I Can't Hurt Temari!

In the Konoha Suna Embassy, Pakura stretched and stood up from her position after a hard day's work.

She picked up the papers she had organized on her desk, sealed them into a scroll, and tied it to a ninja bird.

She petted the ninja bird for a while and fed it some feed, and the ninja bird let out a series of cheerful chirps and disappeared into the sky with a flutter of its wings.

This was the daily communication between Suna Embassy and the Suna Headquarters.

To this day, the functions of the embassy were becoming more and more standardized. In addition to the daily diplomatic activities between villages, the embassy was also responsible for some intelligence gathering work.

The Yonadime Kazekage practiced the strategy of rest and recuperation, he had been following Konoha's pace, and was not prepared to continue to fight for supremacy, but the intelligence work that should be done, still could not stop.

In the information sent out by Pakura just now, there were two important pieces of information.

One, so far, Minatsuki, Yakushi Nono, and even Terumi Mei did not show any signs of pregnancy.

Secondly, it was that three of the four most outstanding members of the younger generation of the Takumi Village had been killed yesterday, and the Takumi Ninja were furious about it. Nowadays, the rumors are saying that it was the work of Kiri, but Pakura knows that they were actually killed by the Akatsuki organization.

One of the rules of ninja intelligence gathering is that they do not prejudge conclusions in advance. However, Pakura believed that the Yondaime Kazekage was still able to read out vast amounts of information.

After all, the Yondaime Kazekage was the father-in-law of the Godaime Hokage, and the two sides were very familiar with each other.

"But compared to the second one, Mizukage-sama should be more concerned about the first one, right..."

Suna was now wholeheartedly working on solving the problem of wind and sand, and wasn't really too interested in any Takumi ninjas.

But hand bow's age is too young, both sides delayed to give birth to an heir, this is the thing that kills.

...The current situation is that Konoha can live without Suna, but Suna can never live without Konoha.

How the future will be, no one knows, but maintaining an alliance with Konoha can be said to be beneficial to Suna.

And a child is obviously the best lubrication for both sides.

The Godaime Hokage has everything but a heir... This was originally the easiest problem to solve, but now it has become the most difficult...

"Now they are all still not pregnant, but they are all fertile, there will be a day... It is impossible to wait for more than ten years..."

Pakura sighed and walked out of the office.

After being busy for so long, she also needed to eat a little and recover.

Pakura's side had just gone down to the first floor when she saw a few of the Suna military officers huddled in the hall with a medical ninja, watching a TV series together.

...It was Oshin again.

Pakura of course knew about this divine drama that had set a miracle in the ratings.

It started to explode last year and then swept all the major TV programs into the dustbin of history with unrivaled force.

The TV show itself is both cruel and gentle. The cruelty is that it pours out all the suffering that people don't want to face on a weak girl named Shin.

The gentle part is that even so, Shin is not beaten down.

The more people who have experienced something, the more they can feel the strength conveyed in the drama.

Men have the strength of men, and even if a man becomes old, he can still fight the sea and bring back the fish.

Women also have the power of women...

Pakura had watched a few episodes in her spare time. Judging from the images on the TV, at this time they were seeing the story of Shin overcoming all the difficulties and marrying her lover... It really was all the difficulties... But she finally succeeded... But her 'him', and where is it...

Makoto, you son of a bitch, do you like bullying Shin so much!

And you guy, can you be more serious when creating!

-Pakura of course knows exactly who the creator of this drama is, and she knows even more about what kind of state this drama was created in... Makoto this guy picks his feet and writes randomly like he's half-asleep...

Pakura didn't bother her subordinates, after all, the work in the embassy was indeed hectic. She wasn't a superior who couldn't understand people's hearts, and it was true that letting her subordinates take a break once in a while would be more conducive to the work afterward.

"Ah, Pakura-sama!"

Pakura didn't want to disturb her subordinates, but they still found her.

So a whole bunch of people clattered to their feet.

"It's fine, you guys continue, I'll go out to eat something."

Hearing Pakura say that, the subordinates looked at each other, and finally sat down together.

Only the medical ninja in the center seemed to remember something and handed Pakura an envelope.

"Pakura-sama, this is your medical report. I was going to send it over to you while I wasn't off duty, just..."

Just accidentally got dragged off to watch TV and forgot, huh?

It's inevitable for anyone to make a mistake, let alone just a routine medical report.

Pakura didn't put it on her mind either, she took the medical report and didn't open it, walking straight towards the outside.

But before she could take a few steps, Pakura was again pulled by this young female medical ninja.

"Pakura-sama, my teacher asked me to pass on a message to you..." said the young medical ninja, swallowing her saliva, "-if you want to keep your own child, it's only these two years."

Although this female medical ninja was young, her master was the village's resident elder. Because she was older and also a medical ninja, she had always been more respected, and Pakura and the other party were on good terms.

The other party has always known Pakura's physical state, and now...

Pakura knew that her retribution for overdrawing her body in the early years had arrived.

For any ninja, injuries and even unlimited overdrawing of the body were commonplace.

In war, both you and your enemy want to live. With neither side wanting to die, the only thing ninjas can fight for is who is more desperate.

It was a death spiral that was incredibly deadly, yet no one could escape.

There were quite a few geniuses who could have had a broad future, but as a result, because they went into battle at a single-digit age, they were left with irreconcilable dark wounds, and ended up with kidney loss for the rest of their lives, or even died at an early age.

Even the most powerful and renowned Godaime Hokage now had been beaten to death in his early years as well.

Most ninjas do not worry about this problem, because in the war years, they simply do not live to see the outbreak of dark injuries.

And now Pakura...

She was already on the older side for a ninja, or a kunoichi. Normally it looked fine, but the veteran medical ninja could still see that Pakura's body had long since become pineapple-pineapple inside.

It wasn't going to collapse for a while, but in just a little bit more than a few years, she would completely lose the power to be a mother...

This kind of dark injury was fatal, and even Tsunade couldn't do anything about it.

I'm afraid the only one who can ignore this kind of damage is the Godaime Hokage... But this guy's way of dealing with it is even more extreme...

"After one or two years, can you no longer have children... I know."

Pakura said and walked straight out of the embassy.

... ...

Pakura had been in Konoha for two years and was familiar with everything in Konoha. She quickly found a nice ramen store and sat down.

-This one called Ramen Ichiraku is really quite good, even Makoto seems to know the store owner. But for some reason, that feckless guy keeps calling him Otsutsuki Ichiraku, and I don't know what's the reason in it... he's clearly called Teuchi...

But then again, even such a ramen store is playing Shin... This drama is really hot for no reason...

"Hahaha, guest, do you enjoy watching this drama as well?"

Nowadays, Konoha was basically the overlord of the ninja world, and unlike in the past, there were now more ninjas coming and going from powers large and small. After the residents of Konoha got over the initial period of surprise, they slowly got used to it, gradually revealing a state of openness and confidence - of course, they couldn't enter the main city of Konoha, they were all limited to the outer periphery of the city, and only ambassadors were allowed to come in.

"Not bad."

Pakura replied noncommittally.

She had something on her mind and didn't want to say too much. This ramen boy, however, didn't mind Pakura's coldness and still warmly summoned her.

"The things that trouble people in the world are truly endless, either this or that. -

"But if one cowers because of the troubles in front of one's eyes, then there is no way to go on with life... Just like Hyuuga Hizashi-sama, it's like he's lost his mind in the past two days, and I don't know what's happened, it's really worrying..."

Hyuuga Hizashi?

Hyuuga clan head's own brother?

What happened to him?

Pakura wanted to ask for clarification, but the sound of a small child crying came from the store. The shopkeeper hurriedly terminated the conversation and went into the store.

Not long after, he carried out a very cute girl.

"Guest, I'm really sorry, the child is still too young and is a bit afraid of life... Ayame don't cry don't cry..."

Pakura didn't care, after all, this girl named Ayame was indeed very cute and pitiable.

"What a cute child... But is it really okay for you to just leave your daughter in the store like that? Can you really take care of her that way?"

"The store is just too busy, and sometimes it's true that I can't take care of it. But..."

The store owner said, seeming to feel a bit guilty, but he still tiger touched the daughter in his arms.

Little Ayame quickly revealed a sweet smile and got all mushy with her dad.

"But I really want a child... Even after many years, I have left this world, there will still be someone who remembers me and knows that I have come to this world. The wish that I couldn't fulfill in my life will also be continued in her... Ah, sorry for saying strange things..."

The stupid dad said strange things, then was quickly distracted by the other new arrivals and went forward to greet them.

But the one who said it didn't mean it, the one who heard it did...

"Child...the inheritance of blood and spirit..."

Pakura had never pondered this question.

But nowadays...

... ...

After Pakura, who had a heavy heart, finished her meal, she didn't go anywhere and just went straight back to his office.

Not long after, Kakashi himself came over and told her that Makoto was going to have a discussion with her in half an hour.

Pakura probably guessed that Makoto was going to say something to her, so she immediately suppressed the distractions in her mind and made preparations.

Half an hour later, Pakura appeared on time in the main conference room of the Five Kage building.

Makoto was also there as promised.

He even thoughtfully brought a bottle of water for her.

"I'm sorry, the pipes here in the Five Kage Building had a problem today, there's no hot water to drink right now, so why don't you drink this to top it off first."

...I didn't expect this scum to be weirdly attentive.

Pakura was slightly happy.

She was also really a little thirsty.

Pakura also did not think too much, took over and drank a mouthful.

"Whew... not bad."

"Wait, what about you?"

Pakura suddenly remembered a problem - Makoto seemed to have only brought a bottle of water.

"Aren't you thirsty?"


Makoto looked at Pakura like this as a matter of course.

Pakura suddenly felt something subtle.

...This guy, why is he saying this to her, is he implying something to her?

Could it be that this guy, was hinting that she... was indeed something that Makoto had done.

This guy opened a harem never avoiding people.

Terumi Mei really loved and hated him - but whenever this guy disguised himself a little, it was enough to make Terumi Mei fall in love with him.

But he just doesn't want it.

So, to obey him? ...Suna really needs to have a Hokage's child... For both sides, this is a very beneficial thing... Temari is too small to really count on. Her health is getting worse and worse, if we can take this opportunity...

Anymore, even if we want to unite the unification, we can't let the son of Hokage and Mizukage be the eldest son... This will increase a lot of variables.

But this harem man doesn't know how to restrain himself at all, and with his character and level of scum, he will definitely do more things that will exasperate people to death... Want to refuse?

No, he has so clearly expressed, not at all like and before like playing dumb, if rejected...

Pakura hesitated, in his heart a moment of euphemism difficult to decide.

After a moment's pause, Pakura re-passed the water in his hand to Makoto.

"If you don't mind, I..."



Pakura really didn't expect, she had managed to muster up the courage, this birdman even directly refused?

"Because I brought milk tea."

Makoto said so, but actually really fished out a bottle of milk tea from his pocket.

Milk tea is really a good thing, ninjas don't care about that little bit of sugar and calories, it's all about replenishing chakra. So once it was introduced, it was a huge hit.

"The flavor is good, it's a pity that there are no pearls or fruits, it can be improved in the future..."

Hearing Makoto's brazen words, Pakura's fists instantly hardened.

In the aspect of making people angry, Makoto is really invincible.

Can't get angry... Can't get angry... Can't get angry... This guy should just be doing it on purpose... He's very uncomfortable with Like to have in-depth communication with other women... Can't go along with this guy's idea...

It could be that his head suddenly jammed, or it could be that he had been bullied by Makoto for more than two consecutive years to the point that he had built up an extremely deep resentment... All in all, under Makoto's astonished gaze, Pakura, who had lost his mind, actually directly snatched Makoto's milk tea, and then took a big sip.

Kakashi, who had been staying outside the door, silently closed the door.

"Godaime-sama, rest in peace."

... ...

After a fist-to-fist melee, Pakura, who had died together and turned into a pig's head together, then looked at Makoto.

"You called me here, what exactly is the matter?"

"The Finance Minister of the Land of Fire is coming over to talk to us about the undersea tunnels and the smith ninja... This time it's a formal meeting, and I've decided to get a dance party going first, but I don't have a more suitable partner... "

"Where's... your wife?"

"My wife doesn't know how to ballroom dance!"

"What about... Kakashi?"

Kakashi, who had been quietly peeking through the door as his own boss ate his words, couldn't pretend he hadn't heard them this time.

If it were anyone else, surely it wouldn't be possible.

But his boss... would really make him a woman if he said no.

The man's mind's eye was smaller than an abbot's.

"I'm straight... thanks."

"Can't you do a henge?"

Makoto: "Pakura, be a person!"