As Pepper turned around, Jane fell straight into her. Pepper reacted quickly and put an arm around her to stop her fall but she wasn't successful and they both fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?!" Pepper asked worriedly while supporting Jane who didn't seem to have any strength in her body.

"I don't feel well… I feel dizzy." Leaning against Pepper, Jane struggled to finish the sentence before she passed out.

Pepper: "…"

"JARVIS!" Pepper shouted while supporting Jane on the ground.

Soon, JARVIS had arranged for two Iron Man suits to lift the unconscious Jane into the living room. And again, JARVIS detected that particular wave of energy from Jane's body.

It was this special energy that had consumed Jane Foster's strength. The appearance of her being safe and sound just now seemed like an illusion, but now it was finally undetectable.

"What's wrong with her? Why did she suddenly faint, wasn't she fine just now?" Pepper asked worriedly after JARVIS helped Jane onto the sofa.

"Miss Potts, Miss Foster's situation is quite unique, and I don't know how to explain it. However, I have informed Mr. Stark, and he already knows the situation here." JARVIS replied quickly after hearing Pepper's question.

Pepper was speechless at JARVIS's response, but there was nothing else she could do. If JARVIS didn't know what was going on with Jane then there's no way she's gonna know right now. So she will leave it to the professionals. All Pepper can do now is make Jane more comfortable.

On the fifth basement floor of the Stark Industrial Building, Tony, who was standing by Lin Rui's bedside and had a video call with SHIELD, had already learned about the situation there. Tony was relieved to know that Rogers and the others were all right. As for the loss of those Iron Man suits, it was nothing compared to human life.

"Sir, Jane Foster has fainted. Through the examination, her life force is still slowly diminishing, and the recovery just now seems to be an illusion." Just as Tony was chatting with Rogers, JARVIS's voice rang out in his ear.

"Huh?! Steve, I have an emergency here, I'll call you later." Tony raised his brows when he heard JARVIS's words and then hung up the call after speaking to Rogers on the other side of the tablet.

"What's the matter? Wasn't she okay before? You also said that the strange energy in her body doesn't seem to be doing anything." Tony quickly asked after hanging up the video call.

"I just can't detect the effect of that energy, and Miss Foster's physical condition was really normal just now. However, her life force is slowly dissipating now." Facing Tony's questioning, JARVIS replied truthfully.

It's a very confusing situation, JARVIS did discover that Jane had a weird energy that was affecting her when she was rescued by Thor.

But then she woke up on her own and seemed to be fine, and JARVIS's tests also showed that she was fine, and the energy was gone. Therefore, JARVIS did not pay much attention to her as Lin Rui's situation was more urgent.

But now that Jane is unconscious, JARVIS can detect that energy again. So, it should be that energy that caused Jane's situation at this time.

"Weird energy? What did they experience in that dimensional space? Didn't Lin Rui fight a Dark Elf? And neither Thor nor Jane met any Dark Elf's soldiers, but only encountered a few war beasts." Unable to understand where the special energy in Jane Foster's body came from, Tony muttered to himself helplessly.

"Sir, I've used various Recovery Serum on Miss Foster, but none of them have an effect on that energy," JARVIS spoke again just as Tony was talking to himself.

"Got it! Wake Thor up, I want to know what they encountered in that dimensional space. Only by knowing what that special energy is, can we find a way to deal with it!" Tony made a decisive decision knowing that neither JARVIS nor he had any solution in this matter.

"I didn't even have a single moment to relax, Why should I be in charge of such matters?!" Tony thought helplessly as he watched JARVIS start to give Thor a little stimulation to wake him up.

Since the appearance of the Magic Cube and the space portal connecting earth to the extraterrestrial civilization, Tony has found that many things are no longer under his control. He holds the technology that can dominate the earth in his hand, but recently, he has been helpless to do anything in these situations.

Tony had no previous contact with the alien Thor and he should be under the jurisdiction of SHIELD which means that he is their responsibility but Thor and Lin Rui are friends, and Lin Rui came to help him. But the friend's friend's girlfriend was in an accident now, and it happened in Tony's tower, so he can't ignore it.


"Ah!~~" Just when Tony was feeling helpless, Thor suddenly cried out and sat up from the hospital bed. JARVIS stimulation seemed to have worked on him.

"What's going on?! What's wrong?!" Thor, who had just woken up, was a little confused. He looked around and shouted.

"Thor, what happened to you guys in that dimensional space? Jane is unconscious and there is a weird energy in her body that is consuming her life force. I need to know what she went through." Tony stared at Thor and asked without giving him much time.

"What? What's wrong with Jane?!" Thor, who only woke up after hearing Tony's words, asked with a worried expression on his face.

"She's okay now, but if you don't think about what she's been through, then she's not going to be okay!" Tony said solemnly as he looked at Thor's dumbfounded expression.

"I don't know, Jane was just lying on her side when I got there and she didn't seem to have any injuries.' Hearing Tony's words, Thor froze and answered quickly.

"However!… Jane told me that she saw some visions when she was knocked out, visions about the Dark Elves!" Thor really didn't know what Jane had encountered and he could only tell him what Jane told him before.

"Visions? That's useless!" Tony was disappointed with Thor's answer.

If Thor doesn't know what Jane is going through, then no one would know. After all, Lin Rui went in after Thor.