On Earth, in an unfinished building on the outskirts of London. Evans, who has notified SHIELD headquarters, is still guarding the dimension space gate, and Darcy has become a little tired, leaning on the stone pillar behind her to rest.

Thor and Lin Rui have disappeared for more than ten minutes. According to the original plan, they should have returned by this time. In the beginning, Darcy was worried, but after the initial nervousness and worry, Darcy calmed down.

"Since they haven't come back by this time then it doesn't matter if I wait ten more minutes." This is what Darcy had just thought.

And Since Evans has been so dedicated to being there, Darcy has taken a break. Darcy plans to go outside to check out Stark's private jet, but it doesn't work out because it is still unclear whether Jane is alive or not and she also doesn't want to go anyplace at this moment.


While Darcy was boringly counting the time when Lin Rui and the others disappeared, there was an obvious spatial fluctuation in the dimensional space in the front patio.

This spatial fluctuation is different from that slight when the beverage can fell out before, and it's more like something big coming over!

"Darcy! Something is coming!" Evans, who had been guarding the dimension space, shouted loudly after the intense spatial fluctuations spread out.

As he shouted, Evans quietly added a small pistol to his hand. It's been determined that this dimension is connected to a place that doesn't belong to the earth.

The movement was so big this time and if it was not Thor and Lin Rui who went in before then it must be something from another space, and Evans had to guard against it.


"Really? Thor and others are coming back?" Hearing Evans's shout, Darcy jumped over from the ground and asked with some excitement on her face.

"Hey! Is that a gun in your hand?!" Darcy also noticed that the expression on Evans's face was not right, and then she saw a small gun in his hand.

"It doesn't have to be Thor, so we have to be prepared." Without explaining why he took out the gun, Evans stared at the dimensional space that constantly fluctuated in front of him and replied quickly.

"Not Thor?! What do you mean?!…" Hearing Evans' answer, Darcy quickly thought of something, and the expression on her face also changed.



Just as Darcy is looking up at the top of the skywell, the spatial fluctuation finally reaches a peak and two huge figures appear out of thin air above the patio!

But after seeing the two figures, Evans and Darcy's eyes changed. For these figures, appearing out of thin air, are not Thor and Lin Rui! But two giant mutated hound-like monsters!

"Damn it! Something unexpected happened!" After seeing the two giant monsters, Evans frowned and cursed.

At the same time, with a few quick pinches of his left hand, Evans sent a message directly from the communicator that was already in his palm. The situation here is not only beyond the control of Agent Evans, but it is now likely to develop into a big event.

Therefore, Evans decisively sought the support of SHIELD headquarters at this time. As for the message sent back before, Evans still doesn't know what happened.

"Monsters! Run!" After seeing the two monsters that emerged from the dimension space, Darcy was not stunned but shouted loudly before she turned and ran away.

Darcy, who had already experienced a similar incident before, wouldn't be as scared as ordinary people, and her escape skills were quite good.

Evans: "…"

Evans was a little speechless looking at the back of Darcy's running away figure. But he didn't even ask Darcy to stay. Even if Darcy didn't leave, Evans wanted her to leave.

Although the two monsters may not be able to rush out of the dimensional space, it is obviously not safe here. As an ordinary person, it was obviously inappropriate for Darcy to continue to stay.

As for Evans himself, he, as SHIELD's agent arranged by them to observe Jane could not retreat without receiving further orders. Therefore, even if there is no support, Evans will stick to his orders. At the very least, he has to wait for SHIELD's support.

"I hope you keep falling like this! Don't come out!" Evans kept praying in his heart while staring at the two monsters in the dimensional space.

As long as these two monsters can continue to fall, they will be trapped in the teleportation of this dimensional space and they won't be able to threaten them, at least temporarily.

And Evans did not shoot, because he knew that even if he did shoot, the trajectory of the bullet after it entered the dimensional space could not be judged and it would be a waste of bullets.

"Roar!!~" But what happened next made Evans's eyes pop.


Suddenly the top of the two monsters that had fallen to the bottom of the courtyard and were about to be transported away again gave a roar and stamped on the back of the bottom monster.

With that step, the monster below accelerated its descent and disappeared directly into the bottom of the patio. The monster above reversed its fall with that kick and shot out toward the edge of the patio!

"Damn it!" Evans couldn't help cursing when he saw the scene before him, and then he raised the gun in his hand.


At the next moment, the front half of the monster that was riding on its companion's back was bursting out of dimensional space, its huge front feet barely reaching the edge of the patio.

Bang Bang Bang!

Just as the monster's front foot landed on the stone slab at the edge of the patio, Evans had already shot. The bullets in the pistol almost didn't stop. As long as he could knock back the monster in front of him, then it would have no chance to rush out again.

But the next scene made Evans feel some desperation, he saw that his bullets had hit the monster's front leg, but it was of no use at all. It was as if it had fallen into a sponge, and the bullet got stuck in that way.

"Roar~~" The Monster's front legs have been stepped firmly on the stone slab, and the monster roared and quickly pulled the back half of its body out of the dimensional space.


"Damn it!" Unable to stop the monster, Evans threw his pistol and quickly backed away.

Dī Dī Drops!

"Call headquarters! Call headquarters! This is Level 3 Special Agent Evans! I need military support! Repeat! I need military support!" Evans yelled loudly while taking out the communicator while retreating quickly. He doesn't care about hiding his identity anymore.