
As the COMM Officer gripped the tablet in his hand, the space portal behind him again sent out strong space waves. Then, one by one, the seriously wounded soldiers continued to be sent out.

Then, without thinking about what to do with the messages coming from headquarters, the COMM Officer hurriedly arranged to receive the wounded soldiers.

"It's not something that I can make a decision about, so let's wait until Captain Rogers and the others come back! Moreover, the HQ has already decided to deliver a devastating attack so they should be able to control the situation." The COMM Officer thought to himself.


Just when the COMM Officer was arranging for the treatment of the wounded, two figures rushed out of the portal. The two were clearly different from the other wounded because one of them appeared to be uninjured, while the uninjured man was carrying an unconscious man.

"Spiderman!? This is the mysterious Sorcerer of League of Defenders! Is he also injured?" Seeing the two figures coming out of the portal, the COMM Officer walked over in surprise and said.

"Yeah! Not only Jack but there are also many other people over there who are injured! Now we are all retreating with the support of Iron Man, please be prepared for a counterattack by Dark Elf. Before I come back, it seems that the support from the Dark Elves has arrived on the battlefield!" Hearing the SHIELD officer's question in front of him, Spiderman, who was arranged by Rogers to send Jack back, hurriedly opened his mouth to answer.

But Peter's answer was not good news. If Dark Elves had received their support, then with the strength they have now shown, Rogers will not be able to safely retreat even with the help of 100 Iron Men.

"There is really no good news!" Hearing Peter's answer, the COMM Officer clenched his fists and said in a suppressed voice.

"Although Dark Elf support is on the way, we now have 100 Iron Men to support us, and the battle outside the portal is entirely sustainable. So, Captain Rogers would be able to return safely with the others. If only we could keep Dark Elf from turning on us from the other side!" Peter said quickly when he heard the COMM Officer's whisper. Spiderman has blind trust and admiration for Captain America.

"Well! I'll take care of it! Besides, this base has already become a War Fortress, and if the Dark Elf should come here, I have every confidence that they will never return!" As if inspired by Peter's words, the COMM Officer spoke with conviction.

"That's right! Where is Mr. Stark? And what about Dark Knight?" Peter turned his head and asked the COMM Officer beside him as he held the unconscious Jack and walked out.

According to normal circumstances, Harry should have rushed over to pick up Peter as soon as he came out of the portal. However, even after Peter had talked to the COMM Officer so much here, Harry still didn't show up and Tony, who had come before Peter, was nowhere to be seen.

"Uh…Mr. Stark said he was in a hurry and left immediately! And Dark Knight also left after receiving a message which was weird as he had planned to support you with those Iron Man." The COMM Officer replied somewhat embarrassedly after hearing Peter's words.

"In a hurry! Left after receiving a message?! How could it be possible? Could it be…" As soon as he stopped walking while supporting Jack, Peter, who got the answer, blinked a few times and thought to himself.

"Could it be… something happened on Jackson's side? JARVIS, are you there?" In the next moment, Peter started calling out to JARVIS.

"I'm here, Mr. Spiderman." JARVIS's response rang out in Peter's ear after he called.

"Is there anything I should know?" Peter asked directly without saying anything.

Because Peter knew JARVIS was a very intelligent AI, he understood his relationship with Mirage Knight perfectly. So, he saves more time by asking the truth.

"…Mirage Knight has an accident while trying to determine what's going on with Dark Elf when he passes through dimensional space and encounters a squad of Dark Elf Elite Soldier. Mirage Knight chooses to be left behind in order to protect the other two so that they can safely return to Earth. In the final battle, Mirage Knight was severely wounded and his life is in critical condition."

"And Dark Knight has already rushed back to New York after getting the news, and Mr. Stark is also on his way back to New York. Also, the location of that dimension is on the outskirts of London where Dark Elf Monsters are pouring out and Elite Soldiers are appearing. After seeing the situation, the SHIELD headquarters has already planned to launch a missile on that location."

After a slight silence, JARVIS told Peter everything he needed to know. JARVIS did know about his relationship with Mirage Knight, aka Jackson, as Peter thought, so he wouldn't have kept it from him.

"Unstable!? What does this mean?!" Peter heard this sentence without paying attention to the others.

"In other words, Mirage Knight may die at any time at this time."


Hearing JARVIS 'answer, Peter, who was holding Jack, lost his grip and almost threw the unconscious Jack to the ground.

"Spiderman, what's wrong with you?!" Seeing Spiderman's sudden weakness, the COMM Officer responsively stretched out his hand to support him and asked.

"I'm fine!" Holding Jack back, Peter took a deep breath and replied.

"Well, I'm going to leave Jack here with you! If Captain Rogers and the others come back! Just say that I left because I had something important to do!" Peter handed the unconscious Jack to the COMM Officer and said at the same time.

"This…" Looking at the unconscious Jack who was already leaning on him, the COMM Officer was speechless.

"JARVIS, do you have any extra Iron Man Suit here?" Peter continued to ask JARVIS after giving Jack to the guy next to him.

"The rest of the Iron Man Suits are already in support. If you want to get back to New York as soon as possible, you'll have to borrow SHIELD's Quinjet." Soon, JARVIS answered Peter.


"Uh… is there anything else?" The COMM Officer asked blankly when Spiderman suddenly turned to look at him again.

"I need to borrow something!"

"Of course!"