Interference in the Mizukage Election

With Makoto's introduction, Terumi Mei had gotten to know several well-known bankers in the Land of Fire.

Even though she was in the Land of Water, Terumi Mei had vaguely heard of their names.

These people were indeed the leaders in the financial industry, and their strength was incomparably strong.

...At the same time, each and every one of them is also a top predator that eats people without spitting out bones.

But under Makoto's mediation, nothing unexpected happened.

The two sides did not even open any decent meeting, basically Makoto said a number, and then these several big men began to fill the bill.

So simple.

So simple that Terumi Mei even wondered if these people were actors hired by Makoto - these guys, when did they become so nice?

But they were indeed themselves.

Just like that, Kiri had gotten a large loan from the Land of Fire here at a very cheap interest rate.

Of course, to be on the safe side, this part of the loan would have to go over a few skins.

As for the additional conditions in these loan contracts... in addition to the earmarked funds, there were a few strange conditions that Terumi Mei didn't quite understand when she looked at them...

Yagura obviously read it.

But after sighing, he didn't make too many rebuttals and just let Terumi Mei sign it first.

Terumi Mei eventually signed her name with worry.

However, she didn't have much time to be sentimental, as Makoto soon led her to start a buying activity.

Though it was indeed a mind-numbing thing to watch vast amounts of money slipping out of the account every day. But Terumi Mei also had to admit that this feeling of being rich was really great...

As of right now, there was actually no shortage of manpower in Land of Water. As long as it was a little anthropomorphic, there was absolutely no worry about recruiting people.

Match is not a high-tech industry, find a few masters to bring a few days, go through the process a few times, and the workers will understand it all.

The production line equipment is not a problem, even without Makoto's help, a few bankers move their mouths, the problem is solved.

Transportation, Kiri had already purchased a large number of ships, now naturally not a problem.

Trees and other raw materials... Yagura used his residual influence to have the Kiri Ninja School open the practical course of jerking trees... no, it's a practical course that simulates destroying trees.

Not only was this practical course not hard work, but it even paid money backwards, so it wasn't rejected by the ninja school - after all, ninja students at this stage of their lives couldn't make any money, and most of them were from poor families who were actually happy to spend a little bit of time subsidizing the household.

A little less was fine, after all, they didn't have to work their asses off, and they still managed a meal.

For Kiri, one of the hardest items to start a factory was no other than how to monopolize red phosphorus.

The big mine owners are not fools.

If this money can be earned, they would have earned it themselves, why would they want to bring you?

But we all come out to do business, is just a seek wealth. As long as the price is in place, there's nothing that can't be negotiated.

As long as the money is in place, the big mine owners are naturally willing to give up some of their shares.

As long as the money is in place, there will naturally be lobbyists who are willing to help smooth out all kinds of relationships - for example, to appease the Land of Water daimyo, who was almost blown up.

As long as the money was available, all kinds of production tools, marketing personnel, and even workers could be put in place in the shortest possible time.

Although behind this, all of the money that is burned away... is really burning! No, even if the direct burning money, the fire at least have to burn a few minutes, but now Kiri this situation, really all of a sudden no Kage...

Heartache to heartache, but Terumi Mei's heart is also clear, she had to be so.

Makoto although the early years have a similar title of colorful wolf, but this guy is actually not very tight to the female sex - said harem man, in fact, he is only two women.

The degree of misery is only a little better than Wan Zhen'er's man.

T/N: Wan Zhen'er was an imperial consort during the Ming dynasty and the favorite consort of the Chenghua Emperor, who was 15 to 17 years younger than her

Makoto always maintained a good relationship with her, even when she made actions that were close to reneging on the contract, not because he liked her, but because she was a reformist.

Makoto was more happy to form this kind of political alliance than physically eliminating his enemies by force.

He hoped to unite more people to his side this way - splitting up Kiri and killing people were actually two different things.

Obviously, this guy's ambition had never been any kind of Shinobi world domination.

But if the next Kage of Kiri is conservative... then there won't be much love to speak of...

Terumi Mei sighed, but still could only walk on this arduous path.

Things were going well for a while because there was plenty of money to grease the wheels.

The only problem was time.

After all, no matter how much lubrication is used, it always takes a bit of time for a factory to go from construction to profitability... Fortunately, Yagura had delayed the election process through various means.

The conservative guys didn't object either.

After all, Yagura is still alive.

A Kage-class expert like this could influence the judgment of many people in itself.

Not to mention that he was also a Perfect Jinchuuriki.

The conservative faction also needed time to contact more people...

After another while, Kakashi also returned from the Land of Sea. It felt like it was about time, so the four of them sat on the bed together, lit candles, and started working on their next move.

"So why do we have to do this in the middle of summer, with the lights off and candles lit! Aren't you guys hot?"

Terumi Mei's protests were directly ignored by the three older children.

Like a hamster, Yagura nibbled on a senbei while analyzing the situation at hand.

"As we all know, our Kirigakure, like you Konoha, has an election system. -

"After all the previous trials and tribulations, there are currently thirty-six elite Jonin in our Kiri who have voting groups."

At this point, Yagura was calm on the surface, but Makoto and Kakashi both noticed that the bastard was almost biting his back teeth - could not hate it, how many hardcore of the Mizukage faction did the Brother 'Bitoo screw over, and even more so, he made countless people centrifuged.

That is, Yagura is still alive, otherwise Terumi Mei just clean up the mess, do not know how much effort to spend...

All in all, elite Jonin with voting rights were different from ordinary Jonin.

They were usually older, stronger, and more trusted by the village. The most crucial thing was that they had to cast their precious vote for the ninja who trusted them.

"Originally, we, the Mizukage faction, had the most, but... overall, there are still eight who are willing to unconditionally support Terumi Mei and I. I've already double-checked this point. -

"And those who support the conservative faction, there are ten. -

"That is to say, we need to get as many supporters as possible among the remaining eighteen Jonins."

Now that the votes were two short, it didn't seem like a big problem, but it was actually very serious - because these Elite Jonin were basically older ninja.

It wasn't that there weren't wise people among these ninja, but age and experience dictated that when they acted, even if the conditions were the same, they would favor a more conservative and cautious strategy.

As a ninja, this was fine.

After all, the prodigal ones were always prone to die first.

But if you vote...

In other words, even if there wasn't that mess caused by Obito, they were more inclined to support the conservative faction.

The number of eighteen Jonin seems to be quite a lot, but the subjective will of most people.... Of course, after all, they are adults, as long as the interests are in place, it is not that they can not temporarily betray their position for a while.

But now the situation in Kiri is constantly shaking, Yagura this Mizukage prestige greatly reduced, simply unable to control. A lot of people's hearts, I'm afraid that they also did not think about exactly with whom... to sell, even if, but to give them too much profit, then I'm afraid that Kiri does not have the power to continue to reform.

Kiri is not Konoha.

Capital, this summoning beast, is really more ferocious than the Juubi. A group of elders and opponents were stunned and didn't dare to say a word.

There are ninjas who are not afraid to die, but the last one dared to make a big little noise with Makoto, and now it has been propped up...

Konoha can be like this, but not Kiri.

"Gentlemen, do you have any good opinions?"

"Yagura, why are you looking at me, I don't know."

"You're Hokage and you don't know? Then how did you become Hokage?"

"The Sandaime and Danzo studied it and thought that I was the most suitable to be Hokage among the younger generation... They felt that I was malleable, being flexible and easygoing..."

Yagura and Terumi Mei rolled their eyes up towards Makoto.

The two then looked at Kakashi together again.

Kakashi scratched his head.

"Why don't... we send some peanut oil to the target Jonin's subordinates as well as their families?"

Terumi Mei thought that Kakashi, like his boss, might be a little off in the head.

"Send them some oil and then they'll pick us?"

"How about... another bag of rice?"

... ...

Terumi Mei's side was on the move, while on the other side, Takagi was also working towards becoming a Mizukage.

Takagi actually knew very well in his heart that with his elite Jonin strength, it was impossible to become a Kage under normal circumstances.

Even if he became a Kage , the people underneath would inevitably disobey him.

But... this is the Kage.

From a ninja's perspective, Takagi was already very old. His path to promotion had come to an end, and his strength no longer had any room for advancement.

In a real fight, he might not even be able to beat Terumi Mei, who possessed two kekkei genkai.

A ninja like him would definitely die silently in some war if it was a war era.

But now... is the era of peace.

Before, he was so busy with the war that he didn't have the time or energy to think about many issues. Now that he was idle, a certain unwillingness turned into a certain powerful greed that urged him to do something.

Obviously, that was to become Kage.

Before, this was impossible.

For not only was Mizukage Yagura powerful, he had already chosen an heir. Someone like him wouldn't stand a chance.

But a while ago, Mizukage was hit...

It was certainly bad to say so, but Takagi also realized that this might be the last chance in his life... Whether he succeeded or failed, he had to rush this time!

After realizing that Yagura was bound to retire soon, Takagi began his own tandem.

This stringing of his strings was effective.

Many of those who resented Yagura's reforms, as well as the relatives of those who had been ordered by Yagura to be executed, chose his camp-even though they knew full well that Yagura hadn't actually given those orders.

As more and more people chose to join his camp, Takagi felt that victory was assured.

"It's this momentum... I can win! -

"No, to get more people to support me... I'm going to make a public speech!"