
"Mira…Mirage Knight, can you hear me?" Just as Lin Rui and Spiderman were rushing towards the central position of the Hydra base, JARVIS's voice suddenly came from his ear, although there was still some interference. It became clear soon.

"Yes, JARVIS, what's going on outside?" Lin Rui tapped the headset and answered quickly. The progress made by Lin Rui and Peter has been unsatisfactory, and they want the people above on their side to hurry up and support them.

"The electronic communication blockade has been removed, Hydra's Anti Air weapons have almost been destroyed, but the next step is likely to be hit by Space Weapons, and the ground support has accelerated. So, you need to be carefull." JARVIS truthfully told the situation and finally reminded Lin Rui.

"Got it, we'll pay extra attention. Also, if you can't stand it, run away, the Magic Cube's power will definitely not be used as thoroughly. As long as you resist one wave of attacks, Hydra would no longer have any hidden cards in its hands." After agreeing, Lin Rui also reminded JARVIS.

Last time on the Golden Gate Bridge, the space-type attack released by Hydra through the space gate was enough for Tony and SHIELD but it would not be enough now as Tony and SHIELD are prepared. However, since this is a large base of Hydra, Lin Rui feels that they must have more than one powerful attack but a single wave would be able to deflect Hydra's stock.

"Got it, good luck, Mirage Knight."

"You too, J.A.R.V.I.S."


After disconnecting with JARVIS, Lin Rui and Peter, who already knew the situation outside, accelerated their speed again. Not to mention how strong the next counterattack on Hydra's side will be. If they let SHIELD's people rush in, then Lin Rui may not be able to keep Magic Cube's secret.


Just after Lin Rui and Peter dashed across the intersection again, Peter suddenly stopped, and the roots of his hair were raised up. Lin Rui could feel Peter's physical change even if he was covered by his spider suit. It was like a spider seeing his natural enemies, Peter's entire body froze because of the great danger his spider-sense had sensed.

"Peter?" Lin Rui spoke as he saw Peter's changes.

"Straight ahead! That's where I feel the greatest danger! That's a place that could put our lives in danger!" The spider-sense had been telling Peter to get away from the position, but he pressed down on this feeling and pointed the way.

"Is it just ahead? Why don't you stop here, Peter, and I'll go and see by myself." Lin Rui does not have Spider-Sense but he can also sense the imminent danger, so he looked at Peter and said seriously.

Although Lin Rui has always believed that the Protagonist Aura on Marvel's Superhero like Spiderman will always protect them from any dangerous situation and even if they got seriously injured, they will never die. However, in the face of such items as Infinity Stone, Lin Rui was not sure whether the protagonist aura on Peter would still be useful.

"Give up on that idea! I am not leaving you alone!" Peter waved back to answer Lin Rui's words.

Even if there was an even greater danger ahead, Peter would not let his friend pass alone. And even if the spider-sense had detected a greater danger, it was not without a chance of life.

"Well, if you insist, then let's go together. But first, if there is a danger that we can't cope with, don't worry about me and leave immediately! I have more life-saving things than you." Knowing that Peter would not leave, Lin Rui had no choice but to let Peter go in with him but he also told him to leave if the situation becomes dire.

"Got it!" Peter had already walked toward the front as he answered and Lin Rui could only helplessly shake his head and follow.

I don't know if it was because they had already expended too much manpower and resources to stop Lin Rui and Peter. When they approached the central square, there was no one to stop them. So Lin Rui and Peter made the final leg of their journey unimpeded to the central location of the Hydra base.


As soon as they stepped out of the empty passageway, Lin Rui and Peter saw the extraordinary-looking instruments placed in the center of the square. By this time the whole square is empty, only the equipment is still working properly.

Zi Zi Zi ~

Because Storm used a lot of thunder to attack this base, some of the circuits of these instruments appear to have been damaged, but their normal operation has not been affected at all. And at the center of these instruments are transparent boxes of the same size, filled with a light blue glowing substance that looks very sci-fi.

"Jackson, are those small cubes the Magic Cube you spoke of? The color is blue, but why are there so many of them?" Peter, standing beside Lin Rui, asked curiously while looking at the boxes that blinked with their brilliant blue light.

There was no immediate response to Peter's question. Lin Rui looked solemnly at the boxes, which glistened with blue light. Finally, as if to confirm something, Lin Rui's face changed.

"Those are not Magic Cube! They are equipped with Magic Cube power. They are using the power of Magic Cube to create Space Attack!" After carefully feeling the space power in those square boxes, Lin Rui quickly judged the origin of those boxes then shouted loudly. Because Lin Rui has already seen what the devices and boxes are for, he knew that there will be an attack!


After Lin Rui had said that, a flash of red appeared on the workbench in the center of the square. The device then becomes overworked, and the Magic Cube energy stored in the box is quickly pumped out and converted in a special way into the attack weapons.

"Not good! They're going to attack!" As soon as Lin Rui saw that red glow on the workbench, he knows what will happen next. So, with a shout, Lin Rui has released all of his internal energy and rushed towards the machines in an instant.

"Jackson!" Seeing Lin Rui's movements, Peter followed him.


One black and one red figure almost left a residual image on the ground. In less than a second, they crossed the distance of thirty or forty meters and rushed to the instruments. Then, without the slightest hesitation, Lin Rui lifted his Thunder Blade high above him. As for Peter, his hands and wrists were already spattered with a special spray of spider silk.

"Thunder Strike!"

For a split second as the blue light of the instruments flashed, so did the Purple Blade Light of Lin Rui and Peter's spider silk arrived.

