Chapter 27: Moment Of Rest

I sat on the bench outside the item shop, exhausted from rushing the first five floors. Now, waiting to start on the sixteenth floor, we chose to rest briefly.

Around twelve hours had passed since we started, and our pace was greater than we imagined, so there was time to take a break.

My phone worked in this area, maybe something that Eternia, Lupera or Asteria did for me as I sent several messages to Mother, Aki, Elizabeth and Haruka.

The funny thing was that over thirty messages were sent by Mother, and Aki sent six with several calls, but it seemed that both Elizabeth and Haruka were just like me.

The evil goddesses were overworking us!

"Rai? Why do you look so mad, fufu." 

I saw Lumia in a black robe, different from her combat clothes. It seemed to be something she would wear back home and complimented her curvy hips and slim thighs as she placed down two trays with various food on them.