On the battlefield, when Lin Rui was distracted by the mysterious wave, Spiderman, Deadpool, and Colossus, who were not far away from him, had the same reaction as him, and even stood still for a while. Only Iceman in the center of the battlefield and Blink in the back are normal and they aren't affected.

However, if someone looks closely at Blink, they will notice that she is surrounded by a circle of black space cracks that are invisible to the naked eye. She even controls the space cracks to isolate herself from this space. Although everyone can see her, she is actually very far away. As for Iceman who fights with Wind Spirit in midair, although there are no such means as Blink, the invisible wave seems to have no effect after sweeping at him, and no one knows what is so special about Iceman but may be related to his biological frozen body.

Lin Rui and others in the battlefield are in extreme danger because of this sudden and inexplicable attack. In addition to Lin Rui defeating his opponent, Spiderman and Deadpool still have one opponent to defeat. So, at the next moment of their sudden loss of mind, the two injured opponents jumped at them with a grim smile.

As for Colossus, it seems to be better. Although he lost his mind for a moment when the wave swept him, he soon recovered. However, although he was just distracted for a while, it was enough for Tank to launch several attacks on him.

Therefore, Colossus can only turn to defense after receiving three punches from Tank. Moreover, although Colossus recovered from the loss of mind, his combat effectiveness was obviously not as strong as before, and he gradually became weak under the attack of Tank.

Compared with Colossus, Spiderman and Wade are in great danger at this time. Wade doesn't matter. Even if that guy blows Wade's head, he believes he can recover after enough time. But Peter is not the same. He is just strong in body and his recovery ability is strong but he is far from Deadpool's near-immortality.

So, Blink, who was on the edge of the battlefield, was ready to make a move when she saw this scene. That's why she didn't join the battle in the first place. She had to be on guard against that little boy. This is a variant of the ability of the mutant called Magician, to send out a special brain wave to influence his opponent and make his enemies fall in a hallucination.


Looking at the Mutant who had come within two meters of Peter, Blink had raised her hand to materialize a space door to block the mutant. However, just as she was about to make a space door to save Peter, Blink caught a glimpse of something, and her raised hand stopped slowly, and there was no space door in front of Peter.

Brush ~ Brush!

Just as Blink raised her hand, a flash of purple energy suddenly appeared on Peter's side and rushed to his front towards the Mutant who was trying to attack him. Before the rushing mutant could react, the purple light had already rushed towards him. After a small "poof" sound, the mutant, who was just about to take the opportunity to attack Peter, fell to the ground with lifeless eyes.

And the situation at Deadpool's position is also the same, there is a flash of purple light and the rushing mutant was dropped to the ground, dead and they don't know what had happened.

But Blink, who was on the edge of the battlefield, saw what was happening at the moment it happened. There was a flash of surprise in her eyes as she looked in the other direction. There, a figure was rushing toward the place where Colossus and Tank were fighting, and it was Lin Rui.

It turns out that after the invisible wave swept past Lin Rui, he was really affected by some influences. The whole person suddenly lost his mind, as if there was something which was trying to pull him into sleep. However, Lin Rui's consciousness body at this time has been continuously refined by cultivation techniques and the improvement of the residual effect of Advanced Spirit Fruit. That invisible force only affected him for less than two seconds. He recovered a second later then Colossus did.

After he came to his senses, Lin Rui saw that Peter and Deadpool were in danger, so he directly converted the thunder power contained in the Thunder Sword into two sword light and split them directly, killing the two mutants who took the opportunity to sneak attack Peter and Wade and he was able to rescue Peter and Wade, although Wade didn't necessarily need him to save him.

However, after saving Peter and Deadpool, Lin Rui didn't think about how to help them get rid of the current situation. Instead, he rushed to the position where Colossus and Tank were fighting. As Iceman reminded before, Lin Rui already knew that the invisible mental attack just now was the mutant ability of the little guy. So, instead of trying to make Peter and them recover normally, it's better to find the guy to defeat him directly.


Lin Rui comes to Colossus and Tank after a few steps. Although Lin Rui aims to find the spiritual force behind him, he doesn't mind helping Colossus who has fallen into a bad situation. So when Lin Rui waved his thunder blade a few meters away from them, a flash of light appeared on the side of Tank and split towards him.


The blade light that killed the two mutants fell on Tank's body and then disappeared after a brief arc, leaving only a blackened gash of less than 10cm in his shoulder, he was injured but apparently, it wasn't fatal.

"Eh? His defense is really high! " Lin Rui can't help muttering when he sees the effect of his attack.

Although there are some small accidents, Lin Rui also knows that this kind of guy who can press Colossus can't be compared with those low-level mutants. Moreover, the blade light he just sent out is only sent out by the thunder power contained in the thunder blade itself, which is far from his strongest attack. Now Lin Rui won't waste his time here. He needs to find the hidden spiritual force user quickly. Otherwise, Peter and others will be affected by the mental attack for a long time and he doesn't know what will happen.


So, Lin Rui has rushed past them without hesitation after sending out the blade light to hurt Tank's shoulder, and Tank, who was struggling with Colossus, has no way to stop him. Just now, although Lin Rui's blow just opened a gap behind his shoulder, the residual force of thunder at the wound has been preventing his own healing, which has caused him to lost part of his right arm's strength, and the situation was slowly pulled back by Colossus in the following battle.

Without paying attention to the situation behind him, Lin Rui has rushed towards the position where the little guy had disappeared before. However, Lin Rui didn't find the spiritual mutant for the first time after scanning around. However, the invisible fluctuation still exists, and the man is obviously hiding somewhere here.

Although anxious, Lin Rui calms down and thinks of solutions. "Since it's a mental attack, maybe I can find him…" Calming down, Lin Rui quickly mobilizes his mental energy and senses the surrounding area carefully. Soon Lin Rui's eyes seemed to see something. A little under his feet, Lin Rui rushed towards the back of an overturned vehicle.

Soon, Lin Rui rushed to the back of the car. Behind which the short guy who had disappeared before is hiding in the corner with his eyes closed. However, when Lin Rui appeared in front of him, he suddenly frowned and opened his eyes to look at Lin Rui. Then Lin Rui felt the invisible wave hit again, and the intensity was much higher than that of stronger before. Lin Rui was conscious of it and had already slashed out.
