Land of Waves Mission

Makoto's plan is really assholish to the extreme and makes you want to smack him.

But... Terumi Mei still executed it.

Trolling aside, regardless of Godaime Hokage's knuckleheads, his plans always gave people the feeling that 'you got to be fucking kidding me', but it works...

All in all, a fifteen year old genjutsu boy named Hatsuyuki was selected.

He was a ninja who survived the blessings of Yagura, and without a doubt, he was a hardcore Mizukage faction. Even in his most difficult moments, he had never left the Mizukage faction.

Hatsuyuki did not have a kekkei genkai, but at fifteen years old to become a Chunin, especially one who specialized in genjutsu, his talent could also be said to be quite outstanding - after all, with no family or mentor, and with the Genjutsu Department notoriously difficult to learn and master, to be able to become a Chunin of the Genjutsu Department at this age, his ability was worthy of recognition.

If it was in the war era, the Chunin could be a leader of a small team.

This teenager had a soft look and a good mind, and was considered to be a very outstanding child.

Only because of the early exposure to the war, so that his psychology has some deformities, usually dressed as a girl, the psychology is also very close to the girls...

It's really the war of all evils.

Although in all types of war trauma, Hatsuyuki's situation is considered relatively good. However, within Kiri, he was not very popular because of his femboy behavior, so he was always depressed.

Perhaps, for him, it is also an opportunity... Rikudo Sennin in the upper, how could I have such an asshole idea!

Terumi Mei couldn't wait to hit her head against the wall.

But when she reacted, not only had she already arranged for Zabuza and Hatsuyuki to team up, but she had even prepared the quest that the two would be doing.

-That was a mission to travel to the Land of Wave to build a bridge.

Because of its long distance from the mainstream trade circle, the economic situation of the small country of Land of Waves had always been terrible.

It would have been fine if it was the previous war years, because of the poverty and the lack of transportation, it was rather a shelter - what was the point of fighting the country of Wave, you couldn't even earn back the fuel costs.

However, as the major countries continued to develop, someone severely cut off in the Miso War. People of insight in the Land of Waves also realized that, no matter what, the connection between the Land of Waves and the outside world must be opened up so that the Land of Waves can be re-established.

Because of the special geography of the Land of Waves, it is necessary to build bridges.

There was no problem with the idea that in order to be rich one must first build roads.

However, there are some places where there are energetic groups that don't want the Land of Wave to build bridges... There's no particular reason why they don't want the Land of Wave to build bridges, it's that they just live off of sucking the blood of the Land of Wave. If the Land of Waves builds the bridge, whose blood will they eat?

For this reason, they were prepared to use various means to intercept it.

The Land of Waves had no choice but to squeeze out a little money and ask the Kiri to protect Tazuna, the master bridge builder, all the way to the completion of the bridge's construction.

After precise calculations, the Mizukage staff characterized this mission as a C-rank mission.

The reason why it was set so low was purely because the Land of Water was within the sphere of influence of the Land of Water as far as the name was concerned.

Now Kiri help to build a bridge, is also considered a good thing, the side to insert a hand... you looking for death.

This is ready to give the newly appointed Mizukage a downward spiral?

You let the Mizukage live uncomfortable, Mizukage directly let you have no life.

I am worried about no one to establish the authority.

Those rouge ninja also have brains, not willing to touch the Mizukage's bad luck at this time.

As for those socially active groups in the Land of Waves, there are at most a few idle ninja, but when it comes to the real ninja, they will all be crushed in a flash.

-The small ninja villages and self-taught ninja are not the same thing as the ninja who come out of the serious big ninja villages.

Defining it as a C level mission is more secure... It is also because it is so low level that it is unlikely for other forces to intervene, making it convenient for Mizukage and Hokage to lay their hands on it...

Terumi Mei finished writing the mission scroll and looked it up and down critically to make sure it was okay... still felt a little less than pleased.

So she looked to Makoto.

"Are we... really okay with this?"

Makoto acted paralyzed in his chair and shrugged.

"A strong man like Zabuza won't want to be tied down. It's hard for him to respect you when you're weaker than him. -

"He has no family, no friends, no concerns... Fortunately, he still wants family and companionship. -

"That makes it easy. -

"A person without scruples is invincible, but bonds can be artificially increased. When he was young, Jotaro had his hands in his pockets and didn't know what an opponent was. A five-second pause was enough for him to defeat all enemies... But for a father In fact, five seconds is too short. -

"A maniac like him, as long as he bites the bait, he would rather die than let go... For him, the need is not to identify someone. Rather, it's that no matter what time of day he comes home, someone will have dinner ready and waiting for him with a smile on their face, telling him, 'You've worked hard.' -

"That's all that's needed. -

"In this way, he will also have a soft spot and be willing to listen."

Makoto's words were said in a very literal way, but Terumi Mei was unable to refute them.

Because she was also without family, she could very well relate to that feeling of being lonely and longing for the company of family.

Those who hadn't personally experienced it couldn't understand it.

"Have you... also been chasing after someone like that?"

At this moment, Terumi Mei felt slightly closer to Makoto.

It turned out that they were both the same loner.

"That goes without saying?" Makoto gave a thumbs up and flashed a mouthful of small white teeth, "Why else would I have four wives? Going home every night is like a festival."

...Makoto, you go to hell.

You harem scum!

Terumi Mei rubbed her liver, suddenly not wanting to talk to this asshole.

Clatter, clatter, clatter...

It was at this moment that Makoto heard a series of teeth chattering sounds. He looked back, only to realize that it was Kakashi who was shaking.

"Kakashi, what's wrong, why are you physically shaking? Is it physically uncomfortable?"

"No... it's fine... Godaime-sama, I haven't offended you lately, have I?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"No...No is good...No is good..."

... ...

Zabuza coldly looked at the beauty in front of him, without the slightest emotion in his gloomy eyes.

The person in front of him was beautiful, his lips as soft as cherry blossoms, his skin as dazzling as fresh snow. Even the light shining in his eyes was so intoxicating... But Zabuza was annoying.

It wasn't that he hated him because he was a boy in women's clothing.

After all, corpses don't matter if they are male or female, it's just a slash and burn anyway.

What really disgusted Zabuza was the fact that he showed up at his house.

As a ninja, Zabuza took the concept of shelter seriously.

As Kiri's renowned Demon, who specialized in assassination, he was instinctively unwilling to trust others.

The mere presence of an outsider in his room made him feel uncomfortable.

Someone sleeping in his room would even make him sleep through the night.

The biggest function of the shelter was that it allowed him to sleep and heal in peace, recovering from physical and mental injuries.

And now...

Zabuza's eyes were blazing with murderous intent, but the cute boy before him, dressed in women's clothing, didn't dodge in the slightest.

He was looking at him.

He was also looking at him.

Not only that, he also tried to detect a certain emotion in his eyes... It seemed that he did not detect that emotion, and the teenager actually patted his chest and smiled reassuringly.

"Zabuza-sama, first time meeting, my name is Hatsuyuki. -

"I've already prepared a meal, but I don't know what you like to eat, so..."


What answered Hatsuyuki was Zabuza's 30% power decapitation.

Kiri's assassination techniques are known throughout the world, and Zabuza's instantaneous explosive power is even more ferocious as an expert proficient in silent killing techniques.

Don't look at only 30% of the power, but the decapitation sword is fast and fierce, ordinary Chunin simply can't block it down.

Zabuza was simply about to see, this youngster named Hatsuyuki's neck was cut out a line of blood, the appearance of infinite horror.

But... it was blocked.


The teenager's palms were white and cute, but at some point, a pitch-black handheld sword had been added to his hands.

Zabuza could clearly feel that the other party's stance was very hasty.

But... blocked it.

Caught off guard, the shuriken was knocked out, but Zabuza's Kubikiribocho also ran out of punch, making it difficult to advance an inch.

"Hmph..." Zabuza sheathed his Kubikiribocho, and walked past Hatsuyuki with an expressionless face, "The stance is not bad, that Terumi Mei woman still has some discernment. -

"Until the mission is completed, you will be my subordinate."

Zabuza took Hatsuyuki in after all.

The fact that Hatsuyuki had some strength was one aspect, but Zabuza was thinking more about Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei's situation was something that Zabuza knew about. Her rise to power this time could be said to be a close call, and many people were unconvinced by her.

Such a Kage would not last long.

Even if we don't mention that ghostly creature behind her, she herself will look for some opportunities to establish her authority.

The best targets, of course, were those Kiri elders.

But the elders are slippery and may not be willing to give her this opportunity, and a poorly controlled, the impact will be bad... Then, Jonins will enter her eyes...

Zabuza and Terumi Mei are at least in the same camp, not very afraid of her. But at a time like this, it's better not to go against that woman.

After all, that man behind her... is capable of doing anything rotten.

Now he suddenly ran to Kiri to engage in some kind of visit, who knows what he really has in mind.

For that monster, even the most highly skilled ninja wouldn't be able to help but beat their hearts.

Because of this, Zabuza did not intend to continue to make things difficult with Hatsuyuki.

Hatsuyuki also seemed happy.

It was as if the fatal chop at the meeting hadn't existed. Seeing Zabuza walk into the living room, Hatsuyuki immediately ran into the kitchen and brought out the food he had prepared earlier.

It was the classic combination of okonomiyaki, miso soup, and pickled radish.

"Zabuza-sama, is it still to your liking?"


A so-called ninja was someone who could endure. Zabuza had been out for years, and hadn't encountered any harsh environments.

Most of the time, he didn't eat. When he was hungry and tired, he would eat two military food pills to top it off.

Even when he returned home, he didn't open fire, just find a restaurant to rub a meal.

But now...

Looking at the homely food in front of him, as well as the smiling teenager, Zabuza's mind was in a trance.

How many years has it been... finally someone cares, whether he eats well or not...

Zabuza silently picked up the bowl, unwrapped the bandage on his face, and took a bite.

"What garbage."

"Ah...why is this like this!"

Hatsuyuki's face fell for a second.

...Kinda cute, this kid.