The moment Natasha said Gamma-Ray, Dr. Banner, who was originally very calm, suddenly burst out with powerful emotions, and a faint green light flashed in his eyes.

"Gamma-Ray?!" It was because of an experiment on Gamma-Rays that Dr. Banner became what he is now, and he is still very sensitive to this subject.

"Yes, it is Gamma-Ray. That Object emits very irregular and low-level Gamma-Rays, and only people who know about Gamma-Rays like you can track its current location. So, I was sent here by SHIELD to get your expertise in looking for that Item." Not being frightened by the sudden change in emotion from Banner, Natasha sat upright and continued.


As if feeling a bit agitated by his actions, Dr. Banner sat back slowly after listening to Natasha's words, his emotions quickly recovered, and the green light in his eyes disappeared.

"Hehe, so that's why you were looking for me. But why do you think that I would even agree to help you? Even if I know Gamma-Ray and am probably the best person in the world, but I think you know what happened last time I experimented on Gamma-Rays. Do you really think that I will go back to do experiments on Gamma-Ray again?" Dr. Banner, who was sitting on the stool again spoke after some time.

"I'm actually just a messenger. I am not very clear about some things. However, I believe that you would be of great help to SHIELD and the World if you return with me. Also, Captain Rogers wants you to come back and he had left the decision to you. You can decide if you want to come or not." Seeing Dr. Banner's attitude, Natasha continued with a calm look on her face.

Banner was obviously interested in that Object, and it was because of Gamma-Rays that Banner became what he is now. Although he is somewhat afraid of Gamma-Rays, he hopes to find a solution to his special situation. Therefore, Banner is only doing his last insistence now.

"Captain Rogers, is that Captain America that has been frozen in the ice for more than 60 years?" Banner doesn't know much about this resurrected American hero.

"If you are willing to talk to him then please pick up this phone. I'm done with my Mission and the decision is in your hands." At this point, Natasha's mission has been completed. She puts a cell phone on the table while speaking.


Then, Natasha got up from her chair and walked out without saying anything and left Banner in the house alone.

After Natasha left, Banner looked at the phone placed in front of him. Whether it's SHIELD or any other organization, Banner doesn't want to get involved with them anymore, he just wants to live out his life as an ordinary person.

However, after avoiding all those organizations from all over the world for so many years, Banner also clearly realized that he can't really avoid them forever. Moreover, did he really want to spend the rest of his life living like a Nomad going from one place to another?

Even without Hulk, Banner is a World-Class Scientist, and he does not want his knowledge and talents to be permanently buried.

Finally, Dr. Banner made a decision and reached out to the phone on the table and dialed the only number in it.

"Hello, Dr. Banner, this is Captain Rogers."

"Hello, Captain Rogers, this is Bruce Banner."

In a secret base of Stark Industries, New York, Lin Rui is nervously watching the situation in the room in front of him. Through the one-way transparent glass wall, Lin Rui could see the person locked inside, Tom Smith, his friend who was brainwashed and transformed into an upgraded Winter Soldier by Hydra.

Since completing the Quest to eliminate Hydra and obtaining a large number of Reward Points, Lin Rui has searched for items that can heal memory and mental injuries in the System Shop. After that, he spent 5,000 Reward Points to exchange for an item that can completely heal Memory and Mental Injuries and remove any brainwashing.

Lin Rui has fed the Medicine to Tom, and now he is waiting nervously for the effect to appear. Although the effects of the things produced in the System Shop are not bad but things like Memory and Spirit are very mysterious aspects and Lin Rui cannot be sure that Tom will be able to recover normally.

"Jackson, don't worry, Tom will recover." When Lin Rui stared nervously at the sleeping Tom in the room, Peter comforted him.

"Well, I think so too. Uncle Smith's family has been looking for Tom for a long time now. The last time I saw Uncle Smith, he already looked haggard. I am worried that they will collapse because of the loss of Tom. So, I need Tom to go home safe and sound." Lin Rui said seriously while clenching his fists.


When Peter and Lin Rui were talking outside the room, Tom lying on the bed in the room showed some movement as his brows twitched before he slowly opened his eyes.

"I…Where am I?" Opening his eyes, Tom seemed to be a little confused, and after scanning his situation, he whispered with some doubts in his voice.


Tom, who just woke up, hadn't carefully observed the situation around him, and there was a sudden flood of memories that belonged to him in his mind. The sudden change in his mind made Tom stunned, and then he cried out in a low voice while holding his head.

"Ahhh! My mind!… What are these?! No! It hurts!!…"

"Let me out! Let me out!"

"Who is this?… Is it me?!… Damn it! Jackson!"

As more and more strange and familiar memories flooded into his mind, Tom slowly calmed down, but the expression on his face was constantly changing and he unconsciously shouted out, he seemed to have fully remembered the things he had done as the Winter Soldier.


Finally, Tom, who had completely received those memories, slowly lowered his hands from his head. At this time, Tom was at a loss. It seems that Tom's memories had caused him to change his personality and he was different from the big boy who loved sports a few months ago.

"Jackson? Are you out there?" After sitting quietly on the bed for a while, Tom suddenly turned his head to look at the wall next to him and shouted.