Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion 1

When the news of the change in the king's capital was brought over by a group of Kiri elders, Makoto was playing a simple little game of word formation with Pakura.

-Using foot, of, scent, often by, little friend, hooked, that, a few simple words to form words.

While a few other Kages were dividing up the work, trying to steal Kakashi's long cherished bear crackers from his pockets - not that everyone liked bear crackers, it was just a battle preview.

With the current situation, and the ferocity of Akatsuki's organization, the shinobi villages that were being driven into a fight were throwing a few ninjutsu at the sky, even if they had to live up to the Daimyo's cultivation.

For that few hundred dollars, what to fight for ah.

Especially if a certain Hokage led the way and touched it.

If you want to fight against the Shinra Tensei, then do it yourself.

On the surface is to fight bandits, but everyone is still more concerned about Kiri and the situation of the two princes.

With today's situation, if you look at it, Kiri's seizure of the first prince this time is going to be in the history books no matter what... although Akatsuki organization is also.

Of course, touching is touching, the drills that should be done still need to be done, after all, Pain's side does not know what is going on here... so everyone's choice is to team up to steal Kakashi's bear cookies.

Just like Team 7 teamed up to catch a cat in the early days, catching a cat itself is not difficult, the reason for this kind of task is purely to improve the overall coordination of the team.

But after the Kiri elders came...

"What, the seventh prince ordered that all the nobles in the city be put to death, and the large number of positions that were originally occupied were all selected from the people at his discretion?"

If it was said that Nagato's execution of the daimyo of Land of Water before had made him the world's greatest evil, then what the Seventh Prince was doing now was actually not much better than Nagato.

Or even worse.

The Daimyo of Land of Water was dead, but there was always an heir. Both the Second Prince and the Seventh Prince were his bloodline, there was no doubt in that.

But if the roots of the rule of Land of Water change...

A banker's child is a banker, a politician's child is a politician, a ninja's child is a ninja, and a cashier's child is a cashier. Even in the Boruto era, this rule has not changed.

But the seventh prince so... that the basis of the rule of Land of Water has changed.

It is true that the elite education of the nobles can produce a few talents, but under that huge population base, that number of nobles is nothing.

Before there was no opportunity, now there is an opportunity after...

Anyway, the original idle and boring fish touching ninjas, immediately took it seriously.

This was by no means some trivial matter that could be joked over.

"Kakashi, bring me my jacket, I need to rush to the Land of Water capital immediately."

Makoto said this to Kakashi, but before Kakashi could act, he saw the five Kiri elders say in frustration.

"Hokage-sama, don't have to try anymore... from the time we came out until now... maybe, we can already see them on TV!"

Conservatives instinctively rejected new things, yet whether they wanted to or not, the effects of new things still spread throughout society.

As time went on, even the most curmudgeonly old ninja knew to get their information from television.

It was really convenient after all.


"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Even though it was a temporary tent, there was actually a television set here. Kakashi immediately searched for the remote control, and before he could tune in, what appeared before him was the horrific scene of the Land of Water capital on fire everywhere.

During the 267 years of the Edo shogunate, there were a total of 49 fires that burned down the entire city in 1601, and 1,798 large and small fires. Although there are many old-fashioned wooden buildings in the capital of Land of Water, it is already an industrial country after all, and there are still ninjas. In fact, there have been no fires for many years.

But now...

There were cries of murder and despair everywhere.

Only this time, the unlucky ones are not those ordinary people, but the nobles...

During the previous Akatsuki organization attack, the capital of the Water King had already been slaughtered once. The mobs that found the opportunity ruthlessly made the nobles explode with a wave of gold coins, and even involved the Shinhua family.

It was only after the Seventh Prince entered the city that this situation was curbed. The Seventh Prince, who still had expectations of the nobles, had maintained considerable restraint in this regard.

But now...

If I had to describe it, it would probably be the intruder king opening a small number in the otherworld.

The big and small nobles who had been in the clear suddenly became rich beyond their wildest dreams. Under the ninja's genjutsu as well as the people's spontaneous denunciations, one by one, the nobles who had been accumulating for an unknown number of years were pouted off their roots in a single breath.

Dozens of kilograms of silver winter melons and golden winter melons were ruthlessly dug out of the cellar, and then excitedly registered by extremely excited people.

But this is not the end, what awaits these nobles is still not release, but Louis XVI's happy rack.

T/N: What tf is 'happy rack' and why did Google show me bondage when I looked it up in Chinese?

The bloody cruelty of the scene... is just like that.

Kakashi coldly ate a bear cookie, the expression of the people present was flat, without a ripple.

...Those who can stand in this tent have basically experienced the Third Ninja World War, and a few of the more survivable ones have even experienced the Second Ninja World War.

For the real war, these in front of you are nothing.

That was truly an inferno where even little kids had to go to war.

However, although the bloody degree of the scene did not break everyone's lower limit, but after all, those who stood here were also the management of a village, and more or less realized the problem in front of them.

In the scorching heat of blood and fire, there appeared the Seventh Prince with a head full of white hair.

As the elders of Kiri had said, he declared all the evil deeds of the nobles, and announced that all the supplies scavenged from the city would be used to form a new army, and would be used to deal with the corrupt and cruel Second Prince's legions.

In the midst of blood and fire, he made a passionate speech.

What was said in it was all about how the powerful Akatsuki only know how to be proud of their family, and how there is a lack of people who are worried about their country, and so on, which made people half-understand it.

But it didn't matter.

Answer him, is the people shake the sky cheers.

They felt the opportunity to climb up the ladder.

All they needed was a chance.

Kakashi turned the channel, and what appeared in front of the crowd instead was the grimace of the Second Prince, who was holding back his ecstasy.

He rebuked the Seventh Prince for going against the teachings of his father and ancestors, and wanted to personally put him to death by heaven.

Although he did not introduce the many people standing behind him, Makoto, who was well-versed in intelligence, still recognized them - these were the fringe members of the Daimyo lineage.

Like every time the first prince was seized, these people would not take a direct stance. And when they all stood behind the second prince...

According to the usual practice, this time when so many people had taken a stand, then the game should have ended. But this time...

Taking advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was on the TV screen, father-in-law pulled Makoto aside and whispered quietly.

"You played too big this time, didn't you?"

Makoto helplessly whispered an explanation to his father-in-law.

"I just wanted him to consider borrowing the power of civilians, how did I know that he would even..."

Makoto knew the truth of wanting to be quick, so from the very beginning, he hadn't thought about making certain things happen at once.

By the time Naruto's generation came around, it would be fast to get something out of the way.

So after the Fourth Ninja World War ended and the state of Konoha stabilized, he had been sowing seeds everywhere, hoping to blossom on all sides.

So far, this approach had gotten him called a shit-stirrer a lot, but the effect was still there.

It was when it came to actually executing it that it was more or less off.

Senior brother Nagato was focused on killing people, and while it was fun for everyone to watch, the guy didn't read the words, so he didn't mobilize the people at all.

The Seventh Prince has mobilized the people and won their support, but this has also made him the enemy of all the nobles.

Makoto didn't like the nobles either, and hated to let them die. But he also recognized that at the very least, in this era, the nobles were still powerful.

Doing this would put the Seventh Prince under unparalleled pressure...

...Well, this is all sort of horseplay.

The Seventh Prince was not a traveler, had no relevant experience to draw on, and he himself had no experienced bigwigs around him to show him the ropes, and was even a bit too young.

It was easy for such a half-grown child to take the path of extremes.

Who didn't have a middle child at times.

From his perspective, it was that apart from Kiri, there was surprisingly not a single one under the sky that helped him.

And those big nobles are clearly still in the city, surprisingly, they are still giving him eyeballs, not even afraid of the sword in his hand - since you are not afraid, all of you should die for the old man!

In the Naruto world, the penalization of nobles is also considered a sort of political tacit agreement. As long as it's not a matter of principle, as long as the nobles are willing to retire and become a monk, even their enemies will most likely choose to let it go.

But unfortunately, the seventh prince is definitely not a qualified politician.

The brothers on the road all knew not to mess with the youngsters, because they really did not strike out lightly.

But now the seventh prince... this guy is almost no limit.

On the flip side though, Land of Water was already an industrialized nation after all, and the literacy rate was actually quite high. In any case, he was a direct descendant of the Daimyo, and still had a rallying point in the hearts of the nation. It is true that everyone has had a bad time all these years, so maybe...

This is also an opportunity.

The situation right now, completely Naruto world three thousand years has not seen a big change, because of the differences between the two worlds, even Makoto can not predict, he can not succeed.

-After all, the Kiri, led by Terumi Mei, is clearly inclined to change...

Change is equal to death.

Not changing is actually also equal to death...

The more she understood Makoto, the more Terumi Mei realized that this guy would never compromise on this. He would never stop until all the old forces were crushed.

He had been forcing everyone to move forward.

Terumi Mei chose to do it herself.

"What a... world that makes it impossible to speculate."

Makoto said this and quietly looked at the Kiri elders.

No one echoed Makoto, as everyone's emotions were incredibly complicated.

Emotionally, they all knew that Kiri's choice was more than dangerous, it was downright dangerous.

But rationally, they wanted Kiri to succeed.

-This was not only the first time Kiri had taken up a position at the level of Go-tairo, but it would also be the first time a ninja had ever held such a high position, and it would be an extremely meaningful event for the entire Ninja world.

T/N: Go-tairo or Council of Five Elders, was a group of five powerful feudal lords (daimyo) formed in 1598 by the Regent Toyotomi Hideyoshi

In the original work, Asuma would become the guardian ninja of the Land of Fire.

But how could a guardian ninja be qualified to be compared to a Go-tairo.

This was a true political status uprooting.

As we all know, the first time is always harder. But on the other hand, after the first time, the second time is nothing... Mizukage has become Go-tairo, then isn't the other Kages are going to move as well...

And as the ninja's status is elevated, then aren't the nobles, who previously dominated...

Everyone has been longing for the arrival of change, but when the change really came, everyone then realized that they are actually not completely ready...

For a while, no one spoke at all, Kitsuchi looked around, and finally clenched his teeth, grabbed in front of Makoto, and asked the Kiri elders in front of him.

"Things have come to this... point, and what do you Kiri think?"

"Things have come to this point, for the sake of the future of Kiri, can only let the Godaime Mizukage retire!" The matter at hand is indeed tricky to the extreme, but the Kiri elder who opened his mouth was relatively calm, "This is also a choice of last resort, but today's situation, we absolutely cannot let the Kiri be buried here!"

Hearing the Kiri Elder's reply, Kitsuchi's eyes fluttered a bit.

"Ah, it's like this ..."

Anyone could see that Kitsuchi was a bit unhappy - it would be hell if he could be happy.

This era's Kitsuchi wasn't too old, and he was considered a product of being forced up after the Fourth Ninja War.

But after these two years of bonding, he had gradually become accustomed to considering issues from the perspective of a Kage and giving orders.

Terumi Mei's situation was somewhat similar to him at the time. Without considering the interests of the Ninja Village, in his heart, he was more favorable to Terumi Mei.

...Because he really knows clearly how annoying these old undead are.

Now that Terumi Mei is still fine, but these Kiri elders want to make her take the blame and step down, this innately makes Kitsuchi very unhappy.

Since you are so righteous and loyal, why didn't you stand up and remonstrate with Kirigakure in the first place when she chose the Seventh Prince?

If the Kiri elders had stepped forward at that time, and had hung themselves on the southeastern branch, Kitsuchi could still believe that they were really for the good of Kiri, nay political views differ.

Now the words... are nothing more than a fight to let Terumi Mei play the lead, if Terumi Mei succeeds, then they, as Kiri elders, naturally have their benefits.

If Terumi Mei failed...

Isn't this where they come in.

Such a big pot, Terumi Mei is definitely unable to carry it, and must repay it with his life. And as the successor of the struggle, the right to choose a new generation of Mizukage naturally returns to the hands of the elders...

These guys, they are really both cunning and annoying.

But... there was no way for him to directly say words of reproach.

Because the other party was too right.

"Well... all of you are worthy of being seniors, and what you said are all words of old age."

"But with the situation in the city today, whether it's the second prince or the seventh prince, I'm afraid that neither of them will be able to remain calm..."

Compared to Kitsuchi, who hates being the old man, Makoto's performance was very calm.

After all, this group of guys from the very beginning did not blow up their spikes and obediently carried out Terumi Mei's orders, Makoto knew that they must have been holding back.

It was only natural that they would jump back now.

"Yes, the current situation is indeed incredibly dangerous! We can't let Kiri become a great treasonous sinner, now that all the Kages are here, please let Hokage-sama give the order!"

Ask him to issue an order?

What a dare to think.

What would he order? Was it to hack Terumi Mei to death? Or to make enemies of the old nobles represented by the second prince?

A bunch of old things, they didn't open their mouths before, just waiting for me to be in the dark now right - Makoto seriously suspected that these guys had contacted the Seventh Prince before.

Makoto had probably guessed the other party's strategy in his heart, but he didn't panic.


Makoto felt out a pair of glasses from his sleeve and put them on.

The crowd didn't understand the meaning behind this action of his, but Uchiha Shisui, who had followed him for a long time and stood at the edge of the tent's gate, immediately reacted.

Shisui raised his head, and a ninja bird that was always flying above the tent immediately landed. Shisui removed the scrolll of information that the Ninja Bird was carrying on its feet, pretended to be in a hurry, rushed in, and handed the information to Makoto.

If Makoto had not ordered it, then this intelligence would never have appeared in front of the crowd.

But now...

Makoto opened the intelligence, quickly scanned it, and then was shocked.

"Not good, important members of the Akatsuki organization, are flying towards the royal capital with an unknown weapon... don't know exactly what that is, but we must stop them!"

When faced with a choice of two, Makoto usually doesn't choose, but instead chooses the third item he pinched out for himself.

Everyone is not a know-it-all king, everyone is a know-it-all king.

The Kiri elders wanted him to take a stand, but he just wouldn't.

"There's no time to explain, we must stop the Akatsuki organization immediately!"

The Kiri elders wanted to retort, but when they looked at Makoto, they realized that his eyes had turned a pure white at some point.

Kitsuchi: "..."


Yugito: "..."

"What are you looking at me for, set off."

Makoto said so and took the lead into the snow and wind.