Chapter 11: No Going Back

I was sitting against the headrest, stroking the soft scarlet hair of Flora as she slept against my thighs.

After cleaning the bed, she was so physically and mentally exhausted that she dropped between my legs and started snoring.

To think that a princess would throw away her purity so easily...

I don't think this will end with a "Hey, I'm your son-in-law. Here are some fruits and coupons for a spa trip."

More burdens...

[Title Gained]

Prince of the Halflings [Charm +2, Good Fate +20, Luck +5]

Yep... No going back.

[That midget took it like a champ. I think you rearranged her insides!]

As I was not really in the mood to interact with the crazy goddess, I pretended not to hear... But then she began to make moaning sounds in my head...

[Mmmm~ too thick, Flora~ Flora is going to break~ no waaay~ Fufu]