For the next five days, Lin Rui carefully prepared a schedule for the younger and older man like Captain America who had been asleep for over sixty years. After five days together, Lin Rui knows he's getting along with Captain America. At least Captain Rogers seems to like him.

Lin Rui also thought about arranging a chance encounter for Peter and Captain Rogers. Maybe Peter will be in a better mood when he sees his idol, and he can get out of the state of guilt and remorse faster. However, Lin Rui also knew that Captain Rogers was not to be exposed at this time, so he did not do so.

Soon, Captain Rogers's one-week vacation time was over, and Lin Rui's guide duty was officially over. Standing at the door of an ecological park in New York, Captain Rogers silently looked at the pedestrians passing by. Sixty years have passed and the world has changed too much. However, even with Hydra not alive, there are still many unrest factors in the world, which is why Steve wants Tony to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. Avengers Alliance.

"Jackson, thank you for these days. It's time for us to part, but I have a message for you to tell Tony. " Looking at Lin Rui through sunglasses, Captain Rogers said with a smile.

"Well, what's that?"

"You say, I'm waiting for his reply."

"Oh ~ ok, Captain Rogers, I will talk to Mr. Stark." Knowing that there should be some agreement between Steve and Tony, Lin Rui nodded and agreed.

"So, goodbye, I will look forward to seeing you next time, Jackson." Finally, Captain Rogers patted the young man on the shoulder and directly mixed within the crowd in front of him and left slowly towards the distance.

"It looks like I have to move faster. It doesn't make much sense to stop Tony anymore." Watching Steve's burly figure slowly disappearing before him, Lin Rui thought silently and then walked towards the nearest subway exit.


At night, Lin Rui arrives at the guardian base as Mirage Knight. Daredevil and Jack are already waiting for him. It had been a long time since they had fought side by side. As for Spiderman, he is not here. Although Lin Rui needs a lot of help now, he still wants Peter to slow down for a while.

"Jack, Daredevil, did you get anything on the people I asked you to check a few days ago?" Lin Rui asked directly as he stepped into the base.

"Mirage knight, though I don't know where you got the names of these people. But apart from a name and appearance, we really can't find out anything! Their jobs, their homes, their families, their identities, nothing can be found. " Hearing Lin Rui's words, Jack, who was sitting on the sofa and playing with the silver dagger, replied with a frown.

Since Jack took over the Frankenstein family, the biggest source of information for the guardian team has been Jack. But the people Lin Rui asked him to investigate a few days ago surprised him. Even with the huge power of the Frankenstein family, he couldn't find any information.

"Daredevil, what about you? Did the tracking work?" Seemingly not surprised by Jack's answer, Lin Rui asks Matt on the other side again.

"No, these people are very secretive and very protective, and tracking them is completely ineffective." Shaking his head, there is no good news from Matt. "It seems that it is difficult for us to find evidence. However, if there is no evidence, how can I let Nick believe me?" Sitting on his sofa, Lin Rui frowned slightly. With the current strength of Daredevil, even simple tracking has no effect. It seems that the protection personnel around those people are obviously not simple.

In the original plot, Hydra, lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., was eventually exposed because it had to seize three Helicarrier to eliminate the so-called threats. But now Tony has not yet joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't acquired the anti-gravity technology yet, the Helicarriers are still just plans on paper, it is unrealistic for Hydra to expose themselves at this time.

"However, I reminded Coulson last time and Nick Fury, the director still has some strength. He should have investigated something." Although HYDRA is very hidden, Nick still has some powerful agents around him.

"It's just that Nick may not be able to find everyone out especially these high-level people. Maybe I can just tell Nick about them?" Sitting on the sofa, Lin Rui thought and scratched his head unconsciously.

"Mirage Knight, what are you preparing for? You look very upset. " Looking at Lin Rui, Jack couldn't help asking. In those days, Lin Rui asked him to check the people he didn't have any information on, and Lin Rui didn't say why.

When he heard Jack, Lin Rui raised his head: "I am thinking about how to deal with a hidden evil force, a force called Hydra, which has been hidden inside S.H.I.E.L.D."

Lin Rui had already explained the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Jack, so now he's not afraid that Jack wouldn't understand. However, for Jack, he would not have much to do with SHIELD and Hydra. But with Lin Rui, it's all uncertain.

"So you asked me to investigate these Hydra people and you asked Matt to secretly follow them? Are they now hiding their identities within SHIELD?" Hearing Lin Rui's reply, Jack asks again.

"Yes, and they are sitting in high-ranking positions." Lin Rui actually only remembers the main appearances of Hydra Advanced members, who would remember the other small shrimps.

"Listening to what you said, they have been hiding for so long, how did you found out about them? Forget it, I know you won't tell me. However, if you want them to be exposed, in addition to the most direct evidence, it seems that they are only allowed to be exposed on their own initiative. Since you know their hidden identity, don't you have something to use? " Hearing Lin Rui's words, Jack received the knife turning in his hand and asked.

"No." Lin Rui replied honestly that the current Hydra is still in a latent state, and Lin Rui could not provide effective evidence for the time being.

"There's no way. This kind of guy is the hardest to deal with." Since neither the investigation nor the follow-up has worked, Lin Rui has no other evidence, and no one knows how to expose them.


But just then, Lin Rui suddenly sat up straight from the sofa. He seemed to come up with a way.

"Although those guys can't be dealt with now but they can still be frightened, I just don't know if Nick will cooperate with me." There's a light in his eyes, Lin Rui said with a little excitement.

"Mirage Knight, do you think of any good ideas?" Hearing Lin Rui's endless words, Jack asked curiously.

"Like I'm holding your dagger. What's your reaction?" Instead of explaining to Jack, Lin Rui took out a sharp silver dagger from his waist and circled it twice in front of Jack.

"Ah! My dagger! " Seeing the silver dagger in Lin Rui's hand, Jack exclaimed in surprise, and then quickly reached for his waist.

"Eh? Still there!? " Next second, Jack has taken out his dagger. It turns out Lin Rui only has a very similar one in his hand. He didn't get Jack's dagger at all.

"So, I just want them to feel that they have been exposed. Then their next reaction will really expose them." Smiling at Jack, Lin Rui continued.

"So it is." When Jack didn't respond, Daredevil said, "It's a typical psychological reaction. The first reaction in seeing someone holding something that belongs to you is not to grab it back, but to check whether it's lost or not. And this exposes the position of your own things, good planning. "

"So it is! Mirage knight, you still have some brains! " Hearing daredevil's explanation, Jack finally understood and said with a smile.

"Now, I need Director Nick to work with my plan. Although it is to let him doubt his colleagues and superiors, it is better than falling behind later. " Now that we have a plan, Lin Rui is going to implement it step by step.

"Daredevil, maybe, it's a good time to join S.H.I.E.L.D. soon." Then, Lin Rui looked at Matt, who was sitting across from him, smiling.

"Haha, I'd love to." Matt, of course, knew Lin Rui's plan and agreed with a smile.

"So, let's take these guys out!"
