
Before the Squad Captain had finished his sentence, a sharp purple light burst from the figure that had rushed toward the underground entrance, and in an instant shot down into the entrance below.



There was a small sound followed by a jolt of the collapsed ground and the purple light blew the entrance right out of the way. As for the machine guns that had stood guard at the entrance, it was obviously extinguished.


Then, before the smoke had dispersed, the figure attacking with purple light had burst into the collapsed entrance in a flash, and soon disappeared in front of the two teams.

"That's … who ?!" Watching the sudden appearance of the figure who slammed into the entrance and rushed in, the two SHIELD team members were a little stunned.

"It's Mirage Knight. I just sent this information above including to the League of Defender. Looking at the man's dress and the purple light, it should be Mirage Knight." A Captain took a deep breath after looking at the tablet in his hand and said.

"Mirage Knight? Yes, we seem to be teaming up with the League of Defender now." Hearing Captain's words, the rest of the team reacted.

Like the Avengers currently being formed within SHIELD, the people in the League of Defenders are individuals with very strong individual strength. Like the purple light just now, it should be Mirage Knight's signature blade skill.

"Let's go, let's go in too! The situation below is not very clear, and Mirage Knight cannot deal with it alone!" After knowing who the rushed person was, the Captain quickly ordered.

"Yes!" The two team members have been integrated and ready to go.

However, just as these elite SHIELD troops were heading towards the collapsed entrance, the sound of the engine came again from behind them, and a Quinjet passed by their location at a low altitude.


They haven't looked back but two figures have quickly fallen from the air and their target is also the underground entrance surrounded by SHIELD troops.



One of the red figures rushed directly into the entrance and disappeared, while the blue figure fell beside the entrance.

"Captain Rogers!" The Captains of both teams shouted excitedly at the familiar figure falling from midair.

The person wearing the blue Captain America hero suit is Steve Rogers. How can Captain America be absent when dealing with Hydra?

"Well, Mirage Knight and Spiderman have just gone down, and I'm going to go with them. You just stay behind. Be safe." Glancing at the elite SHIELD agents in front of him, Captain Rogers simply ordered. It turned out that the man who had fallen from the sky with Rogers was Spiderman.



Then, Captain Rogers jumped in the underground entrance. After Captain Rogers entered, no unexpected people appeared again, and the elite team of SHIELD followed their order.



In the dim underground passages, a blur of a purple blade with a figure darted forward in a corridor full of automated mechanical weapons. These Hydra base self-defense weapons are no longer useful against the current Lin Rui and they could be destroyed with a single sword attack. As a result, Lin Rui is like an unstoppable shadow, racing deep into the Hydra stronghold.

After receiving the news from Hydra last night, Lin Rui has been unable to suppress his emotions. If SHIELD didn't need some time to arrange their personals, Lin Rui would have already rushed here by himself at the night. However, one night also allowed SHIELD and League of Defenders to come up with better plans.

For example, after receiving the email from Lin Rui, Coulson sent the most elite agents overnight to verify whether his information is true or not. After the information was finally confirmed to be true, today it was more than a single strike against Hydra's stronghold.

In addition to this Hydra stronghold, Prof. Charles discovered that the Hydra members were divided into three other small strongholds. SHIELD is attacking the three strongholds simultaneously.

Of course, Lin Rui is only one person and he can only choose one target. Unfortunately, this town's Hydra stronghold was selected by him. Therefore, Mirage Knight and Spiderman of the League of Defender and Captain Rogers of SHIELD are here to deal with this Hydra stronghold.

As for the other two Hydra strongholds, SHIELD's Hawkeye and Black Widow partnered with Daredevil are responsible for one, and Falcon and Deadpool and Iceman are responsible for the remaining one. In this way, there are three very strong people in each stronghold to act as vanguard to deal with Hydra. This kind of action arrangement was also arranged by Director Fury himself and it was also the first time the League of Defender and Avengers really joined forces against the common enemy.


"Mirage Knight, I'm a hundred meters behind to your right." After Lin Rui slashed open the iron door in front of him, Spiderman's voice came from the headset he was carrying.

Although Peter rushed into the underground entrance within a few seconds behind Lin Rui, he seas still some distance away from Lin Rui. However, Spiderman does not necessarily have to act with Mirage Knight. With Spiderman and Mirage Knight's individual strength, they can give Hydra a bigger blow. Therefore, Peter just informed Lin Rui of his position, and if something unexpected happened on one side, the other would be ready to provide support.

"Well, I see. You clear the way in your direction. I would be going deeper on my side." Simply sensing the situation behind the iron gate he had just split open, Lin Rui lowered his voice to respond to Peter.

"I see. Be careful."

"Got it, be careful."

Card ~

After a simple conversation with Peter, Lin Rui had already flashed into the iron door that had been split open in front of him.

When Mirage Knight, Spiderman, and Captain America divided into three directions and traversed one block after another in the Hydra underground stronghold, the Hydra members were located in the deepest part of this stronghold. And they gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"It's Mirage Knight! Spiderman! And Captain America! We can't handle them!" A Hydra member shouting worriedly watching the unstoppable figures on the monitor.

Recently a level 1 base of Hydra in New Jersey was destroyed, and the garrison of these small strongholds has quietly scaled back its operations carefully. But SHIELD found them anyway. With the defenses of this stronghold, it was impossible to withstand the full force of the SHIELD, especially with Mirage Knight, Spiderman, and Captain America.

"There is no turning back for us! Send out all the experiment soldiers and war machines, and use all the weapons against them! We will take them out even if we die! Long live Hydra!" In this desperate situation, the leader of the stronghold shouted with cold eyes.

"Long live Hydra!

"Long live Hydra!


With a punch on the command computer screen, the small leader of this stronghold has issued the final mission. All of the base's experiments soldiers and war machines were deployed, and their target was Mirage Knight!