With a low voice, the wristband on Lin Rui's right wrist suddenly flashed with a black light and that black light quickly spread to his whole body starting from Lin Rui's arm. When the dark light disappeared, the complete Phantom Suit covered Lin Rui, and a simple mask covered half of Lin Rui's face again.

"What? Is this nanotechnology? Even Tony Stark doesn't have such sophisticated nanotechnology!" General Reese has been staring at the display and saw Lin Rui getting be surrounded by his soldiers and relaxed but he exclaimed when he saw this scene. It seems that Lin Rui's Phantom Suit wristband showed nanotechnology as the way it was armed on the body.

"Capture him alive!" The expressions on General Reese's face changed rapidly and he finally ordered.

Regardless of General Reese's surprise who was hiding behind the monitor, Lin Rui, who had once again transformed into Mirage Knight, was surrounded by enemies coming from all directions.

"If I knew that this would happen then I would have spent some extra Reward Points to add a carry-on space on the Phantom Suit, I don't even have my weapon in my hand now!" Lin Rui wrinkled his eyes as he glanced at the dozens of heavily armed Hydra teams surrounding him from all directions and muttered secretly.

The Phantom Suit originally had several hidden pockets to hold things, but the capacity was also very limited. Lin Rui now has no weapons except a few guardian symbols, a healing gene serum, and a Titan II serum. Facing the enemies that had already rushed over, Lin Rui could only go up against them empty-handed.

"But these guys aren't enough to stop me." Although he has no weapon and Tom was still unconscious, Lin Rui was not afraid of these enemies.


Moving his feet, Lin Rui kicked Jeffery who had been dropped on the ground. Now that Lin Rui intends to break through, taking Tom alone has become very restrictive for his actions. If he is carrying another person, he will not have much chance to escape. Anyway, these enemies don't seem to care much about Jeffery's situation, otherwise, they wouldn't have locked the door so decisively.

Pū Pū Pū!

Jeffery flew out and knocked down some enemies, and Lin Rui rushed from behind him. Since these people haven't fired yet, they probably want to catch him alive and Lin Rui is going to take advantage of this situation and he would let them know how wrong this decision is!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lin Rui with Tom was not slow at all. He quickly shuttled between these soldiers without any resistance and every time he attacked, one person fell down. For a while, Hydra's team that could not use lethal weapons was not Lin Rui's enemy!

"I just told you to catch him alive! You are allowed to use weapons! I don't care about the condition he is in as long as he lives!" Watching Mirage Knight taking down his men on the monitor, General Reese snarled angrily at the table in front of him.

These soldiers are the failed products of the Winter Soldier experiment! Although they can complete the order meticulously, they cannot improvise and they cannot be compared with normal soldiers. Therefore, although the strength of this kind of soldier is similar to that of a Special Force Soldier and the role played by a larger number is also huge, but it has not been the focus of Hydra's research and development.


With General Reese roar, the soldiers besieging Lin Rui took out their weapons and aimed them at Lin Rui's non-lethal position. Da da da! Da da da!

In the next moment, countless lights in this corridor continue to blink, and Lin Rui, who can't avoid these bullets, has to throw Tom in his hand out of the enclosure quickly and then he quickly dodges between the bullets. Lin Rui can use the Phantom suit's thermal weapons defense to defend against these powerful bullets, but Tom can't withstand such attacks.

Pū Pū Pū!

Although Lin Rui is quite skilled at evading bullets as he was often confronted with a variety of pistols and punches when he first fought the gangs on the streets. But now the situation is completely different, he is confined to such a limited space and the soldiers against him can be comparable to the sharpshooters. So, many bullets hit the Phantom Suit as he could not evade them.

"Sure enough, it is nanotechnology! Such a defense is impossible with ordinary materials!" Hiding behind a monitor, general Reese reimagined the Phantom Suit defense and ordered more fire.

"Damn! This firepower is too fierce! Although they are hitting the limbs, the Phantom Suit will not be able to defend for a long time! I must find a way to break through!" The joint strike of the soldier team made Lin Rui helpless as he was without a weapon and he still underestimated Hydra's power.

"That's it!" After taking another round of coverage bullets, Lin Rui sprinted in one direction of the aisle.


Da da da!

Seeing Lin Rui's rapid increase in speed, the attack over there was intensified again, and they would not let Lin Rui rush through. However, just when Lin Rui rushed halfway, he suddenly stopped in and rushed in the other direction. Lin Rui's speed outbreak this time was simply incomparable to his previous one. The entire soldier's team only saw the shadow of a silhouette in front of them as it rushed to another position, and then appeared again at the other end of the channel.

"Tom, I said that I would take you away and I will do it!" Holding on to Tom, who was thrown aside before, Lin Rui used all of his strength and rushed towards the position of the Thunder Blade.

It turns out that Lin Rui just made a fake move and rushed in the opposite direction just to turn around and save Tom.

"Stop Him! Stop him!" General Reese's roar continued to come out of the soldier's connector, and he couldn't stand Lin Rui jumping like this in front of himself.

Until now, General Reese did not think that Lin Rui could escape. The soldier team is only the first line of defense, and it is still a soldier team that does not use heavy firepower. This whole Hydra base is seriously no different from a war fortress, and the hidden high-power war weapons are enough to shock anyone.


With the sudden outbreak of Lin Rui's speed, a few of the soldiers who stopped at the intersection dropped their guns and quickly took out something similar to a bazooka. Then, they fired a black object at Lin Rui.


"Um?" In front of Lin Rui's calm eyes, the black object exploded suddenly in the air to form a huge metal net, almost blocking the entire passage.

Even if he was fast, Lin Rui couldn't possibly take Tom with him if the way is blocked. Therefore, after the initial surprise, Lin Rui's eyes turned cold and he put his right hand into his waist.

"You forced me to do this!" A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and Lin Rui's right hand quickly pulled from his waist.


In front of the uniform expressions of the soldiers around him, Lin Rui took out a sci-fi-like cannon barrel from his waist.

"I will show let you have a taste the power of Fire God Artillery!" With a low sigh, Lin Rui raised his cannon and aimed it directly at the passage in front of him.



After an instant recharge, Lin Rui temporarily exchanges the Fire God Artillary muzzle from the system shop, which gives out a dazzling light. Then, a thick white light shot out from the barrel and burst out in front of Lin Rui. In an instant, the metal net in front of him was blown to ashes, and then the light continued to blow towards the soldiers and men behind them.