Looking at the amazed look on Tony's face, Lin Rui was feeling proud. After all, this is just a blueprint designed of an E GRADE's Aerospace Warship. If he had more Reward points, he would be able to exchange for a higher level Interstellar Warship, would Tony go crazy then?

"Didn't you ask JARVIS to experiment, just wait." Lin Rui also didn't answer Tony's question and told him to wait.

"You are deliberately doing this, aren't you? If the contents of your hard disk are all true, then we may really be able to achieve that whimsical goal of yours!" Tony looked at Lin Rui angrily and then he spoke in an excited tone.

Although he had just looked at a few blueprints, who is Tony? He is the most talented person in the physical and mechanical methods on the Earth. At a glance, he can see what those blueprints are used for. But after he knew what the blueprint was for, Tony couldn't calm down. These are the blueprints for an AeroSpace Warship! It is the most basic thing required for humans to enter the Interstellar Era!

In terms of sophistication, Lin Rui's E Grade Aerospace Warship is not as good as the Iron Man Armor developed by Tony himself. However, these two things are completly different. There is nothing to compare. One focuses on Large-Scale Space Shuttle and interstellar attack, and the other focuses on pointed attacks. It can also be said that these two things are complementary.

You can think like this. An E GRADE Aerospace Warship can carry hundreds or even thousands of Iron Man Armors and they can be deployed and strikes against the hostile planet or some violent planet civilization. It is very shocking to think about it.

"So, this is one of my Hidden Cards." Seeing Tony's appearance, Lin Rui knew that he did the right thing by bringing out the blueprint of E GRADE Aerospace Warship.

"It's just one of them? How many secrets do you have?" At this time, Tony calmed down a little and heard Lin Rui's words. Since this thing is not the final hidden card in his hand then is there something more powerful in Lin Rui's hand? Tony couldn't even imagine it.

"Uh … yes, yes, but it won't be available for a while." Lin Rui wouldn't lie and say that he has more powerful things in his hands right now, but he does have the confidence to bring out more and more powerful things in the future.

"Did you get it from your 'Secret'?" Tony finally understood that the Secret on Lin Rui must not be simple.

Maybe Lin Rui found a Super civilization and got its inheritance, or Tony can't explain everything that had happened so far. Moreover, if it is an inheritance, it is normal to meet certain conditions. This is what Tony had guessed after hearing Lin Rui's explanation. Although it was far worse than the real situation, there is nothing wrong with his understanding in this way.

Even Lin Rui doesn't know what the purpose of the System is. Did it just want him to be a Superhero in Marvel World? What good is he for this system that can do almost anything? However, Lin Rui receives a Quest from the System, after he completes it, he receives Reward Point, which is similar to the usual form of inheritance that requires a trial.

"Yeah, I got these things from my unspeakable secret." Nodding his head, Lin Rui acknowledged it without telling the complete truth.

If it really was a Super Civilization Inheritance, maybe Lin Rui would have told Tony. However, the system is in Lin Rui's mind, and it is obviously not some Inheritance of some Super-High Level Civilization. He always has a feeling in his heart that this thing cannot be told to others no matter the situation.

"Okay, then tell me what you need to meet these conditions to get better things. I'll help you." Since Lin Rui can't say it, Tony has to get what he wants from another direction.

"Well, getting rid of Hydra is one way to help me!" Lin Rui is a little stunned at Tony's words.

"Destroy Hydra?! OK, I see. Even if you don't say it, I won't let them go. However, eliminating them is not something that can be done in a day and a half. It seems that it will take a long time for you to get the more powerful card behind you." Seeing Lin Rui's expression suddenly turned cold, Tony knew what he meant and he nodded and said calmly.

After all, Lin Rui's childhood friend is being controlled by Hydra, and it is still unknown whether he is alive or dead and it is normal for Lin Rui to have such a large hatred for Hydra. Tony wouldn't bother with whether Lin Rui's elimination of Hydra was really a requirement he needed to meet, anyway, Hydra was going to disappear from this world.

"Sir, the calculation results are coming out." Just when Tony and Lin Rui were chatting, JARVIS had finally got the results.

"How is it? Is it effective ?!" After hearing JARVIS's voice, Tony stops talking to Lin Rui and looks at the computer screen nervously.

"Simulation results: Effective, these blueprints are real," JARVIS answered Tony's question the next second.


After getting a positive answer from JARVIS, Tony took a long breath: it turned out to be true!

"However, there are some of these technologies that haven't been achieved yet." When Tony was excited, JARVIS's calm voice came again.

Although it is an E GRADE Aerospace Warship, it is an Interstellar Warship, and the technologies in it are much higher than the mainstream technology of the Earth. Some of the technologies are far away from them and they also have some tech that is already invented.

"It doesn't matter. Are there detailed design and manufacturing methods for those technologies?" Tony calmed down a bit at the end of JARVIS and then asked.

"Yes, Sir." "Answered JARVIS faintly.

"Okay then, it is indeed beyond the Earth's current technology, but as long as there is a way to make it, I can always make it!" Tony has a lot of confidence in himself.

"JARVIS, upload all of this data to my secret terminal, place it in database no. 16, monitor and protect it all day long." Now that he's sure it's real, all Tony has to do is squeeze the world-changing thing into his hands.

Tony's personal terminal can only be accessed through the JARVIS, so it's impossible for anyone to steal it. Of course, if anyone can break JARVIS, there is a danger. But Tony doesn't think any artificial intelligence in the world can defeat JARVIS, except his own.

"Mr. Stark, do you still think what I said was fanciful?" Lin Rui asks Tony when he saw him this excited.