The next day, with Tony's help, Lin Rui, Peter, and Harry all transferred Tom and others to a very concealed and highly defensive base in Tony's name, ensuring that Tom and his friends could not get out even if they were not locked.

After moving here, Lin Rui separated Tom and the other upgraded Winter Soldiers, and everyone was locked in a separate room. Lin Rui paid special attention to Jay Henry who had reacted to the videos and pictures of his previous life, Lin Rui paid attention to his mental condition, to see if he would remember it by himself.

However, what disappointed Lin Rui was that although Jay Henry responded to those images, he was completely unlike a sensible person, he was getting crazy. Lin Rui had no choice but to keep him in a comatose state so that he could be quiet.

"Are we going to just keep them here? What if they didn't recover?" Peter looked at Lin Rui and said in a deep voice while watching Tom in the room through the one-way transparent glass wall.

Seeing what Tom looks like now, Peter, as Tom's classmate, is also very upset. However, they did not have a better way to make Tom recover quickly.

Last night, Lin Rui had injected these Winter Soldiers with Osborn's Beginner gene therapy Serum. However, Gene Therapy Serum didn't seem to repair Tom's mental damage. The memory that he can't even remember can't be recovered. Tom still looked at them with a cold expression on his face. For Tom, Mirage Knight, Spiderman, and Harry are all his mission goals.

"We can only do this for the time being. Before they recover their memory, every one of them is very dangerous. As for their Recovery, we should have a way after we eliminate Hydra." Lin Rui looks at the cold face of Tom in the room and replied.

Lin Rui does not have enough Reward Points now, but as long as Hydra is eliminated, Lin Rui believes that the Reward Points he would receive after the completion of this Mainline Quest would make him rich. So, by that time, if Tom hasn't recovered yet, Lin Rui can also exchange special items from the System Shop to help him.

"Well, I believe you have some way. So, are we going to start our counterattack now." Peter clenched his fists and said after hearing Lin Rui's answer.

The sudden attack of Hydra exposed the existence of the Space Infinity Stone and finally brought some damage to the League of Defender, SHIELD, and X-Men. Well, Lin Rui would not have swallowed it, especially since they were already hostile.

"Of course! However, I need to talk to Captain Rogers first. There are some decisions he needs to make." Lin Rui answered in the affirmative and then continued.

There has been no contact from the League of Defender on the SHIELD side since the battle ended yesterday. It's probably because of Captain Rogers. Apparently unsatisfied with SHIELD's performance in yesterday's fight, CaptainRogers has not been out of the house since returning home, and Fury has not sought him out.

"Captain Rogers? Is he here?" Peter's mood suddenly increased when he heard Lin Rui's words. It seems that Peter who has taken Captain America as an example since childhood, even if he has seen the real person, is still excited every time he sees Rogers.

"Well, I have contacted Captain Rogers and he is already on the way." Lin Rui answered truthfully, knowing Peter's mood.

Although Captain Rogers has been at home since yesterday and has not gone out, the contact form Mirage Knight was impossible to miss. So, after hearing Mirage Knight say something to him, Rogers left the house quietly. Without the SHIELD agent finding his trail, Rogers was on his way.

"Then can I ask Captain Rogers for an autograph after you have finished speaking? I still don't have Captain America's signature yet?" Peter asked with a little excitement knowing that Rogers was coming soon. In front of his idol, the serious atmosphere just now broke away a lot.

"Uh … Speaking of his autograph, I already have Captain Rogers's signature here. That's what I asked him when I took him to New York. Of course, I have yours too but I kept forgetting about it all the time. " Hearing Peter mentioning the autograph, Lin Rui remembered that he had asked Captain Rogers to sign before.

In addition to Captain America's signature, Lin Rui also has Iron Man Tony's signature. Of course, now it is too easy for Lin Rui to ask for Tony's signature, so the signature Lin Rui asked for at the very beginning has been kept in check.

"Jackson?! Did you take Captain America to New York alone?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Peter almost jumped when he heard Lin Rui. With this opportunity to get in touch with his idol, Peter thought Jackson was hogging too much attention.

"At that time, the news of Captain Rogers's resurrection was still confidential, so I didn't tell you. And later, you have already seen Captain Rogers in person." Lin Rui said silently when he saw Peter's excitement.

As for Harry who had stood aside, he had never spoken. Although Harry also admired Captain America, he was not as excited as Peter. Moreover, the identity of the Oscorp director made Harry not act like a high school student like Peter.

Buzz ~~

Just as Peter was ready to ask Lin Rui about what happened when he took Rogers to New York, Lin Rui's mobile phone vibrated. Picking up the phone and glancing at it, it was Captain Rogers. Without delay, Lin Rui has connected the phone.

"Mirage Knight, I've arrived." As soon as the phone was connected, Rogers' voice came from it.

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Lin Rui promised and walked out. Lin Rui gave Rogers a location five kilometers from the secret factory of Tony to avoid being discovered by SHIELD.

"I'm coming with you too." Hearing Lin Rui talk to Rogers, Peter yelled and followed Lin Rui.

"Then I will stay here, you both go," Harry said calmly while standing on the spot. The base had been emptied by Tony, and now someone must be left behind for now.

"Well, we will come back soon." With a nod, Lin Rui and Peter have quickly left the base.

Huh ~

After stepping out of the base gate, Lin Rui and Peter quickly got onto a mountain bike and a car and rushed toward Captain Rogers's location. At a distance of five kilometers, Lin Rui and Peter will be able to return quickly, but they obviously cannot run back on the road with Rogers.