Fall of the Tenseigan

Zabuza growled and charged towards Kakuzu with the feeling of certain death.

Then... was beaten up by Kakuzu.

It's sad, but that's the truth.

How could Zabuza beat Kakuzu.

He couldn't even beat him in his full state, and even more so in his severely injured state.

Reality is not a hot-blooded manga, no matter how much you overdraw your body, the substance and energy contained in a body has its limit.

If you can't beat it, it means you can't beat it.

T/N: no, the above is not a translation error, it's the same as 'the floor here is made out of floor'

But the feelings are here, if this still let him lose, it is a little unreasonable... So, Terumi Mei appeared.

When Zabuza gave up his life and finally cut a long wound in Kakuzu's chest, and he himself collapsed to the ground, Terumi Mei appeared in time and once again dragged Kakuzu into the battle.

Seeing Terumi Mei finally arrive in time, Zabuza, who had been set up clearly from beginning to end, finally couldn't support himself completely and pouted.

In fact, the Terumi Mei at this time was technically unable to beat Kakuzu.

Terumi Mei's dual kekkei genkai was really strong, but even the most powerful genius ultimately needed time to settle and accumulate.

Compared to Kakuzu, Terumi Mei is really too young.

Fourteen years later, Terumi Mei certainly has no problem beating Kakuzu, right now... can't.

But who let this best suit everyone's mood.

Don't care how bad the state is when the protagonist delivers the final blow, and don't care if the big boss is full of blood and armor before being knocked down, anyway, everyone wants you to die... then die.

So after magnificently releasing a few big moves and successfully killing a large wave of socially energetic group members, Kakuzu was kicked out by Terumi Mei in an extremely lousy manner.

"Terumi Mei, I'll remember you!"

"As long as I'm not dead... someday, I'll come back for revenge!"

After putting down a bunch of harsh words, Kakuzu fled in a sorry state.

At this point, all were happy.

Terumi Mei defeated Kakuzu in front of the crowd - although this so-called in front of the crowd, everyone only saw Terumi Mei knocking Kakuzu partially away, and how the two actually fought, everyone did not see, but that does not matter.

And immediately after Kakuzu's defeat, the people of the Land of Waves' morale soared, and the socially viable groups that were still resisting were knocked to the ground in three moves.

Complete victory.

By now, everyone had gotten what they wanted.

Everyone stood in front of the hospital, celebrating this extremely difficult victory.

Many of them knew that this was just the beginning. It wasn't just the ability to fight that allowed these socially energized groups to suck the blood out of Land of Waves for so many years.

What mattered was actually the big names behind them.

As the current de facto number one villainous organization, the strength of the Akatsuki organization was even more unquestionable. The relationship between the two sides was already extremely poor before, and now that something like this has happened, Kakuzu will definitely not let it go...

The real big battle, is still to come.

But before that... let everyone be happy first.

Makoto stood on a high place, looking at the scene of the crowd at his feet constantly cheering, for some reason, his heart was a little strange.

"It's simply... like a dream. -

"A sweet, sweet dream that one will never wake up again."

Kakashi came up carrying the new miniature camera.

"What a... triumph of justice."

Kakashi sighed and murmured softly again.

"Isn't it only natural that the victor is justice?"

Makoto did not answer, but only looked heavy, as if he was thinking about something.

After a long while, he looked at Kakashi.

"Make a decent film, don't let anyone see flaws."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

... ...

Kakashi is very familiar with that whole editing thing.

He was probably one of the best editor in the Naruto world.

Though what he film wasn't secondary leather-covered American girls, but real history.

There were times when even Makoto couldn't help but wonder what the future generations would really say about this period of history.

In the less than two years since he had become Naruto, there were simply too many things that had happened.

Some of these things were not big in and of themselves, but they were things that happened for the first time in this world and were destined to go down in history.

...Such an important thing, it is impossible for history not to record it, right?

What will people in the future say about him?

It should... be quite bad to hear.

But on the other hand, thinking about it, he has messed up so many things, surely he can toss a whole lot of students and historical researchers.

The thought of students scratching the wall in the face of those densely packed hundreds of points of knowledge, and historical researchers laboriously searching through piles of old paper for sources... because of his nonsense is also quite pleasing.

Smiles don't just disappear, they shift.

The smiles of the people eating the food transferred to his face, which is quite funny to think about.

...Without mentioning these have nots, history is always rolling forward. Under the impetus of the crowd, everything that happened in the Land of Wave quickly spread around the world with a storm-like momentum.

The drama of a hero saving the world was something everyone loved to see.

A cold ninja like Zabuza, but unexpectedly chose to become a hero, and the Great Demon King Kakuzu directly opposite, is even more unexpected contrast.

...Never mind how reality really works, that's how it's shown on TV anyway.

If you put it in One Piece, the people involved add at least a few tens of millions in bounty - and it actually does increase.

Zabuza's value has skyrocketed and is now at 1.2 Asumas.

Terumi Mei's bounty was already high because she was a Mizukage. When word spread about her defeat of Kakuzu, it eventually reached 4 Asumas.

For her age, it was already quite terrifying.

Of course, Terumi Mei herself didn't care what her brothers in the Dao thought. What really mattered to her was the recognition and encouragement from the crowd as word got out.

A Kage that could fight was always more popular.

Even the way the elders looked at her was much kinder than before - before that, members of the Akatsuki organization killed Takagi, which disgraced Kirigakure.

But considering the strength of the Akatsuki organization, and the current situation of Kiri, it wasn't wise to really continue fighting with Akatsuki.

When the elders were angry, they could only say some harsh words, such as don't get caught by me, I will give you good fruits to eat if I catch you, etc... and then put them aside for the time being.

Terumi Mei this time, although he let Kakuzu run away, but at least defeated the other party, which made Kiri s face also look good.

...The old and cunning elders didn't completely believe the public information given by Terumi Mei, but that's what the people of the Land of Waves said, and that's what the Akatsuki organization said, so the truth of the matter can only be this... Anyway, Kiri is also the winner, isn't it?

With the help of television, the information about Terumi Mei spread to the ends of the earth in a short period of time.

The period of time when the news was spreading everywhere was really the easiest days since Terumi Mei came to power.

But in the midst of the flurry of good news, there was also a not-so-good news.

Makoto was really leaving.

As Hokage, it was never good to stay at the Mizukage's house all the time.

What if someone said that they had an affair?

Slut shaming hurt prestige too much.

The most important thing is... that they should really have an affair in the future.

Makoto wasn't worried about Terumi Mei escaping.

Just as Terumi Mei wouldn't worry about Zabuza escaping.

As long as Hatsuyuki still supported Terumi Mei as always, then Zabuza would definitely stand behind Terumi Mei.

As long as he could make Kiri indeed benefit, Terumi Mei would not leave Makoto... but not now.

Right now he couldn't let Terumi Mei get pregnant.

If Terumi Mei gave birth to his firstborn son, then the fun would be great.

Although there is Naruto blocking the front, but in the end, it is not good...

Makoto revealed his intention to return to Konoha through the official caliber.

Terumi Mei did not know what was in her heart, no one knows. But on the surface, her reaction could be said to be rather cold.

She just brought a few people and invited Makoto with her for a casual meal, not even a proper farewell banquet.

It was really just a casual meal, and because there was a Kiri elder in tow, the two of them couldn't say anything more intimate...

"Then, I will take my leave."

"Take care, Hokage-sama."

The two of them exchanged glances and did not say anything else. Makoto brought Kakashi and just left the Kirigakure.

After seeing Makoto leave, Terumi Mei and Yagura stood together at the entrance of the village, hesitant to leave.

"Yagura-sama, do you think... it would be so good if he was from our Kiri origin?"

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. If he was a ninja of our Kiri... then it would really be a joy to think about, and I could be completely at peace."

Yagura said, cocking his head and adding to himself.

"But even if he's from our Kiri, he won't confess to you - you should know that this guy is so sensitive and timid that even a marshmallow can sting him."

This was the first time Terumi Mei had ever heard that someone had spoken so highly of a certain well-known nothings.

"You... are joking, right?"

"How could I joke about something like that? War is the worst thing, it changes too many things and too many people. Faced with this twisted world, people react in different ways. Some become more determined as a result, some go completely insane, and others... I don't know if you've noticed, but both of his harems, they both took the initiative to confess their love to him? He's never actually pursued anyone. This guy is far more timid than you see."

"Yagura-sama... if you want to force the marriage, then force the marriage. You don't need to tell the truth. You just need me to go up and win like this."

After all, after spending a long time with Makoto, Terumi Mei also wanted to learn some strange words.

"You don't believe me?"

"It's not a matter of believing or not... I'll believe you if you make him turn around."

Makoto had a lot of things waiting to be dealt with in Konoha as well, and there was absolutely no way he was going to turn back when he had already left.

Terumi Mei raised her head and looked towards those lead-gray clouds in the sky.

"It's snowing?"

"It's... really early this year."

... ...

Makoto was moving forward quickly, but as he walked, snow fell from the sky.

"This year's snow, why is it falling so early? -

"Is it like this in the Land of Water?"

Kakashi shook his head, stating that he wasn't sure either.

Makoto himself didn't expect any answers, but when he wanted to move on, he noticed what seemed to be wrapped in a layer of dark chakra falling from the sky.

"What is... that?"

The thing fell so fast that it fell within the range of Kiri's headquarters almost in an instant.

Makoto didn't see exactly what that thing was, but that flash of aura...

"Is it Byakugan? -

"But Byakugan don't fall from the sky, and it wouldn't be this far away with such a strong aura... It can't... be that!"

Byakugan in the sky?

Isn't that the Tenseigan?!!!!