Just when Tony brought the Iron Man Corps to drive away Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch and rushed to the spot where the car was found with Spiderman. Lin Rui was being carried by a man in a secret underground passage and he was surrounded by a five-member squad team.

In fact, long after Lin Rui was transferred to these people, he had a chance to escape, because Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, which Lin Rui was afraid of, were gone. However, Lin Rui still wanted to see what this group of people intends to do with him.

If Lin Rui is right, these people should be Hydra's hidden team. Now that they are paying attention to him, Lin Rui doesn't mind giving them some trouble. Moreover, the completion of his mainline quest has been very slow recently, this time it is also a good opportunity for him to hit Hydra.

Therefore, after being quietly transferred to the underground facility, Lin Rui made no movements and continue to pretend to be in a coma. However, these people look very professional. When they moved him to the underground facility, he was injected with a serum with unknown effects and a few small instruments were also put on him, which looked like something that shields any outgoing signal. Anyway, Lin Rui felt a little tired after being injected with the serum, but it hadn't had much effect on him. He doesn't know if the role of the serum itself is not strong or Lin Rui's resistance is high, he thinks it should be the latter.

After being carried for about ten minutes, Lin Rui finally sensed that the underground passage had come to an end. Sure enough, the team quickly slowed down and finally stopped in front of a wall.

Without much pause, one of the team members headed to the wall and pulled out a metal object and stuck it up. Then, the metal object seemed to be attracted to the wall and then emitted a light blue light.

Kakaka ~

Then something in the wall seemed to have been touched, and a sound of mechanical movement came through. Then the whole wall rose slowly in front of them, revealing a runway behind them.

"Come on, we'll soon be out of New York. The other squad has been destroyed. I hope the enemy won't find their way in." The gate opened and the leader of the team said in a low voice. Then, with Lin Rui on his shoulder, he entered the gate.


Without any response, the remaining few people walked in quickly behind.


After the procession disappeared through the gate, the rising wall slowly descended again, finally blocking the hidden runway behind it.


About five minutes after the wall was restored to its original state, a faint explosion was heard at the entrance to the hidden underground passage. A few moments later, several Iron Men Armor with a Hoverboard hurtled in. Tony and Harry still found the underground passage and they quickly came over.

"No way!" Jumping off from Harry's hoverboard, Peter said angrily after glancing around.

The car they found before was indeed fake. Although the people inside the car had decent firepower, they were soon defeated by several Iron Man Armor but Mirage Knight was not there.

Just when Tony and Peter were at a loss, Harry suddenly found another missing car in the opposite direction. However, at this point the car was empty and the unknown assailant and Mirage Knight disappeared.

Later, after a careful search of thirty Iron Man and Harry, they found this underground secret passage. After violently taking care of some of the remaining enemies at the entrance, Tony rushed in. However, he didn't find any trace of anyone. Those people and Mirage Knight seem to have disappeared into thin air.

"Damn! Where on earth did they run?!" Harry flew back and forth in the passage trying to find out the exit but he found nothing.

"Sir, the material of this wall is special, and I can't scan the situation behind it." Just when everyone was worried, J.A.R.V.I.S's calm voice came out. Although he was not ordered by Tony to do this, J.A.R.V.I.S. has been looking for Mirage Knight in various ways, and it was the first time it discovered the problem with the wall.

"Eh? Can't scan?!" After hearing J.A.R.V.I.S's words, the eyes of Tony and Peter all gathered on the wall in front of them.

"So, just blow it away!" Tony in the Iron Man Armor frowned and ordered.

"Yes, sir."


Boom! Boom! Boom! Rumble! ~~

Without any hesitation, J.A.R.V.I.S. already controlled thirty Iron Man to conduct the first round of tentative attacks on the wall. For a time, countless bullets were fired, among which there were many powerful close-range attack missiles.

Soon, the first round of attack was over, and the explosion of smoke gradually stopped. But when the wall reappeared before everyone's eyes, their eyes involuntarily contracted.

Did not get through!

Under the intense fire from the 30 Iron Men Armor, only the outer part of the wall was damaged and the attack did not get through. It seemed clear that there was something hidden behind this wall that the forces who kidnapped Mirage Knight did not want anyone to know.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, give me a laser attack! I want to see what's behind this wall!"

"Yes, sir."



Then all 30 Iron Man turned on their laser weapons, pointed them at the center of the wall and fired. Faced with Lin Rui's kidnapping, Tony, who had guessed the identity of Mirage Knight, is now especially worried.


In this way, under the attack of thirty Iron Man's full-power laser weapons, the wall persisted for thirty seconds before being blown open.


After opening the hole, JARVIS soon controlled the laser beam to expand the size. Soon enough, a passage large enough for a car to drive through was cut through.

"This is! …" After walking behind the wall, Harry looked at the straight track in front of him, looking stunned.

As anyone with a good eye can see, this runway is clearly an acceleration runway specially built for high-speed aircraft. If the previous group had left from here, the 10-minute difference would have been long enough for them to fly out of New York.


"Damn it! Who the hell are these guys!?" Punching the wall in front of him, Peter gives a low roar.

Lin Rui told them his true identity only a few days ago, and he was captured by the enemy within two days. Peter's worry now was completely unimaginable.

"Spiderman, Don't worry, we'll save Mirage Knight. And he's not that simple. Maybe he's trying to save himself while we're trying." Harry is also worried about Lin Rui, but this is all he can do to comfort Peter.

"That's right! For them to touch someone close to me! I won't let them go!" Tony looks at the black track in front of him with cold eyes.