The sound of a truck backing up woke him up before his annoying digital alarm clock could do the honours.

"Nathan wake up and get ready for the interview."

Said a beautiful woman who happens to be a mother .

"Oh, today is the interview I had scheduled for that job I've now lost interest in (sighs).

Well the man of the house sais otherwise so that's what I'll do then"

He didn't look like he looked forward to this interview even though it was once his dream, once upon a time.

"I don't have anything interesting to do after today's interview anyway."

He tried to seem optimistic as he said those words with a forced smile.

He was definitely worried by something only he seemed aware of.


"I just hope something interesting happens today, I need distraction to keep my mind stable right now"

There was definitely something bothering him. What he said had clearly had something to do with it.

"I should get ready then"

He said that as he tried to regain his composure like every other day.

Unknowingly , something I interesting would in deed happen, just not what he expected though.

Today is the day the little blue planet and every living thing inhabiting it will be forced onto the path of evolution by the tremendous power of the legendary mana,

through a drastic change that will change his life and the whole world.


He yawns and gets up from his bed, he takes a look at how disorganized his bed was.

"I guess I will just take care of the bed myself since Mom will leave today on her business trip for some few months."

He walks into the bathroom and started showering and brushing his teeth. After finishing with his morning routine, he picks up his suit for the interview and heads out of the house.

"I guess I'll be alone for a while, just peace and quiet, and I hope dad and Ethan come home soon after their vacation. Maybe I could ask Eleanor to hang out with me today, no wait , she's going as well"

Nathan thought to himself.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!

His phone starts ringing and takes a look at who the caller is and quickly answers the call.

"Listen, I'm busy right now I have an interview so call me later"

The one the other line replied

"Nathan wait don't hang up yet. I thought maybe we could hang out at the bowling park today at 6:00. There's a tournament today and since we graduated I thought we could meet up and watch, besides our favorite team is playing today so will you come with me?"

Nathan answers

" Ok Dustin, since I have no plans after my interview, I will meet you there".

He orders a taxi driver and makes his way to where he's going to be interviewed. After some minutes of driving he finally reached his destination and gets out of the car then gives the driver a tip before leaving.

Infront of him was a huge and building with a designed letters saying "WELCOME TO NOVA COMPLEX". It had about about 50 floors. The design and its surroundings was so well decorated that he just looked in awe. The entrance alone looked like a special entrance route made for Kings and royals, Even more striking was that the door was not a casual one. It looked like a futuristic elevator which has several gold and black designs, infact it looked more like runes. From a single look one could tell it was not just a design for show because the door itself was built from advanced technology.

What he saw was just a fraction of how big this Company was.

At the moment, all his focus was on the building before him.

Nathan just stood there like a 5 year old seeing a castle of his dreams. just when he was about to head towards the door, A man in astounding Gold-like suit stood infront of him. He bumped into the man and it felt like he had actually hit a wall,he stumbled back and raised his head to see who it was to get a clear idea of who this guy could be.

He could see a handsome mascular man wearing a suit with the colour of gold and some black designs in the arm area. The outfit of the man was one that a person could tell that it was quite expensive. The man had some glasses with gold shades and some sort of device attached to his ear and that's when Nathan noticed it was the guard. He was so busy admiring the building that he didn't notice the Guard in the first place.

The guard broke the silence and said in a deep and bold voice filled with authority "Who are you and state your business here".

Nathan gulped and said in a Shakey voice

"I'm a..a.. actually her for an interview for a job"

"Show me your recommendation card."

Nathan showed him his card with golden black and golden designs which matched the companies designs.

"Hmmm, then go ahead and enter,good luck"

The guard said with a smirk widely plated on his face.

Nathan went ahead and entered after the guard passed a card through a scanner attached to the door.

'Why did he say good luck with that wierd smile on his face?,wait, could it be true?, Rumors have it that getting a job here is extremely hard.

All I know is that it's just a rumor but what if it's true?'

Nathan thought to himself and stared getting nervous. He felt his nervousness disappear without a trace as soon as he entered. The air in the place was so pure he thought he was in cloud 9.

The smell of the place alone was enough for him to know that this place is a Filthy Rich Company to the extent that the government invests in it's project almost everytime.

He shook his head to avoid distractions and head to the interview. He was provide with a guide map to show which floor the interview would take place.

After a few turns on the 4th flour which happens to be where the interview will take place, he arrived at his destination. He could see others also sitting down waiting for their turn in the interview. He sat down just like the others. In some few minutes, someone came out with a disappointed look on his face which meant that he didn't get the job.

Shortly, a woman dressed in a tight skirt that reaches above her knees and a tight women's suit which showed her well shaped breasts and her curves that any man would fight over just to get a single touch. Her exposed white long legs and high heels added to her beauty even more. She had a beautiful face with thin eyes brows and pink Rosey lips looked soft and her small pointy nose added to the beauty, all the men sitting down couldn't help but stare at her in glee. The girls sitting there were no exception as some even felt envious. The beautiful lady who appeared to be in her 20s broke the silence and said with a bright smile "Who's next for the interview, please follow me this way "She said in a charismatic tone of voice. A man who appeared to be in his 39s stood up with boldness. The look on his face was that of a confident, One could tell that he had confidence in his skills enough to get the ace the job interview He followed the stunning lady and stepped inside the office. He glanced at everyone with slight cockiness before entering the office.

After some few minutes, the man came out with a disappointed look. That's when everyone knew that he didn't get the job and another person went for the interview, the same thing happened again. Everyone tried to hold in their laughter because just minutes ago he was confident to acquire the job but now he looked like he was on the verge of tears.


Everyone that went came out with disappointed expressions on their faces. Finally it was Nathan's turn to go since he was the last person to arrive.


He sat down and saw a man in his 30s sitting on a comfortable business chair looking in his direction.

He saw the beautiful woman again who turned out to be the secretary of handling interviews,she was standing behind the man who also wore a gold colored suit.

"Hello my name is Wick Hudson, I will be the one to interview you today, do you have a certificate and the information required to get this job?"

He asked.

Nathan replied "Yes, I have everything here with me should I hand them out?"

"Yes, let me take a look"

the Mr. Wick replied. Nathan handed him the papers and the man started going through it.

Nathan was getting nervous but decided to muster up the courage to go through with the interview without any hesitation or fear.

Few minutes passed and that's when the Mr. Wick broke the silence.

"Impressive, it seems like you are quite an intelligent person,to think that you were able to complete University at such a young age of 17, that's impressive.

You even have a degree in Nano-Technilogy. That's all I want. We will be looking forward to working with you Mr. Nathan, your job stars Next month" The man said with a wide smile.

Nathan couldn't believe it he just got accepted to do his dream job. And with ease as well he thought he even entered the wrong company. Saying that he is happy is just an understatement, right now he felt like Shouting on top of his lungs to express how happy he felt. NOVA COMOLEX was a world wide company that provides basically anything. It was so huge to the extent that most of the resources used by countries depended on them. They are mostly known for their creativity of weapons with high tech materials. Every county must think twice before ending up on their bad side.

Nathan then remembered something he over looked and asked Mr. Wick a question.

"Mr. Wick why should I start next month? I can start now".

Mr. Wick Chuckled and said, "We will have to secure a place for you that will suite your taste and create an environment for you to co-operate easily with us. After all we are well known for providing the best work experience for our employees. I just need you to sign here on these documents to finalize everything." He did as he said and both Mr. Wick and the woman behind him who appeared to be called Rosa said in Unison "Welcome to NOVA COMPLEX Mr. Nathan". Nathan gave out a big smile and then headed out. "Finally, all that studies payed off and now I will be working in my dream company and have my own office. So cool" he said to himself.


Nathan exists the mansion-like company with a wide smile. He was so happy to the extent that he didn't call for a taxi and was walking he did all did without noticing,everywhere he walked people keep looking in his direction because the smile on his face was so wide that people thought he was one of those freaks who just like smiling everywhere they go, "Right now my future has been successfully secured financially after getting accepted. All I need to do now is to enjoy this freedom and hang out with my friends for a month before I start working" Nathan said to himself while making his way towards the bowling park

"I should tell Dustin that I'm on my way" He picks up his phone and dialed his friend's number. Dustin picked up after some few seconds.

"Hey Nathan are you done with your interview? how did it go? did you get the job? dude speak up, you are making anxious over here"

Nathan just gave out a heartfelt laugh before replying " Don't worry dude I got the job which was very easier that I thought. I called you to let you know that I'm on my way to the bowling park to meet you. We can talk more when I get there".

The wide smile on Nathan's face never left is face.

Dear reader if you find any mistakes or don't understand anything drop it down on the comment section. I just started so things will improve I promise.