"J.A.R.V.I.S! Is Tony here to rescue me?!" Lin Rui shouted in surprise as he watched the Iron Man Armor floating in front of him.

If JARVIS came to rescue him then there is a good chance that Iron Man must be attacking this Hydra base, and they must have the upper hand now.

"Yes, Mirage Knight."

"Take care of them first." After calming down a bit, Lin Rui pointed at the crooked Hydra members in the car.

"Happy to help."

Pū Pū Pū!

After hearing Lin Rui's orders, J.A.R.V.I.S fired a few lasers directly to destroy the two Alpha team members who were going to fight back. Then all the remaining Hydra members were resolved, and only Lin Rui was left in the compartment.

Looking at the Hydra members who were dead beside him, Lin Rui was silent. Although he had only been caught by Hydra for only half a day, he had been through several life and death crises. Now that the crisis is finally resolved, Lin Rui is finally relieved.

As for the two Alpha team members who "bullied" Lin Rui all the way, Lin Rui didn't even look at them.


"J.A.R.V.I.S, can you get these things off?" Climbing out of the overturned car, Lin Rui lifted the special lock on his hand and asked J.A.R.V.I.S.


Hearing Lin Rui's words, J.A.R.V.I.S controlled Iron Man Armor to land in front of Lin Rui, and then a detection light scanned the locks.

"The scan shows that this is an item made of some Adamantium alloy. I can't help you at the moment, Mr. Mirage Knight." JARVIS soon told Lin the scan results.

However, this result surprised Lin Rui very much. He did not expect that Hydra would directly take out Adamantium metal Handcuffs, which is said to be the hardest metal in the world to control him. However, when he heard JARVIS's words, he finally figured out that there are only some Adamantium in these handcuffs, and there is still a way to get rid of them. So Lin Rui isn't particularly worried, it's just a bit of a problem now.

"That's it. J.A.R.V.I.S, is Mr. Stark fighting against Hydra? How did you find this place?" Now that he is safe, Lin Rui is thinking about how Tony found him.

"After you disappeared, we …" Then, JARVIS slowly talked about all the forces in New York who sought him after he had disappeared.

"… Now Tony has rushed here, this Hydra base is about to be breached." Finally, as if receiving some information, Iron Man's eyes in front of Lin Rui brightened as it spoke.

"Really? It seems that something good came out of my kidnapping!" Lin Rui muttered softly when he heard J.A.R.V.I.S.

Because Lin Rui was kidnapped, Tony and SHIELD found this secret base, and now they are destroying the base. Lin Rui can see that the completion of the Mainline Quest in his mind is slowly rising. This time the Kidnapping of Mirage Knight is a failed action for Hydra.

"Did you say something Mirage Knight?"

"Uh … nothing." He whispered in a low voice when he was heard by J.A.R.V.I.S. and waved his hand awkwardly.


Just as Lin Rui and J.A.R.V.I.S talked, two of the Hydra retreating armored vehicles rushed over from behind. It seemed that they finally knew what was going on. The two armored vehicles opened their weapon systems and aimed them at the Iron Man and Lin Rui.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, can you deal with them?" Lin Rui asked a little worriedly as he looked at the two heavily armed armored vehicles rushing forward.

If it was just two ordinary armored vehicles, Lin Rui, of course, wouldn't worry, but these are armored vehicle loaded with Hydra's most advanced weapons. Among them are many advanced technological weapons that even surprised Lin Rui. Therefore, he does have some concerns about whether an Iron Man can solve these two cars and protect him at the same time.

"Don't worry, Mirage Knight, our support has arrived." JARVIS saw that Lin Rui was a little worried and answered calmly.

"Eh? Support is here?!" After hearing JARVIS's answer, Lin Rui opened his eyes and looked back.

Brush! Swipe!

Just as Lin Rui looked back, an Iron Man rushed over from behind the two armored vehicles. It turned out that the two Hydra armored vehicles did not come here to attack Lin Rui, but they were getting chased by Tony's Iron Man!

"You're a real troublemaker! What am I going to do with you this time, if not for the help of a number of people who were looking for you, do you think that you would be found?" When Lin Rui was excited at the sight of the Iron Man, Tony's voice suddenly came from the Iron Man standing beside him.

"Ah … Mr. Stark, are you in those Iron Man?" Intently ignoring Tony's bad voice, Lin Rui asked loudly.

"Hmm! Rest here, I'll take care of these!"

"Ahem ~ Okay." Lin Rui only agreed to laugh twice.


One minute later, five Iron Man who had resolved the two Hydra's retreated armored vehicles had landed in front of Lin Rui.


Then one of the Iron Man suddenly opened, and Tony stepped out of it. Taking a few steps towards Lin Rui and looking at his locked limbs, Tony frowned. He already knew from J.A.R.V.I.S that the locks on Lin Rui were the alloy handcuffs made from Adamantium metal.

"What? No mask this time?" Finally, Tony stared at Lin Rui after watching him for a while before he said angrily.

"Ah? I …!" Lin Rui froze at Tony's words. Then he realized that he was not wearing a mask! He was wearing a Phantom Suit but without a mask on his face, this is the first time Lin Rui has revealed his face to Tony.

"Haha ~ Didn't Mr. Stark already know?" There was no time to hide it, Lin Rui could only watch Tony calmly and laughed twice.

"Huh! If I didn't know that it was you, do you think that I would have spent so much efforts to save you? This time, I lost thirteen newest Iron Man Armors!" Seeing Lin Rui's laughing, Tony said blankly.

"Thirteen units were lost! You don't want me to pay, do you?" Lin Rui muttered softly when he heard Tony's words.

"Can you afford to pay for it?" Although he has already guessed that Mirage Knight is Lin Rui, Tony still feels very uncomfortable seeing Lin Rui wearing the Phantom suit.

"Heh heh! It's necessary for me to say it." Hearing the discontent in Tony's words, Lin Rui explained in a low voice.

"You …" Just when Tony was about to say something, there was a sudden sound from behind him, someone seemed to be coming towards them.