During JARVIS's inspection, he could not determine the substance and material of the thing that Lin Rui was holding in his hand. However, JARVIS was able to detect that that thing contained very powerful energy.

Moreover, a green light would shine out from Lin Rui's tightly squeezed hand from time to time, and this green light was emitted by that thing.

"As Jackson's life functions fluctuated, there were some fluctuations in the energy of that thing. So the thing that Jackson has in his hand is the reason he's still in this state." JARVIS was able to determine the effect of the substance on Lin Rui after several cycles of life-breath fluctuations.

"There's no way to detect the energy limit of that thing, and it seems to stay very full. But is it going to save Jackson from this?" While recording Lin Rui's physical changes, JARVIS was also "thinking" on the side.


While JARVIS could do nothing about Lin Rui's injuries but monitor his vital signs, the object in Lin Rui's grip continued to glow with a pale green light.

This magical thing that continuously releases special energy to pull Lin Rui back from the brink of death, again and again, is exactly the Heart of Life that Lin Rui got after destroying the plant monster from another planet.

The Heart of Life is a very special thing, and it is the crystallization of life energy left by the plant-like lifeform in order to prolong its own life. After being obtained by Lin Rui, he also looked at the exchange price of it in the System Shop, which came out at 50,000 Reward points.

However, Lin Rui did not sell it when he was very poor because of its efficacy, which can instantly replenish the powerful vitality and revive the powerful plant monster by chance.

Lin Rui was cornered in the last battle with the Dark Elves. Lin Rui himself thought that if Heimdall could see the danger Thor encountered then he would definitely send an army to support him.

But he was mistaken, Heimdall didn't even know where Thor was. And when Lin Rui fought the enemy in his already injured state, he couldn't match the entire team of Dark Elves, so he had already taken out the Heart of Life the moment the Dark Elf attacked him.

At the time of his almost certain death, Lin Rui also considered blocking the attack once. He was gambling that the last protection of the Phantom Suit would allow him to pass safely through the subspace affected by the explosion.

He was also gambling that this miraculous Heart of Life would allow him to persevere under his certain death-wound; he was also gambling that JARVIS on the other side of the subspace would be able to save him from this Dark Elf warrior.

Although Lin Rui almost left his life in the hands of Lady Luck, it has to be said that Lin Rui's luck was good this time.

The Phantom Suit's final defense did protect Lin Rui from the spatial instability that the Dark Elf warrior suffered while traveling through the interdimensional space, and the Heart of Life in his hand holds his life.

However, JARVIS could not stop the Dark Elf Elite warrior, and Lin Rui would not have survived if Ancient One had not acted at the last moment and reverse time.


And now, the wounds on Lin Rui's body caused by the Dark Elf attacks are not getting any better with Earth's medical technology. In addition to the two very huge and obvious wounds on the chest that have been carefully cleaned, Lin Rui's body also has more than a dozen small wounds.

These minor injuries usually won't require a Recovery Serum, and Lin Rui's own Recovery rate would have been enough for him to recover from them.

But now, some Dark Elf energy remains in these wounds, and Lin Rui's own Recovery power and Earth medical technology have no effect on them. So, even though JARVIS had given Lin Rui the best medicine, his wound showed no sign of healing.

Apart from the Heart of Life that is constantly releasing life force to pull Lin Rui's fading breath of life back, Lin Rui now has no other way to recover.

Perhaps, Lin Rui can find other ways to eliminate the damage caused by Dark Elf in the System Shop after he wakes up. But now, whether Lin Rui can wake up is a question.

Once the Heart of Life is used, its energy will not stop halfway. That is to say if Lin Rui's life physique has stabilized and the dark aura at the wound has disappeared then the energy of the Heart of Life will continue to be infused into Lin Rui's body.

Therefore, if Lin Rui could not wake up, he would either be dragged down by such a serious injury or he would be overwhelmed by the huge life energy of the Heart of Life.

Of course, this situation would be different if Tony rushed back, and if he had some kind of a solution to Lin Rui's plight at this time. But Tony, who hadn't even figured out Lin Rui's secret, would probably be helpless to do anything about his situation.

Dī Dī Drops!

"His Life Signs has dropped again." After a few seconds of vigorous beating, Lin Rui's heart slowly slowed down again amid a sound of an alarm.


As for Lin Rui's situation at this time, JARVIS had no other option but to monitor it closely. Therefore, he also gave Lin Rui an absolutely quiet environment outside of providing the best Recovery Serum to ensure the highest quality so that he can maintain his current state. Then, JARVIS began to think about solving another thing.

"The core system has been thoroughly checked and there are no problems. But this is a real system error. What went wrong?" JARVIS, who exists in the independent network of the Stark Industry, is secretly observing those Iron Man, who were isolated and disconnected from the others.

JARVIS had been unable to understand how exactly this system error that should not have occurred had occurred.

While in London, JARVIS's core system had been directly connected to those Iron Man suits that rescued Lin Rui. However, right after the Iron Man rescued Lin Rui and took care of the Dark Elf Elite fighter, JARVIS's core system suddenly found a physical error between the system in the Iron Man suit in London and itself.

The physics error JARVIS discovered was actually a seemingly simple problem: JARVIS's core systems discovered that the Iron Man suit systems in London were several seconds behind him!

It was this physical error that caused the JARVIS core system to fail in some of its calculations. He was unable to figure out how this happened, JARVIS instantly decided to disconnect from the bizarre Iron Man suits, and discovered that there was a disconnection between his core system and those subsystems!

This is something that should never have happened.