the trap spirit

A girl angrily came into the room fellow by two maiden. Your highness you know your parents mean well for you

Said the first maid , yes my highness, fellowed by the other maid But your high...I said get out of my room.{so they left the room.

Torsha distroyed everything, break the glass cups,throw her cloth on the floor,because she was angry and can do anything, so she wanted to pick up the knife, her brother (shakarin) appeared in the room sitting next to the knife ๐Ÿ”ช,I won't do that if I was you {then he pick the knife ๐Ÿ”ช up } ,get out of my room didn't they teach you privacy,

They didn't can you teach me {as he smirk}. I don't have time for this ๐Ÿ˜

Leave this ins...., Oh please ๐Ÿ™„dad is not wrong as he cut her words

{Then suddenly a flying shoe was about to hit shakarin "but shakarin sense it and dodged it before it hit him . Listen you don't understand, tell your father you don't want to marry

Oh yeah and you think he is going to answer me, you know how father behave if you disobey his order

I know ๐Ÿ˜, I am going now

We're you going to ๐Ÿ‘„ torsha asked

I am going to Zelda house

Please promise me you won't tell him what father is telling me to do. Please I beg you

Ok I won't (as he smirk ๐Ÿ˜ , and put his face normal ๐Ÿ˜ when torsha looked at his face)

I feel you are lieing ,yes of course as he teleported himself to Zelda 's home

{Where of course was having a party .

As he scan around for Zelda {while sitting} a lady approached him, hello handsome

Shakarin looks at the direction of the person talking and saw a half naked woman standing in front of him wearing only pant and bra ,{as his fangs enlongated (as he thought of many things he was going to do to her, I know you want me come on let go ๐Ÿ‘€ said the lady

It was a very had decision to make for shakarin { my sister or my demon }

Sudden a hand gently touch him "brother you are here ",as he snapped out of his thoughts ', yes I am here ๐Ÿฅบ

Excuse us said Zelda ,wow I can't believe a girl like you that is just wow

I am not here for your scarism ,our sister is in trouble shakarin, what happened follow me, let go to a quiet room,{then they entered a dark hole and came out in a quiet beautiful room with door

So tell me what happened

Father is forcing torsha to marry a prince from another dimension which means we will never see ๐Ÿ‘€ her again said torsha

why don't she come here and stay with us

You know father and mother protected the castle with strong magic and plus she is not fully in control of her power , she is still powerless until she reaches 20 years old "said shakarin

Oh that's right how will father do that to his own daughter and she has no even reach 20 years old

As shakarin saw how angry Zelda was he said he was going to see ๐Ÿ‘€ torsha to know what she doing then he disappear

And appeared at torsha room but when he arrived he saw Tweter (their mother} there,as Tweter saw him she signaled for him to sit down,do he sat down near torsha and his mother

See ๐Ÿ‘€ honey when I first meet your father I was just like you, my father forced me to marry demon,that demon are supposed to to marry,but the man he wanted to marry was a wicked man who has married five times and kill them when he is angry ๐Ÿ˜ฒ with them

How did you know "said tosha

Baby ๐Ÿ’Ÿ it was just a rumor and when a demon a demon is killed they come back to life the next two or three days depending the kind of demon,so the day of our wedding he didn't come,I was so happy that he didn't come,then I was told he had a serious meeting so he couldn't miss it, so how did you meet father 'shakarin asked "

I am getting to that part said Tweter. So that night I went for a walk near the river then I heard two people gisting and laughing as I can near I saw two people one with a cute set of blue eyes and the other a crystal,a tick blonde hair, that covered his face it's was as if he just came out of water with the little girl near him looking scared as she saw me , they tryed to swim away and I watch in horror as they jump into the water and their leg turn into fish tail as they swim off .I was still looking at the water as if I saw double then I came near and I saw a necklace made out of shell Birkenstock and gold on it and on one of the shell ,it looks as if they drew something it

Wait a minute marmaid are real torsha asked followed by a nod from shakarin

Yes my darling they are as a matter of fact you are a half marmaid,wait what surprised look on torsha and shakarin face how when why , your father was the man-maid and l am the demon, just listen to the story,so where was I ehhh ..... You found the necklace, oh yeah thanks shakarin

# so l started going their everyday to check if I will see them but for a long time they were nowhere to be found, l started to losing hope untill one day I went to keep the necklace near there as I was about to leave I noticed I was been watch as I was about to go back someone come out of the bush fellowed by and then more,i was so afraid I even forget the spell as I was about to say the spell someone hold my mouth and tied it then I was helpless ,

suddenly your father came out of the water with his sister and began to fight these people and many more came and, l saw that your father small sister was a good fighter befathe before she took downs five gaurd by herself and came near me and untied my mouth and ask and you ok,

I said yes then My dark demon side came out and l attack all of them before a minute they were all on the fall as they all left blood was dripping out from my claws ,mouth and fangs then l realized I am standing in front of them full demon l was about to hide and they said

Wow you are not a human begin and I said no I am not, and l came to give you your bead we are so sorry for running away a human is not suppose to see ๐Ÿ‘€ us

And by the way we heard your singing , we saw you there but we were afraid to come answer

Sorry ๐Ÿ˜” let me introduce ourselves, I am Medela and that is my brother Molezan ,to cut the story short we later became friends from friends me and her brother your father fell in love married and had five children

Wait what ,what do you mean by five children "torsha asked,we are three not five said Torsha oh look at the time it is 12:00am it is time to sleep happy birthday Torsha tomorrow we have a ceremony of becoming a full grown marmaid demon, as she disappear fellowed by shakarin, Tweter appeared in the hall way

Shakarin appeared at the back of his mother did we have any other siblings we did not know about shakarin ask

No honey of course not why don't you go to sleep tomorrow we will talk about it please ๐Ÿ™

But mother do ...I said tomorrow Tweter shouted

So shakarin disappear and appeared in his room, as he force himself to sleep he couldn't as he turned and toust

Front and back but noting seems to work, so he decided to go to Zelda house, when he reached Zelda was in the middle of torturing someone life . When he reached there

He put his head on the door as he heard the person screaming Aaaahhhhh pleaseeezzz I don't know.....

Followed by I Know you know were the rest of my siblings are tell me or else I will.....said Zelda

As Zelda sense someone presence he went to the door and saw shakarin sitting near the window,

So you know we have more siblings and you didn't bother to tell me ๐Ÿฅฒ

I know you will think I am joking or being funny

# You know very well I will not joke about something like this (angrily glaring at Zelda)

Don't get angry ๐Ÿ˜ฒ at me I have been searching for them since the last nine years that is why I moved because I don't trust those two people that called themselves our parents I don't believe their story , but I found a book(mother diary) which tell use how her and dad meet , and they can turn into marmaid by saying one word and pouring water on our body

How do you want me to believe you 'shakarin asked

Follow me ( as they both went to a dark room covered with roses and traps)then he told shakarin march were I march and jump were I jump and they both past all the trap and finally reach the book ,then they collected the book after the were shakarin learnt the spell .then they teleported themselves into their swimming pool and jump inside and said the magic spell three times and suddenly their legs turn into a tail and they both started going deep into the swimming pool leading to the ocean

Omg I can't use it I am going to die said shakarin.

As Zelda already figured out how to use it ,then he told shakarin to try as if he is working with two legs

and he tried and tried before he finally got it right then he swim as fast as he can up

Then they said the word and their leg can back again

So who were you torturing that time "can I see the person"

Ok but you will have to disguise your face for that


So he will not kiss you 'said Zelda with a smirk ๐Ÿ˜ on his face


Back at torsha room.....

She turned back and front thinking about what her mother just said

Then suddenly she noticed the open window there was a light coming out of it and she came near and look outside the window it was as if someone whisper in her eye (come, come I need your help help me get out ) . Then for some reason she closed her eyes and saw herself in the water and she heard someone saying (help help me )as she went near,she woke up from sleep and saw shakarin face looking worriedly at her

What happen ๐Ÿ’€ shakarin asked

Oh it is just a dream as she breath heavily

Then later she explained everything and shakarin confront her

And he told torsha what the person Zelda was torturing said . And he said that if they want him to talk they have to bring the royal princess and her two brothers,he has a massage for her .

So that is why I am here shakarin explain so she went into the bathroom and take her bath

chapter 2(โ ย โ ๊ˆโ แด—โ ๊ˆโ )

Author word : Demon has a perfect memories from the day they was born, most of them knows how to talk the 2nd or 3rd day depending on the type of demon, they also know how to speak all language,so she still remember everything even when her grandma was happy and kiss her forehead , and also her mother cute set of crystal blue eyes and blonde hair and she was smiling when she saw her and named her torsha which means my love and care . Back to the story

After she was done โœ… bathing she comes her hair and wear a red dress with net on the front so it will cover her face

So they teleported themselves to Zelda house,but he was not there so they went to the little garden at back of the house

And they saw him looking down as if he was trying to digest something....

Zelda "torsha shouted as she ran to hug him

{As all his thoughts fade away, baby girl, you are here as he smiled

Yes I am"so do you know anything about our parents

Baby don't cry, if you cry I will cry please stop, said Zelda

(It is tears of joy) torsha said, I miss you so much Zelda said,me too said torsha

Hello guys if you done with your renion , you can come let's go inside,we need to see the prisoner said shakarin

As they went inside the jail room

Torsha saw the prisoner and asked him who are you and why do you need to see me

You are not the one I seek for the on I seek is the princess said the prisoner

I am the princess `no you are not `

Suddenly remove her mask while shakarin and Zelda both shouted no !!!!!!,then when the prisoner saw her face he started crying ๐Ÿ˜ญ tears of joy

You are alive he said I have been looking for you

Torsha looked at his face as he rise his head up , then torsha fell on the floor and hold her head and scream and she fainted,then shakarin and Zelda carried her up and teleported her to her room.

And she dream when she was in her castle ๐Ÿ”ฅ fire was burning and everyone was running and there was a little baby crying ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿ˜ญ,then she saw her parents with sword and gave the baby and four other children to a man and she saw her mother with the ghost before one of them took away the baby and two boys, and the man manage to run away with two and her mother call him Toliasa

The last thing she saw was begin carried by a ghost ๐Ÿ‘ป and her parents shouted and their body glowed bright blue and then they fell down and the ghost ๐Ÿ‘ป carrying her gave her to her parents and

And locked ๐Ÿ”’ two glowing light in a wired looking bottle,then the ghost ๐Ÿ‘ป inside her mother said throw them into the cave in the water and lock that Zera in the prison

Then she woke up and heard her mother and father discussion,I think she knows we are not her parents that we are the ghost that trapped her parents said her father

And if she does we will just kill her or better still trap her and remove the memory of her stupid brothers as they both laugh

Torsha fainted again and remembered when those ghost laugh and woke up and shouted no i love you mother and father

Then they keep quiet as two door from where they were sitting I came here pretending are you okay they both said, I am fine said torsha . How many days have I been asleep, since the last 5 week said her mother. As the maid came in. We will leave you now for the mail to dress you up said her mother, as they left

chapter 3

As they left , they made help her to dress come her long shiny hair and give her clean dress to wear with her breakfast already set on the table

Torsha I one of the maiden call the oldest maid, in the palace. Then she told her, that she is in jail said the maiden for what she asks

For stealing the King's jewelry set the mate, then I would love to see her now,. Then they told the queen and king, they accepted for her to see the maid

then the maid came back to torsha room.Your highness the king has allowed you to see the maiden (so we have to go now)

When they reach Torsha saw that almost all the jail is full, she was taken to the oldest maid,

Thanks for your help,but I will take it from here " said torsha" ,

No my princess,this are dangerous people and if we leave you with them,they will do something bad to you, said the first maid,yes my princess supported the other maiden

And we loose our jobs so, yes my princess but no my princess "said the first maid"

We have seen her now we have to go "said the second maiden"

So torsha saw the old maid face and how thin and weak she looks

But she didn't talk to her, she waited until dawn

So she teleported herself to the jail, when she make sure that the gaurds was asleep , she teleported herself to the jail room were the maid stay

Hello said torsha,as she drew the attention of the old

maid {because the light was of} and demon can see perfect in dark;

It's me princess torsha started saying, run thes are not your parents, these are not your maid , These are not gaurd .

They are all ghost, once you reach twenty years old they will lock up your ghost

chapter 3

Wait what (how do you mean) calm down "said Torsha

When you were small the ghost kingdom and ours fought and we loose because they were ghost,but the senior one escape with the help of that guard named Toliasa .

What is your name ???? asked torsha

My name is Zera and Toliasa

Is my father

Really,how old are you "torsha asked"

I am nineteen years I was small when they came but not to small ,I can still remember everything

why are you here , torsha asked

Because I know about the invasion , everyone in this prison knows, the rest of the guard outside are all possessed by the ghost

Really '

as they were talking a guard worked in and torsha gas to disappear

Then the guard came and opened the door, who are you talking to

No one said Zera ," you are lieing, as he beat her up (as she cried in pains )

# Inside her room my princess, your majesty and royal highness call's for you.

Tell them I am coming "sorry my princess,but it is important my princess.

Ok I am comingas she followed them

As they walk through the castle hall ,she noticed a photo that she has been seeing, since but now she look closely she saw her mother and father, but at the picture her mother eyes was crystal blue and she has a long blonde hair, and her father eye was golden,but now her mother eyes was red ,and so is her father, so that means was Zera I said was true

I have to go to Zelda house later (she thought in her mind )

chapter 4

When they reach the chamber

Are you okay ask my mother ' yes I am, I just need to rest more and I'll be fine

Prince kafamire , is going to be here, next week, with his family for the wedding, so you have only this week to enjoy yourself, with your brothers, because you are going to another dimension where you will never come back. Said her Dad '

But father I don't want to marry kafamire or whatever you said his name is, tell him mother, please back me up.

You have to obey your father. Now get out of our side and prepare,

' if you guys don't want me not to marry I will run away and never come back

And where do you think you would say sad mother, ' I don't know and I don't care maybe I will live in the forest.

Okay you are free to run away said Father

Okay maybe I will, 'said torsha I should run inside her room, pack her things and teleported to Zelda's house.

Zelda, Zelda!!!!!!!!{as she called his name), he suddenly appeared at the back of her, baby you're here, were is shakarin , ' I don't know but we need to talk about something, about what, about our parents, I need to see that prisoner, I need him to explain something and I need you to trust me, okay I trust you said Zelda, but how did you reach here , but you can't teleported on your own.

That is because I am 20 I have pasted 18 ,I just don't want to tell anyone" said Torsha.

So that means you have full control of your power. Yes I do, ' oh my baby has grown up.

So letter Torsha explain all her discovery Zelda and what's the maid said how about a dream, and the picture in the hall. Everything

So you think our parents is alive but trapped in a bottle under the dimension ocean. Zelda ask. Yes I do reply torsha

I just need to see the prisoner to know which dimension particularly they're trapped in

And I was still here, we have to go now said Zelda, (as they teleported themself in the prisoner's room)

Princess you are back, send the man, ' what is your name Torsha ask

I am Toliasa, said the prisoner.

What ?????, You are the same man that I saw in my dream. ' do you know Zera

{Suddenly tears fell out of his eyes} she is my daughter. And please your mother want to talk to you" said Toliasa

Where is she. 'torsha asked ,'then Zelda remove his disguise and immediately shakarin appeared at the side without his mask

What happened shakarin asked.

He knows where our mother is , said Zelda. Surprise, really smiling, as he hug your sister and brother happily, rejoicing at the good news.

Before they finally ask ' where is she '. she is inside me Toliasa said, I don't understand what do you mean by that , Zelda asked

Well she is inside the (fire and ice) dimension, in their biggest ocean ๐ŸŒŠ

But her spirit comes sometimes to me. If someone call her name three times near me. Hospital comes out I'll talk to you. That is why she told me before she was captured by your spirit but only her daughter can call her name and the spirit will come, her name is Twitter ,so you have to call it three times, and that is why I need the princess

chapter 4

Tasha called her name Twitter Twitter Twitter and suddenly Toliasa body began to glow and his eyes changed into crystal , and his voice change

Oh my baby , is that really you, I really miss you, it has been so long I saw you three, where are the rest

Surprised as they run I hug their mother in Toliasa body,

mother how are you where are you, 'I am locked in the ice and fire dimension , in the spirit world and protected by many possessed ghosts and their king and queen, which is the most highest spiritual possessive ghost is my adoptive brother which is vere insecure about himself.

And I will explain later but now I need your help please help me, if not if you open the bottle we might have died in the demon world ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ

But mother you must cannot stay in water for too long

That is why you would say a magic words

I think your two brothers Pluto and zeus

Mother please I need you... That Saturday delicious I come back and his wife came back and you was like what happened have you talked to your mother.

You have to call your siblings name

what is their name ??? asked torsha

Their names are zeus and PlutoTorsha called their names three times and two boys with tail appeared and then they said the magic word and tail turn into legs.

And stood in front of them were, two boys one has a long blonde hair that is as long as two yard of clothes, and his cute dipples that brought out his cute long lashes, and his golden eyes which could make any one forget all their worries, and the other one a curly hair and his cute smile that makes him look like an angel and his muscles you that could make a lady feel protected from harm.

Hello said torsha, but they didn't answer they only look at toliasa and hurriedly hugged him I called him father.

I have something to tell you., 'said Toliasa '( as tears fall out of his eyes)

I am not your real parents, I was the Savage of your parents, and these are your siblings

Zeus and Pluto finally looked behind they saw torsha, Zelda and shakarin

I am..., 'that is not important, we have to go and rest we are going to that dimension tomorrow, ' said Zelda, and with the look of things he is the oldest among them

So they all left you go sleep and Pluto and Zeus stayed behind to talk to their father

chapter 5

Dad I don't understand said Pluto, ' I am not your dad you remember that story I used to tell you where you are little about a ghost taking over a kingdom. It was about your kingdom now you have to help them save your parents '

Then they hug each other. You will always be our father, ' said Zeus

{As Toliasa smile fade away slowly} okay no problem. And they teleported into Torsha room


At Torsha room ....

She went into the bedroom and took her back and still inside the bathroom he said the magic word as she said it three more times but nothing he did not feel anything. So as she was about to go outside how about the glow and she fell down and her legs turn to tail, and she couldn't read it was hard to breathe,

oh God is this how I would die

Father God please help me

if I leave I will forever be grateful,

Suddenly she said someone's presences, please whosoever it is help me. Then Zeus and Pluto appeared ,

and said , say the magic words again and she did three times and she told them to turn back and they did her leg came back and she stood up collected her towel , because she was half naked you can turn now (she told them) and they both did

chapter 6

As she went into the dress room to check into her sleeping dress or night gown. So I should come back and Zeus Was sitting on the side of the bed .

What do you want. ' said Torsha ''sorry for coming un invited said Zeus

Not you, I was talking to them ' as she pointed to the darkness, suddenly who Shadow appeared from the dark, and it was her parents.

Honey please we are sorry, please return, we will give you time to think about it

No no get out of my room now as she yelled and Zelda and shakarin appeared ,'leave her immediately Zelda said

Ask their parents retreats because they don't want trouble.

Where is Zeus and Pluto,( as they appeared) where did you people go and you left me with them

It is not our fault we cannot let them know we are still alive, ' said Zeus

Okay for that for leaving you with them we could sleep all together to make up for it ,'said Zeus

I guess you'll be all right said Zelda kiss kiss goodnight as they all teleported into the room

The next day

As they woke up the bus where the clothes ,eat and started going

When did the teleported themselves to the fire and ice dimension, they saw ghost lost and lots of them, roaming up and down,then as one of the ghost saw them , and shouted Intruders and this just dance, did that Zelda and shakarin's body and make them slap yourself themselves, and Zeus, and they couldn't enter Pluto body because he was the king of the ocean and whatsoever they did result to bad water and then we( go to after after life) but they tried to enter torsha body but they can't when they tried and tried but couldn't, so the ghost make zeus, shakarin and Zelda to catch Pluto and torsha but Pluto grab torsha hand and they teleported the near the ocean ๐ŸŒŠ said the magic word and their leg turn into tail and they jumped into the water together and Pluto help Torsha until she got used to it. When they reach they search everywhere ,(front, back, side, ) they search everywhere but no clue inside but she remembered

when a lady always sing for her in her dream

One moon , three star, two

shiny stone, looks like a

necklace,oh three foot of

necklace can lead you

There .....

so she took off the necklace she has been wearing since she was a baby kissed it and it glow for the first time and it was as if she heard someone said come straight and obey the voice and went straight, I still following the voice a mermaid pass their front and Pluto knows him called and him but he didn't answer he just signed them to follow him. And when they did he took them to a dark cave, go straight I miss you you don't touch anything if not it will collapse.

As he disappeared who was that???

It is my demon mermaid friend, said Pluto, wow he's just like us.

Then they entered the cave, and saw two light locked inside a bottle and a slow song coming out of it. And Torsha collected the bottle suddenly ghost started coming out of the wall .

And grad torsha by the hair and one red ghost enter Pluto's body I made him come to collect the bottle from Torsha. Since they can't enter her, while do other ghost drag her hair, and one hold a hand, and they tried to enter her but they can't, as Pluto try to collect the bottle from torsha

Then the ghost in front of her parents appeared the back of them,{ and as Torsha try to get away from their grip} she would have tried the bottle but she knows that it won't break, instead it wii fall slowly so she tried and tried and tried on till the ghost let's go of her a little

chapter 7

and she teleported with her last strength and appeared in a surface that smash the bottle on the ground.

And she fainted the last thing she saw was too glowing lights coming out of the bottle she smashed on the floor,

She saw that a boy was looking at her face, a cute, blonde, muscular, boy with his cute pair of eyes, leaning over to her face, are you okay, hello, answer me ' yes I am okay, I should

Am I in heaven," she asks 'as the boy chuckles 'why do you ask such a question anyways since you're awake I'm going

Please don't leave me to that place I have nowhere to go please help me get out of here please I'm begging you I really need to be at the castle right now please, I have to go now and she stood up I tried to teleporting but it didn't work

Then he turned back I said I think you died and woke up again that means you have been here since the last three or four days. But don't worry they will soon come to you.

By the way my name is Cache

That is what my friends used to call me, if I had any ๐Ÿฅฒ, (as his smile fade away), that is so sad she said, ' it is normal, said chache, no no one can be normal with loneliness don't worry I'll be happy to be your friend. Yeah sure no problem let's go to the Palace. Oh yeah thanks as they ride on a horse straight to the Palace.

As they were going torsha

realize something you are the boy from earlier at the sea, when me and my brother, was looking for the cave, ' I don't know ,I just don't feel like myself then,

When the reach the palace those two lights that came out of the bottle when she smashed it, came out of her body and the both of them were confused ,as the light came out of her body , they're flying up and down immediately they entered the palace the blue lights ,

Immediately they ghost in the form of torsha parents,)saw the blue lights they were surprised and she watched in horror as her parents body fall down like dead meat and two red ghost come out and attack the blue glowing light, but but the girls are strong what's the blue blood light was stronger.

As they fought they talk to their self.

One of the glowing like said, you know we are siblings, ' one of the Red Ghost which sounded like a man ' said No I am not I was not good enough for anyone, only God knows whether my parents let's meet in the orphanage and run away.

You and your wife are truly wicked ,how could you leave us in that dark horrible bottle I didn't even have the chance was to look after my kids, if it was you would you be happy (said one of the glowing light said)

Then the red mangoes not fell down, and the other ghost ( I think she is the female). ' said 'we should have killed them but you refuse, ' they are still my cousin said the red man ghost {that is why you are a ghost we don't said the woman red ghost}.

chapter 8

Of course you do, I always trust you even if no one does, I know there is good in you and no matter what you always do the right thing at the end, please you are my brother and I will never ever replace you please

Don't listen to her, ' said the female red ghost, ' you don't have the mind to, I will for you so as she was about to run and you them the Red Man ghosts open a dimensional tunnel you sucked hot inside.

And he screamed in pains and fell as if he was becoming week and then shakarin, Zelda, Zeus, Pluto, came out of the dimensional tunnel and then the tunnel closed

( the two glowing lights then enter her went into Torsha parents body )as it entered they both stood up

Torsha mother and father run to hug each other and Twitter was happy, shakarin the second to the last born one started crying and Zelda the third to the last cried a little while hugging his mother after the family reunion

Torsha now turn back and saw the Red Ghost looking so weak

it was nice knowing you all, I am sorry Twitter you have always been more nice to me and I follow my wicked wife plan in killing your children,

I am so ashamed of myself, I deserve to die

I love you my sister ,'shut his eye down and disappear

father where do you think he went to now, ' in the after After life, and Twiter wept ,she cried cried but she knows she can't do anything about it and she just wish her brother to leave you better life you. They all cried expect from Pluto and Zeus

And Torsha cried a little because ,he take care of her and her brother, regardless of his wife other,but he acted in front of her

why he said she should marry from another dimension was to get her from his wife side and because he thought that she will be protected there