As the fist-sized object flew into the Giant Monster's mouth, Lin Rui avoided the fate of being swallowed into the big mouth.

"Taste the power of the high-energy shock bomb!" Lin Rui avoided the big mouth of the Giant Monster and flew to the side of its neck and stared at its mouth.

If it weren't for the high amount of Reward Points that are needed to exchange for a Micro Nuclear Bomb and the fact that Nuclear Bomb has a relatively large radiation range, then Lin Rui would have just thrown a Micro Nuclear Bomb out. However, the power of the high-energy shock bomb is also sufficient in Lin Rui's view.


After Lin Rui passed the Giant Monster's mouth, it closed its mouth under inertia. As for the little thing that flew into its mouth, it didn't feel it at all. After it caught Lin Rui's figure flying to his side, the Giant Monster continued to turn his head and bite towards him.

Buzzing! Pū Pū Pū!

However, just as the Giant Monster turned its head, a muffled noise suddenly rang out from its huge closed mouth. Then, an angry look flashed in the four eyes of this Giant Monster, and the closed mouth was abruptly opened by a powerful explosive shock wave.

Pū Pū! Huhu!

As the Giant Monster's mouth opened, a large piece of dark green liquid mixed with red flesh and white teeth spewed out.

"Hoo~~Hoo… Hu Hu Hu!" At first, the Giant Monster could still roar in pain, but it seemed that because the mouth was blown open, the voice behind it was not so domineering.


After blowing up the Giant Monster's mouth, the power of the high-energy shock bomb slowly dissipated. However, the damage it caused to this Giant Monster is the worst that Lin Rui has dealt with so far. There is already fear in addition to anger in its heart and it can be seen in the four eyes of this Giant Monster.

"Whirring ~ ..." Because the monster vomited out several teeth, the mouth is also less than half gone, now it is only a Giant Monster with a whirring sound that does not amount to anything.

The Giant Monster may be using its own roar to frighten Lin Rui, but the sound made Lin Rui feel a little more relaxed. Because Lin Rui knows that the defense of this Giant Monster is not that abnormal, at the very least, it is relatively simple to damage it from the inside.

"Huh! Didn't you join forces with that other thing to deal with me? Now face the consequences!" Once again avoiding the attack of the Giant Monster's claws, Lin Rui looked at the result of his High-Energy Bomb and smiled while shouting in midair.


While Lin Rui was watching his work, two dark shadows just drew from below and from the side. Lin Rui only had time to avoid the dark shadow from below and was finally hit by the dark shadow on the side.

The shadow seems to know that Lin Rui has a protective layer on his body, and the power of these black shadows is getting stronger and stronger. Moreover, the two tree vines seemed to have something that was not there before.


Lin Rui, who was hit by that vine, fell for more than ten meters again. Looking at the number of vines hidden in the forest below, Lin Rui tried his best to stabilize himself in the air. Sensing the Internal Energy Defensive Layer on the surface of his body, Lin Rui's brows wrinkled tightly.

"At the moment the tree vine attacked, the Internal Energy defense layer was weakened by more than half! This had not happened before, did the main body of the tree vine found a way to eliminate my Internal Energy defense?" Lin Rui thought deeply in his heart while waving the Beheading Spirit Sword towards the vines that had attacked him from all around.

Although Lin Rui was hit twice by the vine before, the Internal Energy defense layer was not reduced too much. With Lin Rui's current Internal Energy reserve, he can continue to fight for a while. However, if the tree vine's attack can absorb his Internal Energy in this way, then Lin Rui will not be able to continue to fight.

"It seems that the thing that has been hiding behind the scenes is the most difficult one! Even if all these vines are cut off, I don't think it will hurt him too much." After thinking about this, Lin Rui didn't want to fight these two monsters anymore.

In this sudden outbreak of battle, Lin Rui did not blindly dodge and was forced to fight back but he also had a purpose in the fighting. Lin Rui had fought against these two monsters separately when he was walking through this forest before, although he had only simply attacked them.

However, the System in Lin Rui's mind also gave a Damage effect based on Lin Rui's damage to the two monsters.

Now, Lin Rui's damage to the Giant Monster has accumulated to 7%, and the damage to the tree vine monster has only accumulated to 2%. After Lin Rui found out that the tree vine monster can absorb or destroy his internal energy defense layer, he can no longer fight like this.


Seeing that the sword energy attack he swung out once again helped him cut a way out, Lin Rui rushed away while thinking in his heart how to get rid of these two monsters completely. As for killing these two monsters to get a lot of Reward points, Lin Rui doesn't have this idea now.

He may still have a chance in a one-on-one battle. But with these two monsters working together like this, Lin Rui should run. However, Lin Rui felt that he had overlooked something.

Pū Pū Pū!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as Lin Rui continuously swung out Azura Sword Energy attacks to cut away the tree vines blocking the way and flee, there was an abnormal explosion sound behind him.

According to Lin Rui's judgment, it should be the explosion sound only made by thermal weapons. Therefore, in the process of fleeing, Lin Rui took the time to turn his head and glanced backward. And it was this look that shook away Lin Rui's intention to escape. It turned out that he forgot about Star-Lord and Rocket who had run away before.

"Kill that f*cking thing! Hit it hard!!" In the Star-Lord's Spaceship cockpit, Deadpool was leaning on the glass staring at the Giant Monster outside and roaring loudly.

After Star-Lord and the others rushed over in a Spaceship, they soon discovered that Lin Rui was not dead, but was fighting with the two monsters. So, after the initial shock was over, Star-Lord and Rocket began to fight back.

The explosion that Lin Rui heard just now was the effect of the attacks done by Star-Lord Spaceship which began to pour on the Giant Monster whose mouth was blown off by Lin Rui. The monster that was four or five stories high was blown away by this round of fire.

Under the intensive firepower of the Star-Lord's Spaceship, the Giant Monster who was chasing after Lin Rui just now constantly twisted its body to avoid attacks from high altitude.

However, Star Lord's Spaceship occupies the advantage of being in the air at a high altitude, and the Monster couldn't avoid most of the firepower when they twist so much. So, in the end, it didn't hide at all, but began to uproot the big trees beside it and smashed them towards the Spaceship in the sky.


However, no matter how powerful the Giant Monster is, it is impossible for it to hit the very flexible Spaceship.

"Weren't you very powerful?! What happened to you now?" Deadpool exclaimed triumphantly as he looked at the Giant Monster that was attacked from top to bottom by the Spaceship.