Open the Land of Waves 1

Makoto stood with his two partners on a high ground somewhere in the Land of Waves, looking out over the deep ocean in the distance.

For the most part, the ocean near the Land of Waves was beautiful.

It might not have been considered rich because of many geographical factors, but it still fed the millions of fishermen in the Land of Waves, keeping their lives from descending into true hell.

But now, this ocean, which had fed the Land of Waves for who knows how many years, had become the biggest obstacle to the further development of the Land of Waves.

If the people of the Land of Wave wanted to not be left behind by the times, they had to leap over the ocean.

The key to everything lay in the next bridge to be built across the sea.

But for Makoto, his goal was slightly more complicated...

Standing behind the trio were over two hundred distracted and energetic members of society.

All of them were physically strong, yet their eyes were dull, like dead spirits whose souls had been drawn out of their bodies.

...Makoto hadn't had the same bad taste as Nagato, getting corpses everywhere around him, this was just a very ordinary genjutsu.

...Although even if it is an ordinary genjutsu, under Makoto's excessively high attack value, the effect will still be very scary...

It was true that genjutsu were weaker in a peak duel, but for this kind of small fry who weren't even ninjas, a single look from Makoto would be enough.

-It was the power they constituted that had been sucking the blood of the Land of Waves.

Although the decisive factor is some political forces that are not easy to talk about, but a small country being bullied by so many people is also unavoidable...

Of course, Makoto was just lamenting, and did not mean to look down on the people of Land of Waves in any way.

After all, since ancient times, the organized against the unorganized, are all like this look hanging hammer. If the people themselves did not think of resisting, no matter how large the number was, it was just a plate of food to be eaten at random.

If Makoto hadn't come before, it would have been just that, but now that he was here, it would have been a breeze to deal with these dynamic elements of society.

But he did not do so.

After all, he wasn't the main character this time.

The main characters this time were Zabuza and Hatsuyuki.

They were the heroes of this operation.

And what Makoto wanted to see wasn't the ordinary villagers who had been oppressed all this time succeeding in defeating the village demons that were oppressing them with the help of a passing Braveheart and finally living happily ever after.

The group couldn't help the ninja if that was the only realization they had.

Makoto had always known exactly what he was going to do; the ninja would surely end up being the masters of the world. And these common people would surely be one of the targets he would strive for.

But before that, they would have to branch out on their own.

There was no point in having as many as possible of those who wanted to kneel at the sight of a noble lord.

The situation in the Land of Waves was unique, and very suitable as a testing ground.

Because the projection power wasn't quite enough, Makoto wasn't able to hide some things very well. He knew very well in his heart that the wise men within the Land of Waves might have sensed something.

But he didn't care.

He had already given the opportunity anyway, and whether they were willing to seize it or not was their own business.

...The bad situation didn't happen.

Whether the Wise Men of the Land of Waves saw it or not, they chose to follow the path that Makoto had opened up.

Almost on the same day that Makoto had circulated the information, there were many people who had left the Land of Waves in small boats, heading to those large countries and big cities to confirm Makoto's intelligence.

Makoto's information was of course completely true.


After completing the first string, Makoto did not leave the Land of Waves, but continued to carry out orderly agitation within the Land of Wave.

The Land of Waves had gotten the disease called poverty, and it had been lingering and suffering all these years.

A certain flame had always been burning in the hearts of the people, only that no one had poked through that last piece of window paper.

Now, Makoto easily pierced it.

Visible to the naked eye, the people of Land of Waves began to stir.

The socially energized groups like those behind Makoto were nothing in front of this anger.

If they could hold out for a minute or two, they would be able to afford the salary given by the boss.

But... it's not enough...

It is not enough to have awareness, at some point in the future, they must face a more powerful enemy...

So Makoto took control of these socially viable groups and made them extremely bloodthirsty.

At the same time, he had Kakuzu attack Zabuza.

He told Kakuzu that he could force Zabuza into a corner without killing him if the conditions allowed it.

This was very simple for Kakuzu.

After all, there was a difference in the strength of the two, a Kageand an Elite Jonin.

And good grief, Kakuzu's skill tree could almost be said to have grilled Zabuza.

Aren't you good at silent assassination techniques? The only weakness I have is my heart, and there are five of them.

Even if you stand and jerk, Kakuzu won't lose.

If you fight with jutsu, it's even more unlikely that Zabuza will be able to defeat Kakuzu, who can use five powerful jutsu with five attributes.

This time, Zabuza was bound to lose.

This was a trial for him.

But it was also a trial for the Land of Waves, as well as for Makoto... If he couldn't even solve the Land of Waves, how could he create waves within the world?

Makoto looked at the surface of the sea, lost in thought.

At this time, Terumi Mei had also gained insight into part of Makoto's thoughts, but she didn't oppose it - just as Makoto had said, in this incident, no matter whether it succeeded or failed, Makoto would make a solid profit.

If that was the case, then why object?

But in the few days of pause, Terumi Mei had also realized something else.

If the Land of Waves really succeeded in opening a nation with the help of the Kiri, its relationship with the Kiri naturally needed no further explanation.

But relatively speaking, the Land of Water Daimyo there...

The Daimyo would never want the Mizukage to get too close to the lords of the countries under his command.

Because that would be too dangerous for the Daimyo.

In Yagura's era, the relationship between Kiri and the Land of Water Daimyo was quite poor, and the Land of Water Daimyo even once directly sprayed Yagura without regard for his face.

By the Terumi Mei era, the relationship between the two sides was even worse.

If the Land of Water daimyo sensed Kiri's movements, then... However, this is Makoto's style.

Whatever this guy did, he had to achieve several goals.

And Terumi Mei already knew his ultimate goal.

The Shodaime Hokage had ended the Warring States Era and allowed the world to enter the Hidden Village Era.

What Godaime Hokage wants to do is to end the Hidden Village era...

Terumi Mei was a little resistant and a little expectant.

No one likes war.

If the war could be solved once and for all, this was certainly good. Even if the cost was a little bigger, it would be acceptable. But Terumi Mei is a Mizukage...

Terumi Mei looked at Makoto from the corner of her eye and realized that he was always gazing at the distant sea without any intention of noticing her movements, then she sighed softly.

"To grind an iron pestle into a needle, how long and grueling it will be. Even with the appropriate realization, this is still something that is difficult to the extreme... But this ordeal and loneliness, someone has to bear it... -

"We are all just pathetic wretches fighting for that thread of possibility under the pressure of the world."

Makoto slightly side-eyed.

"That being said, a long time ago, I always had a question. Since what you want are needles, why don't you just sell the relatively more expensive mortar and pestle in the first place, and then just buy a lot of needles? It's so time-consuming to grind them in vain."

Terumi Mei's blood pressure pulled full again with a bang.

At this moment, she really wanted to sew up Makoto's mouth.

If this guy was a mute... I am afraid that many more people would respect him.

Kakashi looked at Makoto, who was pretending to be dead, and then at Terumi Mei, who was pretending to be dead, and suddenly felt so much pressure.

"Really good mother-in-law, fortunately they are not my parents..."

Kakashi mimicked Makoto's strange comment before pointing very opportunistically out to sea, interrupting the inexplicable atmosphere between the Mizukage and Hokage.

"Look, it's Zabuza!"

Together, the two of them looked towards the sea and realized that in the direction Kakashi was pointing, it was indeed Zabuza.

Only Zabuza's situation at this moment looked extremely miserable.

This guy was originally a typical example of not wearing clothes properly, his upper body was almost completely naked. Now, that naked body was densely covered with scorched black marks from various swords and jutsu bombardments.

If it wasn't for the fact that the one who made the move this time was Kakuto, who was the most experienced and the most stable. Just by looking at Zabuza's appearance, even Makoto subconsciously thought that he was going to hang.

But Makoto knew very well what Kakuzu was capable of.

Zabuza looked miserable yes, but he was still a long way from death - I heard that highly skilled medical students were able to stab someone dozens of times in a row and only cause minor injuries. Makoto had no way of judging the truth of this rumor, but it was certain that Kakuzu could indeed do something similar.

The wounds on Zabuza's body looked horrific, but if you really counted them, there were only one or two that were truly fatal.

The wounds looked hideous, but because the wounds were not deep, they were not enough to directly kill Zabuza.

In fact, such intensive injuries only caused Zabuza to temporarily fall into a state of disorientation.

He had basically lost control of his body, but his sharp five senses had not given up for the time being. Zabuza could still use this to, roughly, perceive the situation around him.

-For example, right now, even with his eyes closed, he knew that it was Hatsuyuki, who was also covered in wounds, who was carrying Zabuza and Tazuna, who had already fallen into a deep coma, forward amidst the waves that kept coming.

Kakuzu was much stronger than Zabuza, and he accomplished his task with ease.

He even took the initiative to create an opportunity for Hatsuyuki to block Kakuzu's attack with his own body, and for Zabuza to take advantage of the opportunity to escape with the two of them - with Kakuzu's precise control and tidal wave of offensive systems, Zabuza didn't have time to think about much of anything.

After a messy battle, his mind is in a daze, and he can only rely on the help of Hatsuyuki, who is also badly injured, to escape.

This plot is a little bit dog-blooded.

But it works well.

Anyway, a guy with an extreme personality like Zabuza is especially, especially good at this.

-A subordinate whose strength is much weaker than his, when he encounters a strong enemy, volunteers to give up his life to save him, no one would hate such a subordinate, right?

Not to mention that this subordinate, who was seriously injured, was still dragging his body, trying to lead them out of the desperate situation.

Ninja's bodies were generally very good, but trying to drag two large men across a strait while heavily injured and unable to use chakra was more or less a bit of an imposition.

What's more, the sea wasn't exactly a safe zone, and some of the oceanic ferocious beasts had already been attracted by the excitement of the blood.

If the other party really attacked, with Hatsuyuki's situation at this moment, there was almost no way to deal with it.

He was simply playing with his life.

As a ninja whose first priority was to complete the mission, the wisest thing to do at this time was not to hang on for dear life, but to bleed Zabuza, who had already basically lost his consciousness and fighting ability.

Then while the hunters in the ocean were attracted to Zabuza's gaze, Hatsuyuki flew forward with Tazuna, and perhaps there was still a silver lining - at the very least, it was better than the current situation where he was straining to the limit to carry two burdensome people.

The gold content of a Chunin in the war years was very high, and for Hatsuyuki to have risen to Chunin, his strength, luck, and reflexes wouldn't be too bad.

Makoto didn't believe that he couldn't think of this solution.

But he did not do so.

No matter how much of a strain it was, even if his tired arms had almost lost feeling, he never gave up on the two.

Tazuna was in a deep coma, and it was just as well that he didn't know. And Zabuza... he was actually conscious...

Hatsuyuki's every move was incomparably felt by him.

In the face of the red-colored beautiful boy's wordless tenderness, even the straight man of steel, his heart can't help but be touched right...

"Emotional aspects should be paved almost, Zabuza face ruthless heart black, but there is always a clean land in the heart. Hatsuyuki now has done very well, further words, it is a bit deliberate..."

Terumi Mei silently mourned Zabuza and Hatsuyuki in her mind for a few seconds before asking.

"Deliberately? So what are you going to do next? Make those guys behind you appear? The current Zabuza can't beat them, right?"

"Of course not... All three of them are badly injured, and Hatsuyuki will surely rush to take the two to the doctor. And the next thing we need to do is to get the doctors in the Land of Waves to charge the three astronomical medical fees or else they won't treat them... I still have to keep an eye on these guys here, and it's not too convenient to walk around. Terumi Mei, you can do it alone, right?"

This kind of thing is certainly not difficult to Terumi Mei, before becoming the Mizukage's beloved, Terumi Mei is not without doing dirty work, but Terumi Mei still has some doubts in her heart.

No matter how small Wave Land was, there would be some skilled doctors.

That wasn't the problem though.

"If the price of the sky is... even a temporary strong control with genjutsu is not a problem. But why do you have to do so? "

Makoto spread his hands.

"Of course it's for Zabuza and Hatsuyuki to increase each other's value to each other. Regardless of who pays the astronomical medical bills in the end, it will leave an immensely favorable impression on each other anyway..."

"Will it be like that?"

"Of course... it's almost the same as when you buy a supercar from abroad, naturally you will take great care of it, for fear of bumping it. And the bike you bought at the village entrance... is so cheap anyway, of course it is built to death. It has been proved that there is a reason for being expensive. -

"If you really can't, just think of it as the drawbridge effect - when a person crosses a drawbridge in fear, he or she can't help but have a faster heartbeat. If, at this time, she happens to meet another person, then she will mistakenly interpret the heartbeat acceleration caused by this situation as a physiological reaction that occurs only because the other person makes her heart flutter, and so she will develop feelings of love for the other person."

Terumi Mei was speechless.

Makoto was always like that.

She didn't really like this feeling of playing with people's hearts, but she also knew very well in her heart that the Kiri Elders were too powerful. If they didn't use a bit of scheming, it was very likely that it would turn into a Kumo kind of situation.

Under Makoto's mediation, Terumi Mei became the Mizukage, but there were too many people in the village who were dissatisfied with her...

It's a necessary sacrifice, isn't it?

She would go to hell sooner or later.

Terumi Mei turned around to leave.

Instead, she heard Makoto's voice from behind.

"Don't worry, if we go to hell, a few of us will go together."

Inexplicably, Terumi Mei's heart felt a few more points of joy.

However, she was not going to show it on her face.

"Are you all elementary school students? You have to form a group to go to the restroom?"

Terumi Mei's feet shot up and she instantly disappeared in place.

Kakashi: "Ah... falling in love is really troublesome... never again..."

"No way." Makoto hooked Kakashi's neck, "This guy, when we go back, immediately go on a blind date for me! Or, do you like pseudo-maidens too?"

Kakashi was on the verge of tears.

"Hokage-sama... I'm actually interested in the way of the harem as well! Please guide me!"

"...Huh, is that so, then I'll..."