After that, Harry stretched out his hand and pulled Thor towards the elevator. After listening to Harry's words, Thor, of course, followed Harry, and he is now anxious to see what happened to Lin Rui. Thor won't be able to forgive himself if something happens to Lin Rui for helping him and Jane to return to Earth safely after they broke up.

When Harry pulled Thor away after saying a few words, several people watching this scene were dumbfounded. JARVIS didn't tell other people the real situation of Lin Rui's injury, so they all thought that Lin Rui was just injured and needed Recovery Serum. But listening to Harry now, it looks like Lin Rui is in danger.


So when Harry pulled Thor into the elevator until the door closed, nobody in the living room stopped him. Pepper is talking to JARVIS after Harry's words, while Evans and Darcy are recalling the time Lin Rui drove the Iron Man suit into dimensional space without looking back.

Coulson, on the other hand, looked at Jane, who was also feeling a little overwhelmed. Thor is now being pulled away by Harry and the only way to understand the situation on the other side of the dimensional space is from Jane.

"JARVIS, is Jackson's life in danger?"

"Jackson's situation is unique and I cannot make an accurate judgment, but it is certain that his life is in danger."

"Then why didn't you tell me before? ! Doesn't Jackson's situation need more attention than these people?" "Pepper asked angrily when JARVIS answered.

"Sorry, Miss Pepper, I can't reveal too much about Mr. Jackson. You should ask Mr. Stark when he comes back." For various reasons, JARVIS still didn't explain much to Pepper.

"Okay! I'll wait until Tony gets back to ask!" Hearing JARVIS' answer, Pepper resisted the urge to punch JARVIS.

If it wasn't for the accident with Lin Rui, whom Pepper liked a lot, she wouldn't have cared so much. What Pepper wanted was for these agents and strange people to finish their work early and leave.

Coulson arrives in front of Jane just after Harry has left with Thor.

"Miss Foster, although we got off on the wrong foot but it was a last resort kind of situation. We had to follow the protocol. Also, we did eventually return your research materials to you in good condition." Agent Coulson naturally smiled and lowered his stance as he needs to get some information from Jane.

"Agent Coulson, don't worry, it's over and I won't take it personally. Only, what are you trying to take from me this time? Shouldn't you be familiar with my research by now?" Jane smiled and asked after hearing Coulson's words.

When Jane questioned Coulson, she glanced at Evans behind him. When Jane said that Coulson should know about her research results, she was referring to Evans, the agent who had been lurking around them for a long time. When Jane looked at Evans, he turned his head in embarrassment.

"We do know something about your research, but that's not what I care about right now, I'm more concerned about what you experienced in the London Dimension." With Coulson's thick skin, Jane's sentences didn't embarrass him. So he continued to speak without any nonsense.

Jane: "…"

'What a guy!' Jane silently thought in her heart at this time.

"Miss Foster? Do you remember what happened to you in the dimensional space?" Coulson asked, ignoring Jane's contemptuous eyes.

Dī Dī!

Before Jane could speak, there was an urgent boosting sound from Coulson's pocket. Hearing this sound, Coulson's eyes flickered, and then he reached out and took out the communicator from his pocket. On this communicator, an emergency message was being displayed on the screen in large font.

"The Dark Elves humanoid lifeform has appeared in the London dimensional space. The battle has begun, and the London Branch has been notified to send support." This is the news that Coulson received. It seems that he no longer needs any information from Jane.

"Dark Elves again? Why is this happening? Why are there two portals leading to the same place!" Coulson muttered in surprise when he saw the news.

Coulson didn't know about Dark Elves until some time ago so he still attaches great importance to the news about extraterrestrial civilizations sent back from the Siberia base. Regarding the information about Dark Elves and those cannon fodder war beasts, Coulson has firmly memorized and analyzed it in his mind in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, since the London side has determined that the lifeform troops of the Dark Elves have come out of the dimensional space, Coulson does not need to ask Jane any more questions.

"How can I know what's going on? It wasn't long before I fainted and all I could see were simple caves…" While Coulson was getting an update, Jane opened up about her own experience.

However, her experience did not help SHIELD in any way. Of course, Jane wouldn't tell Coulson about the horrific visions she had when she was unconscious.

"Well, I see, I know what's going on there. If you'll excuse me, Miss Pepper, I'd better go." There was something going on in London, and Coulson didn't need to be here any longer, so after responding to Jane's sentence, he turned his head to look at Pepper and said.

"Huh? We're done with the investigation?" Pepper asked suspiciously when she heard Coulson's words.

"Actually, there's nothing to investigate. I'm glad they're okay. As for Jackson, if SHIELD can help you in any way, please feel free to ask us." Coulson said calmly as he nodded toward Pepper.

Word from Siberia is that Plan S has failed, and the team that entered the space portal is already retreating. So Coulson had to at least secure London until Rogers and his crew got back. Although Coulson is very curious about Lin Rui's situation, he has no time and energy to focus on him.

"Okay, I'll let you know if there is any news." Pepper nodded seeing that Coulson was ready to leave.

"Goodbye, then, Miss Pepper, and Miss Foster."