The God of Creation and Destruction

Killer B whacked Makoto's chest with his full strength, however, what he didn't expect was that Makoto, who didn't dodge or evade, didn't receive any damage, instead, one of his arms was completely ruined.

A thousand hammered and refined muscles, even compared to steel, just turned into countless fragments and disappeared between heaven and earth.

For a moment, the surprise in his heart far exceeded the pain of having his arm destroyed - he did not throw a punch recklessly, his arm was under the double protection of himself and the Hachibi chakra!

In the end, what kind of attack can penetrate through these two, directly injuring his body?

Killer B was horrified, but he wasn't the kind of battlefield rookie who would stop in place just because of someone else's attack.

After realizing that things were not right, Killer B immediately performed a body technique, and the whole person was like a meteor that flew and exploded back, and withdrew straight to a few hundred meters, and only then did he feel slightly at ease.

Makoto, who had changed into white clothes, didn't pursue, but just quietly floated in the air.

Just now where he was attacked by Killer B, a small black ball slowly floated out.

-It was this small ball that blocked Killer B's extremely fierce punch!

On the surface, this black ball was plain and ordinary, but the more he viewed this odd ball, the more fearful Killer B's heart became.

It was as if at this moment he was facing, some kind of extremely terrifying behemoth...

"Hachibi, what in the world is this thing! Why is it so powerful!"

"That's the Truth-Seeking Ball! That's the ultimate product of the Yin-Yang Release, you can't top it!"

In a hurry, Hachibi still gave Killer B an explanation.

"Hurry up! -

"I've seen something similar to this before by the side of Rikudo Sennin... This is definitely not an existence that you and I can challenge! -

"Let's run before he comes after us now!"

Of course Hachibi recognized the Truth-Seeking Ball, after all, that gentle man known as Rikudo Sennin had such a thing by his side.

And this guy in front of him... his calm eyes, possessed only the urge to destroy everything!

Hachibi, who had always been fearless, at this time showed an extremely rare mood of fear. And the constant pain coming from his arm, as well as his trust in Hachibi, all told Killer B, the best choice now, is to leave the others behind, regardless of escape... But Kumo already went to this extent, how can he still run!

He regarded the Yondaime Raikage as his own brother, and after the death of the Yondaime Raikage, he had failed to support Kumo, but instead had allowed Kumo to be constantly suppressed in the game with Konoha, which had already filled Killer B with guilt.

Now that this battle is also related to the future of Kumo, how can he be willing to retreat... really let Konoha and Moto continue to develop without any limitations, Konoha can really be invincible!

Obviously his heart was under unparalleled pressure, but Killer B still forced himself to fight back and looked at Makoto.

At this time, Makoto did not continue to attack, he was still floating quietly in the air. At this time, the two people were hundreds of meters apart, but from Killer B's perspective, the distance between them not only remained the same.

Instead, it was brought closer without limit.

Makoto was still the same Makoto, his body had not changed much, yet the aura he produced filled almost all of Killer B's field of vision.

There was no way for Killer B to depict what he was feeling at that moment.

How to put it?

What is the most powerful thing in the world?

Strength, intelligence, freedom, will...

Nope, that's not it.

Powerful is powerful.

Doesn't need any adjectives, doesn't need any description.

And what was presented in front of Killer B at this moment was the purest of this world - the strong.

No matter how the plan was formulated, the opponent always had a way to crack it.

That is, an irresistible presence.

That was the pressure that turned into substance.

This is pure strength!

The man standing in front of them at that moment could no longer be described as purity, but purity itself.

Killer B's body, began to tremble.

It was the most primal fear born from the cells, from every DNA helix.

Couldn't be done.

Could not be overcome.

A being that was not a latitude from the beginning.


The ninja sword in Killer B's hand fell to the ground.

Hachibi: "That guy across the street is very wrong, there's no humanity left in him, only endless hatred... We simply can't defeat such a guy... B, you... what are you doing!"


Hachibi and Killer B were extremely close, more like friends than human pillars. Now that they had encountered this kind of enemy that was simply unbeatable, Hachibi's first reaction was to hope that Killer B would survive.

However, what answered him was the sound of a sword entering his flesh - Killer B plunged a dagger into his thigh, using the endless sharp pain to temporarily free himself from fear.

"Hachibi, have you noticed, this Makoto guy seems to have gotten stronger, but his life breath is falling! -

"I don't know what kind of kinjutsu he used to make his strength surge to this extent. But it's obvious that this technique of his has a weakness... How can a technique this strong not have a weakness? -

"Next, I'm going to bet my life with him, are you willing to join me?"

Until this time, Hachibi realized that, just as Killer B had said, Makoto, who was floating in the air at this time, was like a balloon that was leaking, and the essential life force was leaking out of his body at a rapid pace.

Makoto was only twenty years old, even from a ninja's perspective, it could be said that he was very young. But in just a few seconds, a few strands of white hair had already appeared in Makoto's black hair.

-While not knowing what was going on, Makoto in this state was speeding towards death!

Without special ninjutsu and bloodlines, even the most powerful ninja's lifespan had its limits. Makoto's current state, obviously can not last...

But the current Makoto is so strong just by looking at his aura that he wants to drag him until he dies...

"My big deal is to sleep for a few more years, what am I afraid of!"

As Chakra Spirits, bijus were actually immortal. Even if their bodies were completely wiped out, after a few more years, they would be resurrected again in heaven and earth.

It was just that there were things in the world that were even more frightening than death.

Now Makoto's posture is really too close to the Rikudo Sennin at the time, but compared to the man who always smiled at the time, the posture Makoto showed was too ruthless, there was no killing intent in his eyes, but it seemed like he wanted to destroy everything into nothingness... No matter, spell it out!

Hachibi finally chose to act together with Killer B.

"Good, then let's go together - oooh!"

"Four-Finger Nukite."

Killer B managed to break free from that horrible atmosphere with a self-inflicted wound. However, before he and Hachibi could launch their attacks together, Makoto's attack arrived first.

Makoto was still floating in the air, only to see him join up his four fingers, with lightning flashing on his fingertips, before stabbing in Killer B's direction.

Killer B was experienced, and Makoto's current state was too bizarre, so he didn't choose to fight hard, but very wisely chose to dodge.

However, it was too slow.

Because of his constant cooperation with the Yondaime Raikage, among ordinary ninjas, Killer B's speed could be said to be quite astonishing. Now that the Hachibi was open to supplying him with chakra, it was even more so that his speed increased again and again.

When he moved, it was like a bolt of lightning. After swiftly passing by, he only left a trail of residual images in the same place.

But Makoto's Four-Finger Nukite was even faster!

To be precise, it was the berserk wave of air brought out by Four-Finger Nukite!

Without any aiming at all, that violent river-like air wave had already arrived, covering both Killer B and the Hachibi protecting him.

"Eh- Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Even the thick-skinned Hachibi felt endless pain in the air wave. However, he knew that he must not hesitate at this time, so he exploded his full strength and fought against the air wave.


Killer B couldn't quite remember exactly how long he fought against the air wave, and when he regained consciousness, he had already landed heavily on the ground under the wrapping of Hachibi.

Because of Hachibi's protection, Killer B was in an okay state, but Hachibi's state was quite bad... Such a long range attack from such a distance had directly chipped off one of Hachibi's tails...

"Hachibi, are you okay!"

"It's okay, still holding up, can't die... But this power is really terrible, already has a few moments of the appearance of the Sage of Six Paths back in the day... Except that there's always a feeling of lack of inadequacy... Is it a problem with the jutsu, or is it a problem with the person? He is now constantly bleeding life force, is it also because of this..."

Hachibi had really seen the Sage of Six Paths, he knew what a top Six-Path level expert was like - those who could condense the Truth-seeking Ball were bound to be proficient in the Yin-Yang Release as well as all the variations of chakra, and overall would give off a feeling of completeness, which Makoto clearly wasn't...

Killer B immediately realized that this might also be a big break for Makoto.

But even if this was Makoto Makoto's breakthrough, there was nothing he could do about it.

Because Makoto started attacking again.

It was the same ninjutsu as before, only that it had changed from four fingers before to three fingers now.

The fierce wind that was mixed with lightning, once again came whistling.

This time Killer B had a mental expectation, he immediately reacted... but still couldn't dodge it.

Makoto's move was just too fast and too strong.

Even if he saw through it, it was still impossible to escape with human speed.


"Why would he know the jutsu of the Sandaime Raikage-sama!"

Hachibi took Killer B with him and started dodging once again. However, it was of no use, Hachibi was still hit heavily and had three of his tails clipped away once again in order to protect Killer B.

His opponent's random attack had cost him half of his own tail, and this made Hachibi's eyes red.

He knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would only be killed by Makoto as if it was a joke. At this moment, he could not care about that much, Hachibi immediately united with Killer B and sent out bijudama together.

Offense was the best defense, he couldn't let Makoto's output continue so casually anymore!


A light like a supernova erupting once again blossomed in the heavens and earth.

Makoto in this state was strange, he didn't seem to have any thoughts of dodging. Hachibi's full power bijudama had actually smashed solidly all over his body - Attacks like the bijudama were indeed very terrifying, but more often than not, it was used to inflict group wounds, and rarely could it actually hit an individual ninja who was quick to act.

This time, however, Hachibi's bijudama dealt almost complete all damage.

"Is this guy crazy? Or is it uncontrollable... Whatever, this time we must become..."

However, before one person and one tailed beast could pop their heads in celebration, the dust raised by bijudama had already dispersed, revealing an unharmed Makoto.

-Makoto's body flickered with a layer of dazzling thunder light, and it was this layer of thunder light that had blocked all of Hachibi's furious attacks for him.

"This is... Sandaime Raikage-sama's Lightning Release Chakra Mode!"

The Sandaime Raikage, Kumo's legendary figure. Possessing Hell Stab, which was known as the strongest spear, as well as the Lightning Release Chakra Mode, which was the strongest shield.

When the Sandaime Raikage was still alive, he had once created the miracle of fighting tens of thousands of ninjas for three days and three nights.

Even the rampaging Hachibi had been powerfully suppressed by it many times.

And now, these two hiden (secret jutsu) of Raikage have all been learned by Makoto... And it is clear that he himself is stronger than the Sandaime Raikage... Motionless, without changing his face, eating Hachibi's full strength bijudama head on, Killer B couldn't figure out what level of defense it was...

Worse still, through this battle, Killer B discovered a very shocking fact - Makoto in this state seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of chakra!

The strength of Lightning Release Chakra Mode was perfectly proportional to the amount of chakra it consumed. If the amount of chakra was insufficient, even Lightning Release Chakra Mode would be broken head-on.

And Makoto is notorious for having a scarcity of chakra... But right now, without using the Reibi his chakra seems to be so abundant that he can't use it up... What kind of jutsu is this!

Makoto's expression was indifferent, not saying a word, the complete opposite of the talkative one before.

But the more so, the more Killer B felt unrivaled pressure.

If the pre-transformation Makoto had a fighting strength of 100,000, then the current Makoto had at least a million or more!

And... he didn't have any weaknesses.

"Hey, what are you gawking at! -

"The opponent is about to attack again!"

The consecutive setbacks had brought Killer B back to that atmosphere of fear and hesitation once again, but luckily Yugito in biju mode came to his side and made a gesture of spitting tailed beast jade.

"Is this the time to be skeptical?"

Killer B snapped back to his senses, and he barely managed to muster up the energy to spit out bijudama with the cat again and slam it towards Makoto once more.

Like before, Makoto still didn't dodge and ate all the damage hard - however, at the same time, the lightning carried by his two-finger nukite arrived in front of the two bijus.

Boom, boom, boom!

The massive Hachibi collapsed in response, leaving only a pathetic tail to protect the shriveled Killer B.

This time with Yugito's help, Killer B finally survived.

However, both Hachibi and Nibi paid an extremely heavy price for this. Hachibi only left a tail not to mention, Nibi who had just joined the battlefield was also heavily smashed flying out, covered in injuries, a time unexpectedly can not get up.

-Originally, in Kumo's plan, it was for Killer B to drag Makoto down, creating space for Yugito to output. But now the situation...


Makoto raised a finger once again.

Yugito, who was also injured, kept urging the bijus, but all she got was a gush of feeble replies.

Nibi was originally inferior to the Hachibi by quite a bit in terms of strength, and even the Hachibi had been beaten by three or two strikes to the point where it could barely get up again, let alone the second tail.

"One-finger nu-... hmm?"

Seeing that the Nibi is going to die together with Yugito, under this finger, the remaining Kumo-nins who can still fight even rushed up.

The fuinjutsu ninja bravely surrounded Makoto hundred meters range stood, at the same time began to cast sealing art. Among them, Kumo elders who had more guts even directly rushed up to Makoto and engaged in a physical fight.

Everyone knew that this was the way to death. But things have come to this point, the elders who have also been on the battlefield understand in their hearts, at this time if you do not fight for their lives, then all of them will die here...

Spell a fight there is a possibility to live, if this time is still thinking about those messy things words...

Makoto still didn't have any intention of taking any action, his gaze swept over the frantically approaching Kumo elders, and then he directly chopped them into countless segments.

Seeing this, the remaining Kumogskure people in the surrounding area were all enraged - no matter how bad the Kumo Elders' character was, they were still part of Kumo, and most of them had been promoted from war service, it was one thing for them to be annoying, but there were very few of them who had bad hands. But now, it was Makoto who chopped them all up with a single look...

"What kind of art is this, why have I never seen it before... No, this is kenjutsu (sword technique)!"

Immediately, a kenjutsu expert recognized that these Kumo Elders had been killed by some kind of exquisite to the extreme kenjutsu.

But all of them didn't see how Makoto actually used his sword...

"A sword, is it not such an inconvenient thing."

Makoto replied coldly to the extreme, and without seeing him form a seal, a cute little blister appeared around him.

Immediately, an experienced senior ninja recognized this particular jutsu.

"This jutsu, couldn't it be... the Nidaime Mizekage's Water Gun Technique?!"

As a former battle maniac, even after dying for many years, there were still people who remembered the Nidaime Mizukage and those special jutsu of his.

No one dared to underestimate these jutsu.

With Makoto's strength, to learn the Nidaime Mizukage's jutsu was strange no matter how one thought about it... although he had already used the Sandadime Raikage's jutsu before...

In the midst of his surprise, the countless cute little water balls that surrounded Makoto like raindrops smashed towards the enemies underneath.

"Quickly, form a defensive formation!"

After all, they were Kumo elites, surprisingly they had not lost their courage to fight when faced with this kind of battlefield that could be described as desperate. Although the number of small waterballs was large, the individual breakthrough power was a little weaker after all.

The elite ninjas united together and finally managed to block this wave of terror.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the second wave of water and iron cannons had already arrived.

Moreover, unlike the first wave of water and iron cannons before, this time the water and iron cannons were not only more numerous, but also extremely flexible. They flew at all sorts of weird angles, and many of them even passed through the tent that the elite ninjas had united to form, hitting the Kumo-nins underneath.

There were no rookies among the Kumogakure ninjas here, and even if they resisted with their body structure, they could logically resist two hits. However, what made them incomparably terrified was that these Water Gun bullets weren't simply attacking them with impulse power... When the two sides came into contact, there was a trace of chakra in the water and iron cannons, which actively seeped into their bodies...

Originally well-functioning chakra, instantly is a stagnation.

In the moment of fierce battle, chakra stagnation is simply fatal. After one water and iron cannon hit the enemy, more water and iron cannons would hit the enemy.

They continued to attack the ninjas, leaving the ninjas without the slightest ability to fight.

Once there were a large number of them, even the most tenacious defense would be easily broken.

There were a few ninjas who had fought with the Hyuuga clan who immediately sensed something.

"This kind of attack... the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm of the Hyuuga clan?"

Hyuuga clan's taijutsu were known throughout the world, and Byakugan that could see chakra combined with a variety of clever physical arts could always bring unexpected surprises.

Among them, the Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm, which is specifically used to attack from afar, is naturally also very famous.

But Makoto now even using Mizukage's Water Gun Technique and Hyuuga clan's Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm...

Not to mention the power, just this devilish level of chakra control is enough to make people's scalp numb.

If it were any other ninja army, when they encountered this kind of strong and bizarre attack, their morale would have already collapsed.

However, Kumogakure were still gritting their teeth even though they were constantly falling.

In this battle, they could not lose.

Moreover... more and more of them sensed that Makoto's life breath was constantly weakening... the more Ninjutsu he used and the longer he stayed in this world, the faster his life breath flowed away.

Right now, before and after, he had only stayed for a few dozen seconds, but his life breath was already like a candle in the wind... Hold on!

It might be able to drain him to death!

With such a powerful Ninjutsu, there was no way that it didn't have a weakness!

This weakness must be Makoto's life!

Makoto's exposed weakness boosted the Kumo's morale.

But before they could rejoice for a moment longer, Makoto made another move.

He opened his hands and raised them to the sky.

The atmosphere above Makoto's head began to shake.

As he did so, two extremely large and constantly rotating cyclones appeared in front of the people. This cyclone was positive and negative, and as soon as it appeared, it blew the crowd to the ground, unsteady.

For a time, the ground shook within a radius of dozens of miles, as if it was the end of the world.

Under Makoto's control, these two huge cyclones rose and sank. The two then slammed dozens of times more violently, flying towards a point in the center - this point, Kumo's army!

"What is this move... how does it feel like the secret technique of the Hyuuga clan's Revolving Heaven... no, where does the Hyuuga clan's Revolving Heaven have the power it has now... "

Makoto launched an attack that never seemed to consider chakra consumption, two cyclones swept dozens of miles in a circle, under this level of attack, elite upper shinobi level ninja were not even qualified to participate in the battle.

Almost everyone was waiting for death in despair.

At this time, the combat power that Makoto had shown had completely exceeded the scope of their imagination... Perhaps, only a god could do something similar...

This was already a natural disaster.

However, in the midst of despair, someone still stood out.

"Damn it, never, never... B!"

"I understand!"

Yugito and Killer B, whose bodies were already crippled, took the initiative to charge into the cyclone with their two bijus.

With such a cyclone attack, it was impossible for anyone to survive. However, the skin of biju was not something that could be imagined by ordinary people.

Perhaps, it is possible to rush into the eye of the wind and forcefully defeat this astronomical level jutsu...

Then the two who jumped into the eye of the wind immediately realized their mistake.

Because the two cyclones were going in completely opposite directions.

Under Makoto's manipulation, the area of the eye of the wind, which should have been the quietest, was instead the place with the strongest attacks.

When the two Jinchuuriki entered it, they were immediately attacked by countless sharp wind blades, it was almost as if countless Futon (wind release) Rasengan erupted on them at the same time.

With this level of attack, even the tailed beasts couldn't carry it anymore.

Hachibi let out a cry of sorrow, put his heart across, seeing that things could not be done, and not caring whether Killer B was willing or not, he directly rushed out with his last tail wrapped around him, not knowing where to go.

On the other hand, the Nibi was much more miserable, directly fainted, lifted the biju mode, leaving Yugito alone to face that horrible scene.

But Yugito didn't run away, she just floated in the eye of the wind, endured the severe pain that kept coming, and barely made use of all the defensive jutsu she could still use.

At this moment, being attacked by the hurricane, her seven orifices were bleeding, and her body was in a miserable state. However, facing Makoto, who was calm as usual, she revealed an extremely smug smile.

"Makoto, let's go to hell together!"

After years of wandering the battlefield, Yugito was extremely sensitive to the aura of life. At this moment, Makoto's aura of death was so deep that it was clear that he only had a few seconds to live.

And right now, his entire attention was on her, just drag him for a few more seconds...

However, at this very moment, Makoto suddenly revealed a bizarre smile.

His body, which had been constantly leaking air, unexpectedly stopped flowing with life and even began to grow in the opposite direction.

Just in the blink of an eye, Makoto's weak body had once again recovered to its peak moment. That overly powerful surging life force was simply like the sun.

"Don't compare me to that timid and weak me. -

"From the very beginning, he assigned all the difficult things to me, and he took all the weak and puny things. -

"The Yin-Yang release is not hard to defeat me, I just can't accomplish the doton (earth release) as well as futon yet. -

"You're in luck... Now the primary target is Uchiha Obito. -

"Finally, I've lured him out."

Makoto said so, and with a wave of his robe sleeve, he slapped the horrified Yugito out of the way.

After doing so, with a wave of his shocking hand, he actually directly dispersed the ever-approaching positive and negative cyclones. In his originally indifferent pupils, golden light flashed once again.

Only this time, the merciless golden pupils finally had a target - it was a certain swan goose in the sky.

"Uchiha Obito, suffer death!"

Makoto, who hadn't used the Bodo behind him since the beginning, finally pulled it out, and then the golden pupils flashed, and an eight-armed Goddess-Buddha's virtual statue that was covered in gold appeared behind him.

As soon as the virtual image appeared, each of the eight arms caught a scattered magic sword.

In the next moment, the eight magic swords merged into one, transforming into a golden torrent that blasted everything, striking straight at Uchiha Obito, who had changed into a goose and was ready to make up for it.

"Angel of Peace!"