After finishing the phone call with Tony, Lin Rui carefully looked at his parents again. After making sure that they were resting, Lin Rui went back to his room and took a shower and changed into clean clothes. Ten minutes later, Lin Rui has gone out again.

Before leaving his home, Lin Rui left a message on the living room table, telling his parents that he had gone to Tony so that his parents would not worry anymore. In fact, Lin Rui knew that not all of SHIELD's people have evacuated from here and some people were lurking around to watch his family's situation closely. However, Lin Rui will not mind this. The monitoring of SHIELD can ensure his parent's safety. As for Hydra, Lin Rui did not believe that they would really dare to move against his family this soon again.

Boom ~ Hoo ~

In this way, Lin Rui, who had just fought in a big battle had left in his little jeep without resting, he left just after the night came. Two blocks after leaving his home, Lin Rui drove his Jeep into a dark alley. Three minutes later, a black shadow stepped on a Hoverboard from another street to escape from surveillance cameras and rushed into New York's skyline.

When Lin Rui turned into Mirage Knight and rushed towards Tony's beach house, other forces that were struck by Hydra's power were also troubled. After all, the strength revealed by Hydra this time has far exceeded their expectations.

Originally, whether it was Director Fury of SHIELD or Professor Charles of X-Men, they both wanted to talk to Mirage Knight of League of Defender. Because, from the beginning, Mirage Knight has shown that he had a very good understanding of Hydra. Although this incident was clearly beyond Mirage Knight's expectations, they believe that Mirage Knight will definitely know more than they know at this moment.

However, a single member of the League of Defender died in this battle and others were seriously injured. This made Professor Charles and Fury repress their urge to find Mirage Knight immediately. At this time, if they went to Mirage Knight, they were worried that they would get nothing. And their judgment just gave Lin Rui time to discuss things with Tony in advance. Lin Rui trusts Tony more than he trusts Professors Charles and Fury.

So, ten minutes later, Lin Rui had stepped on his Hoverboard and came to Tony's beach house which was also under close monitoring of SHIELD, Lin Rui generously put away his Hoverboard and entered Tony's villa gate. As for the monitoring team of SHIELD, he didn't care if they see him.

Lin Rui has now figured out that he would not be able to keep his identity a secret for as long as he wanted. But once his plans with Tony are completed, it wouldn't even matter if his identity is revealed. Right now, Lin Rui wants to keep this secret and does not want to be disturbed too much as his strength is not strong enough to dominate the earth. But, What about when Lin Rui's strength is strong enough, would he even care about his exposed identity? By the time he is strong enough, SHIELD and other forces would not be able to do anything.

"Mr. Jackson, Mr. Stark invites you to go to Lab # 3 in the underground." After Lin Rui walked into the villa, JARVIS's voice was heard. After Lin Rui walked into Tony's villa, he removed his mask, and JARVIS did not call Lin Rui Mirage Knight anymore.

Hearing JARVIS's voice, Lin Rui's eyes flickered. Today, JARVIS's voice seems to be a little different. Lin Rui also felt that JARVIS was a bit different during the battle. Lin Rui felt it when JARVIS refused to accept Tony's order to think silently. However, at that time, because of the fighting, his attention was highly concentrated and there was no time for him to think too much. Now that the battle is over, Lin Rui keenly feels that JARVIS is different.

"It seems that JARVIS is also constantly evolving. No wonder Ultron became a fully functional AI and eventually become a villain in the movies. If an Advanced Artificial Intelligence is out of control, it would indeed be easy for it to cause trouble." Lin Rui is aware of the changes in JARVIS but would not say anything, he believes Tony is also aware of this change.

Moreover, the appearance of Ultron is related to the Mind Infinity Stone. In the original plot, the Mind Infinity Stone was obtained by Earth's forces after Loki's defeat. But according to the current situation, Loki should not come to the Earth with an army. In this way, the chance of the Ultron happening is very small.

But Lin Rui neglected something, even if Loki does not come to the Earth with an army behind his back but some other things may happen to twist the plot. The emergence of Space Gem today is the best proof of that. Therefore, it is really unpredictable whether Ultron will appear or not.

"Lab No. 3? Ok, Thank You J.A.R.V.I.S." The thoughts in his heart appeared and disappeared in just a matter of moments and Lin Rui thanked JARVIS.

"No need to thank me, Mr. Jackson. … And no matter how difficult the situation is right now, I believe you can do it." As Lin Rui walked towards the basement, JARVIS's voice continued to spread. Moreover, unlike previous formulaic answers and reminders, the current JARVIS encourages Lin Rui like a human.

Lin Rui was stunned as he heard this sentence. He did not expect that his feelings of fear that he buried in the deepest depths of his heart would be recognized by JARVIS and that he would speak to comfort himself.

Yes, at the moment when he saw the Space Gem, Lin Rui did not show anything on his face, but he was afraid and worried in his heart. He was worried that he didn't have enough strength to destroy Hydra, and he was worried that he would be killed by all kinds of unexpected plots under the change of world power.

When Deadpool 'Died', Lin Rui's fear and weakness reached its zenith. During that time, Lin Rui even wondered if he was right. Was he right in completing the Mainline Quest of the system and become a Superhero? Lin Rui didn't need to fight this way, but he challenged the system, again and again, challenging the original plot. The following quests also appeared under his various guidance.

However, when the plot has been completely separated from Lin Rui's memory, a feeling of fear appeared in his mind and exploded to the extreme today. However, Lin Rui's mindset has changed since Deadpool proved to be alive and his parents were not hurt by the Hydra attack. He already knew that things had happened, and fear and powerlessness were not the attitudes he should have now. Only by constantly improving his own strength and fully exerting the power in his hands would allow him to fight against the more powerful enemies in the future.

Therefore, after hearing the encouragement from JARVIS, Lin Rui suddenly raised his head and looked at a corner of the wall. "Thank you, JARVIS, I will try my best!"

Dada ~

Then Lin Rui hastened towards the basement.

While Lin Rui was urgently looking for a solution because of the appearance of the Space Infinity Stone, a secret retreat was taking place in the underground base of Hydra in the western United States, far away from New York. After the previous Space Gate on the Golden Gate Bridge was destroyed, this base of Hydra was also damaged by many unstable attacks of the Space Gem.

Buzz ~

In a top-secret room at the base, Red Skull was holding a pure black box with both hands. The box was opened and it contained a cube-like object which is larger than the ordinary Magic Cube, but it exuded pure blue light. This Magic Cube contains the Space Infinity Stone.

"Magic Cube, the supreme treasure from the gods, as long as I have this, Hydra will never be destroyed." Looking at the Magic Cube in the box, Red Skull's horrified face showed a more fanatical expression.


Then Red Skull carefully locked the box. He needs to move on, and while it's hard to find them here by providing that the Space Door was destroyed, there can't be any hint of carelessness. This is also the reason why Red Skull has not been discovered for so many years. He is cautious enough.