Dī Dī Di!!

With the continuous sirens ringing inside the Spaceship, Star-Lord could no longer control the Spaceship whose engine was almost completely destroyed. Under the attack of countless Energy Shock Waves underground, Star-Lord's Spaceship is like a leaf in the sky, dodging countless laser beams and falling towards the ground with luck.

"That~~that~~that! Mirage Knight, what should we do now?!" Holding tightly to the thing fixed to the cabin wall beside him, Deadpool asked Lin Rui with a trembling face.

Now the Spaceship has been spinning uncontrollably in the middle of the sky and it would only take some time for it to fell into the forest. Seeing the Energy Shock Waves rising up into the sky like firecrackers, Deadpool is not only shaking but his heart is also trembling.

Seeing the power of that Invisible Shock Wave just now, as long as it reaches Deadpool, he will probably completely disappear from this Universe, and he won't be able to recover as even a single cell of his won't remain in this world.

Hearing Deadpool's words, Lin Rui, who stood steadily in the tumbling cabin, did not immediately answer.

His brows were tightly frowning. Lin Rui could have redeemed something from the System Shop to help them escape from Yondu's pursuit before Star-Lord triggered the Underground Ruin but now Lin Rui has no good way to get them out of this situation.

Lin Rui had a bad premonition in his heart when Star-Lord began to excavate the Underground Ruin, and now that the Ruin below has exploded with attacks far beyond their expectations, it is in line with Lin Rui's premonition. However, his hunch is more than that.

"If we can't escape later then just follow me and I will find a way to protect us." In the end, Lin Rui could only answer Deadpool like this.

The crash of Spaceship is only a matter of time. If the Spaceship only crashed then they would be fine. After all, there is no ordinary person in this Spaceship.

However, Lin Rui is worried about accidents like being hit by the Energy Shock Wave attack of the Underground Ruin. Even Lin Rui couldn't accurately predict when would that Invisible Energy Shock Wave attack would arrive.


"Okay! I will follow you closely!" Hearing Lin Rui's answer, Deadpool grabbed Lin Rui's arm and agreed seriously.

Lin Rui: "…"


Lin Rui didn't know if it was their luck or if it was because of the Protagonist Aura bonus but when the Spaceship lost control and fell, they did not encounter another Energy Shock Wave Attack.

As for Yondu, who is behind Star-Lord, he was attacked twice by them, but because the Starship Yondu piloted was huge, even if it was attacked twice, it did not hit the key points, and he continued to move towards Star-Lord.

Following Star-Lord's falling trajectory, he was able to fly out of this dangerous area that he could no longer stay in.


However, just when Star-Lord's Spaceship flew obliquely out of the valley-centered Energy Shock Wave bursting area and was about to hit the ground, the cracks that were previously limited to about 500 meters around the valley spread out.

Looking at the spread of those cracks, the Underground Ruin seems to be expanding its scope. Or it may be possible that under the influence of continuous Energy Shock Waves, the underground ruins have also changed.

"Damn it! No way. This shouldn't be possible!" Star-Lord couldn't help screaming when he noticed the cracks that were spreading toward the surrounding forest.

Just now, they have felt that they have escaped the danger even if their Spaceship crashed, so they should be fine for the time being. They didn't expect that the scope of the Ruin would expand so suddenly and now it looks like they have not escaped the danger.

As for the Yondu who is coming after him, Star-Lord no longer considered him much of a treat at this time.

Moreover, Star-Lord also knows that Yondu will study this Ruin first even if he catches himself as the reaction of this Underground Ruin is very violent.


In addition to Star-Lord, Lin Rui also noticed this situation and he wasn't planning to wait any longer. Pulling out the Beheading Spirit Sword from his waist, Lin Rui was about to split the cockpit with a sword.

"En?! Not good!!" However, just when Lin Rui was about to take action, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart and a feeling of extreme danger instantly filled Lin Rui's mind.


Without time to think, Lin Rui's empty left hand swept across his waist for an instant, and then quickly swiped towards the middle of the cockpit.


Following Lin Rui's movement, a small Golden Ball had been thrown from his hand to the middle of the cockpit, just between him and Star-Lord.

Card~Boom! ~~

Just as Lin Rui threw the Golden Ball out, the cockpit that was still strong was instantly torn apart by an Invisible Energy Shock Wave attack. Then, the Invisible Shock Wave attack continued to shoot upwards, and its journey included Lin Rui and Star-Lord.


However, just as Deadpool's eyes widened and his pupils quickly enlarged due to the ablation of the cockpit, the Golden Ball thrown by Lin Rui suddenly expanded while releasing a dazzling golden light.

Then, within an instant, a huge pale Golden Ball appeared in the cockpit out of thin air, just covering Lin Rui, Deadpool, Star-Lord, Rocket, and Groot.


At the same moment when the light Golden Ball suddenly appeared and enveloped the three people in the cockpit, the Energy Shock Wave Attack that had torn the cockpit had already hit it.

Before Star-Lord and others could react, the bottom of the pale Golden Ball had sunk directly under the attack of the Energy Shock Wave. It seemed that this Pale Golden Ball could not withstand the powerful attack of the Energy Shock Wave.

However, just as a desperate expression appeared on the faces of Star-Lord and others, they saw that the Pale Golden Ball with a huge arc at the bottom was still going strong without breaking.

After being pressed to the extreme, a burst of Golden Light flashed through the recessed part of the Pale Golden Ball, and then it began to shake violently.


In the next moment, the place where the oppressed depression entered instantly rebounded. However, because the Energy Shock Wave was too powerful, the Golden Ball could not bounce back, so it could only bounce up quickly under the power of the Shock Wave.


In this way, the Golden Ball directly pierced the upper cabin under the propulsion of the Energy Shock Wave from below, and flew out toward the high altitude!

"Wow !!! Ahhhhhhhh!" By this time, Deadpool's screams broke out from his throat.

Just when Star-Lord's Spaceship was hit by an Energy Shock Wave, Yondu, who had been following him, almost rushed towards him. But just as Yondu was about to rush to the rescue, a huge Golden Ball made out of light suddenly rushed out of the Spaceship that had fallen apart.

"What the hell is that?!"