When the Live Broadcast ended, Rhodes, located in the Washington Military Building, received a call from his boss and they asked him to contact Tony. This matter can only be best achieved if Iron Man personally explains it. Moreover, the Military does not have much news to share. Therefore, they could only ask Rhodes to contact his friend.

"Rhodes, what happened, did you watch the Live Broadcast just now?" After connecting to Rhodes's phone, Tony asked easily.

"Why the hell are you so relaxed, if Mirage Knight hadn't helped you defeat the enemy then you could have died, but now the pressure on the Military is great. Tony, can you tell me if you have any news? My Bosses are breathing down my neck and I don't know how long I would be able to stand it." Hearing Tony's relaxed words, Rhodes on the other end of the phone said very silently. If Tony is willing to tell Rhodes some news then it would be the best way for him to explain the situation on behalf of the Military.

"Of course I know the news, and it would be very popular news. However, this matter is not completely under the control of the Military. If you want to know more then I would be willing to tell you privately. Now, do you want to talk about something else?" Hearing Rhodes words, Tony replied truthfully.

"It's not completely under the military's control? Is it really…well, the people above me hope that you can explain to the masses what happened in this Live Broadcast. After all, you threatened to kill a Terrorist in front of all the media yesterday and that terrorist was Mandarin. Now that he had attacked you in your home, it's obvious that Mandarin took the initiative. And those last three people have been seen by everyone. Now the outside world is very curious about the identities of the three people. Who told you to show such a clear picture quality during the Live Broadcast." Hearing Tony's answer, Rhodes' eyes flashed, and then he stated the purpose of his call this time.

"Let me explain, yes. But, what would I get if I do this?" Tony waited for Rhodes to say that, so after Rhodes finished speaking, Tony asked in a relaxed tone.

"What do you want?" Hearing Tony's words, Rhodes asked irritably, he knew that Tony would not agree so easily.

"Although the Military is a group of idiots, they still have a few projects that I am more interested in and I may also need some special information." Hearing Rhodes tone, Tony smiled and spoke his request.

Although Tony's technology is already the best in the world, there are still some special projects in the Military that Tony is very interested in. Although Tony doesn't have so much energy to take care of so many worries but all the best things must come into his hands first and then he will have the time to study them later.

Moreover, last time Tony talked to Rogers, Roger had said that he had found Dr. Banner. If he could persuade Dr. Banner to come back, maybe Tony could cooperate with Dr. Banner on some of his personal projects.

"Okay, I see, my Boss agreed, now you need to explain this incident to the world first." After taking a glance at his Boss standing beside him, Rhodes replied helplessly after seeing him nodding.

"No problem, Rhodes, I will do as you ordered. Goodbye for now. I am about to appear on screen again." After Rhodes agreed, Tony smiled and hung up.


"So that was your goal all along, this is great!" Peter, who was watching Tony's action from the side, looked at him with admiration, while Lin Rui had an expression that said that he expected Tony to do something like this.

"Well, before Iron Man comes out to explain the situation, Maya, do you have anything you need to say? Perhaps the news you brought me can help me in explaining the situation more later." After hanging up Rhodes's call, Tony looked at Maya with a smile on his face and asked.

The timing of Maya's appearance is too delicate. Although Tony has not felt threatened by Maya, he still has some suspicion.

"I work for Killian." Maya didn't talk nonsense this time and said something that was enough to attract Tony's attention.


Sure enough, after Maya Hansen said that she worked for Killian, except for Lin Rui, both Peter and Tony looked at Maya with surprised expressions on their faces. And Maya also understood something after seeing Tony and Peter's expressions, it turned out that Tony did know about Killian.

"Well, this is really something that I hadn't expected." Looking at Maya, Tony said with some interest. Tony was interested in Maya at first, but now he is much more interested.

"So, what do you want to tell me? If you just want to remind me that the Mastermind behind this attack was Killian, then I already know about it."

"It seems that you did know something, but do you know how those people who can quickly recover and self-destruct appeared? Do you know what Killian is planning? Do you know that he has Mandarin working for him? "Although Tony clearly knew some information, Maya asked unwillingly.

In order to gain Tony's trust and after seeing his powerful side, Maya can only use real information to achieve her goals.

Maya Hansen is a very aspiring Botanist, she is actually similar to Killian. She wanted to make her research achievements famous all over the world, and right now, Tony is the only one who can help her accomplish this. Stark Industries would also be a big help. Therefore, Maya prepared to rescue Tony in this attack this time without notifying Killian.

"Um… Let's see, do you want to say it is because of Extremis? As for Killian's purpose, besides using these immature garbage as bombs, does he really think that he can rely on a Terrorist Organization to dominate the world? Poor Killian, he doesn't even know how big this world is, and people like him won't be able to accomplish anything." Hearing Maya's words, Tony replied with a calm look in his eyes. While answering Maya's questions, Tony also belittled Killian.

"How do you…" Maya's eyes widened when she heard Tony's words. Maya couldn't imagine that Tony would even know about Extremis.

"Well, since you have no useful news. Then please leave, I will be starting the Live Broadcast again to explain this attack to the world." Seeing Maya's surprised expression, Tony waved his hand and started to chase her out.


"Miss Hansen, please." Maya is not ready to give up, but Lin Rui has already walked over and asked her to leave.

Lin Rui, who knows the original plot, knows that Maya's purpose in coming to Tony is actually to gain Tony's trust and have him help her in her experimental research, so he has already shown her mercy by not dismantling this beauty in person.

"Well, I hope you can handle this matter. Maybe there are many powerful people in the world, but Killian will definitely not go down that easily." The other party has already done this so Maya will not stay here. After a reminder, she turned and left.

"Jackson, do you think this Maya is credible? Since she works for Killian, what reason does she have to inform Mr. Stark?" After Maya left, Peter looked at Lin Rui and asked curiously.

"She is not credible. However, it doesn't matter, she is not an important person." Lin Rui did not explain what Maya wanted to do. Anyway, this girl will not cause any harm to them. Moreover, after taking care of Killian later, she may still be of some use to them.

"Okay, now it's time for the Iron Man to show it's existence again." Maya has left, and Tony is ready to open a Live Broadcast to explain the attack to the outside world.

"JARVIS, pay attention to the light and get rid of my dark circles. I don't want to look like a Zombie on the screen." After quickly sorting out his appearance, Tony told JARVIS.

"Yes, sir, the preparation for Live Broadcast is ready, you can start at any time." Pointing the camera at Tony, JARVIS continued.

"Ok, let it begin!"