Tony Stark and Professor Charles both felt that Rogers's plan to assemble an Elite Team to enter the Portal was too risky. Earth still has a lot of unresolved internal problems right now and doesn't have the extra energy to explore the extraterrestrial universe.

"But do you think there is no danger in such a defense?" Rogers, of course, knew that others would not easily agree to his plan, so he wanted to be clear about what would really happen.

"You were not here, and you did not see with your own eyes how powerful and cruel those monsters and those three aliens, Dark Elf as Mirage Knight called them were. Even if we don't enter the Portal, it won't be long before they start flooding in. When the time comes… This place would become a war zone!" Without letting Tony or Charles answer, Rogers continued speaking out loud.

"Rogers, are you saying that the existence of this Portal will inevitably bring about a War with Earth, and with extraterrestrial civilization at that?" Tony, who was still flying at high speed asked as he stared at Rogers.

"That's right! This war is inevitable, and I'm sure you know why." Rogers replied with a solemn expression on his face after hearing Tony's words.

"Well, we know that it is Survival of the Best out there in the Universe." This time it was Professor Charles who answered, and at this point, his tone was no longer so surprised and he seemed to have accepted Rogers' unexpected idea.

"So, are you going to build the battlefield on the other side of the Portal?" Tony asked.

"That's right. We can't let these monsters enter the Earth. There could be a lot of surprises that we can't anticipate." Rogers replied earnestly while nodding.

"Are you ready to die and let many others die for this?" Tony once again asked as he saw the determined expression on Roger's face.

Although it was a question, there was no doubt in his tone that Tony knew exactly what Rogers was planning. He was a lunatic, a total lunatic through and through.

In order to protect this seemingly strong, but actually extremely fragile civilization, Rogers has to use his broad shoulders to take on any situation that may threaten the safety of the earth. Even if there is an alien invasion, Rogers will be in the front with a shield and will not let the aliens set foot on earth.

"Yes!" After a few affirmative answers, Rogers answered very firmly.

After Rogers answered, Tony and Charles were silent for a while. A few seconds later, Tony spoke first, "This matter needs to be taken seriously, I know you are already determined to do this in your heart. However, we still have to discuss this further. Regarding those Dark Elves, I will ask Mirage Knight to explain everything he knows about them."

"Mr. Stark is right. Let's talk about it in person. I'll ask Blink to get me there quickly. I think I could help if we really had to send a team over there." Charles nodded as Stark spoke.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come. Stark, do you want to wait for Mirage Knight to go back first?" Rogers continued to speak knowing what Stark and Charles meant.

"Me? No, I'm already on my way to Siberia." Tony said with a smile when he heard Rogers' question.

"En? What about Mirage Knight? Do you trust him to go back by himself?"

"He's okay, don't worry about him." Tony simply replied without intending to tell Rogers and Professor Charles that there is already a Secret Base in Siberia.

"Well, I'll be expecting you, then."

In this way, with Rogers pushing hard on this issue, the leaders of the alliance they had formed would get together again. This time, they might be talking about something that affects the entire planet.


"JARVIS, it seems that I don't have the time to meet Jackson. So let me delay it, it will be the best that I can finish talking with Rogers first." Dozens of Iron Men were flying by at a high speed while Tony, who was also in his Iron Man Armor at the front, said to JARVIS with a frown.

Compared with Lin Rui's solo research on the Magic Cube, Rogers's plan to assemble an Elite Team to enter the Portal is obviously more important. There was no telling as to what would happen if their team directly entered the territory of the Dark Elves, and if they decided to do this then the Iron Man Legion will be first to take the lead.

"Yes, Sir," JARVIS replied calmly upon hearing Tony's instructions.

And just when Lin Rui was hurrying to heal his injuries and Tony and Professor Charles rushed to Siberia because of Rogers' sudden radical thoughts, Thor was still helping some dogs at the Pet Rescue Station near the suburbs of New York.

"Are you stupid, don't you know that you can no longer do that? No matter how hard you try, other dogs will look down on you!" Thor muttered while showering the Shar-Pei in his hand.

"Whine~" When Thor was muttering, the Shar-Pei dog named Clumsy whined once again and one would have to wonder if he was feeling sad because he understood what Thor said to him.

"Woof~Woof!" And next to Clumsy, there are two other dogs. They don't seem to like the idea of bathing and kept barking.

"What's your name? Vence and Doc! You just rolled around in the grass. If you don't take a bath, you'll get parasites!" Thor really seemed to regard the dogs as his friends as he spoke to them.

"Woof~" As if Thor's words had some effect, Vence and Doc, who were a little annoyed at first, soon joined Clumsy in bathing with Thor.

Shout ~

"What would Loki and My father think if they knew I was using some of my recovered powers to wash pets?" Picking up a basin full of water and flushing the foam off Clumsy, Thor talks to himself with a helpless smile on his face.

Although Thor has worked at the shelter for a long time and he is quite familier with the dogs. But even Thor used something special to make the dogs, who don't like baths, obey: His own divine power.

As the eldest son of Asgard, Thor, who had recovered part of his supernatural power, did not have powerful Enchantments like Odin, but it was very simple for him to make several dogs obey him.

"I wonder what happened to that Jackson? I didn't hear from him after our talk about Asgard and I'm also curious about the Magic Cube." Thor thought as he bathed Vence and Doc.

Shout ~

Two minutes later, Thor finally showered the three obedient dogs. And just when Thor was about to blow their hair, the phone he had placed on the shelf suddenly rang.

Ding-Ding Ring~