor, and lifted up the Gun that had been used by his ancestor.

T/N: no, not the firearm gun, the spear-looking gun, but both kills people

He took the initiative to charge into the enemy's formation, slashing and killing, suffering a dozen wounds but still fighting to the death, and eventually shaking the enemy's heart.

In any case, the State Lord was also the orthodoxy of this country. Fighting against the army of the lord of the country, the army of retainers inherently has a psychological burden, not to mention that not everyone is willing to bear the name of a great rebel who killed the lord of the country.

Then, with the help of Uchiha Shisui and the legions that followed, the opponent finally routed.

What followed was round after round of routing battles.

But all in all, other than being a bit more dangerous in the beginning, the later battles weren't that difficult.

The Land of Tea was very small, with only a dozen cities in total, and there weren't many war soldiers to begin with. Seeing that they couldn't defeat the Lord of the Country's legions in a single wave, the morale of the retainers was constantly shaken.

Aside from the few cities at the beginning, all of the later cities could be said to have passed on.

No, it wasn't without any danger.

At the very least, during the attack on the old Penetrator Family's residence city, Uchiha Shisui had felt an extremely powerful chakra from afar.

The owner of that powerful chakra seemed to have sensed him as well.

However, what was odd was that the owner of that powerful chakra did not engage in any entanglement with him, and actually chose to directly retreat, directly burying the scene that could have still been salvaged.

Although it is good for the enemy to leave directly, but... it is really too strange!

How could the two sides suddenly fight over Coke? What exactly is the mystery inside?

And what did that sudden flash of enemies mean?

Uchiha Shisui looked at the legions of state lords who had already won and were burning and killing in the city, catching one after another of the great men with noble blood out of their homes to bleed them out, and for a while he was a little confused about the situation.

This world was changing so fast that even he was a bit confused.

At the end of the day, Uchiha Shisui, who was also burdened with several wounds, came before the Land of Tea's Landlord.

The Land of Tea's Landlord was only in his early twenties this year, and because of his previous morale-boosting venture, he had more wounds than Shisui.

When Shisui met him, the Land of Tea's Country Lord was standing there, receiving on-the-spot bandages from several doctors.

That one bloody wound was painful to look at. But that wasn't what the Land of Tea's Landlord cared about, he just kept chanting.

"How can it be so weak... that the legions I temporarily formed can defeat them... Then my previous ten years, the fear is this group of drunkards? -

"Are all the things my ancestors told me in their dreams true? Wait until someone comes from Konoha to immediately raise an army. It is indeed the best time... -

... In the previous battle, Uchiha Shisui felt that this lord of the country seems to be a bit unreliable, head banging, without any preparation, he directly rises the army. Now it seems that he is far more unreliable than imagined... even believe in the so-called ancestor dreaming this kind of thing...

If, this is really just the result of your wild imagination, then how should this war end... But he won.

In any case, the Lord of Land of Tea won.

The army of retainers, which should have had a huge difference in battle power, was defeated surprisingly quickly, and the group of the country's lords, who were in a weaker position, were instead decided in a single battle.

What the Land of Tea's Landlord had to do next was simple.

He was originally the lord of the country, and only needed to brand those great vassals as rebels, so naturally he could slowly gather the country.

The problems that had kept him bottled up for over ten years were all solved in one go.

"Hahahaha, now I'll see who else can stop me from producing cola, hahahahaha!"

Thinking of the wonderful thing, the Land of Tea's Landlord couldn't help but laugh out loud. He even fished out a small bag of gold small judgment from his bosom and threw it to Shisui.

"Go back and tell Godaime Hokage that I am aware of his intentions. Once I have slightly reorganized the country, I will go and carry out my agreement with him, so he doesn't have to worry!"

The Koban was actually the gold coins of the Hokage world, and this era rarely used the precious metals gold and silver directly anymore. So more often than not, it was used as an important reward.

T/N: (again), Koban was a Japanese oval gold coin in Edo period feudal Japan, equal to one ryo

Shisui didn't know what important agreement had been reached between the two sides, but since the State Lord had said so, he could only nod his head in agreement.

Once he had decapitated his enemy's head, the Land of Tea's Landlord looked extremely excited. He didn't care that his body was still bleeding, and had people bring in a television set.

"What a pain in the ass today! The world is bound to be appreciating my martial fame! -

"Quickly turn it on for me, I want to see how the world is evaluating me!"

...This State Lord seemed to be even more unreliable than Shisui had imagined.

But the men didn't dare to disobey the orders of the State Lord, they hurriedly turned on the TV and began to change the station for the State Lord.

Granted, television is currently the most popular in the Land of Fire, and all other countries are relatively average. But after all, they are the lords of the country and the great nobles, so they can still see it if they want to.

It's this content above...

By all rights, the Land of Tea was in civil unrest, and the Land of Tea's national lord had won a great victory, so how could it be on the front page of the news?

Even if it wasn't yet known that the Land of Tea's Landlord had won a great victory due to the timeliness of the news, at the very least it should have been broadcast that both sides were in the middle of a fierce battle.

But in reality, the vast majority of the TV stations were broadcasting one thing - under the wise leadership of the Land of Fire's Daimyo, Konoha had deployed hundreds of elites to finally retrieve a tugou for a certain poor little girl, for a certain poor little girl.

On the screen, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire smiled warmly and looked amiable, while the little girl and puppy on the side all had numb expressions... This is normal. After all, no matter which child comes into contact with the head of state up close for the first time, he will be numb... what is normal!

We are at war!

"Why are they all reporting on that dog! We're at war in the Land of Tea!"

"Is a dog more important than the lives of countless people here?"

"Is it more important than me!"

No one was able to answer in the face of the Lord of the Land's rant.

Of course, there were exceptions.

The exception was the Fire Lord's capital TV station, which was the only one broadcasting a food program.

After realizing this, the Land of Tea's Landlord became even more angry.

Then... he fainted.

After all, the injuries on his body weren't embellishments.

Because of the Country Lord's sudden fainting, as well as the chaos that would inevitably follow a war, the entire scene was in disarray.

It was just that as Uchiha Shisui stood on a high place, gazing at all this in front of him, he suddenly felt a pulsation of the times for no reason at all.

"It's different from the Warring States Era now, every year nowadays will see more changes than the previous hundred years! -

"History and great men and women are lapping over like waves, and only the strongest who fight their way forward can seize that flash of opportunity. And what should I... do?"

Uchiha Shisui held the imperial coin given to him by Makoto, and in his heart, he gradually had an answer.

... ...

The war in the Land of Tea ended, and Shisui returned with a reply letter from the Lord of the Land of Tea.

In the letter, the Land of Tea's Lord strongly praised the historical friendship between Konoha and the Land of Tea - even though he hated to kill Makoto's horse in the previous Miso War.

His Highness, the Lord of the Land of Konoha, assured that he would come to Konoha as promised and force Yagura to come to the Konoha Arena by straying from the Land of Water and the Kiri through various means.

Even if he was still hung over from the water, he would definitely come.

The Land of Tea didn't care what Konoha wanted, much less what would happen after Land of Water and Kiri centrifuged themselves.

It only wanted to be fed itself.

If it really can't... it will vote for the Land of Fire.

As long as it gave up its knuckleheads, the smaller countries have always been very firm when it came to not taking a stand.

In that case... it will be fine.

Although some of the things that happened in this war, even Makoto himself felt outrageous.

For example, Land of Tea's Land of Tea this stupid bold, even chose to just get the money and the big ministers flipped, you at least first precipitate a period of time, anyway, have endured for so many years...

Another example is that the family vassal group, whose overall strength is much stronger than the Land of Tea's lord, unexpectedly lost a battle without even a little bit of recovery.

This was by no means something that could be said in the name of an orthodoxy.

The entire battle lasted less than two days in total, and the vassals' men showed an unbelievably low fighting ability...

Perhaps, they themselves had had enough of it long ago?

With the exception of some of their beloved men, they too had long wanted a new life?

Because of the distance and never being the main target of the Raiders, Makoto really wasn't too sure in this regard.

As for the mysterious ninjawho had no contact with Shisui... Makoto actually knew who it was.

It was a certain clone of Nagato.

Before Shisui came back, Makoto had already received messages from Aunt Snake and Kakuzu respectively.

There were no direct clues in the messages, but there were only a few people who could cause trouble for Konoha at this time. And a certain clone of Nagato did leave for a while.

As for what he really wanted, then even Aunt Snake and Kakuzu didn't know.

Perhaps Konan knew.

However, it is almost impossible to sleep with this senior sister.

Makoto secretly speculated that Nagato should not be wanting to duel with him. It is more likely that he wants to give him some trouble, so that he has no time to separate himself, and then... go to catch the tailed beasts.

He had been brewing for almost a year, and it was time to act.

He should not yet know about Konoha wanting to swallow Kiri, or else he would not have let Shisui off so easily this time... But Nagato would not end it there either.

Nagato wouldn't stop until he had Makoto on the ropes and made sure he couldn't make a move.

"This isn't the end, it's just the beginning of the beginning... But for now, this is as far as it goes."

Makoto Makoto sighed, filing away the huge stack of documents from the Land of Tea Raiders, all of them for the time being.

The Land of Tea's matter was over.

Although there was a mess at one point, Konoha had accomplished all of its strategic goals in a way that even Makoto himself was numb to.

Of course, everything has a price... in game terms, that is, diplomatic relations are full, and over expansion has reached a very dangerous level.

Konoha is very strong, and when Makoto develops Naruto and Sasuke into Super Kages, it will be even more invincible.

But Konoha is not the Land of Fire after all.

Compared to the Land of Fire, which was the template for a modern industrialized nation, Konoha was inherently flawed in a number of ways, and it would be difficult to catch up in a short period of time - after all, Konoha had been confined to a military group from the very beginning of the Shodaime's design.

Even if Makoto's current prestige in Konoha allows him to force reform, certain objective constraints still exist... There are too few people.

It's really too few.

Konoha's total population is so many, most of them prefer to become a powerful ninja, and what's worse is that several large companies are in the upswing, it is reasonable to put more trustworthy and excellent close friends...


The kind of top talent that Shikaku brings to the table is far, far too few and far between.

And the group of pups in the Konoha Ninja School can only be said to be just in time for the Fifth Ninja World War that is sure to break out in the future. If you take them out and use them now...

And just like the elephant in the room, the more powerful Konoha becomes, the more likely it is to draw rejection from the big landowners and nobles...

"Last year, I would rather release the Land of Rice as a satellite country than accept it. I am just worried about certain things. Now, the pressure on Konoha is increasing..."

"But the temptation to directly unify the Kiri is just too great, even I can't refuse it."

"This is a real after this village there is no more this store..."

Reality is always like this, either this side is bad or that side is bad, always can't let a person go as smoothly as they want.

After Makoto sighed, he decided to stick to the original program.

Even if he spared the over-expansion to last to the limit, he had to swallow Kiri.

Three against two was always easier than two against three.

As long as we don't blow up...

Makoto thought so, but just at this time, another Anbu brought him bad news.


"The Lord of the Land of Sea can't travel for the time being due to domestic economic problems..."

You guys, you all patted your chests and said that there was no problem, but when it comes to the departure, you all drop the ball for me!

Africa's rebel team is more professional than you guys!

Land of Tea side is the king of the country and his own little brother dry up, you and what is the matter?

"Bring me all the scrolls and information about the Land of Sea... Hah, their family scallops ran away?"