My Husband is Pure and Virtuous

With Namikaze's help, Konan began to write a small essay on Makoto.

Anyone with a little bit of sense knows that Makoto isn't that kind of guy.

It wasn't true that the guy was a harem guy, but Terumi Mei wasn't actually on his guard - so far, the guy had never rumored any gossip with women of his age.

Though a lot of girls of the right age hated to have something with him.

But... who cares about the truth?

Wise men don't fall in love, and the iron pot only stews the goose.

As long as people think he's going to do it, that's all that matters.

This kind of thing that people are happy to see is absolutely unstoppable.

And for a public figure like Makoto, this kind of shady criticism was often fatal - as a Kage, he couldn't do anything to be with the Kages of the other Great Hidden Villages.

Very quickly, the small essay was finished.

Still, Namikaze looked a little dissatisfied.

"It's a well-written essay, but this Makoto guy will surely deny it, and might even come up with a whole lousy job of blasting the capital city of another country to guide public opinion again... Luckily, there's already a TV now. -

"As we all know, videos can't be photoshopped, so as long as it's indeed captured by a camera, there's nothing he can do about it..."

What Namikaze said seemed to make sense.

Konan had a question though.

"Let's not talk about whether or not that guy Makoto will or won't... -

"Even if he does have a little something going on with Terumi Mei, it's hard for us to get a chance to film it."

Without realizing it, Makoto, the good junior brother, had grown into a strong person who could arm wrestle with Nagato.

And unlike Nagato, who was gradually weakening down, Makoto's body had been very good and his five senses were very sharp.

He was even getting stronger and had no intention of reaching the top at all.

Trying to sneak up on him was almost impossible.

Namikaze: "We can just use a transformation technique. You'll play Terumi Mei, and I'll play Makoto."

Konan always felt that something was wrong.

But Namikaze said it right...

"Then... let's start."

... ...

While Namikaze and Konan began to weave their accusations, Makoto sat across from Terumi Mei and met the black silk kage-robed beauty's questioning eyes.

The previous cooperation between the two sides could be said to be heartfelt, and both were within the range of what was acceptable to each other.

Terumi Mei wanted to make Kiri stronger, and Makoto wanted to pull Kiri to his side.

On that basis, both sides could talk about anything.

He could even get her to help give birth to pups.

...Though not now.

But Makoto leaving and then leaving, but then suddenly turning back, is really suspicious.

Considering someone's previous history, Terumi Mei would definitely be suspicious.

...If there was a choice, Makoto wouldn't want to come straight back, but damn it... that could be the Tenseigan!

How important the Tenseigan is, naturally there is no need to say more.

After Otsutsuki Toneri possessed the Tenseigan, he was even able to directly cut through the moon.

When this thing is used well, it really has the power to destroy the world.

That is, Otsutsuki Toneri appeared too late, if he came down from the moon earlier, maybe a lot of things have to change...

Makoto couldn't figure out why the Tenseigan, which had been very peaceful, would suddenly fall off the moon - it couldn't be that the Toneri bastard had been playing with the Tenseigan in a watery way and ended up playing it off, could it?

He didn't know many things, but only one thing was certain.

The Tenseigan must be snatched up.

It had to be snatched up no matter what.

This thing was something that could really create great masters close to, or simply at, the Six-Path level.

Though theoretically, the complete Tenseigan would still require the power of the Byakugan. But on Kiri's side, there really was a Byakugan - this guy Ao was alive all the time!

His Byakugan is indeed unorthodox, but I don't know if the Kirigakure ninjas have any secret skills. They can push it out and activate the Tenseigan.

And considering the Hyuuga clan's recent mania for power...

Everyone knows that there will be a deadly battle between the five great hidden villages nine years from now, and there's no way the Hyuuga clan, as a major Konoha clan, will be able to avoid that battle.

But the Hyuga family lacked Kage-class experts.

They were really lacking.

Because of Makoto's interference, the Uchiha clan basically would not have a night of extermination. That is to say, their clan will have at least four Kages in the future, while the Hyuuga clan doesn't have a single one...

This gap is just too big.

It's not that the Hyuuga clan didn't notice this crisis, and in order to cope with the world war, the Hyuuga elders couldn't even care about the rules of the past.

They didn't give the new generation of elite species like Neji a caged bird, and taught the clan secret arts just so they could act as the main force in future wars.

But even so, no Kage is no Kage.

T/N: Above, the floor is made out of floor

Without Kage as a power endorsement, they couldn't even speak loudly.

This was something that Hinata absolutely could not accept.

The Tenseigan that appeared in this situation... that really had to be grabbed no matter what the cost.

They were anxious, and Makoto was even more anxious.

The current power structure and political situation was the most favorable for Konoha. He didn't want to ruin everything just because some people were messing around.

Hyuuga wanted the Tenseigan, and why wouldn't the other four villages.

Not to mention that there is also Otsutsuki Toneri... This guy, if he didn't die, would definitely come down from the moon as well and playfully chase after the transmutation eye.

Once this thing comes down from the moon, that is, the news has not spread... If everyone knows about this matter, it will definitely be a great chaos in the world.

The sudden intrusion of the Tenseigan is really like the sudden appearance of the heavenly slaying dragon in the world.

Makoto himself didn't need the Tenseigan, but the Tenseigan had to be in his hands in order to stop the strife - the big thing was to throw it to Aunt Snake and let Aunt Snake study it slowly.

Hiruko cooperates with the Tenseigan and the clones. Don't grab it. Everyone has a kekkei genkai. Let's go to develop outer space together in the future.

It may take many, many years to reach this step, but Aunt Snake can live anyway. Maybe if Boruto is all hung up, she can still jump around...

Makoto watched with his own eyes as Tenseigan fell into the Kiri headquarters range, but after quickly turning back, he couldn't find any trace of the other party, no matter how much he searched for the spot where Tenseigan might have fallen.

Two possibilities.

The first, naturally, was that the Tenseigan that had inexplicably fallen could not withstand the immense pressure of the fall and self-destructed.

Actually, this outcome was not bad, after all, with the thing gone, there would be no one to fight over it.

The world was stable and harmonious, and he continued to slowly push his plan.

The trouble is that the second possibility... has already been picked up.

If it is the second possibility, then it is still divided into two possibilities.

That is, the person who picked up the Tenseigan recognizes the Tenseigan, as well as not recognizing the Tenseigan.

If the other party recognized the Tenseigan, then it would be over, because the other party would definitely choose to hide the Tenseigan and find a way to obtain its power.

And if the other party doesn't recognize the Tenseigan...

Even if the other party didn't recognize the Tenseigan, they would still make different choice orientations because of the other party's different identities.

There were just too many possibilities at one time, Makoto thought about it and finally chose to come to Terumi Mei first.

No matter what, Terumi Mei was the current Mizukage. Things would be much better with her cooperation.

Of course, the best result would be that the Transmutation Eye was in the hands of the Mizukage faction... Terumi Mei and Yagura were well aware of Makoto's true power right now, and these two would agree to a compromise if the conditions were sufficient.

...Anyway, if you don't give it, there might be a Super Kage who specializes in illusions coming to your house to rob it.

Makoto could do that, but he wasn't willing to do so given the options available.

If he gave everything to the power, then his efforts over the past two years would be in vain.

Makoto remembered countless things in his mind, but he always had a smile on his face, not showing the slightest hint of a break.

Terumi Mei quickly lost this foolish idea of continuing to look for a break in his face.

"You really came here to look for something?"

"Of course, why else would I come back."

Terumi Mei propped her chin up on her small hand, actually secretly using it to adjust her perspective so that out of the corner of her eye she could see just the lie detector disguised as a pendulum.

It was still red.

The guy really was lying.

"And what exactly was dropped?"

"It's something important, so I can't tell you."

Still red.

"How can I help you if you won't even tell me what it is? ...You are Hokage after all, there's no way I'm going to let you wander around the village."

"That said, I really can't tell you."

Still red.

Terumi Mei was genuinely confused as to what exactly Makoto was doing here.

Obviously, he had already left, so why did he turn back.

Makoto, on the other hand, had gotten a very useful piece of information from the conversation - Terumi Mei really didn't know about the Tenseigan.

If she knew about the Tenseigan, she wouldn't be reacting and answering like this right now.

Maybe she had been staying in the Mizukage's office and hadn't gone to look at the situation outside... This is a bit troublesome.

In any case, Terumi Mei was considered half of his partner. If something fell into the hands of the Kiri elders, or other messy people, the effort he would have to spend would be much greater...

For a while, both of them had their own thoughts in their minds, and the conversation was surprisingly cut off just like that.

Both of them were worried, on the contrary, Yagura listened to the conversation between the two, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, like a happy cat.

Neither of the two people conversing felt that they had any problems, but some of the words heard in the ears of Yagura, an outsider, were slightly different... Makoto said that he had dropped something, but he was dead set on not saying what it was.

What could make him turn back?

Such an important thing, can still casually dropped?

Why does it sound more and more like a random reason to stay?

Yagura: "You guy, you wouldn't be doing this for her and then return, would you?"

"No way!" For such a matter of principle, of course Makoto immediately denied it, "I am pure and virtuous, and would never have feelings beyond friendship with someone other than my wife!"

Green Light.

"You harem man, you still have the face to say this?"

"Yeah, I'm a harem man, what's wrong with that!"

Red light.

"This brazen face..."

"Aren't you the same yourself?"

Green light.

"You bastard, you want to fight, don't you?"

"That's right!"

Green light.

Seeing that the two idiot kages were about to sweet-bite each other like kittens again, Terumi Mei had to step in and stop the fracas.

"Stop right there, you two!"

Terumi Mei bonboned two punches, silencing the idiots again.

"Are you trying to make another mess, Gondaime Hokage...?"

"Of course not!"

Green light.

Unexpectedly, this guy wasn't trying to make a mess.

Then... what was the reason for his sudden turn back?

It couldn't really be for her, could it?

Terumi Mei wished it was, but she knew in her heart that Makoto was not such a person.

He had never been a love brain.

If Hokage stayed in Kiri for too long, rumors would really spread.

But anyway, Makoto had returned, so couldn't she... also be the only one who could possibly help her, right?

Terumi Mei extended her hand and slowly pressed down.

The two idiots looked at her together.

"We are all so familiar with each other, I think it's better for us to be more open and honest... Gondaime Hokage-sama, I don't really care if you're lying or not, nor do I care about some of your purposes. But we should all be clear that what we want to gain, we should lose."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Makoto immediately read the implication of Terumi Mei's words - it seemed that Kiri was still in trouble? He helped her with that shit, and she helped him find something?

Because someone was so good at fixing jobs, Terumi Mei had been too lazy to think about what he was up to again.

Anyway, as of right now, the Mizukage faction of Kiri still had value in existence, and there was no reason for him to touch the Mizukage faction.

In that case, it was a trade, and everyone could take what they needed.

Although Terumi Mei should not know yet that it was the Tenseigan that fell into her house... it is good to be able to talk.

The big deal is to make up more to her in the future.

The Tenseigan mustn't fall into the wrong hands...

"And what can I do for you? My lady? I can't wait to be of service to you."

"It's nothing much, it's about the Land of Birds..."

Terumi Mei took out one of the trickiest from the file.

This matter was quite troublesome even if it was put into the Yagura era, let alone Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei had been fretting about this matter before, and it couldn't be delayed.

It was just as well that this bastard Makoto turned back, Terumi Mei very decisively threw this matter to him.

Kiri locals were having trouble dealing with this matter, but if it was Makoto...

"Some changes...have taken place within Land of Birds."

"Our position in Kiri is difficult."

"Do you have a way to handle this matter perfectly?"

Makoto took the document and was happy when he took a look at it.

Land of Water was not Konoha's territory, and he no longer wanted to deplete Konoha's influence. Although he could do anything for the Tenseigan, he had to consider the state of Konoha after all.

This year, Konoha is really indigestible.

But in favor of the Land of Birds...

"Fighting for you, my lady. -

"I wonder if you're prepared to solve the problem in seven or three day?"

Terumi Mei scanned the lie detector.


This guy was really on to something.

He hadn't thought for more than ten seconds from start to finish.

It's so reassuring to be teammates with a guy like this... Too bad it's a scumbag.

"Tell me, what's the difference between the two?"