

More than an hour later, accompanied by the dumping of a few large big trees, a violent sound suddenly came out from this forest. In this virgin forest that has existed for god knows many years, it was like giants were fighting in it at this time. From time to time, large trees that were hundreds of years old or older fell in pieces.

And not far from the violent movement in the forest, there is a small valley. This valley was formed in the middle of the virgin forest. There is also a small water hole in the center of the sinking valley.

At this time, on the grass next to the small water hole, a small drone stopped here. This drone is the machine Lin Rui sent out to detect something before, and this small valley is Lin Rui's destination.


As the movement in the forest got bigger and bigger, whatever is happening inside the forest is getting closer and closer to the valley. This quiet valley seems to have been affected a bit, and the surface of the pool water in the center of the valley also shows ripples.


Just when the movement in the virgin forest was very close to this valley, a black figure suddenly rushed out of the forest, and this figure was holding a guy who didn't look alive. Obviously, the two people who rushed out of the forest were Lin Rui and Deadpool.

However, Lin Rui is panting heavily now, and Deadpool, who was in his hands, has long since been seriously injured and has become unconscious. If Lin Rui hadn't been holding Deadpool all the time, he would have entered the belly of a certain monster by now.

Lin Rui rushed out of the forest and rushed towards a certain distance before stopping in mid-air. Lin Rui, who stopped in the air, paid close attention to the movement in the forest behind him, and then Lin Rui who was holding Deadpool showed some doubts in his eyes. According to Lin Rui, the monster behind him should have been chasing him. However, the monster seemed to have stopped.

Not long ago, when Lin Rui and Deadpool rushed towards this side, they broke into a monster's territory without knowing about it. Then, Lin Rui and Deadpool were chased and nearly killed by the monster that was three stories tall and looked like a combination between a snake and a dinosaur for more than half an hour.

Originally, if Lin Rui was alone, he might have been able to fight this monster for hundreds of rounds. After all, he is now very confident in his own strength. But there was Deadpool beside him.

After being swept by the monster's tail, Deadpool was seriously injured and passed out. Therefore, Lin Rui had to grab Deadpool and escape all this way. He was worried that Deadpool would not be able to survive if he didn't run. And the monster has been chasing behind them until now.

After Lin Rui rushed into the valley, the monster stopped in the forest and did not continue to chase them.


"That thing is really not chasing us? Is there something weird here?" Levitating in mid-air, Lin Rui could still see the huge eyes of the monster hidden in the forest and he was also guessing why the monster had suddenly stopped.

"It doesn't matter, I need to go down." He has been floating in the air and he has already consumed a large amount of his internal energy in the process of running. Lin Rui stared at the monster in the forest and quickly landed down the valley below.


Finally, under the strange gaze of the monster in the forest, Lin Rui fell steadily into the valley, just by the center of the pool. Lin Rui put Deadpool on the ground but the monster still did not move. However, it neither rushed out nor planned to leave. It seemed satisfied just by staring at Lin Rui from the forest.

"Is that thing still not leaving? Is it waiting for something?" Noting the monster's gaze, Lin Rui quickly guessed the reason for it staying here.

However, how could Lin Rui, who had no knowledge of this planet and civilization here, know what the monster was doing. So, in the end, Lin Rui didn't care about the big monster in the forest. Anyway, it seems that it really won't rush out of the forest. Lin Rui just might be able to study the peculiarities of this valley in a quiet environment.

"This is really… all the bones in his body had broken… his internal organs are also damaged… and he looks even uglier…" After placing Deadpool on the ground, Lin Rui carefully checked his injuries. After looking at the result, Lin Rui frowned slightly.

However, he just frowned and didn't really worry about Deadpool. If Deadpool's injury at this time happened to any ordinary person then that person would have died without any doubts, but Deadpool is not an ordinary person and he would be able to recover from such an injury by himself.

It is only a matter of time. Knowing that Deadpool could recover by himself, Lin Rui injected him with a dose of Gene Therapy Serum and then let him lie there and recover by himself. Then Lin Rui began to look at this small valley.

"Indeed, it is very unnatural to have such a small valley in such a primitive forest. Although it has been here for many years, the artificial traces are still very obvious." After looking around the valley briefly, Lin Rui has already concluded something: This is indeed a human-made valley.

"Since there are man-made structures here then it means that there is some form of civilization on this planet. However, I don't know how far they are from here, where the civilization has developed, and whether or not they will have space transmission technology." After judging the situation in this valley, Lin Rui quickly analyzed the situation.

Lin Rui's original hope was to find the indigenous civilization on this planet, preferably a human-like civilization so that he can better communicate with the indigenous people on this planet.

Then, if he is fortunate then the Planet will be a relatively developed planet, then Lin Rui has the opportunity to take Deadpool and sail back to Earth via Interstellar travel.

Based on Lin Rui's understanding of Marvel World, except for the earth, many civilizations and technologies in the universe have developed to a very high level. Space transmission and other things are also very common in Interstellar navigation.

Just like a special series in the Marvel, it is based on a space adventure team as the protagonist. They drove their Spaceship to adventure in the universe, and the core protagonist was a Half-Celestial from the earth.

"However, judging from this forest and the monsters in the forest, even if there is a civilization on this planet, it should not be of too high a level!" While expecting something in his heart, Lin Rui had to follow reality and he analyzed the most likely outcome.

While judging the level of civilization that may exist on this planet based on this valley, Lin Rui is also considering whether to send out a few more drones to find where the civilization exists. Finally, Lin Rui's gaze turned to the unobtrusive monster hiding at the edge of the valley.

If Lin Rui did not find the civilization on this planet in the end, or the civilization technology level on this planet was not enough to send Lin Rui back to earth, he would have no choice but to go into the forest to eliminate a few monsters to earn more Reward Points.

In this way, Lin Rui can redeem any Space Portal from the System Shop and return to Earth.


It seemed that the monster had seen the change in Lin Rui's eyes. The monster hiding in the forest without showing up blinked, and finally turned around and left.

Lin Rui: "…"