
Hearing the words of Star-Lord, Rocket first fiddled with a tool in his hand. After sorting out a few data, Rocket raised his head and looked at Star-Lord.

"Although the detection time was not long, there are still some gains. I probably know why this valley is a restricted area for the beasts and monsters in the forest, because…" Speaking of the critical moment, Rocket deliberately dragged on.

"Because of what? Don't try the suspense thing, it doesn't work for you!" Star-Lord asked without giving a face to Rocket.

"Because, under this valley, there is probably an ancient ruin left by a civilization that came here before. Moreover, I suspect that this ruin should still have a certain degree of defense mechanism. Otherwise, those lifeforms will not fear coming in here." Seeing that Star-Lord didn't cooperate with him, Rocket had no choice but to finish his discovery.

"A relic left by the previous civilization? This is interesting, but…if this relic is still aggressive, why are we all right?" After hearing Rocket's discovery, Star-Lord asked with a flash of light in his eyes.

Where the monsters in the forest can't dare to take a step, if there is something hidden in the valley, then the attack power should be very powerful. However, neither Lin Rui who rushed in yesterday nor the Star-Lord who landed in Spaceship afterward trigger the relic counterattack inside.

"Maybe, this relic is specifically designed for the native lifeform of this planet? It is also possible, after all, this is a primitive planet. If the civilization that came here before has to stay for a while, in order to not get disturbed the native lifeform, they have set up some attack systems to target local lifeforms." Hearing Star-Lord's doubts, Rocket explained after thinking about it.

"Is that so? Then if we find this ruin, maybe there is something good in it? Although we are leaving in a few days, if we excavate a ruin before we leave, it would be a windfall. Ah." Since Rocket had judged the situation in this way, Star-Lord thought they might be able to dig up this ruin.

The universe is very big, and there are many civilizations bred in it. Although the relics of civilization left here are from a long time ago, there may be very valuable things here. Moreover, even if there are no high-tech things, there may be some antiques that would sell for a high price. There are people in the universe who like to collect some antiques and special things. If they dig out any antiques, Star-Lord might be able to make some extra money.

"I think so too, but if you want to dig, you need to do early detection. However, I don't think my work earlier is detailed enough to detect in this valley. If you go outside, there are attacks from those monsters, which makes this situation a bit difficult." Rocket thinks similar to Star-Lord too, but the work done in an excavation of the ruins must be prepared beforehand, but the detection is hindered by the native lifeform outside.

"Are you really planning to dig out this possible ruin?" Just when Star-Lord and Rocket were discussing how to dig the ruins in this area, Lin Rui, who had not spoken just now, suddenly asked.

"Well, we are just idle anyway, it's better to do something. What's wrong, do you have any plans?" Hearing Lin Rui's words, Star-Lord turned his eyes and asked curiously.

"Uh…it's nothing, it's just that I am a little worried. The defensive power of the remains that can make the monsters in the forest dare not take a step, I am worried that you will get hurt." Lin Rui felt someone looking at him before and he now has a sense of distrust of this area, so he doesn't want Star-Lord and the others to dig out some ruins and do things.

"Haha! Don't worry, we do this kind of thing all the time. The monsters outside may be very powerful because we don't know them. But the ruins are different. You do know what our mercenary team is called. Don't you?" Seeing Lin Rui looked a little worried, Star-Lord thought for a while and said.


"Relic digger! Not every mercenary group and mercenary squad always have missions to do. What do we do when there are no missions? We find the relics to dig, like this small relic, don't worry, everything would be fine!" After Lin Rui asked, Star-Lord smiled and explained their common way of life of the space mercenary squad.

In fact, in the infinite universe, countless civilizations have died and were born in the long river of time. In this cosmic era, there are countless advanced civilizations that have drowned in the long river of time, so there are many ruins everywhere in the universe.

The things left in some ruins are useless, and the things excavated by some ruins can make a large cosmic mercenary group stop taking orders from anyone for several years.

This is the fun of digging out the ruins, it's just like buying a lottery ticket. However, there are dangers in the process of excavating the ruins, but they are all experienced people and they are very confident in themselves.

"Isn't this similar to the grave robbers on the earth…" After hearing Star-Lord's explanation, Lin Rui murmured silently in his heart.

However, what Star-Lord said was also right, since they encountered this ruin, they would not let it go. Moreover, they are professional, so there is no need to worry about them.

Even if there is any danger, Lin Rui believes that with the protagonist aura of Star-Lord, they will be fine. As for the two unexpected visitors named himself and Deadpool, they are capable of taking care of themselves. Therefore, in this process, Lin Rui decided to protect himself at all times.

"Now that you have decided, I have no other opinions. However, if you plan to go out and explore, I can act as a bodyguard. Believe in my strength, I will not let those forest beasts and monsters disturbed Rocket's detection." Finally, Lin Rui said with a smile.

Anyway, Star-Lord and the others are already planning to dig out the ruins, so if he helps themselves, their speed will be faster and it will also help him leave the planet earlier.

"Really? I just detected that the energy values ​​of those weird tree roots are very fixed, indicating that they are only part of a certain subject, and there should be something big behind them." Hearing Lin Rui's words, Rocket looked at him suspiciously before he asked.

"I know there is a big guy behind them, but as for whether they work or not, you will know if you try." Not minding Rocket's distrust of his tone, Lin Rui continued.

Are Star-Lord and Rocket not curious about his abilities and attack methods? Lin Rui is going to let them see enough. As the first person to leave the earth to see an Alien Civilization (not counting Star-Lord), Lin Rui intends to make the name of the earthlings.

"In this case… let's start!"
