Bang! Bang!

On the increasingly chaotic battlefield, the Elite warrior led by Dark Elf contained several people on the Earth side, including Captain Rogers and Iron Man. As for other battle circles, except for Spiderman Peter, who is a free man on the battlefield, the pressure on others is very high.

Pū Pū Pū!

"Are these guys on performance-enhancing drugs? So much strength!" He was running out of spider web, and Peter could no longer bind them with webs as the Dark Elf warriors grew stronger.

Although Peter is also very powerful and Spiderman himself is a Vigilante combining strength and agility but he is now forced to use his strength almost to fight against the enemy, although the more the fight progressed, the more passive Peter becomes.

After all, Spiderman isn't Hulk, and he couldn't really defeat so many enemies with strength alone.


And just as Peter was beginning to feel weary from the battle, a small object with a dark shape suddenly appeared at his feet, it was thrown by Dark Elf, whom Peter had kicked out. When the little thing appeared at his feet, all the hair on Peter's body stood on end as his Spider Sense frantically alerts Peter to great danger!

So, without any hesitation, Peter stepped a little and jumped up at full speed. But before Peter could jump up, the little thing that had landed at his feet had already exploded.


The next moment, with a strong space fluctuation, a miniature black hole appeared out of thin air under Peter's jumping feet! It turned out that the Dark Elf just threw a black hole grenade at Peter!

Brush Brush!

The sight of the black hole drew everything in its vicinity, and Peter, who had jumped so high, was being pulled down by the pull of the black hole at his feet. Although Peter kept shooting out webs to pull himself out, it had no effect and he kept falling.

"Aargh!! Damn it! Damn it! JARVIS! I need help!" Peter felt the immense danger from the tiny black hole beneath him, and he clutched the webs with both hands while calling out to JARVIS.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In fact, several Iron Men had already taken notice of the situation before Peter asked JARVIS for help. After all, it was the first time that a black hole grenade had been seen on the battlefield, and the explosion of a tiny black hole caught the attention of all.

However, even if the Iron Men hit the black hole with all their might, the black hole will still continue to attract things around it, and the scope of influence is also getting bigger and bigger.


The miniature black hole was still attracting things around him. As for Peter, he couldn't hold on anymore. The only thing that was still connected to the spider web in his hand was the three Iron Man flying in the air. However, if they continued, the three Iron Mans would also be pulled down by Peter as their full power flight power was still unable to resist the attraction of the black hole below.

"Mr. Stark!" Seeing that the black hole below was about to swallow him up, Peter shouted in a panic. When his life was in danger, Peter finally sought the help of adults like a child who had not grown up.


"Peter! Damn it! What the hell is that!" When Peter called out to Tony, Tony finally took the time to look around. However, after seeing the situation there, the look in Tony's eyes suddenly changed and he cursed.

"JARVIS! Do your best to rescue Spiderman! Also, inform the others, Spiderman must be rescued!" Tony shouted in a serious tone seeing that Peter was about to be swallowed by the black hole.


Tony was already a little flustered after making such an arrangement. Tony was filled with confidence in this action, after all, the team assembled by the Earth Side was unprecedentedly powerful.

However, after an inexplicable burst of power from the Dark Elves, they are being pushed back. Now Spiderman is about to be swallowed by that black hole, and Tony won't let that happen.

"Sir, Professor Charles said he needs three seconds, let us cooperate." Just after Tony gave this order, JARVIS's reminder suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Charles is finally going to strike again? Okay, then let's put up another fight!" Hearing JARVIS's reminder, Tony was shocked and rushed out again!


"I'm only seventeen! I don't want to die! Mr. Stark! Jackson, I don't want to die!" The spider web in his hand is getting broken one by one, and Peter could already feel the sound coming from the black hole under him and thoughts of despair gradually appeared in Peter's heart.


Finally, the spider web holding Peter to the three Iron Man finally broke. The next moment, Peter was like a stumbled person falling powerlessly from a tall building.

At the same time as the spider web in his hand was broken, Peter also seemed to have given up on all hope and just watched helplessly as he fell into the black hole below.



However, in the next second, Peter directly fell to the solid ground. The hard gravel on the ground made Peter feel a little uncomfortable, but this was not what falling into a black hole should feel like!


"Ah! I'm not dead! I didn't fall into a black hole!" Peter quickly got up from the ground and touched his intact body and shouted in surprise.

And just when Peter got up from the ground and shouted in surprise, the tiny black hole finally began to dissipate at a place more than ten meters away from where he was at this time. And above the miniature black hole, a golden magic portal was quickly shattering into golden spots of light.

Apparently, it was Jack who saved Peter at the last moment. In this situation, except for Jack and Blink, no one else could have done anything. And Blink was preparing a big attack with Professor Charles and couldn't care less about Peter, so only Jack made the move.

"Cough Cough! Pū!" Just as Peter was pleasantly surprised by his escape from the door of death, a violent cough came from behind him.


Just as Peter turned to look, a figure fell over him. It was Jack! In order to save Peter, Jack, whose magic is severely suppressed, used almost all his strength to release a magical portal. At this point, he couldn't resist a spout of blood from coming out of his mouth, and he became unconscious.

"Jack! Jack!" Peter shouted worriedly while holding Jack up.