Angel of Peace

Makoto adjusted his equipment, took off his Hokage Robe and replaced it with an infrared jacket, and without taking any of his men with him, he just left Konoha with the Bodo Greatsword alone.

This was very much not in line with Makoto's usual method of warfare.

Almost all the enemies who had some knowledge of Makoto knew that he was the kind of guy who would definitely use money to solve problems if he could, and would definitely fight in a group if he could, and wouldn't think of fighting one on one.

Now that he was sneaking on the road alone, it was really a bit strange.

But it is also because it is strange, not like Makoto can do things... Perhaps, this is the result he wants?

Combat, is an art.

Its test is not only the strength of both sides, but also each other's wisdom, rationality, clinical judgment, and even... luck.

Anyway, no matter what Nagato really thinks, and no matter how Kakuzu and Aunt Snake are fooled, he just left Konoha, and then ran towards the Land of Whirlpools.

He was gone for most of the day.

Although he couldn't feel it, Makoto had always understood in his heart that Nagato must be secretly observing him.

And Makoto could be certain that Nagato would definitely strike.

Because in this world, the one who is most likely, most capable of interfering with Nagato's capture of the Bijus is him...

Nagato's capture of the tailed beast does not necessarily require Nagato's personal action, but if Konoha led by Makoto cannot be restrained...

With both sides having a large number of open cards, the options on both sides were actually quite limited.

As Makoto thought, Nagato did come.

Makoto, who now had 37 ninja points, was no better than before, and was already far stronger than the current Jiraiya.

As he feigned fatigue and came to rest under a large tree in the sky, he suddenly had a very marvelous feeling.

It was a feeling that was hard to describe, it was like shaking a closed box in his hand. Although one could not open it, one could determine from the sound that returned from within that there was something inside.

Makoto did not ignore this small premonition.

Realizing that it might be Nagato coming, he immediately started pulling monsters.

"The world is long apart from the earth, and the prison is whipped, back in the day..."


Before Makoto's side of the taunt could finish, there were countless hidden weapons and ninjutsu like a flash flood, madly rushing towards Makoto.

In front of these ninjutsu torrents, the originally lush and green giant tree didn't even last for a split second, and was directly broken into pieces all over the sky.

Ding ding dong dong...

Realizing that the main man had really come, Makoto didn't hesitate in the slightest and directly drew the Bodo greatsword behind him, constantly blocking the ninjutsu that were rushing towards him.

This wave of attack was fast and furious, if the strength was a little bit worse, the probability was that they wouldn't even be able to use their ninjutsu, and they would be taken away directly.

Super Kage level ninjas, each and every one of them was a true hexagonal warrior. Roots a little worse, the opponent does not even need to use a big move, only the simplest techniques can destroy their enemies.

It was just like Uchiha Madara, dancing in front of a large number of ninja troops.

But Makoto blocked it.

Don't know why, but lately his physical skills had been improving at a fairly fast rate.

Maybe it was the reason for the extra points? Or was it the fact that the Konoha's physical arts masters were constantly feeding him moves this bout?

Even Makoto couldn't be sure.

But all of this didn't matter.

Makoto didn't try to use any jutsu, and just relied purely on his increasing five circumference to easily block it.

To a normal person, the Bodo greatsword was too big, and its weight was also too terrifying. But for Makoto, it was just right.

The sword's shadow swung around, blocking all the attacks for him.

A few seconds later, the torrent of ninjutsu gradually subsided.


Makoto blew out a slightly frivolous breath, and without taking a look at the earth around him that had already been plowed by various ninjutsu, he directly plunged the BodoGreatsword into the ground.

"I say Nagato, even if we're heart-to-heart best friends, there's no need for you to give me such a warm welcome as soon as you come up here, is there? -

"Don't you want to talk first?"

Along with Makoto's frivolous words, six strange ninjas wearing red cloud robes on a black background appeared in front of Makoto.

It was the six avatar.

In the last battle, Makoto had once seperated the Six Paths to give a considerable amount of damage. But now that so much time had passed, Nagato had of course long since repaired all of the injuries on the avatars.

He even replaced those few damaged doubles with more powerful avatars.

-Even though the Rikudo avatars are essentially nothing more than all corpses, as you can see from Tendo Pain's case, the dead, if they were strong enough in life and Nagato was attentive enough to adjust them, will always be much stronger in battle than doppelgangers pulled together haphazardly.

Tendo Pain had nearly whacked Naruto all by himself.

"...Shut up."

Probably because he felt that, in the last battle, both sides had already exposed a great deal of their cards, and there was no need to keep up the pretense at this time, Tendo Pain spoke directly.

It's just that this person is of poor quality…

"Hey hey hey, you guy, no need to be so fierce."

"If you don't open your mouth, I can still keep a little good impression for you in my heart."


Makoto once again gripped the hilt of the Bodo Greatsword and charged towards Rikudo Pain. And without the slightest hesitation, Pain directly collided with Makoto.

The first thing Makoto wanted to cut was, of course, the nurse Naraka Path.

No matter what time of the day it was, there was always nothing wrong with cutting the back row nurse first.

However, Nagato clearly understood the strengths and weaknesses of his six avatars better than Makoto - he directly resisted Makoto with his Tendo Pain.


Tendo Pain and Makoto simultaneously launched their swords, and the Yama sword and the Bodo Greatsword clashed heavily together.

Visible to the naked eye, the blade of the Yama sword trembled. On the other hand, the thick-skinned Bodo Greatsword was unchanged.

It wasn't that there was anything wrong with the two men's moves, Tendo Pain's physical strength were also formidable, it was purely in the type of weapon that Tendo Pain suffered a big loss.

Relatively thin katana encountered heavy European big sword, also came to a hard contact, Tendo Pain can take advantage of it is strange.

However, Makoto was not happy at all.

He already knew that in terms of pure strength, Tendo Pain couldn't stop him.


"Hey, be careful, that's my family's sword!"

"You abandoned your dreams yourself and you're telling me to be careful?"

"Hey, don't say such words that outsiders can't understand, you'll be spat on!"

After a slight contact between the two sides, both Makoto and Tendo Pain realized something - in the past few months, Nagato had actually improved. But... Makoto had improved even more.

Before that, he had needed a large number of experts to slow down the Six Paths avatar, to divide Nagato's energy, and even to use highly poisonous weapons.

But now, he was able to completely rely on his own strength and fight against Nagato.

Even as a heretic, Nagato never took action from beginning to end.

But... giving up the fight because of the enemy's strength was not Nagato's reason either.

"Shinra Tensei."

Tendo Pain raised his hand and flicked Makoto out.

Makoto had known that this guy had such a move, and had already prepared for it when the fight started. As soon as Nagato raised his hand on his side, Makoto had already retreated.

He had recently invested very heavily in his Taijutsu, and although he was not yet able to obtain unparalleled instantaneous explosive power like that of Eight Gates, the stronger and more stable white value also allowed Makoto to better utilize his power.

The powerful repulsive force swept across everything in the surroundings, but failed to harm a single corner of Makoto's coat.

Tendo Pain had known this, and there was no change on his face - from the very beginning, he hadn't thought of hurting Makoto with this move.

What he really wanted to do was to have the Naraka Path and Asura Path rush forward and isolate Makoto from the Animal Path and Human Path as well as the Naraka Path.

The duties of the six avatars were quite clear; the Neva Path was the strongest and was the ballast. The Preta Path was the meatiest, and could resist all damage, including senjutsu attacks, head on.

The Asura Path attacked extremely ferociously, and would even use all sorts of technological weapons - including laser cannons.

The Animal Path summons stragglers and can use summoning jutsu to snatch other avatars to their side at critical moments to avoid dying on the spot.

Naraka Path, on the other hand, is the standard nursemaid.

Comparatively speaking, the Human Path has the weakest attack. However, when fighting the Human Path, the margin for error was the lowest, and if he caught a chance to capture a soul, it would be a direct death.

Makoto's medical ninjutsu could simply be described as tragic, and Nagato would definitely not let him kill the milkmaid easily. It would be quite unfavorable for him once he got into a tug-of-war.

So... must kill Asura path and Preta path first!


When activating this hiden, everything in front of Makoto turned red. It was clear that he hadn't activated Otosumaho, and his consciousness was in a trance.

However, there was no relationship.

Because as Makoto put tremendous pressure on his heart, more blood, more energy began to flow through his body.

His power increased vigorously and exploded, instantly valleys to an unprecedented state.

The more he used Kaminiyotte, the more Makoto felt that this forbidden art was almost as if Nidaime had developed it specifically for him.

It would be difficult for a normal person to use Kaminiyotte all the time, because Kaminiyotte was essentially a direct overload of the heart.

Even if he is as powerful as the Magnetic field warrior, his heart is one of his absolute weaknesses.

T/N: no idea what the 'magnetic field warrior' is, but it's a Chinese online novel

But Makoto didn't care about that.

Because his physique was constantly rising.

Even more powerful kekkei genkai ninja, their body also has an upper limit where it is difficult to develop twice or even three times. Even with the right amount of exercise, the body ultimately has a limit.

But Makoto did not.

The system doesn't care about the five point limit.

It can break through directly if it wants to.

Moreover, the Suo Clan's kekkei genkai also allowed Makoto to be completely indifferent to the damage to his internal organs.

When he felt that his heart was going to die, he would just pinch one out and have a medical ninja with an acceptable level replace it for him.

As Makoto invested more and more points into his physique, his compatibility with the Kaminiyotte hiden became better and better.

Even when using it, it really gave him a feeling of inviting the gods into his body - inviting the gods into his body was Kaminiyotte !

It s a pity that the problem of descending demons still can't be solved, otherwise... he can t change a brain for himself, right?

The berserk power energized Makoto's spirit, and before the other five paths could step in to stop him, he had already slammed his fist fiercely into Preta Path's chest.

Preta Path subconsciously put his hands on his chest, blocking the path of Makoto's punch.

However, it was useless.


Makoto's punch directly pierced through his opponent's arm and chest, and even sent all those black rods inserted inside Preta Path flying.

Taking this heavy blow, Preta Path couldn't resist either. He didn't even have time to let out a mournful cry before he directly collapsed to the ground, no longer moving.

Makoto had knocked down Preta Path once before, and this time, Preta Path was similarly destroyed by his blow.

No... Nagato keenly perceived the difference.

"You, you've gotten stronger again... so much stronger!"

The Preta Path was used to resist damage from the beginning of its existence. Nagato's development of him could be said to be quite successful, and no jutsu or genjutsu would work well against Preta Path.

If there weren't enough of them, Senjutsu could also be swallowed by Preta Path.

The only time it faces purely Taijutsu...

During the last battle, the Preta Path was broken by Makoto's pure violence. After the battle, Nagato learned from the pain and targeted to enhance the Preta Path's resistance to blows.

Who would have thought that this time when they met, they still couldn't block...

"After all, it took so long to meet once. You'd be disappointed if there wasn't any new tricks, wouldn't you?"

The remaining five of the Six Paths avatars didn't continue their strong attack, and surprisingly chose to retreat for the time being.

However, in the process of retreating, they brought the Preta Path corpse that had been knocked to the ground with them.

Makoto did not stop it.

Both sides knew very well that this was only the first round.

Tendo Pain cocked his head as if he had noticed something.

"You're very tired."


"Even so, are you going to continue fighting?"

Makoto knew that Nagato hadn't used his full strength since the beginning - the truly strongest in the Six Paths system had always been him, the Outer Path.

Even if Tendo Pain was all smashed, as long as Nagato, the original body, still existed, he wasn't considered a loser.

But... how can Makoto be any different.

Right now was not Makoto's full strength either.

He took out a sealing scroll from the ninjutsu pouch on his waist and poured out a watermelon-sized altar from it.

Nagato immediately sensed something wrong with it.

"This... is all Dark Chakra!"

But Makoto didn't care about that, and directly inserted his hand into the altar, channeling all of the massive amounts of chakra stored inside into his body.

These chakras were all dark chakras yes, but Makoto knew more clearly where they came from - Reibi.

Essentially, there was no difference between this altar and those Sealed Altars currently used on the Land of Fire's Three-wheelers.

It was nothing more than the fact that the altar that Makoto was currently using could hold a greater amount of dark chakra with a higher purity.

Makoto's chakra volume had always been small, at the stamina 3 level. However, because of his special fighting style for a long time, his need for chakra wasn't very high, and it wasn't a big problem.

But he knew very well that in the next battle, stronger and stronger enemies were bound to appear.

If it really comes to the time when you have to fight for chakra, what should be done... Makoto's answer is the Reibi.

He could just add points to stamina, but there is no need.

If a three-wheeler can be used, why can't a ninja use it?

It was nothing more than the fact that it required someone with a resolute mind, otherwise it would be easy to be affected by the Dark Chakra.

Makoto thought that his willpower was still good.

-In fact, this was the proper use of Reibi in the Sora-nin's plan, but it was Makoto who had dismantled a good combat weapon into a production and construction tool.

Makoto knew in his heart that as long as he became the Reibi's jinchuuriki, he could directly fill in the problem that his total amount of chakra was insufficient.

The original Reibi was flawed because it wasn't like those true Biju, it didn't have its own independent will, not to mention it couldn't recover itself - Shinno that was a special case, he was truly insane and had completely fused himself with Reibi.

A true Reibi must suck on its human's spiritual and physical power in order to synthesize chakra.

But with Konoha building chakra centers all over the place, that problem is practically reversed.

That is, the technology was not yet up to scratch, and in Makoto's vision, years later, these Chakra centers located all over the world would be interoperable.

They would not only be built in various places with heavy foot traffic, but they could be miniaturized and enter thousands of homes - for example, becoming the energy source for TVs and the like.

The dark emotions that unintentionally escaped from a family of three, combined with the life force of those uninvited flies and mosquitoes in their homes, should last for a long time.

The big deal is that in the future, TV shows will specialize in stuff that will make people's blood pressure pull full.

When TVs or other things became popular all over the world, when everyone had zero-tailed networks around them, Makoto would be able to use them to gather extremely terrifying power in the twinkling of an eye.

Because this power came entirely from the dark side of mankind, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was the full force of the evil side of mankind if it really converged.

But that kind of thing was still a bit far away from now.

Makoto didn't need to use such a horrible thing when he dealt with Nagato.

"Whew, that feels really disgusting. The last time I had a similar feeling was when a can of herring was cooking next door..."

Dark Chakra was never something that made people comfortable, being used as a three-wheeler energy to directly consume it, completely nevertheless the user was just fine, when really touching these things, something hidden deep inside, would burst out involuntarily.

Fortunately, Makoto was able to resist.

"This world is really disgusting, but there are still a lot of beautiful things. Dead reservoir water, thick white legs, and summer fireworks... It would be a shame to lose them like this."

Makoto's spirit drifted off for a moment, then smiled once more and looked at Tendo Pain.

"Round 2!"

... ...

After having the help of Dark Chakra, Makoto was like a tiger with wings. Five of Pain's six paths were soon all beaten down, leaving only Tendo.

After exchanging blows for another half an hour, Tendo Pain was also getting weakened.

Shinra Tensei were indeed powerful, however, the five-second CD had also become a breakthrough after it was discovered.

If it is other people is okay, but it is Makoto this kind of numerical monster... after being forced by this kind of numerical monster to close the short fight, he can't cast any jutsu...

Nagato was not without a chance to turn the tide, but if he wanted to turn the tide, he had to let his main body join the fight as well.

And after joining, the victory or defeat of the two sides still can't be determined... In the end, Nagato chose to retreat.

"The next time we meet..."

Before Nagato finished his words, he had already disappeared without a trace.

He had already achieved his goal of dragging Makoto down for so long.

Makoto didn't pursue either.

There might be a life and death fight between him and Nagato later, but not now.

At least not before killing all those valuables.

In all seriousness, both of them shared the same enemy, which was that group of Noble Objects.

It is just that Nagato's obsession is too deep, and the two of them can't go together after all...

After seeing Nagato leave, Makoto threw away the empty sealing altar and ran towards Konoha.

At this point, no one could stop Konoha anymore.

Although the cost was heavy, he had taken care of the Land of Tea and the Land of Sea in a short period of time, exploded the over-expansion, and fought with Nagato, but it was all worth it...

This time, Obito had to be forced out.

We all share both the highs and the lows, as well as decide life and death.