The Impact of Energy Revolution on the World 1

Spring seems to have come later this year than in previous years.

The snow and wind, which should have subsided completely after the New Year, are still going on today. Under the rolling cold wave, the experienced farmers are worried.

If it continues like this, it might have to affect this year's spring plowing.

In the process of modernization, the Naruto world's economic and land reform was very incomplete, and still retained many products of the Warring States era.

Not only were there large landowners, but there were also a large number of small farmers.

They are literally powerless in the face of natural disasters.

This is not a matter for one country, but a matter that affects the whole world.

If the worst came to the worst, the five major countries, with their strong heritage, would surely be able to persevere. But the other small countries would...

The food reserves within the small countries might not necessarily be insufficient.

Take for example the Land of Grass as well as the Land of Rice.

The fear is that the nobles will manually let the food be insufficient so that they can make massive profits.

A 10% shortfall in food isn't as simple as the price of food going up by 10%, it's going up to the point where that 10% of the population can't afford to buy it no matter what until they're all starved to death.

This would undoubtedly cause great anger among the people at the bottom.

But so what?

What makes expensive things expensive is that they don't even do anthropomorphic things.

In the long past, they kept repeating similar mistakes over and over again.

On the contrary, everyone couldn't do anything about them.

Faced with this kind of celestial problem, the ninjas were at their wits' end. The old farmers could only pray to the gods for the cold wave to recede soon.

I don't know if that environmental remodeling machine in the Land of Snow was completed, but if it was, it might be useful if it was taken out and put to use... However, even if it was completed, I don't think Kazehana Sosetsu would take it out.

Kazehana Sosetsu wasn't that kind of cold-blooded person, he could even be said to be a bit kind.

Kind... to the extent of being a bit weak.

But let's not talk about whether or not an environmental reformer could affect the entire world, even if it could, there would be a sea of zealots to persuade him not to use it.

If people die, they die, and they can regenerate later anyway. But if the opportunity to make money passes, it might not be encountered in this lifetime.

In order to achieve their goal, they might even send mobile units to directly destroy the machine.

-Killing the State Lord was too eye-catching after all.

The Nobles would definitely do it.

If they couldn't, they could also drag it out until the cold snap was over...

Just after the start of spring, this certainly puts a heavy cloud over Konoha '54.

In the original, Makoto hadn't heard of anything like this. But considering the positioning of the original hot-blooded manga... This kind of genuine despair and helplessness is obviously very un-hot-blooded.

But no matter what, the day always went on.

Workers draped themselves in thick coats and entered factories large and small. Farmers bemoaned the vagaries of fate and began to use various methods to ward off the cold snap that was likely to continue on and on for the rest of the day.

And the ninjas... The elite ninjas of the five ninja villages packed their bags and headed en masse to the Land of Demons in order to stop the evil plot of the Akatsuki Organization.

Through various means, the ninjas have spied that Pain, the world's greatest evil, has somehow determined the existence of a powerful demonic creature [sprites] in the Land of Demons.

-Rumor has it that the Land of Demons is really sealed with sprites and demons, and not just some catch-all legend.

Seeing that the battle in the Land of Lightning was not favorable, Pain was ready to increase the top combat power of his side by manipulating the sprites.

This was an extremely dangerous thing to do.

When the Akatsuki organization actually penetrated the Land of Lightning and connected the Land of Lightning to the Land of Water, then he would gain a large and stable amount of territory and population.

In modern warfare, both were indispensable.

At that point, it would be a thousand times harder to defeat him again.

At the very least, the payoff for everyone would be much greater.

The kind and righteous ninjas would naturally not allow him to succeed, so after reporting to the daimyo, the United Ninja Army set off collectively, temporarily lifting the blockade of Paradise Island, and marched towards the Land of Demon.

Paradise Island is the main camp of the Akatsuki organization, which is run by the Akatsuki organization as solid as gold, and it is impossible to conquer it in a short period of time.

But comparatively, now that Pain's main force was outside, it was thought that they didn't have much guts to come out and cause trouble.

Since this is the case, it would be better to put it aside for the time being and deal with Pain's conspiracy.

Makoto knew that if nothing else, the two sides would battle it out in the Land of Demons, and the sprites whose seals had loosened somewhat would be forcibly sealed once again.

-The crisis that could be solved by a small Naruto plus a Shion could not be solved by so many Kages going over now.

How many people died, or even whether they died or not is not the point, the point is to make the people of the Land of Demons feel a huge pressure through this incident.

At this time from the war era has not long passed, many young people, even small children's hearts are still remember the terrible war.

Soldiers passing through like a comb, bandits passing through like a grate, this was not a joke, but the bloody personal experience of countless people.

At that time, under the threat of war, the residents of Land of Demons would definitely flee to the neighboring countries.

There was no need to wait for them to flee all, only needing to be reduced to a certain level, the five great ninja villages would be able to carry out energy experiments without worry.

To put it bluntly, they weren't here to take over the land, and apart from Konoha, the other four great ninja villages were essentially only interested in the results of the experiments.

And how to resettle the people who had fled in all directions...

That was Makoto's job.

In order to avoid any additional twists and turns, Konoha had gone to most of its elite this time, except for Makoto.

In this bleak and cold time of the year, Makoto, with a blanket on his legs and two deep-sleeping lolitas in his arms, smiled at his old friend sitting across from him.

"I'm going to have to ask for your help again on this one."

"What do you call that? Aren't we friends? Since we are friends, isn't it only natural to help each other? It's out of character for you to keep saying that."

The one who spoke was Makoto's old friend, a representative of the Industrial Faction.

In order to deal with the final war with the Good Soul, the recent Makoto couldn't, and wouldn't, run around. Taking in the stragglers of a small country wasn't an easy task, so Makoto had left it in the hands of the Industrial Faction representative.

Of course, with this guy's unprofitable character, he wouldn't lose out is all- Because of the war, basically all the countries in the Naruto world have shown a certain youthfulness.

Land of such a small country like the Land of Demons, was already quite poor, naturally the proportion of the elderly is horribly low.

Those who could leave the Land of Demons were basically either young people or small children.

In this era, as long as they were young, after a little training, they were a good labor force.

Small children were also fine.

The big factory owners also had jobs suitable for children-as long as the price was right, they didn't mind hiring children.

Due to the continuous development of domestic industry and commerce, the Land of Fire is always in a state of shortage of people. Although it is not the same as the books in the bubble period, college students are dragged to the big health care and big meals by their company seniors as soon as they graduate, just to join their company after graduation, but the shortage of manpower has always restricted the productivity of Land of Fire.

Previously, the Industrial Faction got through the Land of Wind through heavy efforts and got a large amount of cheap labor from the Land of Wind.

But... It wasn't enough...

"You really look like a villainous boss when you smile," looking at the representative of the Industrial Faction who heatedly grinned badly, Makoto shook his head feebly, "Every factory has its own rules, so it's not good for me to interfere. But there's one thing you have to promise me-they have to live in the same neighborhood during their years in the Land of Fire."

"I know, I know, the group under my hand... I actually know that." The Industrialist representative tsked, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

In this era where capital flowed across the board and noble objects didn't really care much about things, really anything rotten could happen.

If Makoto didn't speak up, hell knows what they'd do... But with Hokage's advice, I'm sure the big factory owners will be much more restrained.

It wasn't true that the big factory owners were brutal and overbearing, but they weren't stupid. They knew very clearly who they could and couldn't mess with.

And the biggest capitalist-cum-firecracker was clearly the one that couldn't be messed with the most.

People didn't really care why he said that, they just did as they were told.

-This was also Makoto's retreat strategy for the Land of Demons.

The energy plan was something that had to be accomplished, in public and private it had to be accomplished. The price to be paid in the meantime, no matter how great, must be endured. And the experiments in the Land of Demons were a very important part of it.

Makoto knew that in this era where the idea of the countryside had not yet completely receded, asking them to leave their homelands was actually quite excessive.

After all, they had nothing left but the land at hand.

However, Makoto was also a bit reluctant to just drive them away.

Or even a bad move that would cause a big mess.

So Makoto did the opposite - don't you want a better life? I'll help you.

Let's play demolition.

Even though it was his hometown, the Land of Demons really wasn't a suitable place for humans to live.

Makoto looks down on the sprites because his strength has ballooned to the top of the ninja world, and he has no more enemies in the world.

The big bosses in the theater version that require a fight to the death are just a matter of a few moves in Makoto's eyes.

But in terms of damage to the world, the sprites were truly amazing.

Even after being sealed away, the power that the sprites unintentionally leaked out was still enough to affect the entirety of the Land of Demons.

The quality of the Land of Demons' soil wasn't too good to begin with, and now it was being constantly invaded by yokai chakra. Under the accumulation of time, the fertility of the land continued to drain away, and it could be said that it was incomparably barren.

No matter how hard the people of the Land of Demons worked to cultivate the land, the results were quite limited. Watermelons thinning out into apples had happened from time to time in the past two years.

If this continues for a few more years, there might not even be any apples left...

Now that Nagato-senpai is out there being the bad guy, and he's being the good guy in the Land of Fire, along with the five great ninja villages playing sidekicks together, the relocation problem should largely be solved.

If it can't be solved like that... People just don't want to leave, there's nothing he can do ah.

What Makoto could do now was to minimize his influence.

There was no such thing as the best of both worlds.

Wanting both was usually a basket case.

It wasn't the first time the two had worked together, and although they were somewhat unable to understand Makoto's behavior this time around, but since Makoto was spending his own money anyway, the Industrial Faction representative naturally wouldn't say anything more.

Very quickly, the two finished their discussion, and the Industrial Faction representative put on his coat and disappeared into the blanket of snow and wind.

Makoto was still sitting by the fireplace, quietly enjoying the roasting of the fire.

"How long has it been since I became Hokage and haven't been this relaxed..."

"But that Good Soul guy, he's really hard to deal with... I can't take it lightly yet... Huh?"

Makoto brought a diary and flipped through it casually. But when he reached a certain page, he was surprised to find that the entire page had been torn out.

Naturally, there was no one in all of Konoha who had the audacity to do such a thing.

Not even Hokage would dare.


Makoto looked at the page that had been torn off in its entirety while trying to recall it through his mind's magic.

Quickly, he remembered what was on the page.

The person who tore out this page... was himself.

Or rather, the one who had once just finished splitting his soul.

... ...

The war between the Five Ninja Villages and the Akatsuki Organization in the Land of Demons was so gruesome that even a few mountains had been cut down.

Though in reality there were no casualties on either side-it didn't make the ninja look good.

All in all, whether they wanted to or not, most of the people of the Land of Demons had to tearfully leave their homes and come to the Land of Fire or even Konoha to work as laborers.

Then they were surprised to find that being a worker in Konoha, on the contrary, the income is much more than in their own family's hard work of farming.

The overseers and factory owners had always been dead horse-faced, nothing to get upset about, but unexpectedly didn't mistreat them much.

The inhabitants of the Land of Demons were used to living a hard life, and they quickly became accustomed to the drudgery of life in the factories, and even saved their money and began to save it.

In the past, when they farmed, they didn't have a few left over at the end of the year. And now...

Miroku, the current generation of the Land of Demons' sorceress, was also grieving at first, but she soon noticed something unusual in the factory-how could the factory owner have been so kind!

She may be a woman, but that doesn't stop her from being a leader. She quickly sensed that Konoha was playing a role in this.

Miroku, as the spiritual leader of the Land of Demons, came to Konoha herself to express her gratitude.

And Makoto was humble enough to say that Konoha and the Land of Demons had always been friendly nations. Now that the Land of Demons is experiencing the aftermath of the war, it can also be said to be influenced by Konoha.

As an ambitious, idealistic, and responsible Hokage, Makoto was naturally duty-bound... A passionate and sincere speech almost made Kakashi vomit, but Miroku chose to believe it.

After all, she really wanted to go back to the Land of Demons.

And Makoto graciously said that when the war subsided, they would send the people of the Land of Demons back home - if they were still willing to go back at that point.

It would only take a few years for the Land of Demons data to matter any more.

The Five Ninja Villages and Pain wouldn't fight forever.

When the experiment was over, they could go back if they wanted to.

These were small, minor matters that Makoto didn't put too much stock in.

For him, there was only one really big thing - while he was busy dealing with the people of the Land of Demons, Jiraiya, who had led the expedition, had already coalesced the world's first normalized natural energy crystals through his unparalleled wealth of experience.

This was something that Jiraiya had forcibly condensed through his years of experience using the Immortal Mode, coupled with the special environment of the Land of Demons.

Its preservation time is not very long, and its size is also very small. There was still a long way to go before it could be mass-produced, but... This is the first piece.

At the very least, the fact that the lab was able to produce it successfully meant that the theory was feasible - although behind it were countless explosions that had sent the allied forces of the five great ninja villages tumbling to the ground.

Makoto experimented on his own, and found that in the same volume, the energy contained within this piece of natural energy crystal far exceeded that of the dark chakra condensed from the chakra center.

Whether it was purity or volume, dark chakra could not be compared to natural energy.

...Of course, the two were not at all on the same level of activity.

After the dark chakra was sealed, it was quite stable, and it was even fine if it was put directly in the refrigerator.

As for natural energy... If there was no expert to do the binding, it really could just blow up.

Of course, it's all good and all.

If they can't convert it to civilian use, they can just use it as C4.

The next thing they had to do was how to improve safety and reduce costs...

This was undoubtedly an extremely long and boring process, but Makoto was looking forward to it.

In a happy mood, he even took the initiative to cut off some of the natural energy crystals and gave them to the Iwagakure diplomat, asking him to pass them on to Kitsuchi.

The Iwa diplomat agreed.

And then... something happened.

As Makoto had predicted, the thing was targeted by the nobles of the Land of Earth.