Brush! Brush!

Quicksilver was holding Scarlet Witch in one hand, and Lin Rui in other and he was quickly rushing out of New York City. With his speed, the city's surveillance cameras could only see a shadow passing by them and they could not take a clear picture at all.

"Damn It! Why did Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver appear here?! Is the force behind Francis Hydra?" Lin Rui, who was held by Quicksilver, seems to have been in a coma all the time, but in fact, he was pretending to be unconscious. He woke up as early as he broke through the fantasy world of Scarlet Witch. However, at that time, he really consumed a lot of mental power. In order not to be attacked by Quicksilver, he could only continue to pretend to be unconscious. Of course, the current situation made him feel very uneasy.

He had heard what Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver had said after he woke up and Lin Rui quickly determined their identity based on their words and his own experience. However, it was only after seeing the identity of the siblings that Lin Rui was more disturbed.

Lin Rui has already felt the Quicksilver's power, and his full use of the Insight Technique only allows him to detect a shadow. His body was barely able to keep up with his mind. In contrast to the Marvel movies Lin Rui has seen in his previous lives, the speed of this Quicksilver should be between the two versions of Quicksilver in X-Men and Marvel movies but Lin Rui doesn't know if this is the maximum speed for Quicksilver.

Moreover, although Quicksilver's attack on himself was not very aggressive, Lin Rui knows that he is not just that powerful, but that he clearly does not want to kill himself. Quicksilver is so fast that the kinetic energy he produces will be obviously huge and the physical defense of the Lin Rui's Phantom Suit should be overwhelmed.

As for Scarlet Witch, Lin Rui is even more frightened by her abilities. Unexpectedly, Lin Rui was drawn into the fantasy world she created in his own mind without a sound, and it is the fantasy world of Lin Rui's previous life. If Lin Rui had really immersed himself in that fantasy world and thinks that the current Marvel World was just a dream, then he may never have been able to wake up and he would be controlled by Scarlet Witch in the end.

However, after an outbreak of mental shock, Scarlet Witch will no longer easily use her ability on Lin Rui as there is a strong chance for a counter-attack if the ability is not used well. The current mental power of Scarlet Witch is obviously not enough to control such a mentally strong person as Lin Rui.

Even so, Lin Rui didn't dare to use even the slightest amount of his mental strength now as he could not stand another attack of Scarlet Witch, that feeling was too bad. Although Lin Rui has experienced many dangers after being reborn in this Marvel World, Lin Rui is obviously willing to live in the present life compared to his f*cked up previous life. After all, in this life he has the opportunity to take control of his life and hold everything in his hands.

"If Quicksilver keeps running like this with me, then Peter and others will not be able to catch up! I hope he will rest soon!" Feeling Quicksilver's speed, Lin Rui could not help worrying.

In fact, Lin Rui had already contacted Sky's Eye when he was attacked by Quicksilver. After all, Lin Rui had already seen the power that was revealed last time by the forces behind Francis and he is obviously unable to deal with it alone.

However, he did not expect that it was Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch that dealt with himself, and the battle ended quickly in an unexpected situation. And Quicksilver is now leaving New York with him, even though Sky's Eye has been tracking his position, but they can't catch up with this speed.

Huh ~

I don't know if it was Lin Rui's prayer that worked or Quicksilver was a bit tired. When he rushed to the outskirts of New York, he finally slowed down. A few seconds later, Quicksilver had already appeared on the side of the road and moved forward like a normal person.

"The man should be right ahead." With Mirage Knight in a coma, Quicksilver looked ahead at an intersection and spoke to Scarlet Witch beside him.

"Yeah." Scarlet Witch answered somewhat carelessly and no one knows what she was thinking.

"Wanda, I know you're tired of this life. I promise you, in a little while we'll leave the organization and live where no one can find us." It was as if he knew what Scarlet Witch was thinking and Quicksilver promised in a whisper.

"Pietro, do you really think that people like us can live in peace?" Scarlet Witch asked, frowning in disbelief.

"Yes!" Quicksilver replied earnestly.

Then, both of them stopped talking. At the intersection ahead, two cars could be seen waiting.

"Ah! It seems that it's not so incomprehensible that the two brothers and sisters turned to Avenger's alliance in the movie. At least they are not really bad people." Lin Rui, who was pretending to be unconscious hears the talk between the brother and sister and thinks silently.

However, Quicksilver clearly wants to live a normal life far away from these disputes but for powerful people like him and Scarlet Witch, even if Hydra is overthrown in the end, SHIELD will not really let them live ordinary lives. Fury would pay close attention to them even if he doesn't recruit them into the Avengers.

"However, the brother and sister in the comics seem to be Magneto's children. I don't know if it is really true here. If so, then I wonder if Magneto knows that he has a son and a daughter or if he's working for Hydra." With Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, Lin Rui also thinks of another Marvel World character, Magneto, who also has superpowers.

"I hope Magneto doesn't know, otherwise if his Mutants Brotherhood is connected with Hydra, then things will be tricky." Finally, Lin Rui can only hope so in his heart.


Finally, after thinking a lot in his mind, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch came to that intersection and stopped beside the two cars.

Card ~

Soon, the door of the car in front opened and two big men got out of it. They nodded at Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, who had already picked up Mirage Knight.


Rudely throwing Mirage Knight into the car, the two guys got in again without saying anything. As for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, they are not surprised by this at all, their mission is over anyway. As for the guy they captured, they only need to hand him over to the organization, then they wouldn't care.

Boom ~

The engine roared and the two cars drove quickly outside New York in the dark.

Margaret bar, Thor, who has finished drinking, has been waiting for Lin Rui to come back. Although Lin Rui told Thor not to wait for himself when he left, Thor couldn't drive. So he is going to wait, but depending on the situation, Lin Rui is not going to come back.

Looking at the door of the bar, Thor has a bad feeling in his heart. Even if Lin Rui had gone out to deal with those guys from before, he should have returned at this time. Thor didn't think that Lin Rui's could not deal with those "little punks" with his strength. But Thor still felt that something is wrong.

After thinking about it, Thor still pulled out his phone and dialed Lin Rui's number.

"Beep beep ~" The call cannot be connected.