Hearing Lin Rui's words, Tony hurriedly asked, Tony wanted to study the magical unknown liquid that could save lives.

"Yes, but if Mr. Stark wants to study it, you won't be finding anything in it. Because that item belongs to the magic category, it has nothing to do with science." Lin Rui knew what Tony wanted to do when he heard his question, so Lin Rui answered directly.

"Why can't magic be studied? Didn't we see the Sorcerer last time? Maybe they can help me." Hearing Lin Rui's answer, Tony said unbelievably.

"Uh … this, they really know a lot about magic, but I don't know if this magic item is the same as their magic item. And how would you even ask them for help? If it hadn't been for that Demon we happened to meet last time, we would never have encountered these Sorcerers." Seeing Tony 's appearance, Lin Rui knew that he won't be persuaded easily, so Lin Rui explained it again.

Lin Rui's magic items are all redeemed from the System Shop. Although they belong to the magic item's category, he doesn't know if the magic items of the earth are the same as that in his System Shop. Moreover, Lin Rui doesn't think Ancient One will help Tony.

"You make them sound so mysterious, but why do I think that they seem to be interested in you?" Hearing Lin Rui's words, Tony suddenly said something in a strange voice.

"Ehh? What do you mean by that? Why are they interested in me?" Lin Rui asks in surprise at Tony's words.

When he saw the Ancient One last time, nothing special happened. Lin Rui thought that they wouldn't be meeting afterward. Although Lin Rui's whimsical plan requires a strong alliance, he has not yet planned to unite the Sorcerors of the earth. Their identity is too special.

"It seems you really don't know, this time you were taken away by Hydra, and some sorcerer also helped us in the dark." Staring at Lin Rui's expression carefully and after confirming that he really didn't know, Tony just explained.

"Sorcerers were helping you in the dark? Are you sure ?" Lin Rui asked again unexpectedly when he heard Tony's words. He didn't think he was some special Vigilante in New York that would attract the attention of the sorcerers, most likely Tony was mistaken.

"I am sure, although they didn't show themselves, JARVIS detection will not go wrong. After we caught Francis, JARVIS clearly detected magical fluctuations." Seeing Lin Rui disbelief, Tony said seriously.

"Magical Fluctuation? Is it really them?" Lin Rui was confused as Tony looked so certain.

Theoretically speaking, even if Lin Rui's life is in danger, Hydra is not something like a Demon from the other world and the Sorcerers have no reason to help him or his teammates. Do they want something?

You can't blame Lin Rui for thinking that, because he really doesn't know why Sorcerers would involve themselves in his affairs, he has no magic talent.

"Since you don't know about that, just forget it. Do you know where to find them? Since they will help you, they must have some other ideas for you. Maybe they can really help you to help me in magic and I can finally make some progress in this particular magic branch." Although Lin Rui does not know why the sorcerers were trying to help him, this does not prevent Tony from making such a judgment and decision. What's more, Tony has now made magic a special subject for him to study.

"If you really want to find them, I can provide you with the general location but they generally do not accept outsiders. Although the Ancient One seemed easy-going last time but it would depend on your fate and luck if they want to answer your questions and help you." Knowing that Tony was really attached to magical things, Lin Rui would not hide anything.

"I knew you weren't that simple. You kept hiding things from me before! Now, I want to find out how many secrets you still have!" It is no surprise that Lin Rui knows where to find the sorcerers. After all, Mirage Knight has given him quite a few surprises before.

"Haha …" Lin Rui could only laugh twice before facing Tony's questioning.

Then, under Tony's constant questions, Lin Rui, who chose to be frank, also answered his questions as much as possible. With the exception of the secrets of the system in his head, Lin Rui gives a general answer to Tony's other questions. Some of them are not easy to answer, but Lin Rui just made up an excuse. As for Tony's belief in what Lin Rui says, that's not what Lin Rui has to worry about.

Ten minutes later, this serious conversation was temporarily suspended and the information Tony received from Lin Rui also took some time to digest.

"Whew! Asgard, the Nine Worlds, the World Tree, the Earth, and the other world. It turns out that our universe world is like this! Although I have known about the infinite universe for a long time, it is still very shocking to really know these things!" After two minutes of calmness, Tony said with a deep sigh.

"According to what you just said, Earth will experience various dangers in the future, so did you choose this path to prevent those dangers? You became a Superhero who protects the earth?" Finally, Tony looked up at the young man sitting opposite to him and asked in a serious tone.

"Well! This is the path I have chosen, and I will go on!" In the face of Tony's question, Lin Rui answers seriously.

"It's a big goal. Do you know what it would take to get there? Do you know that you may have given everything you had to get what you wanted? The earth, this world may not need your protection." Seeing the fiery eyes of the young man, Tony suddenly looked away and asked softly. In Tony's opinion, a child-like Lin Rui cannot and should not bear such a big responsibility.

"Of course I know! The strength of a single person is small. Even if I can become stronger than Hulk, I cannot protect my relatives, friends, and even the Earth when facing threats from the Universe or the World itself at the same time." Hearing Tony's words, Lin Rui said seriously.

"Then why are you …"

"But I still have to do it, no matter how much I will pay in the meantime. Because I have people and things that I want to protect! And, doesn't Mr. Stark also think like that?" When Tony wanted to say something else, Lin Rui went on to say it seriously.

"Me? Of course, I also have people that I want to protect and I also want people on the planet to live in a safe environment. But do you know how much effort this thing requires? Even I wouldn't dare to say that I can achieve what you said in this lifetime. "Hearing Lin Rui's question, Tony's eyes flashed as he answered.

Tony's attitude towards protecting innocent civilians has not been weak since he experienced the disaster himself. However, he also knew that it would be difficult to achieve this goal relying on the constantly upgrading Iron Man. And he now knows from Lin Rui's mouth that the earth will face so many threats, and the power of the Iron Man alone seems even more insufficient.

"What if I say I also want to create a completely safe, united earth without any evil forces?" Staring at Tony, Lin Rui suddenly blurts out the words.